Nine idlers

Chapter 435 Chaotic Calculus

Hearing Song Meiling's disbelief, Zhao Banqian's sharp face was already in Zongcang's depression, and Lu Chuan gave a piercing smile, and retorted: "Since Madam can believe the even more absurd creation theory of Westerners, , why can't I believe that there are gods in my land of China? .

Zhao Banqian's rebuttal made Song Meiling feel a little displeased, and Jiang Zhengzhong also felt that the atmosphere in the room was not right, and he naturally knew how devout his wife was to Christianity. Continuing this topic would only make the atmosphere worse.So he immediately curbed the fantasy in his heart, regained his normal expression, and asked in a changed subject: "Zhao Weng, does what you said have anything to do with us now?"

"Naturally there is a relationship."Zhao Banqian did not intend to continue arguing with Soong Meiling, and signaled Jiang Zhengzhong to calm down his mother, and then continued: "After Hu Yueniang led the outsider alliance into Kunlun, she was trapped in Kunlun like other people in the practice world and could not leave. Those in the secular world are just people with superficial cultivation and greed for profit. They are not vulnerable at all.

Such a huge outsider alliance was annexed by a demonic force from the north in just a few years after Hu Yueniang left, and I have also discovered that China has been in constant war for so many years, and the main reason is because With this demonic force at work, whenever the situation in China tends to ease, they will secretly create troubles and provoke wars. "

"There is such a thing? Xiao. Jiang Zhengzhong's face changed slightly, and he said with a little displeasure:

"Zhao Weng, why have you never mentioned this before? If I had known earlier,"

"Even if you know, what can you do?" Zhao Banqian interrupted Jiang Zhengzhong, and said without any sympathy: "It's not that I underestimate your power, Chairman, although you have the power in the world, use your power, Holding a million-strong army, but in the eyes of real practitioners, you are nothing at all. If the immortal Buddha is authentic, they will be scruples because of your dragon vein luck, and they will not want to be an enemy of the sky, and will eventually retreat .But demon practitioners will never have any sense of your identity. If you confront them directly, you will be the one who will suffer in the end. So I have always reminded you to try to stabilize the situation and respond to all situations with the same Change." As he spoke, he also sighed, and continued: "Nowadays, most of the elites of the orthodox immortals and Buddhas and the heretics of evil spirits are trapped in Kunlun, and the world of practice has survived in name only. , but there is no one in the practice world today who can stop it. And the background of the person behind the scenes is quite strange. They can block the old man's calculations with supernatural power. Over the years, the old man has tried to find him out, and he wants to fight this No matter how old I am, I will capture him and kill him in exchange for a bright future, but it is a pity that I have no success in the end."

Hearing that there is such a power beyond his control hidden in the world, Jiang Zhengzhong's expression became extremely embarrassing, and the excitement he had heard about those mysterious things before was gone, and he hurriedly asked: "Could it be that no one can restrain him?" ?"

"As far as I know, no one can restrain this demonic force for the time being, and this force has penetrated into all walks of life in the country, and its power has been formed, far beyond ordinary people's imagination, so the old man has always suggested that you should not interfere with the practice world Zhao Banqian saw that Jiang Zhengzhong had a look of care on his face, and Li Xuan smiled again, and said, "Chairman, don't go too far." worry!Although we don't have the power to deal with these demon forces now, there are others who can deal with them.The people from all walks of life who were assassinated this time are all the backbone of that demonic power. These backbones have been hiding very secretly for these years. Even the old man has no clues, but now they are all caught out. It can be seen that this assassination force It came prepared, and it was probably a dark move by Hu Yueniang to stay in the secular world.Although I don't know why the other party chose to attack at this time, the current situation is definitely more beneficial than harmful to the chairman. As long as the chairman can survive this period of time, let the assassination organization clean up for you... In the magic path hidden by tea People, then the chairman will be able to get a Qing Dynasty and Xia situation afterwards, which will definitely help you grasp all the real power in China

Jiang Zhengzhong had a contemplative look on his face. In fact, he only found out that the high-ranking officials in the department who were desperate to die were also members of the devil's way. He was already terrified, because among the high-ranking officials who died, there was someone who was responsible for his safety. The head of the secret service and a trusted military officer who holds various confidential information.If these people had different intentions, it would be an easy task to take the lives of themselves and their family members, so it was entirely in his own interest to eliminate these mysterious powers that he did not control.But what he is worried about is whether there will be another force to replace these so-called magical powers after they are eliminated.After all, these assassinations show that another force is definitely much stronger than that magic power.If this power controls all walks of life in China from the dark like the magic power afterwards, then he is still a glamorous puppet.This is definitely not the result he hoped for.So what he wants to know most now is what is the ultimate purpose of that unknown assassination force. Even if he knows the ultimate purpose, he may not be able to control it, but at least he can feel at ease. It's better than being so rough and uneasy now.

After figuring out where the joints are.Jiang Zhengzhong bowed to Zhao Banqian cautiously, and begged: "Although it is as Zhao Weng said, this matter is beneficial to me, and ordinary people in my world should not interfere with these matters, but I still want to know about this assassination. What is the purpose of the power? I also ask Zhao Weng to help me find out the source of this power, so that I can have a face-to-face conversation with the other party.

"Darling!" Mrs. Jiang seemed a little worried, and tugged on her husband's sleeve, as if she wanted to persuade him, but Jiang Zhengzhong shook his head, expressing that he had made up his mind.

Zhao Banqian also felt that it would not be of much use to persuasion, so he nodded, took out from his arms the magic algorithm that he had spent a lot of money and painstaking efforts to forge over the years, the Huntian Calculator, and sat on the sofa to quickly calculate.

Even though the Huntian Calculator, the magic weapon of Mingmen, looks the same as an ordinary abacus on the outside, the money spent on its casting materials alone is enough to buy the entire city of Nanjing.This magic weapon is a secret divine algorithm for knowing the destiny. It is said that it originated from Shao Yong. One hundred and eight beads are in harmony with Zhoutian. From the top, you can spy on the way of heaven, and from the bottom, you can deduce the lifeline. The top magic weapon.Back then when Zhao Banqian inherited the post of Zhitianming Sect Leader, he had already obtained a part of the incomplete Hunting Calculator handed down from his ancestors, and later he repaired it with all his wealth.It is also by relying on this magic weapon that Zhao Banqian was able to count everything in these years, push Jiang Zhengzhong to such a position with his own strength, gradually disintegrate the Beiyang forces, and forcibly grind Xu Shichang and other enemies die.

Although after possessing this magic weapon, Zhao Banqian's calculative supernatural powers have reached the highest level that is unmatched by all the masters of the lineage of knowing destiny, and it can be said that there are almost no omissions.

But such a thing against the sky will inevitably be tabooed by the way of heaven. Zhao Banqian didn't notice it at the beginning, but as he leaked too many secrets, he soon discovered that even with his own cultivation, he couldn't restrain the rapid aging of the body , In just a few years, he felt that he was almost exhausted.For this reason, he had to stop using this spirit treasure, temporarily suspending his own life with various precious medicines and life-changing methods, but even so, his body was still weakening day by day.According to his deduction, with his current situation, he can only live for another half a year at most.This is already an irreversible result, so now he no longer has any scruples, and decides to count the last hexagram for Jiang Zhengzhong, and then leave Nanjing.Find a quiet place to wait for your life to end.

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