Nine idlers

Chapter 409 There are many mysteries

"It's you, I remember you!" At this moment, Jamie, who was recalling the past, suddenly exclaimed, "You are the oriental practitioner back then! Haven't you already committed suicide?"

"Humph!" Jie Mili's yelling made Long Jinbao feel very displeased, and the real energy of the Great Heavenly Gang battle body on his body was released instantly, forming a huge pressure that enveloped Jie Mili and his wife, waiting for Xu Changqing's order , and immediately executed both of them on the spot.Feel Long Jinbao's killing intent.Hoffman tried his best to get up and stand in front of his wife, blocking most of the pressure for her, and Jamie was also extremely regretful at the moment, obviously she had realized that the reason why Long Jinbao and Long Jinbao had been standing here was because He is protecting the Dharma for this oriental practitioner who has a one-sided relationship.

"Jinbao, put away the real yuan, don't scare the enemy who is your teacher." Xu Changqing reached out and patted Long Jinbao's shoulder, motioning him to step aside.Then he walked up to the couple, looked at Jamie who was blocked by Hoffman, and said, "I remember you too, you were the only little demon hunter who left the druid village back then, said It seems that I still have some relationship with you. If your companions didn't recognize the situation and let you leave early, maybe you also died in that cave. After all these years, haven't you learned to behave? Or are you Think the teleportation ability you got from your ancestor, the demon Muffler, can let you escape again?"

Hearing Xu Changqing explain the source of his ability.Jamie looked shocked, and said in a trembling voice, " did you know?"

Xu Changqing didn't intend to answer her. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the void on the foreheads of the two, and cast a spell to grab the marks set by the jungle array on the two of them, and then said to the two: "Since you two can survive, It means that your life is not exhausted. I have untied the restriction imposed on you by this jungle, you had better leave immediately, because what is going to happen here is far beyond your ability, you continue to stay here , will only find their own way.”

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the couple's expressions changed slightly, and they looked at each other. Although they were full of nuances, they didn't say anything more. They made an oriental salute to Xu Changqing and the other three, and then each picked up the belongings of their companions. He left the temple silently, and soon disappeared into the jungle.

"Jinbao, how is your practice of the formula I taught you?" Xu Changqing asked after feeling that the two had indeed left, turning his head to look at Long Jinbao.

Long Jinbao was stunned for a moment, and then replied truthfully: "I have reached the state of following one's strength, I believe that disciples will be able to cultivate to the stage of following one's heart in a short time."

"Very good, very good! Even I didn't expect you to be so compatible with this set of formulas and improve so quickly." Xu Changqing nodded approvingly, and then said solemnly: "However, no matter how far you practice the formulas Don’t be fooled by all kinds of power, and stick to your heart. From today on, every time you practice the formula, you will recite the Supreme Pure Heart Sutra ten times.”

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When uttering these words, Xu Changqing used the Buddhist Tianyin empowerment method. Although it cannot achieve the effect of leading people to enlightenment, it can cleanse people's hearts and expel demons.Just now Xu Changqing felt the magic power on Long Jinbao's body flourish.It is very likely that because of the catastrophe, the demon seed planted by the ten-changing demon king was aroused. If the demonic force continues to grow, it will not wait for Long Jinbao to cultivate the formula that was born out of the ancient desolate dragon's method of reversing dragon scales. Maybe it's already bewitched.So he cast a spell to disperse the demonic energy, and temporarily suppressed the demonic seeds in Long Jinbao's body, but this was not very good for Long Jinbao's Dao Xin cultivation, so he asked Long Jinbao to recite the Taishangqing Heart Sutra silently , to temper the mind.

Following Xu Changqing's voice, he got into it.Long Jinbao only felt a coolness wash over his body and mind, especially the chaotic air that had been entrenched in his heart these days was also dispelled.He immediately understood that it was Xu Changqing who was helping him to practice, with a look of gratitude on his face, he quickly nodded and said, "I understand."

At this time, Xu Changqing sensed through the jungle battle that the surviving alien races had encountered the guardian guards of the survivors of Atlantis.Although the strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and the Atlanteans also occupy the right time and place, but those foreign races can survive to this day, all of them are as cunning as foxes and have experienced many battles, so after the initial chaos, Soon these exotic races gained the upper hand and completely suppressed those Atlanteans.Among them, the leaders such as Asmodeus used a kind of Western magic, and while killing the Atlanteans, they also absorbed their power.Gradually dispelling the influence of the jungle formation on them, and using the surrounding environment to restore their own strength, the situation has been completely dominated by these foreign races.

Since both sides were going all out, the aura of strength emanating from each other's fighting skills was not concealed at all. Long Jinbao, Bei Si and others also felt it, and they all looked towards the east at the same time.Compared with Long Jinbaolai, Beth obviously knows more about these exotic races, with a surprised expression on her face, she murmured: "The power breath of Nanna, the Babylonian moon demon god, and the power of Asmodeus, the seven deadly sins of demons. The breath, and the power breath of Egil, the Nordic god of the wild sea, it turns out that none of these foreign gods have a body. They have not been assimilated, and they are all hiding here."

Then, Beth turned her head to look at Xu Changqing who had a calm face, she seemed to think that Xu Changqing knew that these foreign gods were hiding here before he came.Xu Changqing didn't explain too much, he put part of his mind on the jungle map, waiting for the opportunity to profit from it.This opportunity arose soon, and through the jungle map, the more than 100 Atlantean priests who controlled the formation realized that their own race was at a disadvantage, and that the Sui Dynasty might be wiped out. Unanimously cast the same spell.Just like the eighteen Atlantean priests before, they attached their souls and sources of power to the spirit of the beast, and controlled the spirit to try to find a powerful beast, attach the soul to it, and turn it into a more powerful beast. monster.

However, these Atlantean priests never imagined that before they found a suitable beast to possess their souls, when their souls and powers were the most vulnerable, a person more dangerous than those foreign gods had already targeted them.In the ruins of the temple, Xu Changqing's eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree avatar appeared on the back of his head. Through this primordial avatar and tyrannical divine thoughts, the entire jungle array and all the plants within its range were controlled by him, just like It's like an extended body.By borrowing the essence of the wood spirit in the jungle formation, he formed powerful formations from the branches, leaves or vines of countless plants, imprisoning those fragile but powerful crystal skulls, and then using the magical power of the human mirror to transform them into a powerful formation. The crystal skulls were all absorbed by him one by one.

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