Nine idlers

Chapter 432

Looking at the younger generations of the Chen family, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think about his life in Taohua Mountain back then. With a smile on his face, he turned to look at Li Qingyin and said, "You are Huilan's daughter, right? You and you Mother looked exactly the same when she was young, how is she now?"

Li Qingyin said very naturally and decently: "My mother is doing well now, and she often brings up Uncle Xu's incident in Chenjiachong in front of my brother and me."

"Uncle Xu?" Hearing this address, Xu Changqing was taken aback for a moment. After all, this was the first time he heard someone call him uncle. This was the same as Dong Guanqing calling him father before, which made him feel quite emotional.

Chen Deshang was afraid that Li Qingyin would offend Xu Changqing if he called her like that, so he immediately taught him a lesson: "You girl, don't you know the relationship between Mr. and our Chen family? You should be called Mister."

"Chen Weng is overwhelmed! I am no longer the owner of the Yizhuang, and Mr. Jiao seems to be a pedant. I grew up in Chen Jiachong, and I am like a brother and sister with Jing Guo and Hui Lan. You Xiao is my elder. She It’s not wrong to call me uncle.” Xu Changqing immediately rescued Li Qingyin, then turned to look at Li Qingyin, and said, “Your name is Qingyin, right? Not only do you look similar to your mother, but you also have the same stubborn personality. Once you agree on one thing, you will never give up. Presumably when Chen Weng disagreed with your going to Jiangxi just now, you have already started planning how to sneak there, right?"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Li Qingyin didn't answer, but blushed slightly, as acquiescence, and Chen Deshang, who was on the side, couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile when he saw his granddaughter's expression.

Xu Changqing casually took out a jade pendant from Qiankun World in his sleeve, handed it to Li Qingyin, and said: "It's the first time we meet, as an uncle, I don't have anything good to give you, I made this little thing on the boat back , just treat it as a meeting gift, give it to you! Wear it on your body when you go to Jiangxi, it can keep you safe."

Li Qingyin quickly sensed from the look on Chen Deshang's face that the jade pendant in front of her was definitely not ordinary, and she also knew that this jade pendant would be the guarantee for Chen Deshang to agree to her going to Jiangxi, so she took it and thanked her repeatedly.Chen Yu's youngest daughter was not a cheap lamp either. Seeing that Li Qingyin had received the gift, she hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Xu Changqing's sleeve, and said coquettishly, "Uncle Xu is biased, so I will give a gift to my eldest cousin. We are also your juniors. Shouldn't they be treated equally?"

Seeing this sharp-mouthed little girl, Xu Changqing recalled the little girl who always dragged Chen Jingguo's clothes to Peach Blossom Mountain to play, and couldn't help touching her head, saying: "Since you called I, Uncle Xu, of course you can’t favor one over the other, you can pick it yourself!” As he spoke, he took out more than ten pieces of jade ornaments from the universe in his sleeve, put them on the table, and said, “Come and choose! one piece."

Seeing the jade ornaments on the table, Chen Yu's daughter naturally pounced on them first, picking left and right, trying to find the best one. Others also stepped forward to choose a gift under Chen Deshang's signal.Compared with other people's happy expressions, Chen Fan's eldest son seemed a little indifferent, he just took a jade ornament closest to him, and stood aside. On the other hand, Chen Fan's daughter was much more careful. Xu Changqing had doubts about the matter, but he could still feel from Chen Deshang's expression that these jade ornaments were definitely not ordinary, and he had to be more careful when choosing them.In the end, each of the juniors chose an item that suited their own wishes, and the rest of the jade ornaments slowly disappeared on the table like melting snow, turning into a cloud of white mist and blending into the formation of the garden. middle.

It wasn't until this time that Chen Fan's eldest son felt the miraculousness of Xu Changqing, and couldn't help taking out the jade ornaments he had just chosen to look carefully, as if he wanted to find out the magic, but no matter how he looked at it, , these jade ornaments are just ordinary jade ornaments.

In fact, just as Chen Fan's eldest son thought, the jade ornaments in his hands are indeed just ordinary jade ornaments. Some of Xu Changqing's jade ornaments have been cast with ordinary array spells, and some are just ordinary ornaments. So put it together, one is to see the nature of these juniors, and the other is to see whether they are destined to this jade ornament.Compared with Chen Fan's eldest son, his younger sister's luck is obviously much better. The pair of jade exquisites she got after careful selection have spells such as rejuvenating beauty attached to them. Wearing them for a long time can slow down their aging, and they are most suitable for women.

As for the other two juniors, they each chose a good ornament. The jade Ruyi chosen by Chen Yu's youngest daughter has a simplified Spring Wind Transformation Rain Immortal Method. Extraordinary effect.And Chen Huilan's youngest son chose a jade knife with an ancient defensive array on it. Judging from his appearance, he must have the potential to follow the chariot in the future. This jade knife can also save his life on the battlefield.

After the juniors received their meeting gifts, Chen Deshang, under Xu Changqing's signal, led him out of the garden and went to his study.After the two of them left, Chen Fan's eldest son and Li Qingyin seemed to have thought of something, ordered their servants to prepare cars one after another, left Chen's mansion, and drove north and south.

When the two juniors drove away, Chen Deshang and Xu Changqing watched them leave in the study on the second floor of the house, and then Xu Changqing smiled and said: "Chen Weng, it seems that the identities of your two grandchildren are not simple!"

"The little ones have grown up, and it is inevitable that they will have their own thoughts and ambitions. As long as they still recognize me as a grandfather and grandfather, they can let them do the rest, as long as they have fun." Chen Deshang didn't have much Surprised, smiled slightly, and continued: "And this also proves that I, an old guy, still has some value in the eyes of some people. Since they want to play, just play with them. Anyway, staying at home all the time is boring. .”

Xu Changqing looked at Chen Deshang with a natural face, nodded and said: "Chen Weng has become a lot more open-minded now, if you follow your previous personality, I'm afraid you will..."

Although Xu Changqing didn't go on, Chen Deshang knew what was behind, sighed, turned and sat back on the sofa, poured a cup of tea for each other, and said: "When people are old, they always like to recall the past when they are bored! Although there is no I regret what I have done in my life, but I still feel that some methods are used too much, which hurts peace. Recently, the old man always feels that the reason why the Chen family was divided into three in my hands is because I was too good at doing things back then. At the same time as people's retreat, they also cut off their own retreat."

"Chen Weng, you think too much!" Xu Changqing naturally knew that Chen Deshang would have such thoughts, and it was more because of the cultivation of Taishang Hunyuanzhuan, if he kept this kind of thinking for a long time, it would definitely make Chen Deshang The idea of ​​becoming a monk was born, so he smiled and explained: "Although the Chen family is now divided into three, it seems to be in decline, but it is not a kind of rebirth. Now the Chen family's sphere of influence can be said to spread all over the world, and the descendants of the Chen family can be regarded as How can you be so pessimistic as you think, Weng Chen? "

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