Nine idlers

Chapter 429

These guys are getting more and more excessive!master.Just let my husband take them all out of Han Mansion! "In the room, Long Jinbao opened a curtain, looked at those people wandering back and forth on the road outside, a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and turned his head to ask Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing said calmly: "Don't worry about them, as long as they don't come in, just let them go! And we are about to leave, as long as the news of your return to Huafu spreads here, the people here will naturally disperse .As for other people with ulterior motives. Naturally, foreign gods like Beth and Halls will solve them. With their abilities, at least in the United States, they will not encounter any threats."

"Sir, are you ready to go back to China?" Chen Zhenshan heard the meaning of the words, was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Sister Qingping, do they know?"

Xu Changqing shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not going to tell them."

Chen Zhenshan said: "They will be very angry."

"Being angry is better than being sad." Xu Changqing smiled lightly, turned his head to look in the direction of Dong's mansion, seemed to be recalling something, and murmured: "Besides, Lianxin may have guessed that I am leaving, she Since I don't say it, I don't need to mention it. Wouldn't it be nice to keep everything in the dark? It's not beautiful if you want to make it sad and sad." After speaking, he turned his head to look again, as if he was distracted by An An force.Asked: "Andy, do you have something to say?"

In Xu Changqing's reminder, Andy quickly recovered.After hesitating for a while, he finally said truthfully: "Two days ago, Angel sent me a telegram. The novel has brought Mr. Shen who is recovering on the cruise ship to the United States. It is estimated that they will arrive in New York in a few days. Will come to San Francisco by plane. She said that Mr. Shi wants to meet you, let me ask what you mean?"

"This girl's trick of beheading first and then playing is really good." Xu Changqing frowned after hearing this, snorted softly, and then said without hesitation: "I won't see Shen Yangming, although I let him go, but I won't let him go." It doesn't mean that I will forgive him, if I see him again, I'm afraid I can't help but let him go out of my mind." After speaking, there was a trace of hesitation on his face, as if he was talking to himself, in a low voice, Said: "However, let Guan Qing meet that person! Also tell Guan Qing about Qingbian's identity, and let her know that she has other relatives in this world."

Although the voice was very weak, how could Yi Anju's ears not hear him, he nodded slightly, stepped aside and said nothing.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside the room, and walked in with a servant dressed as a descendant of a foreign god. He saluted Xu Changqing respectfully, then raised the letter in his hand, and said, "Sir, the servants of the Dong Mansion just sent Here comes a letter, said to be Mrs. Dong's personal letter, I want you to read it and write her a reply."

Xu Changqing was not surprised at all, but with a wry smile on his face, he raised his hand to take the letter, tore off the sealing wax, briefly looked at the content on the letter paper, then sighed slightly, and said, "Just say yes to the answer." Let her do it!"

After finishing, he asked Andy and Chen Zhenshan a few more words, and then signaled them all to retreat, leaving him alone in the room.

There is a small lake on the outskirts of San Francisco, surrounded by dense forests, and the scenery is not bad, at least much better than the hustle and bustle of downtown San Francisco. There is a wooden pavilion by the lake for people to rest, although it is simple.But tables and chairs and other items are quite complete.After Sheng Qingping entered the small pavilion, she ordered the bodyguards who followed her to disperse and surround the lake, not to let others approach, then sat quietly in the pavilion and waited for Xu Changqing to appear.

Not long after, Sheng Qingping suddenly heard the sound of pouring water coming from beside her, but there was no panic on her face.He just turned his head and looked to the side.At this moment, Xu Changqing was silently sitting on a wooden chair beside her, and there was a set of tea set on the small table next to her. The hot air overflowing with the fragrance of tea floated out from the tea bowl, filling the air very quickly. The entire small pavilion formed a landscape surrounded by clouds, mountains and mist, and there was no trace of dispersion in the cold winter wind.

"It was picked from an ancient tea tree in Peach Blossom Mountain --& ---Looking at the man who had entangled her all her life, she didn't know what to say, and finally stood up, walked past the poison, and sat on Xu Changqing's lap Putting his arms around Xu Changqing's body, he buried his head in his chest and said, "Hold me tight until you leave. "

Hearing Sheng Qingping's words.Xu Changqing lowered his head and kissed Sheng Qingping's forehead lightly, then hugged her tightly in his arms as he ordered, and sat quietly in the pavilion like this.

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