Nine idlers

Chapter 410

After catching Asmodeus, Xu Changqing relied on the magic of Splendid Mountains and Rivers to capture another Ice and Snow Giant who escaped from the pursuit of the Supreme God Envoy and entered the jungle, and gave his soul consciousness to him in the same way as he dealt with Asmodeus. Disperse, let it become a living human, and then cast a spell to monitor the changes in the power of the witch formation in their bodies.For Xu Changqing, if there is one more object to observe, then the more secrets of the Wumen he will learn from the medium, and the witch formation he deduces will be more perfect, and these two foreign gods can also be used as objects to test the power of the Jiuli Wumen. , after all, there are not many people with special strength and body.

Except for these two foreign gods, the rest of the foreign gods were all killed by the supreme angel who was chasing him. Among them, the lightning angel who possessed the power of thunder easily made the two foreign gods Turned into ashes.Even so, this does not mean that these supreme envoys are really strong enough to turn the world around like Xu Changqing. It is more because the power of these foreign gods has been sealed, relying solely on physical strength They are only a little stronger than ordinary people. If their power is not banned, it is still unknown who will win the deer.

After solving their own goals, the three supreme angels connected with each other with their unique minds.After asking about their companions, it was only at this time that they realized that one of their companions had disappeared, and two foreign gods disappeared with him.The supreme angels who found something wrong quickly cast spells to find the traces left by their companions chasing the target, and soon came to the front of the jungle where Xu Changqing was, just as the supreme angel who contained the original power of the golden spirit wanted to enter the In the jungle, the other two Supreme Envoys stopped and looked at the familiar strange tree in front of them with doubts, apparently aware that something was wrong here.

"Famio, Sanchez, what's the matter with you?" Jinling turned his head and yelled loudly when he realized that his companion hadn't followed.

"There's something wrong with the sacred trees, they seem to be all dead!" The eyes of the supreme envoy who possessed the source of life force showed worry.He turned his head and looked at his companions beside him, and said, "Famio, how do you feel..."

"Same as you! They..."

Just as they were talking, the three supreme envoys suddenly felt an unprecedentedly powerful force erupting from the jungle, and then all the trees emitted a strong light, forming a light curtain covering the sky and the earth, and at an extremely fast speed Pushing towards the basin in the middle, he rushed in front of the three of them in the blink of an eye.The two people at the back reacted in time and retreated quickly, but the Supreme Divine Envoy of the Golden Spirit was obviously far behind. Just as he turned his stiff body, he was swept by the light.After that, it seemed to melt, and disappeared from the eyes of the companions in an instant, and the unique connection between the envoys was also severed.

Although the covering speed of the light is very fast, the strong aura contained in the basin can act as a barrier, making the speed of the light advance much slower, thus giving the Atlanteans in the basin time to react .It's just that there is a powerful suction hidden in the light.It devours the aura in the basin like a whale.Although the aura in his body was very strong, judging by the speed at which it disappeared, it was difficult to sustain it for a long time.

The two supreme envoys closest to the light felt that their companions caught in the light were in danger, but they couldn't think of going forward to rescue them.Leaving aside the mysterious light curtain in front of them, the powerful force they felt just now made them forget everything, and there was only one thought in their minds, which was to escape.However, their attention as they quickly retreated towards the largest pyramid in the middle was all attracted by the light curtain that quickly flooded the entire basin, and they did not notice a small black metal shuttle-like object passing through the light curtain on one side at all, and they were not affected at all. The influence of the aura of the basin caught up with them at an even faster speed.

Just when this foreign object rushed to the sides of the two supreme angels, the lightning angel who was particularly sensitive to metal objects first discovered the existence of the foreign object.It's just that he didn't have time to remind his companions, so he could only scream loudly, and then recklessly exerted all his power, turning into a flash of lightning, and rushed to the largest pyramid altar in the distance in the blink of an eye.

Hearing the cry of his companions, the living god envoy quickly unleashed his strongest attack power.A death seal is formed around the body.Its range is several feet wide, and any living thing in this sealed world will be turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.Although the power of this world of death is unique and powerful, as long as it is a living creature with vitality, it is difficult to resist this power, but the foreign body that the living god envoy has to face has no vitality.I saw that the shuttle-shaped foreign object immediately burst into suffocating heaven and earth resentment after it penetrated into the sealed world, and formed the world's resentment into tiny black threads, and then it was like a cocoon of silkworms, and instantly blew out a terrified expression * *The oracle is wrapped up.Before the living **** envoy could find a solution to the predicament in front of him, the end of each black thread turned into a sharp steel needle and pierced into his body, and quickly traveled along his blood to his body. The whole body finally reached the crystal skull at the core of his power, completely turning it into a puppet.

On the altar of the pyramid, the Lightning God Envoy felt that he was disconnected from his companions, and a pained look appeared on his face.At this time, the priests of Atlantis who were at the altar of the largest pyramid had found the protective force in the basin, and the surrounding eight pyramids immediately burst into light like the sun, and the formations hidden in the buildings and ground patterns All the pictures also emerged, forming a huge array that enveloped the entire basin, and completely blocked the advancing light curtain.

Seeing that the light curtain was blocked, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, only the Lightning God Envoy still seemed extremely nervous. After hesitating for a while, he turned around and told the old priest beside him, "Grand Elder, Open the entrance to the Holy Land. Let everyone enter the Holy Land for refuge!"

"What?" The old priest was taken aback.Looking puzzled at the supreme envoy beside him, he said, "My lord, haven't we already blocked the attacks of those foreign demons? Why should we give up our current presence and seek refuge in the Holy Land?"

"We did block the attacks of those aliens, but what we are facing now is not those aliens, it is very likely to be those immortal practitioners from the east." Absolutely powerful breath, the body can not help shaking.Then he continued: "Although I don't know why such a powerful oriental cultivator can still stay in the realm of the gods, but I know that with our current strength, we can never compete with him, and this light shield can only stop him for a while, maybe It is only possible to compete with the Supreme God Envoy if he awakens the God Venerable."

Seeing the always calm Supreme God show panic and fear, the old priest didn't say much anymore.Immediately gather people to prepare to open the entrance to the Holy Land.

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