Nine idlers

Chapter 434 Assassination Panic

Since entering the [-] years, many things have happened in China.For example, the Japanese clamored for the abdication of the emperor to re-establish the country.The authorities of the Republic of China began to encircle and suppress those local regimes that intended to split with strong force, but the most serious and most attention-grabbing event was a weird assassination activity that spread across the country.At the beginning, this assassination was only in Shanghai. At that time, the authorities of the Republic of China quickly said that it was a conspiracy by a hostile political party, but they soon discovered that things were far from being as simple as they imagined.

In just a few days.More than 60 people were assassinated, and there were all kinds of people, well-known businessmen, policemen in the concession, gangsters, union leaders, and even the one they said.Important figures in the main rival political parties also died in this series of assassinations.Without exception, all of these people had their heads and hearts taken away after their deaths, and the remaining corpses were blackened as if they had been soaked in ink.And stiff as a rock.These weird scenes were quickly spread by the patrol police handling the case.It made the people in Shanghai panic, and many youth gang tycoons and business owners needed a large number of bodyguards to protect them every day, so that they felt a little bit of security in their hearts.It's just that these protections are of no use at all.The damned people are still doomed to die, and the number gradually exceeds a hundred, even some foreign dignitaries in the British, French, American and Japanese concessions are among them.

As a result, the simple assassination incident quickly escalated into an international incident, and countries put pressure on the Republic of China authorities to immediately catch the murderer.Although the authorities of the Republic of China also sent people to Shanghai to investigate, but there was no clue at all.Assassinations are still going on, and the only thing known is that all the people were killed by one person or an assassination organization.

When the death toll on the streets of Shanghai rose to 140, the panic in all walks of life in Shanghai had reached a critical point.Some people began to leave Shanghai as if fleeing, but the strange corpses that appeared every day suddenly stopped on this day, and no new corpses appeared in the next few days.Just when people from all walks of life breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this mysterious murderous organization had left, the first strange corpse with no head and blackened body appeared on the streets of Guangzhou. It was discovered that people began to understand that the murderous maniacs in Shanghai did not disappear, but changed places.

In the following month or so, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin, Beijing, Xi'an and other places were successively visited by the mysterious assassin organization, and the death toll gradually increased to more than 3000 people. These people were all powerful figures from all walks of life in China, including Officials, soldiers, businessmen, well-known revolutionaries, gang leaders, etc.After almost all the major cities in China were visited by the assassin, the final assassination appeared to be the capital of China in Nanjing. In the early morning, the first strange corpse appeared in front of the Confucius Temple in Nanjing. The deceased was an important official of the government. He is also the close confidant of the highest authority in the government.

The situation in Nanjing is no different than that in Shanghai. Although Shanghai is now the economic lifeline of China, the Republic of China authorities have no control over it.After the release, the authorities of the Republic of China did not have much personal pain. As for other cities, most of them were outside their control, so the authorities were more of a spectator mentality.But now the assassination has spread to Nanjing, the heartland of Chinese politics, and it affects the whole.China's influence has also spread along with the political channels leading to all parts of China.Although those in power were terrified of this assassin organization that eluded them, but in order to stabilize the political situation in the country, they could not flee Nanjing like those traffickers. They could only wait in fear every day for the day when the assassination would fall on their heads.

"Zhao Weng. Can you find out who did this?" In an ordinary office in the Nanjing Presidential Palace.A thin-faced bald man in a long gown, although anxious, was still patient.Asked softly and kindly to a gray-haired old man with a face like a bone sitting beside him.

"Chairman, it's better for you not to interfere with this matter. As far as I know, this is not a secular matter. Those who died were all from the spiritual world. I'm afraid this matter has something to do with Kunlun. Although the president, you have a dragon vein Good fortune is estimated, but it is impossible to be free from restrictions. If the other party points the finger at you, I am afraid that you will also be in danger of life." The gray-haired old man seemed to have reached the point where his energy was exhausted, his energy was weak and his body was weak, and even his voice Also looked weak.

On the sofa at the side, an elegant and dignified middle-aged woman handed the peeled apple to the bald man, and persuaded softly: "Darling, Master Zhao is right, this kind of thing is beyond the scope of ordinary people, we don't care about it." It should be involved, and this matter will not harm our interests, but it can eliminate some dissidents around us, which is not bad for us."

The couple in this room is the most powerful couple in China today. Jiang Zhengzhong, the president of the Republic of China who was born in a poor family and has gradually become the highest power in China, and the other is Song Meiling, the third lady who came from the Song family, a family of Confucian businessmen.The two people who were supposed to be busy with the state affairs and political situation didn't think about food and drink because of a dead body that appeared in Nanjing yesterday morning. Finally, they put aside state affairs and came to this secret room. Feng's strange person from the world of fate invited him to ask for a solution.

This strange person in the fate world is also an acquaintance of Xu Changqing, and he is Zhao Banqian, the head of the lower Jiuliu Fate Gate who knew the destiny.Back then, Zhao Banqian moved his family to Sichuan to avoid disaster, lived in seclusion in the market, and lived a life of ordinary people for a period of time in peace.But not long after, Xu Shichang, who is also the head of the Xiaoguo affairs of Mingmen, suddenly found him, hoping that he could come out and assist Yuan Shikai to achieve some hegemony.Zhao Banqian, who had retired to seclusion, had already figured out that Yuan Shikai was not a good leader, and his life seemed to be dominated by external forces, and it would never last long, so he was unwilling to go out of the mountain, so he found an excuse to reject Xu Shichang's invitation.Xu Shichang didn't bother too much, and left immediately after a few words of persuasion to no avail, but that night, a group of highly cultivated evil practitioners came and killed Zhao Banqian's family, Zhao Banqian himself He was seriously injured and thrown into the Yangtze River.

At that time, Jiang Zhengzhong, who visited Sichuan unannounced, just happened to save Zhao Banqian. Zhao Banqian, who knew the fate of the master, naturally saw that Jiang Zhengzhong had the luck of the dragon, and Zhao Banqian felt that his family had been wiped out with Xu Shichang. related.So he decided to assist Jiang Zhengzhong, let his dragon veins condense and form, and fight against Yuan Shikai in the north.With his assistance, Jiang Zhengzhong quickly became a powerful figure in the government of the Republic of China, and gradually became the only one in power.After Xu Shichang's death, Zhao Banqian, who felt that he had avenged himself, was no longer willing to intervene in worldly affairs for some reason, so he lived in seclusion in an apartment near the Nanjing Presidential Palace, not caring about worldly affairs.And Jiang Zhengzhong was also very grateful to this strange person who helped him become the No. 1 in power in China, knowing that Zhao Banqian likes to be quiet.So there is no major matter of life and death, and he will not bother rashly.

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