Nine idlers

Chapter 393 Yuanshen 3 Points

If Xu Changqing doesn't make a move, the world derived from this universe will slowly perish in a deep sleep, and finally return to heaven and earth.However, whether in public or private, Xu Changqing will not stand idly by and follow his heart.He instantly moved from the ground to the side of the innate god in the outer layer of the earth's core, and immediately put his hand on top of his head, casting a spell to introduce an ancient prehistoric aura into his body to check the situation.Since everything in this world was born because of him, he can be said to be the master of this world. For his research, the power in this innate god did not reject him at all, so he soon found out the reason.

Right now, this innate deity has integrated two law powers from the world of heaven and earth, one is the law of the earth that combines the energy of the earth spirit and the pool of creation and transformation, and the other is the law of reincarnation that is related to the reincarnation of the underworld.One of these two laws governs the growth of all things, and the other governs the death of all things. It can be said that they are two forces that generate and restrain each other.Originally, the original power of this innate god could balance these two laws, but most of his power was used to save Xu Changqing.The two law forces that have lost the check and balance of the original force began to restrain and attack each other.In addition to the mutual generation and restraint of these two forces, there is also Fenris's most yin cold air and most yang flame that cannot be integrated into this world.As well as the Yin God's avatar, Jiuyou Minghuo also jumped out to make trouble, and finally forced the newly born innate god to fall into a deep sleep.

Xu Changqing understands that the reason for this situation is that there are too many forces that do not belong to this world in the body of the innate god. If you want to quell the civil strife, you must clean up a few disturbing forces.For this reason, he directly used the magic lock deduced by the two avatars of the primordial spirit just now, condensed the ancient prehistoric air into a few black chains, and penetrated into the body of the innate god in front of him.Because Xu Changqing's breath is attached to the chain.The power of law in the body of the innate god spirit did not prevent it from invading, but gave way to a channel, allowing it to capture the power of the three that could not be integrated at this time without any effort.

The ancient prehistoric aura is too powerful, and the trapped immortal lock can be regarded as the method of immortals, and the three forces can't make any resistance at all.Following Xu Changqing's soft snort of "close", the three forces were dragged out of the body of the innate god, condensed into three balls of blue, blue and red, suspended between the dragon horns of Xu Changqing's primordial spirit.Although these three forces have not succeeded enough, they have failed.But comparison is also some of the powers that make up the innate spirit body. After being pulled away, the body of the innate spirit became weaker, and the solid body began to become blurred.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing speeded up the movement in his hands, while using the immortal lock to take out the Honghuang sword that had not been integrated into his divine body, while using the power of the laws of this world to gather the few qi of creation on the earth and inject them into the innate gods in vivo.After the Honghuang sword was taken out, only the power of the universe time was left in the body of this innate god, and the two conflicting law forces were relatively relaxed, and his divine body was injected with a large amount of life. Re-solidified.

After the situation was relatively stable, Xu Changqing stopped and stopped gathering the Qi of Creation on the earth.Although injecting all the vitality of creation on the earth into the body of this innate god spirit, it can immediately recover.And wake up from a deep sleep, but doing so will turn this Qiankun world into a lifeless dead world, and it is impossible for this innate god to truly grasp the power of law that he possesses.After weighing the pros and cons, Xu Changqing decided not to rescue him, but let him use his own power to master the laws of this world and wake up from his deep sleep.For this reason, Xu Changqing also passed on the way of life and creation created by himself to this innate god through the method of empowerment, so that he could use it as a reference in order to find a way to integrate the power of the two laws.

Although Xu Changqing's Dao of Life and Creation created before becoming a fairy is incomparably miraculous, but because the power he possesses is too powerful, even the weakest fairy spirit far exceeds the limit of the Dao of Life and Creation.Only after he deduces the way of birth and departure that is more in line with his current cultivation.In order to try to integrate the three forces in the primordial spirit, and cultivate the real method of one qi transforming the three cleans.

Although this way of life and creation is useless to Xu Changqing, it is of great benefit to this innate god.Now the congenital gods have entered a state of self-enlightenment, but their soul consciousness is empty, without any method of self-enlightenment, wasting this good time in vain.The emergence of this way of life and creation is like a seed, which makes the innate gods change from being unable to law. It will not take long for him to realize his own way of life and creation, and finally integrate the two kinds of law power, fully recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Changqing mobilized the formation forces in the three diagrams of Shura, Hungry Ghost, and Purgatory, and arranged a large Xuanming formation around the innate gods according to the formation method of the dust formation of the Taiqing Liangyi, protecting it until When he wakes up, the formation will automatically disperse.

After feeling that everything was safe, Xu Changqing's primordial spirit retreated from the chaos and returned to the atrium of the physical body.At this time, the small sky mirror of void protecting the atrium shrine also dispersed automatically, and the magic power of the mirror of heaven, earth, man, boundless land, and splendid mountains and rivers were all integrated into the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree avatar, and the Honghuang sword that was brought out of the chaotic orb together It was also drawn by the shattering sword energy in the Zhenwu Demon Sword, and merged into the Zhenwu Demon Sword avatar.Although these few ancient treasures were not completely integrated into the Primordial Spirit avatar, it still increased the strength of the Primordial Spirit avatar a lot, narrowing the gap with the main body of the Primordial Spirit a lot.As for the Chaos Orb, after the small sky mirror disappeared, it did not retreat to the Shangting Divine Mansion where Baihui Tianling was located, but stayed and revolved around Xu Changqing's primordial spirit.The eye sockets of God's Eyes that originally used the Chaos Containing Beads have been occupied by the little sun at this moment.A more peculiar Great Light God Eye was formed than before.

When Xu Changqing's primordial spirit was reconnected with the physical body, the fleshy body and the huge ancient prehistoric aura in the primordial spirit were connected together, forming a cycle of heaven and earth.With the fusion of the primordial spirit and the ancient prehistoric aura of the physical body, the problem of the physical primordial spirit being out of control after waking up in the underworld also disappeared, and he regained control of everything about himself.Although due to the change of his physical body and soul, his control over the aura of the ancient prehistoric world could not be smooth and smooth for the time being, but he believed that this little discomfort would completely disappear as the nine-flow path of the heart was deduced by the soul clone.

When the various changes in Xu Changqing's body subsided, he opened his eyes and looked around, ready to cast a spell to break the formation around the pool of reincarnation, and immediately left this place that surprised him frequently

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