Nine idlers

Chapter 436 Meeting Guests in Front of the Temple

Yiqi In the past month or so, many things have happened in Shanghai.Needless to say, the series of assassinations of important officials in the same field, the territory, power and position left by these important officials after their death have also become the fuse of the battle.Many interested people who are salivating over these resources began to fight openly and secretly early on.Rush fights on the surface and framing and assassination in the dark emerge in endlessly, adding a bloody smell to the flourishing Shanghai.

These struggles for power and profit are all tricks played by the rich at the top, and have almost nothing to do with the poor people at the bottom. These ordinary people living in the marginal areas of Shanghai still work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day, living a life of barely enough food and clothing.For them, the only fun every day is to go to the night market at the Dragon King Temple, listen to free local dramas, spend two small money to listen to a few rare compliments at the fortune-telling stalls on the front line of the temple wall, and imagine that one day they will also be happy. Be able to become a tycoon on the beach.

In fact, almost everyone knows in their hearts that among the people who set up fortune-telling stalls in the Dragon King Temple, there are no high-level experts. They are all quack warlocks. I am also willing to believe the nonsense of these people, at least this way can make me miss the future.

However, among the quack warlocks who set up a stall by the temple recently, a strange person came, this.People have no hexagrams and banners to show their names.They didn't shout to attract customers, but simply set up a tattered table, and there were no fortune-telling tools or almanac books on the table.Then he just sat there with his eyes closed.Wait for others to come forward.Even if a good guide came forward to ask a divination, he never heard a good word from him. Several times, someone almost turned the table over and tried to beat him, but in the end they all disappeared inexplicably. Hanging stalls are rarely patronized. \''But this person still goes to the stall every morning and closes the stall at night, as if it doesn't matter whether there are customers or not.

This weird stall operator was Xu Changqing. The reason why he didn't act with Long Jinbao but stayed in Shanghai was mainly because he felt that he still had a common relationship in Shanghai, so he simply stayed.But even so, he has been following Long Jinbao's series of assassinations.With his powerful divine sense, he can easily find out those people who are hidden in the devil's way.Although not all of them are Jiang Sanbao's minions, this is not important to him, and it seems to be a matter of God's will to eliminate these demonic people left in the world. Every time you kill a demonic person, you will get some The power of merit.These virtuous powers seem like tasteless to Xu Chang, but they have a great effect on Long Jinbao. While he uses the magic energy that devours people in the demonic way to increase his limit-breaking power, he can use these virtuous powers to Stabilize your mind, and always maintain a state where demons do not arise.

With the killing of Long Jinbao, the magic forces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the cities in the north are almost completely wiped out. In addition, the forces of the practice world such as Xianfo Zhengzong are trapped in the Kunlun Wonderland. Separated, the practice world that once existed will gradually become a folk legend.However, Xu Changqing's ultimate goal of eradicating the people in the devil's way was still not achieved. Jiang Sanbao still held his breath and did not show the slightest breath, so Xu Changqing decided to let Long Jinbao go to the northeast in these two days, and let the man under Jiang Sanbao go to the Northeast. Qing Fuguo's game was broken, and at the same time, the root of Man Qing's luck was completely cut off, to see if he could continue to endure.

On this day, Xu Changqing sat quietly at the table as usual, waiting for Zhao Banqian's arrival.Ever since Zhao Banqian cast a spell to deduce his location yesterday and she noticed it, he became more curious, wanting to see how far this old man who knows the fate has gone, even his Golden Immortal cultivation level Nor can it prevent its algorithmic cipher.He believed that when Zhao Banqian came, he definitely did not come alone.As for the identity of the person who came with him, he can guess a thing or two from the power of the dragon and phoenix that broke his fairy spirit yesterday, and what they asked at that time is probably related to Long Jinbao's recent assassination activities .

"Brother, let's get one!" Just as Xu Changqing closed his eyes and meditated, a group of young people pushed his arm beside him, and then handed over one.Baozi, motioned him to take it, but saw that he had no intention of reaching out.So he simply stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into his arms, and said with a smile: "This one doesn't cost money, I'll pay for it."

This young man is a martial arts master who came to Shanghai from other places in the last half month, because other good places are occupied by fate masters with backgrounds, so he took a company with Xu Changqing in this remote corner.Judging from the way he used fortune-telling during this period of time, he should have come out of the Taoist Maoshan lineage, and the technique he used is known as Dunjia Xiaoqimen.Although his techniques are orthodox and his heart formulas are complete, but because he doesn't have a matching Qi training method, the effect is not as accurate as that of the Jianghu life master's iron mouth, and his business is therefore cold and indifferent, only a little better than Xu Changqing .It's just that he doesn't seem to care about the quality of his business, and his daily self-entertaining comments seem like a pedestrian.If it weren't for that mouth that is always nagging, he would be a good man.


The reason why Xu Changqing didn't feel sorry for this young man this year was because when he first saw this person, he felt that his common destiny should belong to this person, but he didn't understand what that common destiny was.So I can only stay and observe what is strange about him.In addition, this young man in his twenties this year also made Xu Changqing feel a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Brother. You can't do business like this. You always say something that offends people. Those customers would not want to come to your door. Little. This young man is biting a bun while nagging: "Actually, I think you should have some real kung fu." , my mother used to say that people with real kung fu seem to be mavericks, everyone here is saying flattery, but you have been saying annoying things, so you should be the kind my mother used to say tall man.How about it?Am I right?Small.

": Brother Bu. Where did you learn the Maoshan Dunjia Xiaoqimen technique? Xu Changqing put the bun in his hand on the table. Turning his head to look at this young man with a proud face, he asked for the first time.

"Little brother? You look younger than me, and you call me little brother. You are too easy to take advantage of! Little. Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the young man first yelled in dissatisfaction, and then came closer and looked at it curiously. Xu Changqing asked back: "How did you see my fortune-telling technique?My father said that the Dunjia Xiaoqi Gate of Maoshan has been lost in the world, and few people know about it. He also said that this method is a method of fortune-telling and reckoning, which is many times better than those fortune-telling methods uploaded in the world.It's just that I've been learning this thing for so long, and I can't see what's so good about this method, and the result of the calculation is also sometimes ineffective.You can tell at a glance which method I use, and you should have learned it too.Let's just exchange ideas, what do you think? .

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