Nine idlers

Chapter 400 Disciple of Xu Clan

In the past ten years, whether it is Xu Changqing's registered disciples, or Catherine and Shen Qingwen, their strength has continued to grow every year, and even the strength of the little girl from the Barnes family has also increased several times.Only Beth is still standing still, not much has changed from ten years ago.Although she took advantage of the Europeans' confusion about the future after the World War, she founded a hedonism sect called liberalism and recruited believers.With the power of faith, she stabilized her soul from being assimilated by the world.But in the past two years, she felt that the power of assimilation in the world was getting stronger and stronger.She could no longer resist, that's why she didn't wait for Xu Changqing to appear, but came to South America with Chen Zhenshan and others to find the whereabouts of the golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God.

Originally, Beth thought that even with the help of Chen Zhenshan and others, she would have to search for a long time before she could gain anything, but she didn't expect to find something useful to her just after arriving here, which was the dolls worn around the necks of these little guys. .Under the Eastern Taoist power on the surface of these puppets, there is a very strange original power. Although this power feels very weak, it can affect Beth's spirit and reduce the influence of the assimilation power in the world, making her somewhat The scattered original divine power began to re-condense.

Although the power of these dolls is very useful, it is a drop in the bucket for Beth at the moment. She needs more of this kind of power, so her mind is on the source of the wood used to make the dolls.After thinking about it, she couldn't sit still any longer, she got up and arranged some ancient magic circles for warning in the room, told Chen Tao's wife and children not to leave the room, then went out, and walked towards the residence of the paper figurine Zhang .

At the same time, Long Jinbao had followed the snoopers on the Western Clock Tower to an ordinary coffee plantation outside the city, and used the method of sight of Tianting to detect the situation in the manor.

Ever since he was seriously injured by Jiang Sanbao's sneak attack and lost everything, Long Jinbao's mind and spirit have been blessed by misfortune, and he has become extraordinarily sensitive.Any hostile grandma or emotion can be easily felt.Afterwards, Huangshan taught him a set of upper-level methods for cultivating spiritual perception in the Taoist sect on behalf of his teacher, which made the already perfect spiritual perception stronger, and even practiced the external spiritual sense that can only be used to achieve immortality. Out.Up to now, he is a person who has become a fairy.Otherwise, it would be as difficult as going to heaven to get close and attack him.

Just now, Long Jinbao felt that the lines of sight on the clock tower were the most intense of all hostile sights, and his spiritual sense also felt that someone on the clock tower had similar power to the previous Inca assassins.So when he felt that the owners of those sights were about to leave the clock tower, he immediately jumped out of the car and followed them, hoping to find the lair of these enemies.

Long Jinbao listened outside the manor for a long time, and gradually a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Just as he guessed, this manor was indeed an important stronghold for the enemy here.

The Perez family who married Chen Tao are descendants of Spanish colonists. Although they have settled in South America for several generations, they are as foreign as the Chen family in the eyes of the locals.Because the Perez family strongly supported Colombia's liberation war, it was established after the founding of Colombia.It was able to control part of the real military and political power, thus becoming one of the few forces that controlled the country.That is, the city of Florence is one of the spheres of influence of the Perez family.It's just that although the Perez family got the city, they didn't win the hearts of the local people. Many local people formed resistance organizations to try to overthrow the rule of the Perez family.

The Molina family, which is hostile to the Perez family, is a traditional South American Indian family. Although they also have a lot of Spanish and Portuguese blood in their blood, they are obviously more popular with South American Indians than the purebred Perez family. welcome.In addition, the Molina family has another important identity, that is, they are descendants of the priests of the ancient Inca Empire.One of the most important forces in the periphery is the remaining Inca priesthood.This time, under its matchmaking, relying on the remaining prestige of the Inca wizards, all the resistance organizations in Florencia City gathered in this manor, planning to visit Chen Tao here in two days when the Patriarch of the Perez family came here. At that time, all the members of the Perez family and the Chen family were wiped out.

At this moment, in this manor, it can be said that all the forces against the Perez family in Florence have gathered, including representatives of the Molina family and the Denison Consortium, as well as the leaders of some local resistance organizations, and the most important thing is There are also many South American Inca wizards among these people.Long Jinbao learned from the content of their conversation.The previous assassinations and attacks were just to give the Chen family and the Perez family an illusion, making them think that their strength was nothing more than that. In fact, they had already arranged a killer move in this manor.Although Long Jinbao didn't know what the so-called ultimate move was, it was certain that it must have something to do with the granary in the south of the manor, because most of the wizards in the manor gathered there, and there was also an extremely strong force in it. The bloody killing aura can not only block his prying eyes, but also easily disperse his mana.

Long Jinbao is a born gangster, and he will never give up his purpose because of the opponent's strength.That's why he went to rob the land emperor back then.This time he also did not change his original intention.While catching some useful people, I want to test how strong the power in that granary is.Just when he was thinking about how to get rid of these people, Catherine and Shen Jingwen who jumped out of the car behind him also chased here and appeared behind him.

"Why didn't you leave a password, which made us travel a lot to find this place?" After seeing Long Jinbao, the cousins ​​complained in unison.

"Shut up! No one asked you to follow." Long Jinbao turned his head and gave the two men a fierce look.Then his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, Bang Zuo said mysteriously, "Do you want revenge?"

"Revenge?" The two were stunned for a while, thinking of looking around, they both thought of the meaning of Long Jinbao's words, and said at the same time: "You mean there are those Inca wizards in this manor?"

Long Jinbao nodded slightly, then frowned and said, "It's better for you to talk one by one. Those who don't know think you are twin sisters? It sounds too awkward."

"It's not your master's fault! He taught us such a set of training methods, and now we are connected with each other. If we get closer, we will think of the impact, even..." The two complained in unison, but the words Before they finished speaking, they stopped at the same time, obviously thinking of something embarrassing, and stared at each other fiercely, with a strange blush on their faces.

Seeing the two of them like this, Long Jinbao couldn't say much, after all, the root cause of this matter was Xu Changqing, the person he respected the most.Although he has been retreating and cultivating the Datiangang battle body all these years.Use the elixir of Huangshan to make up for the innate deficiency.But I also heard about the things between Catherine and Beth.Afterwards, Shen Jingwen also gradually became less fond of men and women because of her spiritual connection with Catherine. Even her engagement with Andy was canceled later, which made his foreign junior enlightened and became a monk.He also felt a little aggrieved about what happened to his junior brother, but he didn't dare to blame Xu Changqing, so he could only spread it on these women, so he has always been cold-hearted towards these women.

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