Nine idlers

Chapter 441

Zhao Banqian shouted loudly.Zhou Qinglan was so panicked that she hurriedly cast a seal on the room to prevent the sound from coming out, and begged Zhao Banqian, "Old Zhao, don't shout! Don't shout! Be careful not to be heard by Master and Yuan Shan." arrive."

"You also know that it would be bad to be heard by your master and Yuan Shan. The old man thought you were confused." Zhao Banqian was very angry, his eyes widened, and he walked back and forth in the room, as if he had been greatly shocked. As if irritated, he taught Zhou Qinglan as he walked: "Do you know how many people want to get your current cultivation level? Do you know how many people in the cultivation world were stuck on the hurdle of refining and transforming Qi?" ?Even your master and my old man, I have not been able to break through the refinement of qi for so many years, form the alchemy, and enter the realm of refining qi and transforming gods. Fortunately, you have enlightened once, and your cultivation has improved several levels , I have cultivated to the realm that others dream of, and now I don’t want to say anything casually! It’s so easy! So comfortable! What do you think of this realm of refining Qi and turning into a god? Is it just garbage thrown away?”

An exasperated Zhao Banqian yelled loudly, his face flushed, because he was angry at Zhou Qinglan for not knowing how to cherish his own place.It's also why Qi Zigong didn't have the good luck of Zhou Qinglan in this alchemy and enlightenment.Zhao Banqian recalled his hard work for so many years, but he was always stuck between refining qi and refining qi to transform god.He couldn't advance an inch, but the person in front of him jumped up in a few days, and his cultivation realm was far beyond him.He has reached a state where he can't get close even if he practice hard.This naturally caused him to have some complicated emotions. Apart from envy and sighs, he also couldn't hide his jealousy and embarrassment.

While Zhao Banqian vented her emotions, Zhou Qinglan didn't speak, she just stood quietly aside, as if waiting for Zhao Banqian to calm down.After venting the extreme anger in his heart, Zhao Banqian calmed down quickly, adjusted his agitated mood a little bit, and asked blankly: "Why? Mrs. Chen, why do you want to give up this body?" A rare cultivation? If you have something to hide, you can tell it, and everyone will find a solution together."

Zhou Qinglan stared at Zhao Banqian, smiled lightly, and asked back: "Old Zhao, if you had the opportunity to use your cultivation and fortune knowledge to exchange for your wife, children, relatives and friends who were killed back then, would you exchange them?"

Zhao Banqian was stunned, and soon a sad look appeared on his face, he nodded and sighed:

"Old man will!"

"Me too." Zhou Qinglan looked down at the string of Buddhist beads her husband gave her before they got married, and said, "If I achieve the Golden Core Dao, my lifespan will last forever, although I may not be able to live forever. But there should be no problem in living for hundreds of years. In this way, my master, my husband, my son, my grandson, and all my relatives and friends will all die before me, and I will live alone in this world. Longevity, such a great way, how can I benefit from it!"

"But your situation is different from that of the old man." Hearing Zhou Qinglan's words, Zhao Banqian was taken aback for a moment, recovered from his own sentimentality, thought for a while, and said, "What happened to the old man is irreparable, but you can still do it." Make a change. As long as you cultivate the Great Dao of Golden Core, help your husband and son to practice together," Zhao Banqian lowered his voice as if he had thought of something.Then he changed his words and said: "Your husband, Chen Yuanshan, is proficient in alchemy, and his Taoist heart is stable. Your son is profoundly gifted with Taoism, and you have an old man and an old Taoist guarding the Dharma. It is possible that you will not be able to practice successfully. If you can cultivate the golden elixir road, They will have a greater chance of enlightenment, you,"

"Mr. Zhao, why do you lie to me! My master and I practice the method of eliminating demons, we can't see the changes in the way of heaven, but you practice the life of the family, and the way of heaven is like a book in front of your eyes. You read, what things can be hidden from you, why do you lie to me with these useless lies!" Zhou Qinglan smiled bitterly, and said: "Actually, I also wanted to tell you what I said before, as long as I cultivated to gold Dao of Dan. I can attain the Tao by myself, go to heaven with chickens and dogs, and Yuan Shan and the others can also enjoy the joy of longevity with me. But when I realized the Tao, I saw a sliver of God’s will, and I understood that no matter what Yuan Shan and the others will not become , They will only die as mortals, and the reason is that you should know the reason, Mr. Zhao! Because God forbids it."

"There are exceptions to everything, and you don't necessarily have to," Zhao Banqian said without confidence, and his voice became lower and lower.

"Even if there are exceptions, it will never be me." Zhou Qinglan shook her head slightly, and said: "As far as I know when I enlightened, Cousin Changqing is already a fairy who is beyond the Three Realms and does not enter the Five Elements. With his ability Even if I can’t help the people around me to achieve the Dao, let alone a secular person like me who is not sure about the Golden Core Dao!”

Zhao Banqian has seen Xu Changqing's power.He said very positively: "Mr. Xu, that is the disaster that caused the people around him to be involved in the practice world, not because he can't."

Zhou Qinglan pointed upwards and said, "Isn't this an arrangement of God's will!"

Looking at Zhou Qinglan's firm expression.Knowing that he could not persuade her to change her mind, Zhao Banqian stopped talking and sighed slightly.Said: "Forget it! It is God's will, I want to cut off my line of practice. However, the old man is not strong enough to help Mrs. Chen break up the alchemy. You should go to Mr. Xu!"

Zhou Qinglan knew that Zhao Banqian was making excuses, so he didn't ask him any more, but said: "Mr. Zhao doesn't want to be this villain. I understand very well, but I just hope Mr. Zhao will not tell Master about me. He Yuanshan and the others listen. I don't want them to embarrass me."

"I know." Zhao Banqian nodded in agreement, looked at the calm Zhou Qinglan, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, sighed heavily, and walked out of the room.

Although it was already spring, it was still unbearably cold, plus a spring rain that lasted for several days.The whole of Shanghai looks bitingly cold, three points colder than the cold winter.At night, in the urban area of ​​Shanghai, it’s okay. There are always places to have fun in the colorful big Shanghai. The name of the city that never sleeps is worthy of the name, but the situation in the villages on the outskirts of Shanghai is completely opposite.The heavy rain and cold dampened the villagers' interest in visiting relatives and friends.Everyone went back to the room early to rest, and those with a little more family members gathered around the brazier to find some gadgets to pass the time.

The Chen family also closed their doors early like other families, and went back to their rooms.Chen Xuanming's family and the Chen family sisters returned to Shanghai after their mother's birthday banquet, and Zhou Zhenglin also left with him. Although Zhou Zhenglin wanted to stay for a few more days according to Zhou's original intention, it was just that Zhou's business urgently needed him to go As a result, he had to leave the Chen family, and other relatives and friends also left one after another in the next few days, and the Chen family also returned to its former peace.After Chen Yuanshan and others left the alchemy room, they began to work on their own. Zhao Banqian and Mao Fangzheng were responsible for teaching Chen Xuan's Taoism, while Chen Yuanshan sorted out the alchemy methods he had realized during this period and the mastery of them. Taoism, and write it down on paper.Ready to be a book.

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