Nine idlers

Chapter 395 Years Later

Juan Joe has been a very special person since he was a child. He seems to have a special ability to sense danger. With this ability, he has turned dangers into blessings many times and survived in the chaotic Mexico. Until now, he has become a very powerful people.This ability makes him known as a person loved by God in his sphere of influence, and he also has a group of solid believers. These believers make his power structure very stable, which makes other local powers envy.

Juan is now one of many local armed forces in Mexico, and his sphere of influence is mainly in the state of Tamaulipas.Although he was only an ordinary businessman there, he belonged to high-ranking government officials and ordinary soldiers. Without his nod, any decree promulgated by the United States government would not be implemented there.This time he did not hesitate to leave his sphere of influence and go to the state of Mexico, mainly because he was invited to form a political party with other local forces in Mexico that could influence the entire United Mexican States.

Originally, according to his original intention, he would never want to leave Tamaulipas, but his premonition worked again, reminding him that this trip was an opportunity to move towards greater success.Out of confidence in his ability, he let his most loyal believers and subordinates stay in Tamaulipas, and he led 500 people and left the station secretly.From the uninhabited mountain path to the pre-given pick-up place.

"How many more days are we going? Diego!" Juan sat by the fire, turning over the hare roasting on the fire, and raised his head to ask the officer beside him who was camping under the command.After years of being pampered and pampered, his strong body has been covered by a pile of fat. The journey of climbing mountains and mountains for several days made him feel very tired, and his mood naturally couldn't get better.

"It will take two more days, my master!" The officer replied indifferently.

Juan was not at all displeased with the tone of his cronies, he was not the kind of person who paid attention to superficial honors.He pays more attention to the practical center, and he has no doubts about Diego's center.He tore half of the roasted hare and smeared it with seasoning sauce, handed it to the officer, and said seriously: "Be careful at night, I feel something is wrong today."

Diego has followed Juan for many years and has always been a close confidant. He naturally knows and is very aware of Juan's unique abilities.After hearing Juan's reminder, he immediately ordered a few words to his subordinates, set up some defensive measures around the camp, and then asked, "Is it those guys? They want to lead us there, and then..."

Juan shook his head and said: "It's not them, they won't be so stupid, if they do, then the United States will be over! I think it should be Miguel, he should have guessed that I will go to Mexico State and follow me all the way Us. Don't forget, Miguel has a subordinate named Wasteland Jackal, and I should be led by him this time."

"The wasteland jackal? I've heard of treachery. Give him to me! I'll make him disappear." Diego ate the rabbit meat in his hand in two or three bites, wiped his hands, stood up, and followed his fingers Several teams of people handed over the defense of the camp to the adjutant, and then disappeared into the darkness outside the camp with them.

Juan is very relieved of Diego. There is nothing that Diego cannot fail to do over the years. He can sleep peacefully tonight and is no longer troubled by those strong premonitions of danger in his mind.He was tired and had no intention of sitting down for a long time.After eating two mouthfuls of food, I chatted with the soldiers around me as usual before entering the tent to rest.

Because the body was so tired, Juan didn't take long to fall into a deep sleep.Although he was woken up once by a distant gunshot in the middle.But the gunfire subsided quickly, and Diego's subordinates rushed back to the camp with some corpses, telling him that all enemies had been wiped out, so that he could rest in peace.

Juan felt that the premonition of danger in his mind had disappeared, and he relaxed and fell asleep again. He thought he would sleep until dawn.But soon he was awakened by a strong feeling in his mind.He had this feeling before going to meet an ancient Inca wizard with mysterious power, but this time the feeling was a million times stronger than the last time, so strong that he felt that he would meet a supreme being god.

Following this feeling, Juan walked out of the tent. He felt that his body seemed to become very light, and he seemed to be floating when he walked.When he walked out of the camp, he was surprised to find that there was no one in the camp, leaving only burning fires and empty tents.He should have been panicked by this abnormality, but he didn't feel anything about it, as if everything was natural, the only strong feeling he cared about now, his identity could not help but obey the feeling and walked forward, gradually walked out of the camp, walked Into the dark desert.

Although walking alone in the dark, Juan didn't feel afraid, on the contrary, he was very used to this darkness.Especially when some white mist with faint light appears from time to time in the dark wasteland.He even felt an unprecedented excitement, and even had the urge to pounce on the white mist and eat it up.But he didn't act according to his impulse, because he had a strong sense of danger, feeling that if he swallowed this cloud of white mist.It will also turn into a cloud of white mist. .He kept avoiding the white mist that drifted back and forth.Finally, he came to a mound, and the place that aroused his strong feeling was on the other side of the mound.

At this moment, a strong light like the sun suddenly bloomed behind the mound, and the whole sky was illuminated by this strong light, and all the darkness in the wasteland was driven away by the light, and those white fogs met those white lights It also dissipated instantly.As if the mound in front of Juan didn't exist, it couldn't stop the penetration of the light at all, and a lot of light shone on him.However, he didn't dissipate like those white mist, instead, he felt a comfortable feeling that made him extremely relaxed, just like being in the arms of his mother when he was a child. Much stronger.

However, this warm white light did not last long, and was soon replaced by a chilling pressure, which made Juan feel as if countless sharp blades filled the whole world Yes, the whole day may be cut into pieces by this pressure at any time.

Just when Juan thought he would be crushed by this pressure, the pressure disappeared suddenly, as if it had never appeared before, and everything around him returned to calm, the only difference was that there was less white mist.The strong curiosity in Juan's heart suppressed the shock and fear that had just arisen, and drove his body to run up the mound quickly, wanting to check what happened.However, the scene imprinted in his eyes surprised him more than the light and power just now, because under the mound in front of his eyes appeared a dark cavity like the entrance of hell, and above the cavity stood a person with a radiant glow all over his body. A man of God with countless sharp blades of light.

Juan's appearance immediately alarmed the man of God.He looked at Juan with an expressionless look, as if everything was dead in his eyes, and said in a language he had heard before, "Atlanteans? It seems that I have returned to the world!"

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