Nine idlers

Chapter 431 Heavy Chapter Shanghai

On the evening of February [-], [-], an ocean-going mail ship sailing from the United States was on the pier in Shanghai. The passengers on the ship got off one after another, looking excitedly at this large oriental city called the magic capital in the West. will be.Among these passengers were Chinese students who had returned from studying abroad, and foreign adventurers who hoped to rise again in the East after bankruptcy.

On the pier, relatives and friends who had received the news a long time ago picked up the passengers who disembarked one after another, and the foreigners who came alone took advantage of their skin color and took the rickshaw to leave the pier. It became empty, only the chant sung by the porters who were unloading not far away echoed on the pier.

Among the remaining passengers, there were two people who looked very prominent. They both had a tall figure that stood out from the crowd, and they were particularly eye-catching among a group of thin and small people.They're also strikingly good looking, for one.He was thin and handsome like a scholar, and the other was vicious like a gangster. If they walked alone, it would not be very good, but when the two of them stood together, they were very eye-catching.People around have speculated in their hearts why such two people with completely different temperaments came together.Most people guessed that one of them was a bodyguard and the other was a returned student, but when they heard the murderous man addressing the scholar as master, they couldn't hide the surprise on their faces.

"Let's go to Chen Mansion!" Hearing Long Jinbao's inquiry, Xu Changqing thought for a while and said, "I want to see Chen Weng."

After finishing, he walked towards the city, and Long Jinbao followed closely behind.followed.

Although it took 20 years to return to his hometown, Xu Changqing did not have the slightest joy of returning to his hometown as a wanderer.Since the whole of China has been surrounded by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, coupled with the restrictions of heaven, although Xu Changqing has a golden immortal cultivation base, he cannot calculate the specific situation of China. He can only speculate about the current situation of China through overseas newspapers and other Chinese people. Condition.However, after returning to Huaxia, he realized that the situation here was far worse than he had imagined.

When Xu Changqing left that year, it was the time when China's regime changed; although the fortune of China's dragon veins was exhausted and the world was full of disputes, this was just a short period of darkness before the phoenix's nest.According to Xu Changqing's deduction, when the Republic of China was formally established, even if Yuan Shikai interfered in the north, it would not affect the recovery of the luck of the entire Chinese Dragon Vessel.

Afterwards, Yuan Shikai vainly tried to proclaim himself emperor against the sky, and eventually died. The Beiyang Army fell apart and disappeared one by one, which also confirmed his previous calculations.Originally, at this time, the authorities should be in charge of the world, and the chaos should be stabilized. The luck of the new dragon veins will gradually recover, and eventually a complete dragon vein will be formed.

But when Xu Changqing set foot on the land and calculated the fortune of China, he found that the current fortune of China's dragon veins was not to mention restored.Even 20 years ago, it is not as good as it is, scattered but not together, and it may disappear at any time.It seems.For so many years, the government of the Republic of China, which claimed to control the political situation of China, did not completely unify the various political powers, which made China form the chaotic situation of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and therefore could not replace the Manchu Qing court to gather a new Chinese dragon.

The situation has become so bad, although it has something to do with the ability of the authorities themselves, but the magicians in the practice world should have used some means in it.The more chaotic the situation, the more conducive it is for people in the demonic way to practice, and now the orthodox immortal Buddha has almost completely given up the secular world of China and retreated to the Kunlun fairyland. People among the demons who have been suppressed will inevitably act recklessly.According to Xu Changqing's speculation, there are many local forces vying for power and profit in the land of Huaxia, and behind them are some people in the magic way who are fueling the flames, making the situation in China even more chaotic, thus turning the resentment of the world into demon energy, and practicing the supreme magic way.

The reason why Xu Changqing infers this is mainly because he can see that Shanghai alone can be said to be full of demons, and other war-torn places may be even more serious.When he came to Shanghai from Tianjin.Foreigners have already turned Shanghai into a magic capital.It's just that this magic city is more of a compliment.In the eyes of westerners, Shanghai is an oriental metropolis full of magical power, where there are opportunities to make a fortune everywhere, and it is a veritable paradise for adventurers.But the foreigners who gave Shanghai this nickname at the beginning, how could they have imagined that decades later, Shanghai, the city of demons, would really become a city of demons.Not to mention other things, the intensity of the demonic energy of heaven and earth covering the entire city of Shanghai alone is already unprecedented. Ordinary people are immersed in this demonic energy for a long time, and their hearts will become cowardly, selfish, world-weary and cynical at the slightest, and violent at worst. Cruel and bloodthirsty, if someone has the muscles and bones of cultivation, he is more likely to be directly enchanted by it.

Since the wharf where the ocean liner docked was not the Wusong Wharf, but the Neijiang Deepwater Wharf on the Huangpu River, which was not too far from the Chen family's residence in Shanghai, Xu Changqing and Long Jinbao soon arrived at the door of the Chen Mansion outside.Compared with 20 years ago, the current Chen Mansion looks deserted, with green vines covering the walls.The iron gate is full of temptations, and looking in from the railing, the garden is also overgrown with weeds.Back then, the Chen family could be said to be in charge of half of China, and the people from all walks of life who visited every day could be said to be full of traffic, but now it is deserted, desolate and cold, and it can only be said that the tide ebbs and flows, and the ups and downs are uncertain.At least when Chen Deshang gave up China's political and business power and divided the Chen family into three, he should have anticipated the current situation.Although the Chen family has lost the Huaxia regime at the moment, it has been able to spread its branches and leaves, and its influence has spread all over the world. This can be regarded as a kind of rebirth from Nirvana.

Xu Changqing felt a little emotional in his heart, and soon returned to normal, motioning Long Jinbao to call the door.Not too much.I saw a servant coming out of the gatehouse next to the garden.Going to the door, he carefully looked at Xu Changqing and Long Jinbao from the fence, seeing Long Jinbao with a fierce face,

Long Jinbao said truthfully: "This should still be the Chen Mansion, right? We are looking for Chen Deshang and Weng Chen, and I hope you will go in and report."

"Sorry, our master said that he has been suffering from a cold recently, and all outsiders will not be seen. Please come back, both of you!" After saying more, he turned and walked back to the concierge.

"Humph! This old man Chen is so arrogant!" Long Jinbao snorted slightly dissatisfied after being rejected, then turned his head and asked Xu Changqing: "Master, what should we do now? Should we force our way in, or Let the disciples go in and find out that old man Chen?"

"No need!" Xu Changqing shook his head slightly, looked around, and said, "Go and clean up those demon people lurking around, and leave a few alive.

After that, his body instantly disappeared from the spot, as if it had never existed before, and Long Jinbao also showed a ferocious smile on his face. Looking around, his body suddenly blurred into dozens of black shadows. Then it bounced around like an explosion and rushed into the surrounding houses and dark alleys.

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