Nine idlers

Chapter 394

The tower of the underworld in front of Xu Changqing's eyes is much darker than before, and the fairy spirit emanating from it is also thin

a lot, but there is an extra layer of very strong invisible force around the tower of Hades at this moment, blocking all outsiders

Entering the tower, but the ghosts and spirits that he had applied to the bones of the tower of the underworld before were not affected at this moment.

It can still clearly feel its existence, and its mana is not blocked. You can use the spirit seal to easily control those

The remains of gods and immortals.

Because the ancient prehistoric breath could not use the magic weapon of all ghosts, Xu Changqing could only borrow it from the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree avatar.

The fairy spirit, but after being eroded by the ancient prehistoric atmosphere, the only fairy spirit that can be used in the end is

Less than a tenth.He didn't care about this, because based on his understanding of the formation, these fairy spirits alone were already enough.


At the gate of the underworld, Xu Changqing formed a magic seal with his hands, and the spirit of the fairy gathered on the magic seal.

Tens of thousands of inscriptions were formed, and then all the inscriptions turned into soul ropes, rushing to the sky above Hades City, following

Spread out in all directions, rushing into the bones with the Yin Yin Yin of Ten Thousand Ghosts.

All the divine power contained in all the bones in life was stimulated by the seal of drawing spirits of all ghosts.And the imprinted mana is condensed in

together, forming a vague spirit body, and then under the pull of the soul rope, all of them broke away from the skeleton body and gathered in the

On the top of Xu Changqing's head, and after the bones lost their last strength, they all turned into dust in an instant.

These spiritual bodies transformed by the power of countless foreign gods and immortal powerhouses are suspended in the air according to the formation diagram of the myriad ghosts.

They are arranged in order according to the strength of the spiritual bodies from the inside and the outside. Its spectacular scene is a bit like the ten thousand Buddhas in the Buddhist murals.

scene.Among these spirit bodies, the spirit body coming out from the No.16 floor of the tower is the most powerful.

The powerful aura emanating from it is no worse than that of Xu Changqing's eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree, which shows how powerful he was before he was alive.

Powerful, but unfortunately, no matter how strong the supernatural power is, no matter how powerful the power is, it is always no match for the number of days, and it is always no match for the Dao, looking at the sky full of spirits

It was only then that Xu Changqing truly understood what life meant for those who followed the sky and death for those who went against the sky, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart.

With the integration of the Taoist heart and the original heart, the worldly love heart of the main soul has entered the main Taoist heart again, and the worldly emotions in Xu Changqing's heart also disappeared.

It's getting stronger and stronger, and it's easy to feel emotional.Although this will not affect his Dao heart, it still makes him feel

Feeling a little uncomfortable, he quickly dispelled the distracting thoughts in his heart, and concentrated his mind to control the myriad ghosts composed of countless spirits.

Walk towards Samsara Pool.

When he reached the edge of the dust formation of Taiqing Liangyi around the Samsara Pool, he stopped, while enveloping the formation of ten thousand ghosts

Living in the reincarnation pool, while taking out the Yellow Spring Banner, and using the way of life, separation and good fortune, to forcibly disassemble it.after

He also took the Yellow Spring Formation as the foundation, and superimposed all the formation pictures in the Yellow Spring Banner with the formation method of the ancient Taiqing Formation to form a

Formed the more powerful Huangquan Formation.

Although Xu Changqing is still just absorbing and digesting a little bit of the Taiqing Formation taught by the Empress Tushi of Nuwa, but for Taiqing

The overall understanding of the ancient array of the Qing Dynasty is no different from that of the Tu clan after Nuwa.In addition, I don't know if the Tu clan after Nuwa did it on purpose, she

While teaching these formations, he also passed on the general process of his research on the Taiqing Liangyi dust formation, and these processes

There is also content related to the Taiqing ancient array around the Samsara Pool.

When arranging this Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation, the Tu clan incarnated after Nuwa became the emperor of Dongyue, and borrowed Dongyue

The reincarnation energy of the underworld mastered by the emperor merged the memories of the reincarnation of the previous generations together, and it was very difficult for the Taiqing Liangyi mote array.

The solution has also been broken through.Therefore, the ancient Taiqing formation he set up already possessed the charm and power of the original formation.This makes those wishing

It is hoped that the foreign gods who escaped from the pool of reincarnation could not cross the thunder pool, and were all trapped in the underworld for life and death.

Although there is not much content related to this ancient Taiqing formation in these experiences, Xu Changqing can still learn from it.

It is speculated that when Nuwa Empress Tu clan laid out this ancient Taiqing formation, at least 27 layers of immortal formations were superimposed, and

He used to think that the upper layers of the formation didn't seem to be very powerful, and it was a leeway left by the people who set up the formation. It was completely wrong.

When Empress Wa set up the formation, the Tu clan did not leave any leeway.The reason why the above layers of formations are not powerful enough is actually because

Because the foreign gods who were trapped in the formation at that time forcibly broke through the formation before they died, and were disconnected from the superimposed formation below.

The law is endless.In the end, after thousands of years, the magic power of the fairy array above was lost rapidly, which made its power

It has weakened to the point that even Xu Changqing's previous cultivation base can escape under the influence of the battle force.

However, it is precisely because of the problems with the formations on the upper layers that Xu Changqing now has the opportunity to break this formation with ingenuity.

The ancient formation of the Taiqing, leaving the underworld from the pool of reincarnation.As for Xu Changqing's discovery, all the methods are also very simple, and the root cause is nothing more than

Break through the formation with the four words.

Xu Changqing didn't dare to dream of completely destroying the entire Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation set up by Nuwa Empress Tushi, and now he wants to

What they did was grasp this ancient formation of Taiqing from the surface.Now he is already very impressed with some of the array formation techniques used by the Empress Nuwa Tu Clan at that time.

It is often understood that, in addition, the formations of the upper layers are also separated from the stacking formations of the lower layers, then he has the opportunity to use his own formations

While breaking through the broken fairy formations above, they replaced them.In the same formation method, combine your own formation with

The fairy formations laid down by the Tu family after Nuwa are connected together.So as to control the entire Taiqing Liangyi dust array.Taoist did not

With the outer formation motivating the entire formation, the entire ancient Taiqing formation was useless to him.

After forming a new Huangquan formation, Xu Changqing used the soul rope to control the spirit body of a foreign god to fall to his side, and then

Then cast a spell called Nilonglin in the ancient wild dragon ancient method, which will use the mana transformed from the ancient prehistoric breath to strike

In the spirit body, and then let it rush into the Taiqing ancient formation in front, the reason why he did this is to see how many people there are

How powerful is the full power of the layer formation, and how long does it take to activate the lower layer formation, so that you can do it when you cast a spell to break the formation?

to foolproof.

After being cast by Xu Changqing, the spirit body exploded with power dozens of times stronger than itself, and its appearance was changed from that of a simple spirit body.

It turned into a meatball-shaped monster surrounded by flames with only one big mouth.The spirit body that fell into the formation has not yet come

And exerting one's own strength, the formations of the upper three layers of the Taiqing Ancient Formation were drawn out, and instantly dragged into a similar

In the sealing of the small sky mirror in the void, the surrounding strong pressure crushed the spirit body like a huge millstone, trying to tear it apart.

However, the spirit body strengthened by Xu Changqing's spell did not disappear in the first wave of formation attacks and survived.but

At the moment when the formation's second wave of attack appeared, Xu Changqing immediately felt that the power of the formation was a thousand times stronger than before.

A hundred times, the spirit body turned into nothingness in this force without any resistance.

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