Nine idlers

Chapter 388 The Human World

What Xu Changqing never imagined was that his physical power was really just a very weak prehistoric aura. After using it with ordinary methods, he could easily knock back the Buddha power that made him feel great pressure.The physical strength was unexpectedly strong, which doubled Xu Changqing's confidence. Just when he was about to meet the second blow of the Buddha's power, the huge Buddha's power retreated into the beam of light, and then he heard a mantra full of mysteries. The singing came out from the beam of light.This mantra Buddha singing was not simple. From the surviving memory of the golden body Buddha before, he knew that this Buddha singing was the legendary Mahayana method of hearing the heavenly sounds that can make ordinary people become Buddhas instantly.Facing such a mysterious Dharma, he couldn't stop it at all. Even if he closed all the senses in his physical body, it still couldn't prevent this Tianyin Buddha's power from penetrating his physical defenses and acting directly on his primordial spirit.

Although Xu Changqing's weird primordial spirit is also very powerful, but compared to ordinary people in the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas, it is not a little bit worse than his physical strength.The Buddha power emanating from that beam of light is obviously extremely unusual. Even if he is not an ancient Buddha powerhouse at the level of the Five Fang Buddhas, he is definitely the master of one of the three thousand worlds of Buddhism.The power acting on his primordial spirit easily crushed his primordial spirit like two huge millstones. At the same time, part of the Buddha power in his primordial spirit was infinitely amplified by the heavenly sound, replacing the former primordial spirit. position, instantly achieved the golden body Buddha fruit relic.Due to the mutation of the primordial spirit, his physical body was also implicated, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of hard work, which landed on the ring in his hand.

When the primordial spirit was dispersed by the power of Tianyin and Buddha, Xu Changqing thought that he was doomed this time, because in the Taoism knowledge he had learned, the disappearance of the primordial spirit meant that the soul was scattered.

However, what surprised him was that the primordial spirit had been washed away, but he just felt a burst of dizziness and severe pain, but the consciousness did not disappear, as if the primordial spirit still existed.Then the appearance of the golden body Buddha fruit relic made him understand that the power in the beam of light wanted him to become a puppet, to take the place of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, to continue to be the reincarnation of the Buddhist world, and to guide the Buddhist great virtues for the Buddhist world monk.

Although he knew the other party's intentions, Xu Changqing was unable to do anything to stop the prehistoric power of the body, and seemed to have fallen asleep, as if he had no intention of coming out to help.At this moment, something happened that neither Xu Changqing nor the power in the beam of light could have imagined.After Xu Changqing's hard work fell on the circle formed by the mirror of heaven, earth and man, it quickly spread along the surface of the Taiqing Liangyi dust patterns as if it had life, and soon covered the entire surface of the circle.Then, the ring shone with a burst of bloody light, disappeared from his hand in an instant, entered the sea of ​​consciousness along his meridians, and hung on the golden Buddha fruit relic.

Before Xu Changqing had time to react, the power in the beam of light seemed to know what was going to happen next. Not only did the voice of the Buddha Sing Tianyin strengthen several times, but the target also turned to the ring, as if wanting to prevent the ring from functioning.However, such a stop had no effect at all, the ring still went its own way and disintegrated to form three concentric circles of light composed of circular magic circles.Among the three apertures, the innermost aperture is fixed; the two apertures on the first layer rotate in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.At the same time as the aperture rotated, a strong absorbing force also came out from the outermost aperture.Not only did it absorb the golden body Buddha fruit relic effortlessly, even the Tianyin Buddha power that had invaded its body did not escape, and was absorbed into the circle of light.

Just when this absorbing force was about to attack the power in the beam of light along the Tianyin Buddha power, the power in the beam of light decisively cut off its own Buddha power, and let out a sigh of extreme disappointment and lost it in the beam of light. reappear.After absorbing the huge Buddha's power, the color of the circle's surface gradually changed from blood to golden, and it seemed to be more upright.At the same time, the weird primordial spirit that Xu Changqing thought had disintegrated reunited at this moment, and the weird appearance was still undamaged, and the three-layer light circle was fixed behind the primordial spirit's head, wrapping the ginseng fruit tree in the aperture.

After the Yuanshen reunited, Xu Changqing's dizziness disappeared, and his mind regained clarity.While feeling lingering fear from the experience just now, he couldn't help but be amazed by his own weird primordial spirit. As far as he knew, he had never heard of such a primordial spirit that could reunite after being scattered. , and was not damaged at all.He felt that the secrets and power hidden in his soul were no less than his own body. If he could fully grasp it, he couldn't imagine how far his power would go in the end.

Just when Xu Changqing was sighing, a mysterious force suddenly came out from the three layers of light circles behind the primordial spirit, and poured into his divine eyes and primordial spirit respectively, and he immediately felt that he seemed a little more A magical power.When he was driving the new supernatural power in the eyes of the gods, he actually easily penetrated the barrier between the two worlds, and the entire human world above the nine heavens and the underworld could be seen in his eyes.However, what surprised him was that the human world he saw through his divine eyes was not at all the human world he saw when he was out of his body, or what he saw at that time was just a drop in the ocean. Just like the frog at the bottom of the well, he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

In Xu Changqing's eyes, the human world is a boundless darkness, and there are countless light circles of different shapes in the darkness.These apertures are all composed of countless light spots, and they rotate in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, and the strength of the rotation also causes their respective shapes to be completely different.Most of the slowly rotating apertures have a flattened shape that expands outwards, and a very small number of apertures rotate inwards, squeezing all the spots of light, and then spraying out to both sides of the aperture.There are also some circles of light colliding with each other, and the center of their collision forms a black hole force similar to the dust array of Taiqing Liangyi, swallowing everything around it and turning it into true nothingness, even Xu Changqing's eyes can't get close This black hole power.

When Xu Changqing concentrated his mind on a certain light spot in the aperture, the scene he saw changed accordingly, and that light spot also instantly magnified.Only then did he understand that the so-called spot of light was actually not a spot of light at all, but a world similar to the secular world in which he lived.The world of dots he sees at this moment is very different from the ordinary world. There are three suns in this world, and there are more than 100 spheres surrounding the three suns, and most of the spheres are filled with earth spirits. Among these spheres, there are only three spheres that have all the five elements, and they have the vitality similar to that of the secular world.

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