Nine idlers

Chapter 386

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A guess that seemed absurd but felt very certain appeared in his mind, and he didn't want to think about it anymore, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore. Such things have far exceeded his cognition and ability.Although he thinks that his strength at this moment can be regarded as unstoppable, even if there are only a few people who can match it in the last 500 years, he also understands that under the power of heaven and earth, he is like these bones of the underworld. , They are all like ants.So, with self-knowledge, he forcibly suppressed the curiosity that had arisen with the method of refining his mind, and then focused on the formation in front of him that prevented him from returning to the human world.

When Xu Changqing deduced the Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation with the Taoist state, he was not only trying to master a peerless fairy formation technique, but also to find the flaws in this formation.If it was the Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation laid down by the direct descendant of Taiqing in the fairy world, he would never have such an arrogant idea. After all, this peerless formation cannot be deciphered even by Da Luo Jinxian.

However, the magic circle in front of me is just a pseudo-taiqing Liangyi dust formation that other people have mastered some of the formation techniques of the Taiqing lineage according to their own understanding. There are more or less loopholes.Coupled with the fact that the people who set up the formation failed to achieve the great way of forgetting emotions of the Taiqing lineage, they deliberately left a little leeway when setting up the formation, which gave this desperate formation a glimmer of life.It was these flaws and vitality that enabled Xu Changqing to see through the three layers of formations with his supernatural powers, find out the tricks to forming the formations, and while mastering the formation formulas, he also thought of a way to break the formations.

The power of this formation in front of me may be very close to the real Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation, but it is not a real Taiqing Immortal Formation after all, and most of the superimposed formations are formations of other sects, so Xu Changqing declined the formation Power transformation cannot be rounded, natural and endless like the Taiqing Immortal Formation.The best way to deal with this kind of formation that is both powerful and has obvious flaws is to use force to break the formation, causing the formation to operate beyond its limit, thus aggravating the flaws of the formation and eventually self-destructing.

Naturally, Xu Changqing would not use himself to break the formation. Compared with him surrounding these corpses that still had a trace of strength from his previous life, he was obviously more suitable to be this kind of dead warrior.It's just that although the number of these bones is huge, the power contained in most of them is too weak, and it is difficult to reach the level of self-collapse of the formation in front of him. Only a few bones near the palace of the underworld have the power contained in him. .

"So it seems that we have to go into that palace!" Xu Changqing, who felt that the palace of the underworld was a bit unusual, although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he still had to set his sights on the palace in the middle of the city.However, before he entered the palace, he walked around the inner city of the city again, and stamped the seal of ghosts and ghosts on every bone that had left the strength of his life.

After imprinting the bones closest to the palace of the underworld, Xu Changqing took a deep breath to show his body protection, turned into a giant in golden armor, and pushed hard towards the gate of the palace of the underworld, which was ten feet high in front of him.What is surprising is that the seemingly heavy door is as light as a feather, and it opens quickly to both sides, and it does not cause any attack circles. Everything seems calm and natural, which makes Xu Changqing feel like punching The discomfort of empty space.Although it looked very safe in front of him, he carefully checked it carefully with his divine eyes and supernatural powers. After confirming that it was correct, he walked into the palace of the underworld.

Compared with the inner city, the fairy spirit pervading in the Ming Palace is stronger, and the power of reincarnation mixed in it is somewhat different from the pure power of reincarnation felt by Xu Changqing, more like a unique Buddha power.Such a mess of forces mixed together, not only did not repel each other's attacks, but was able to maintain a mysterious balance, and turned into a strange fairy spirit to prop up the entire underworld, preventing it from being destroyed by external forces.In addition, this force also exerted a supernatural power of mustard seed Nasumi. From the outside, the area of ​​the palace is not large, but inside it is no smaller than the inner city. If the level of the tower is included, the total area may even exceed The entire underworld land.

Although the palace is the underworld of the fairy world, the architectural concept does not have too many Chinese characteristics, but more of the style of western temples and Buddha world stupas.On the walls around the temple, there is a spiral staircase made of spiritual stones leading directly to the upper floor, and in the middle is a spiritual light shot down from the roof, and this spiritual light is also the source of the power of the entire underworld.Just like the outside, the palace is also full of all kinds of bones, but the remaining power in these bones is stronger, and the closer to the center of the palace, the more complete the appearance. The few bones closest to the aura It can even keep an outer layer of skin and flesh from rotting.

Marking each corpse, Xu Changqing continued to walk up the stairs along the spiral staircase.The upper floor is also not much different from the first floor, the same empty and simple, the same big stone pillars, reliefs of ghosts and gods, and corpses, but every time the tower goes up, the fairy spirit will increase a little bit, and the power of those demon god corpses is as strong as that of the first floor. The exterior is also more fully preserved.

When I went up to the No.16 floor, there were no more than [-] skeletons in this place, but they all had almost complete strength in life, and they still preserved the flesh like mummified corpses.If Xu Changqing hadn't been sure that there wasn't a trace of soul in these bones, he might have mistakenly thought that these mummified corpses were all sitting on deathbed.Although these bones have no self-awareness, the power exuded from them has brought great pressure to Xu Changqing, making him feel like he is struggling. more difficult.

When Xu Changqing was about to mark the two mummies closest to the beam of light on this floor, he found that no matter how he cast spells, he couldn't mark them.So, confused, he took a closer look at these two somewhat different mummies.I saw that these two mummies were dressed in the style of Chinese Taoism. Compared with other mummies, these two mummies were more charming and more like living people, and they could vaguely see the appearance of the two when they were alive.In addition, the aura of power on their bodies is much stronger than that of other mummies, even condensed and lingering. Looking at them with the eyes of God, you can see the natural appearance of their respective powers on the top of their heads.The outer appearance of one of the bones is that of a mighty deity stepping on a giant tortoise, wrapped in a strange snake, and holding a Tai Chi magic sword in his hand. The outer appearance of the other skeleton is lying under a ginseng fruit tree, holding a scroll of turtle Happy Immortal.

"Emperor Zhenwu, Great Immortal Zhenyuan?" Xu Changqing couldn't help exclaiming in surprise when he saw such a prominent appearance of the Dharma Body.

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