Nine idlers

Chapter 433

Uncle Xu!My comrades don't mean anything! "Li Qingyin was so ugly as to be with Fanyuan Chuanzhou, she seemed very worried that Xu Changqing and her comrades would have a falling out, with a sharp look on her face, she said softly.

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, several people around were stunned, obviously they didn't expect that Xu Changqing would see through their arrangement.And even the number of their own people is clear, for a moment they couldn't help but think that they have been exposed here.On the other hand, Zhou Guansheng also showed surprise on his face, but he was surprised that he didn't know that his colleagues had made second-hand arrangements, his brows were slightly frowned, and he turned to someone and said, "Gensheng, who asked you to arrange armed personnel?" Yes, Lixuan withdrew him!"

"Secretary Zhou, these people have withdrawn. That person is a little embarrassed about your safety.

"Even if there are those people, it would be easy for me to take your lives, let alone my master." At this moment, there was a strange whirlwind in the room, and then Long Jinbao appeared in the middle of the room out of thin air, with a very The 23 pistol was miraculously suspended, and then he threw the pistol to the ground, and a pair of fierce eyes swept over everyone's faces, saying: "I have already let those boys sleep, you should sleep too! Don't disturb me!" My master."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and except for Li Qingyin and Zhou Guansheng, everyone else fell down inexplicably, followed by a sibilant sound resounding in the room.

From the appearance of Long Jinbao to the collapse of everyone, there were only a few.While breathing, both Zhou Guansheng and Li Qingyin were shocked by Long Jinbao's miraculous appearance, and even Zhou Guansheng, who had always been gentle and refined, showed a dumbfounded expression very rudely.But after all, he is a person who has experienced big storms, and he quickly returned to normal. He stood up, cupped his fists and saluted Long Jinbao: "Students have met Long Dudu."

"You know me?" Long Jinbao was surprised by Zhou Guansheng's salute and asked.

"I used to study in Nankai, Tianjin. At that time, Dudu Long gave several speeches in Nankai, and the students were listening below." Zhou Guansheng replied naturally: "There were rumors that you appeared in the United States at the beginning of the year, and the entire northern warlord was captured by this The news is a mess, but I didn't expect that the governor has quietly returned to the country, and he has become Mr. Xu's disciple, and he has learned the profound method of body, which is really gratifying! I don't know what the governor will do when he comes back this time?"

After an explanation, Zhou Guansheng asked the question he wanted to know the most. He seemed a little worried that Long Jinbao, who possessed such magical power, would take advantage of his remaining prestige to take power again.However, Long Jinbao also saw the worry in his heart, turned his head to look at Xu Changqing, and after receiving his hint, he said bluntly: "I came back this time just to find someone to take revenge, as for the others, it has become a thing of the past. It doesn't appeal to me at all."

"Jinbao, go do your thing!" Xu Changqing ordered after Long Jinbao finished speaking.Following Long Jinbao, under the surprised eyes of the two, he disappeared out of thin air in the sealed room.After Long Jinbao left.Xu Changqing reminded Zhou Guansheng again: "Mr. Zhou, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Zhou Guansheng suppressed the surprise on his face, and said with a smile: "The reason why I brought Mr. here directly is because I believe that Miss Guan Qing's biological father is definitely not that kind of treacherous person."

"Guan Qing?" This time it was Xu Changqing's turn to show a surprised expression, and he then asked, "Do you know Guan Qing?"

Zhou Guansheng took out several letters from his body and handed them to Xu Changqing, explaining: "When I came back from studying in Japan, I founded a student club in Tianjin. At that time, Miss Guanqing and Brother Yun Tao were like-minded members. During the movement, Brother Yuntao was murdered, and Miss Guanqing went abroad to the United States in despair. However, Miss Guanqing has been in correspondence with me over the years, and some of the funds for our party’s activities in Shanghai have been donated by Miss Guanqing When Ms. Guan Qing wrote a letter some time ago, she mentioned Mr. and the relationship between Mr. and the Chen family, and also wrote some of Mr.'s miraculous abilities, saying that Mr. is about to return to China. Because I want to meet a stranger like Mr. , that’s why I make my own decisions. Ask Qingyin to pay attention to Mr.’s movements, and hope Mr.

Xu Changqing took the letter and read it.It was indeed written by his daughter Guanqing, especially the last one mentioned that he hoped Xu Changqing could help Zhou Guansheng and the others.Seeing this, Xu Changqing couldn't help but smiled wryly, folded the letter and returned it to Zhou Guansheng. Although he didn't want to interfere in these worldly chaos, he couldn't refuse his daughter's request, so he asked directly: "What difficulties do you have? Frankly speaking, if I can help, I will not refuse."

After hearing Xu Changqing's promise, Zhou Guansheng was very happy, and quickly got up to thank them, and then bluntly explained their current difficulties. In general, they only need money or material assistance.Xu Changqing heard from the other party's words that Zhou Guansheng's party had carried out a series of campaigns in Jiangxi. These campaigns had won the support of almost all ordinary people and made his party grow rapidly.However, these movements have touched the fundamental interests of the political and business circles in China today. Coupled with the one-sided propaganda of the Republic of China authorities, most of the forces with money and materials have attracted Zhou Guansheng and other underground party members who are supported by all parties.This year, the authorities of the Republic of China completely blocked the area around Jiangxi.With all material exchanges cut off, the situation of their political party is no longer optimistic.

"Why don't you call Chen Weng? He should have a way to solve your problems." Xu Changqing is extremely disgusted with this kind of domestic party struggle. No matter who is right or wrong, it is the land of China that will be hurt in the end, so he deliberately pushes Refused, looked at Zhou Guansheng and Li Qingyin, and continued: "Even if Chen Weng is unwilling to intervene in this kind of matter, you can still look for Qingyin's mother. , it shouldn’t be difficult to solve your problems! Looking for me now, it’s a bit far-fetched.”

"We've looked for it!" Li Qingyin answered first: "I have hinted to Grandpa a few times, but Grandpa always changed the topic every time. He didn't let me have a chance to speak.

I also mentioned this to my mother, but my mother, who has always supported me, did not agree to help this time. "As she spoke, she hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Zhou Guansheng, as if there was something she couldn't say.

"Actually, it's some problems in our party that made some progressives who originally supported us begin to alienate us." Zhou Guansheng's face darkened slightly, and he summed up the words in a spring and autumn style, and then said sincerely: "But Mr. Xu, please believe me The party is definitely for all the poor people in China, and for the revival of China's progressive party, it is by no means like the propaganda of the Republic of China government,"

"Mr. Zhou, you don't need to talk. What kind of political party your party is has nothing to do with me. I'm just an outsider and I don't want to interfere in the current chaos in China." Xu Changqing interrupted Zhou Guansheng, sounding like he was about to refuse help Zhou Guansheng and the others, and Zhou Guansheng and Li Qingyin couldn't help showing disappointment on their faces.However, Xu Changqing changed his voice and said, "But since Guanqing believes in your political party so much, and asked me for help for the first time, it's not easy for me as a father to refuse."

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