Nine idlers

Chapter 437 Natural and Man-made Disasters

As Xu Changqing's words fell, a black light invisible to the naked eye suddenly burst out from Zhao Banqian's head, and he wanted to flee to the north.But no matter how fast this black light moves.It is also impossible to escape Xu Changqing who has already noticed it.I saw that he raised his hand to fish for the black light seemingly casually, and then easily took the black light and its surrounding space into his hand, forming a small thousand world similar to the Buddhist Sumerus Hand, so that the black light could never escape the square inch of the palm of his hand. .

At this time, Zhao Banqian's appearance did not change from before, but his inner thoughts were completely different from before, his face became extremely embarrassing, and he muttered to himself: "What did I do? How did I get into such a disaster?" No, I'm going to get the kit back!" Zhao Banqian was about to get up and catch up with the Jiangs, but he found that his body couldn't move now, and there were people around who could hold his body There was only Xu Changqing, so he looked at Xu Changqing, who was in deep thought, with a strange face, and asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean?"

"No need to chase! You can't get back those three kits, all of this is God's will! It's God who wants to cut off my line of practice." Xu Changqing shook his head, sighed, and while speaking, he cast the instant Using the method of moving, he moved himself, Zhao Banqian, and Chen Xuantong to a small hill outside Shanghai.

Although Zhao Banqian had already guessed that Xu Changqing should be in the realm of immortals now.However, he was already extremely surprised by his silent movement method, for a moment he forgot the questioning just now and the disaster he had caused, Chen Xuantong widened his eyes and looked around, apparently more interested in the scene in front of him. Surprised.However, Xu Changqing's attention was not on the two of them at the moment, his eyes were always looking at the ball of black light spinning around in his hand.

After a while, Zhao Banqian woke up from his surprise, looked down at the black light in Xu Changqing's hand, and asked, "Mr. Something wrong?"

Xu Changqing didn't answer right away, but first untied Chen Xuantong's body-holding technique, and told him who was still in a trance to go away.Although Chen Xuantong had a lot of questions to ask.But I also knew that there were some things that I should not know, so I immediately turned around and walked to the side of the grass, waiting quietly.

Xu Changqing followed up and said: "This black light is the inner demon of the extraterrestrial demon, and any person who cultivates the Tao will give birth to this thing. It's just that your inner demon is a bit special, not only can it exist in your body, but also contains a trace of it. Spiritual thoughts can know when to take effect, subtly affect your mind, and make you make irreversible mistakes without knowing it. It seems that apart from a trace of natural disasters, there is also a hint of lust. "

As he spoke, Xu Changqing lightly drew a circle on the black light with his fingers, and the black light immediately stopped moving as if he had been hit by a spell of fixation, and then suddenly disappeared from his palm.At this time, Xu Changqing seemed to be talking to himself, saying: "Jinbao, the trace of spirituality contained in this demon seed should belong to the ten-changing demon king. Right now, Jiang Sanbao possesses the magic skills of the ten-changing demon king. Maybe you can find Jiang Sanbao through it." After finishing speaking.He turned his head to look at Zhao Banqian who looked worried, and said, "Master Zhao, although this matter is man-made, it is also God's will. You don't have to worry too much."

"How can you not be worried? It's okay for me to die and be robbed. Now the entire Chinese cultivation world will be wiped out because of me. This..." Although Xu Changqing's words were half hidden, Zhao Banqian had already guessed a rough idea. .With a sad look on his face, he sighed heavily, and said angrily: "If I knew this, the old man should have sunk in the river."

"Mr. Zhao, the decline of China's cultivation world is a destiny. Even without you, other people will be the cause of the disaster. This is unavoidable, and too much self-blame will not help." Xu Changqing comforted Zhao Banqian. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned his head to look at Chen Xuantong, and said, "Natural disasters are the way of heaven. They cannot be reversed, but Mr. Zhao, your death was indeed suffered on behalf of the heavens. You should not bear the pain of evil retribution. Heaven and earth will inevitably Leave a ray of life for you, so that you can transcend suffering."

"Mr. Xu, what you said..." Zhao Banqian looked puzzled, but after following Xu Changqing's gaze to Chen Xuantong, he immediately showed a look of surprise, and after playing the tiger with his heart, his expression was full of surprises. Feeling a sense of surprise and relief, he said: "Today I will cross him, and tomorrow he will cross me. The sky will never end, and I know the line of destiny."

Xu Changqing smiled and said: "Since Mr. Zhao has calculated his karma, this matter should not be delayed for a long time, it should be settled as soon as possible."

"That's right, that's right!" Zhao Banqian nodded again and again, but his expression suddenly froze again, he hesitated and said: "But the old man's lifespan is approaching, I'm afraid I can't teach him all I have learned, Mr. Xu, can you please?" ..."

"No! I won't stay in the world for a long time. After the matter of Jiang Sanbao is resolved, I will take Kunlun Wonderland." Before Zhao Banqian could express his thoughts, Xu Changqing, who had already guessed his thoughts, shook his head. Denied his request.

However, Xu Changqing then raised his hand to grab it in the void, and secretly cast a spell.Countless green air that cannot be seen by the naked eye surged from all directions and gathered in his palm, and the clouds in the sky were also grabbed by this suction force and formed an unnatural vortex.When he absorbed half of the grass and tree essence within hundreds of miles, he immediately took out dozens of pieces of jade from Qiankun World, melted them into a drop of jade liquid with the Golden Crow Divine Fire, and poured the grass and tree essence gathered in the palm of his hand. Melting into the jade liquid, the fingertips gathered the spirit energy to draw a spell on the jade liquid, and as the jade liquid solidified, it formed a green bead condensed by the essence of the wood spirit and with mantra patterns on the surface.

After making this spiritual treasure that is almost a fairy artifact, Xu Changqing handed the bead to Zhao Banqian and said: "This bead has the rejuvenation spell of the ancient immortals on it, and it is also condensed with the spiritual energy of plants and trees. It can’t bring the dead back to life, but it shouldn’t be a big problem to prolong your lifespan for a few years. You can wear this thing on your body and it will play a role. I believe these few years are enough for the old man to pass on what he has learned all his life.”

"Thank you!" Although Xu Changqing seemed to be making beads easily.Descriptions of its efficacy are also understated.But Zhao Banqian knew very well that the value of this bead in the world is absolutely inestimable, and it is even worse than those authentic ancient spiritual treasures of immortals and Buddhas.People like him who are exhausted can prolong their lifespan. If an ordinary person wears it all year round, it may not be as simple as prolonging life. From this point, he also guessed that this bead is not just for him. , and it was also prepared for Chen Xuantong.

Sure enough, as Zhao Banqian expected, Xu Changqing then said: "You don't need to thank the old man, this thing is too miraculous. It cannot be tolerated by the heavens and earth. It is only temporarily given to the old man to continue his life. Wait for the old man to complete his work Afterwards, you can pass this object to Chen Xuantong, and after he wears it for three years, this object will go where it should go by itself."

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