Nine idlers

Chapter 399 Changes in old friends

While a few people were talking, several cars stopped one after another, and the well-trained bodyguards standing on the outer pedals of the cars spread out, controlling all the boundaries of more than 200 meters around the post station outside the city. The idlers were also dispersed, and the surroundings were suddenly quiet.

Seeing the bodyguard gesturing to signify the case, Chen Tao's family was about to get out of the car, but the paper figurine Zhang stopped him, took out a dozen puppet charms from his waist pocket, recited a spell, and then threw them out.More than a dozen puppet talismans floated in the air and instantly burned to ashes, leaving only a dozen strands of blue light invisible to the naked eye, which penetrated into the bodies of cats, dogs, mice and other small animals in the dark nearby, and these small animals quickly Scattered and disappeared into the dusk.

Not long after, I heard a few miserable cries from a distance. The paper figurine Zhang smiled, nodded, and said, "Get out of the car! The case is now."

After they got off the car, they walked to the wooden shed of the post station, sat on the chairs prepared for them by his subordinates, and quietly watched the end of the only road leading to the outside world in Florence, waiting for the person he sent to pick them up. Cars appear.The local residents and foreign adventurers who were scattered far away looked here from a distance. Although most of them had never seen Chen Tao and others, the badge of the Perez family printed on the car made these people They all understand that the identity of the person in front of them is not easy to mess with.There were still many people who were resentful because they were driven away, but they had to hold back their resentment, pulled their companions and turned to leave, and even some people who were waiting for the bus avoided far away.

"It seems that your father-in-law's family doesn't have a good reputation!" Paper figurine Zhang looked around, frowned, and whispered to Chen Tao who was beside him: "The so-called three caves of cunning rabbits, it's best to leave more ways to do things."

Chen Tao also knows the reputation of the Perez family, but now his property in South America has been tied to the Perez family, all prosperity and loss, and it is far from easy to get out.So he could only smile bitterly, and replied vaguely: "I see."

Paper figurine Zhang could hear that Chen Tao's answer was a little perfunctory, but he didn't say anything more, and turned around to sit on the chair to tease the three little guys.He knew that this kind of reminder should not be said too much, and it would hurt his feelings if he said too much, he also believed that with Chen Tao's intelligence, it was not difficult to see the problem, and he would at least take action when conditions allowed.

As time passed and the sky gradually darkened, Chen Tao's bodyguards lit torches in the wooden shed, which also made Chen Tao and others more eye-catching. For this reason, the paper figurine Zhang You used puppet charms to control some snakes, insects, rats and ants Small animals such as worms are deployed around, pulling out some enemies that are peeping in the dark.During this period of time, more than a dozen carriages have arrived at the post station one after another, but the car that Chen Tao was looking forward to has been missing for a long time, which makes him, who was still a little stable, look a little anxious.

Chen Tao walked back and forth under the wooden shed, and asked the paper figurine Zhang, "Old Zhang, will there be any accidents on their way?"

"It will be fine. Even if there is any accident, I think that boy Zhenshan can handle it." The paper man stood up and patted Chen Tao on the shoulder, comforting him. Suddenly his face changed suddenly, looking a little cold. Pulling Chen Tao's arm, he retreated to his wife and children, and said, "No matter what happens later, you just need to take care of your family."

After that, the paper figurine Zhang didn't give any further explanations. He stretched out his hand and flew out nine small flags from his sleeve, and planted them around Chen Tao and his family. An invisible cyan light enveloped his family.

After protecting Chen Tao's family, the paper figurine Zhang himself walked to the wooden shed, walking back and forth with his hands behind his hands like a leisurely stroll, while his eyes were always fixed on the dense jungle on the other side of the road.

At this time, a strange mist suddenly gushed out from the woods, and spread to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed. Before the surrounding bodyguards could react, it had already enveloped the entire wooden shed of the post.While the bodyguards were astonished, they immediately understood that the mist was unusual and definitely not something they could handle. However, their loyalty to the Chen family still made them quickly gather and break into the mist.However, just as they guessed, this mist seems to contain a mysterious power. Any intruder seems to have broken into a maze. Spread out.

Outside the wooden shed surrounded by dense fog, the paper man Zhang felt that the bodyguards were trapped in the fog, but he did not intend to rescue them, but stared straight ahead.However, while the expression on his face was full of fierce murderous intent, there was also a trace of doubt, because he felt that the opponent he encountered this time was somewhat different from the native wizards he had killed before.Although the powers used by those indigenous wizards have their own characteristics, the source of their power is to borrow the energy of the five elements of heaven and earth, which belongs to him. The Chinese Taoism is quite similar.

Just when the paper figurine Zhang was puzzled, the mist in front of him suddenly sank, and quickly dissipated, revealing a big hole, and then he saw a swirling fireball appearing out of thin air in the hole, rushing towards him.

"How dare you show your ugly tricks!" The paper figurine Zhang snorted disdainfully, raised his hand and casually shot out a stream of profound air, which instantly transformed into a cloud of water mist and shot into the fireball, causing the fireball to extinguish and dissipate in the blink of an eye.

The current paper figurine Zhang does have a source of pride. Although his cultivation is not as good as those practitioners who have entered the Kunlun Wonderland and achieved immortality, these people cannot leave the Kunlun Wonderland.In the secular world, his current cultivation level close to the Golden Core Dao is considered among the top. Although the few people in front of him are powerful, they are still not in his eyes.

The failure of the attack did not make the other party retreat, on the contrary, it seemed to inspire their fighting spirit. A huge flying snake wrapped in flames appeared vividly in the thick fog, and opened its bloody mouth wide, towards the paper. Ren Zhang bit over.In addition to the flames around the body of this soaring snake also turning into countless tiny soaring snakes, which rushed towards the paper figurine together like sharp arrows, there seemed to be an equally powerful force hidden in the soaring snake's flames.

Facing the second round of attacks, the paper figurine Zhang still looked relaxed, but his actions were completely opposite to his expression, he retreated quickly, as if to avoid the sharp edge.Seeing that the target was retreating, the opponent immediately urged the speed of the flying snake, and caught up with him when the paper figurine retreated for the first step, and spit out a ball from the opened snake's mouth before the flames touched him. The cyan cyclone bound him tightly like a chain, preventing him from moving.Follow the Soaring Snake to go up at any time, and will be entangled in the middle of the body. The snake head and the little Soaring Snake are all aimed at the trapped target, and can kill it at any time.

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