Nine idlers

Chapter 430 After Leaving

In the early morning, Wang Zhengwen went to the dumpling stand in Chinatown to get a bowl of hot Guangzhou wonton as usual, and then bought a copy of the China Times published by the Chinese themselves from the newsboys to see if there was any domestic news.In Chinatown, and even in San Francisco, he, Wang Zhengwen, and Boss Wang are quite well-known. The Yawei\'Xuan Antique Store in Chinatown can be said to be the largest antique store in Chinatown.Not only the Chinese from Tang Renheng often come and go here, but even many foreigners like to come here for a stroll. The difference between the two is that the Chinese come here to sell things, while most of the foreigners come here to buy things.

On the bright side.Wang Kuiwen is a quite successful antique dealer.But in fact, his identity is the chief of the secret service arranged by the authorities of the Republic of China in San Francisco, the largest Chinese market city.The government of the Republic of China, which relied on overseas Chinese businessmen, is naturally very aware of the strength of these overseas \'powers. On the one hand, it has made an \'attitude of living in harmony with overseas businessmen. Overseas \'Chinese merchants gathered in Luozhou and other places dispatched spies to monitor and control these overseas forces.

Wang Zhengwen has been in San Francisco for more than ten years, so long that he has forgotten why he threw himself into the army. Now he has become more and more used to his current life, as if he was born to do such a thing.Over the past ten years, through his own antique shop, he has not only established relationships with Chinese businessmen in San Francisco, mastered every move of these Chinese businessmen in the "Ming Visit", but also absorbed many people who often come here to pawn. The members of the Chinese regular meeting of the article completely control the movements of the entire Chinatown through the eyes and ears of these market people.The number of hostile forces and personnel executed under his orders over the years is astonishing.Cao Jing once attracted the attention of the U.S. authorities and sent people to investigate, but in the end they returned without success. Who would have thought that the kind-hearted Boss Wang, who was regarded as a kind person by the Chinese in Chinatown, would be a murderer who never blinked and often killed A crowd of executioners.

I don't know whether it's because of Wang Zhengwen's outstanding achievements or because he is too powerful. Last year, he received an order to return to China to report on his duties. He had no idea about this and could only accept it.Because he knew very well that if he refused.Then he will eventually disappear like the people he dealt with before, and be buried somewhere in the wilderness.It's just that what he didn't expect was that when he was about to leave, the wedding between the Liu family and the Dong family disrupted his itinerary and made him stay.

Before.The business scale of the Liu family and the Dong family can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of American and Chinese businessmen at best, and it is far from being able to be monitored.Wang Zhengwen also knows something about the past of the two families. The Dong family is a well-known scholarly family in Tianjin, Zhili, while the Liu family is more like an upstart. The only thing worth noting is that Liu Changwen used to be under the command of the Beiyang Army. served.

Originally, according to Wang Zhengwen's speculation, Liu's family should be the target of the high-level monitoring, but unexpectedly, the order came down to ask him to focus on monitoring the Dong family, and it was not Dong's wife Sheng Qingping who was in charge of the Dong family.Instead, it was Dong Guanqing, the young lady who was monitoring the Dong family.The higher authorities seemed to attach great importance to this woman Dong Guanqing, not only asked him to arrange the best manpower around Dong Guanqing, but also sent some five mysterious masters who made him unable to see the depth.During these years in the United States, he has seen many strange people and strangers, and he has already developed a pair of piercing eyes, but this time he can't see the five people sent from China at all, and the only thing he can clearly see is That is, these five people are definitely not masters of worldly martial arts.

With Chen Mo, the president of the American Chen family, personally coming to congratulate Dong Guanqing, and later rumors that the former \'Beiyang\' Lili\'dudu Longjin\'bao who had died for many years suddenly appeared at Dong Guanqing's wedding, Wang Zhengwen Gradually, I gradually understood what the intention of the above monitoring 'Lei Guan\' Qing was.But what made him feel puzzled was that the order from above had not changed. When some forces in the country sent people to monitor the apartment where Long Jinbao was rumored to live.These people are still monitoring Dong Guanqing.

Even the five mysterious masters who have been staying in Yaweixuan for the past six months also took over his position with orders on the day it was rumored that Long Jinbao appeared, and waited for all the people to be sent around Dong Guanqing's new residence to monitor his every move move.

Wang Zhengwen has always been very curious about whether Dong Guanqing, the supervisor above, wants to find rest from her. Although he knows that there are some things that should not be asked, but the curiosity that has been aroused cannot be suppressed, driving him to secretly come down from the old neighbor. Receive the information you want in your mouth.The mysterious target was known to him, according to the description of his subordinates, it should be a thin and tall scholar, but his appearance is very vague, and his age is even more unclear. It seems that it can be from youth to old age, as long as it is similar in appearance

After learning this information, Wang Zhengwen quickly thought of the rumor that Long Jinbao followed a scholarly Chinese when he went to congratulate Dong and Liu on their wedding.But when he asked those who attended the wedding that day, he found that everyone knew that there was a Chinese scholar beside Long Jinbao, but no one could tell the appearance and age of this scholar. They didn't even remember what Mei did after he came out of the bladder, as if all their memories had been erased.In addition, his subordinates have also experienced a similar situation this month.When they monitored Dong Guanqing for a whole day and came back to report the situation, they all found that they didn't know what the second report was. They could clearly remember what happened around Dong Guanqing's house, but they couldn't remember anything related to it. Information about Dong Guanqing.

For this abnormal situation, everyone felt something was wrong, but the five mysterious masters sent from above knew what was going on, and didn't explain much, just let them continue to monitor Dong Guanqing.However, what is different from before is that they have also started to take action, always leaving the residence in the middle of the night, and \'returning in the early morning, and every time they go back and forth, their faces look a lot ugly, On several occasions, he was even more wounded.The look of superciliousness in his eyes was also replaced by panic.

Seeing these five masters, besides, Wang Zhengwen couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis. He felt that something might happen this time, so he sent a telegram to China four days ago, requesting to be transferred to Borneo. Give a reply letter approving his transfer.Today will be his last day in San Francisco. After making some handovers with his deputy in the morning, he can take a transoceanic cruise back to China in the afternoon. As for everything in San Francisco, it will become his memory.

Holding the newspaper, Wang Zhengwen walked towards Yaweixuan while thinking about what he would do in the future.In fact, the transfer is just an excuse. After returning to China, he will find a way to stay in the country. It is best to transfer to a civilian job. civilian.He can also live like a rich man.

When Wang Zhengwen walked to the door of Yaweixuan, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and then immediately returned to normal.And unfold the newspaper in his hand as if nothing had happened.While watching, he just walked directly from Yaweixuan, gradually disappeared at the intersection of \'jie, and never returned to the place where he had worked for more than ten years.

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