Nine idlers

Chapter 387

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The golden light shot out of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's eyes did not aim at Xu and aimed at the skylights on the walls around the palace.After passing through the skylight, the golden light instantly submerged into the yin and death outside, and disappeared into the darkness of the underworld.

"Drawing the spiritual light?" Xu Changqing looked at the darkness where the golden light disappeared, and then turned his head to look at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who had closed his eyes again, with a flash of color in his eyes.He had felt the aura emanating from this golden light before, and it was very similar to the force that brought him here from the sea of ​​blood, but this golden light was obviously stronger and more powerful than that pulling force Some.In addition, in his memory, the source of that power actually came from the power of a part of the human mirror.

Just when Xu Changqing was pregnant, the golden light that had just disappeared reappeared in the most yin and death energy, and quickly flew back to the palace of the underworld.Just when the golden light returned to the palace, the Buddha power in the palace immediately resonated like a Buddha singing, and the hands of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also parted left and right, holding them in the void.Then the phantom of the two mirrors of heaven and earth appeared in her hands and merged into one by her. The power of reincarnation in her body also poured into the mirror, causing the mirror to slowly turn into a vortex of reincarnation.

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva created the vortex of reincarnation, that golden light was suspended in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the golden skeletons of the five surrounding Buddhas shot out a beam of Buddha power, hitting the golden light, and the golden light turned into a flower slowly The opened twelve-grade golden lotus.

Only then did Xu Changqing realize that the golden light had brought in a soul from the outside, and judging from the pure Buddha power emanating from this soul, it must have been a Buddhist virtuous man with a high level of cultivation during his lifetime.Due to the absorption of the Buddha power of the five Buddhas, the soul corroded by the death energy of the most yin began to re-condense, and gradually returned to the golden body of the former life.

"Spiritual Awareness Monk!" Xu Changqing beside him immediately recognized his identity from his appearance when the soul completely recovered his golden body appearance, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The identity of this soul is very unusual. He is a rare eminent monk in Huayan Sect of Buddhism for hundreds of years, and he is also an authentic leader of Huaxia Buddhism.Monk Lingjue was born in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. His father was a soldier under Wu Sangui. After Wu Sangui's defeat, his father took him to Thailand to escape the Qing army and settled down in Thailand.Due to the influence of the Southern Buddhism there, the Lingjue monk has his own way~ Yifomen, after he became an adult, he returned to the Central Plains of China, and worshiped the Huayan Sect eminent monk Zhixian as his teacher to practice Dharma Realm and Ten Xuanmen.

After hundreds of penances, Monk Lingjue has reached the ninth level of the ten-life separation method, which integrates the past three lives, the present three lives, and the future three lives in one body. As long as you go one step further and do one thought for one life, you can reach the highest level The Lord and Companion Yuanming has a door of virtue, and achieves the Bodhisattva Taoism.Although he is profound in Buddhism, he seldom participates in the battles in the practice world. He has only fought once in the battle of encircling and suppressing Emperor Qianyuan for hundreds of years.It is said that his cultivation has actually reached the level of Arhat Daoguo. He spread the golden lotus all over the ground, and the Buddha sang a heavenly voice to empower him.

Xu Changqing didn't have any relationship with Monk Lingjue, so he knew him mainly because he once came to participate in the water and land ceremony of the Chen family.It's just that his clothes were no different from ordinary wandering monks at that time, and his appearance and temperament were very ordinary, Xu Changqing didn't see the depth of it at all.

It wasn't until Xu Changqing was saving the souls of the dead in Peach Blossom Mountain that he felt a pure Buddha power helping him, and the Buddha power also formed a golden Buddha statue in his mind, whose appearance was the spiritual monk.When he woke up, nearly a week had passed since the Water and Land Ceremony, and the monk Lingjue had left long ago. At that time, he was still annoyed for a long time because of this matter.Unexpectedly, after many years, I saw the Lingjue monk again in this nether world, and one of them had achieved the supernatural powers of the ancient immortals, while the other had become a soul.

Just when the soul condensed into a golden body.Soul also seemed to be helped by the Buddha power around him.Restored his sanity before his death.He opened his eyes and looked around curiously.When he saw standing aside.When Xu Changqing was naked all over.There was a look of surprise and bewilderment on his face.Obviously why Xu Changqing appeared here.And feel puzzled.

The so-called rules, come and go without any worries.Xu Changqing didn't pay too much attention to the fact that his body was not bent.Seeing monk Lingjue looking at himself.He raised his hands together.He saluted and said: "I haven't seen you for many years! Master Lingjue. Do you still remember Xu Changqing from the Chen Family Water and Land Ceremony?"

Monk Lingjue saw Xu Changqing bowing to him and questioning him.Can't help but froze.But soon remembered Xu Changqing's identity.The mouth moved.A voice was sent directly to Xu Changqing's mind.Said: "It turned out to be a fellow Taoist from Peach Blossom Mountain. I didn't expect to see you here." Then.There was a trace of surprise and envy on his face again.It is obvious that Xu Changqing is not a soul body at the moment.But the real flesh.Then he smiled wryly.Sighing: "I didn't expect that the vigorous young man had already achieved the Taoist fruit of the immortal family. But I have been practicing hard for hundreds of years, but I can only be reincarnated and re-cultivated. It is really fate! The nine streams are unique. Following the achievements of Taoist Xuan Qingsu After the immortal path, a fellow Taoist has to become an immortal again. Moreover, he can go straight into the nether world with his physical body. It's really gratifying!"

"You can't be praised by the master!" Xu Changqing didn't look too happy.Feel that samsara vortex is about to fully form.There is a force extending from it.Contact monk Lingjue.So no more words.He hurriedly asked the confusion in his heart and said: "Master's Dharma practice has already reached the Arhat realm. The Buddha's heart is also infinitely close to the Bodhisattva Taoism. The physical body is the body of vajra merit and virtue. Ten thousand dharmas are invincible. Ten thousand things are not destroyed. Why did you end up in this state?" What is the situation now?"

"Greed, hatred and ignorance! All karma and karma arise from this! This is my doom." Monk Lingjue did not speak bluntly.Hit a mystery.Then he looked at Xu Changqing.Said: "Fellow Taoists should have stayed in this nether world for a long time! Otherwise, you would not know that the Kunlun Wonderland has reappeared in the human world. The passage between heaven and man is open. Any practitioner, no matter how high or low he is, can enter the world of immortals and Buddhas through the passage of heaven and man." .That is to say, he will achieve the status of Immortal Buddha."

"What? Kunlun Wonderland? The passageway between heaven and man?" Xu Changqing heard the news from Monk Lingjue.Can't help but stunned.

Monk Lingjue continued: "Nowadays, those who have a little bit of cultivation in the entire human cultivation world are rushing to Kunlun Wonderland, and those evil heretics have also entered Kunlun Wonderland under the leadership of the Nine Changes Demon Lord, and the catastrophe in my Chinese cultivation world has begun. "

"Nine Transformations Demon Lord!" Xu Changqing thought of his two apprentices and Yan Feng and others in his mind at this moment, his face darkened slightly, and asked: "Did Master be killed by Nine Transformations Demon Lord?"

"After the Nine Changes Demon King transformed into Flying Yasha, he used Yuan Shikai to steal the luck of the Chinese Dragon Vein, and now he has become the Great Freedom Demon. If I try my best to cultivate the Nine Worlds, I can only seriously injure him, and I cannot die together with him." Ling Ling Monk Jue sighed again. At this time, the power of the vortex of reincarnation had touched him. He felt that he was about to step into reincarnation, so he immediately said to Xu Changqing: "Fellow Daoists are now cultivated to the sky, and I hope to return to the human world as soon as possible. Live in my Huaxia cultivation line."

Just as the Lingjue monk had just finished speaking, before Xu Changqing could respond, the twelfth-grade golden lotus wrapped his soul again, and instantly rushed into the vortex of reincarnation.

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