Nine idlers

Chapter 442

Stop the hour.Zhou Qinglan, who looked a little tired, had a look of satisfaction on his face.After gratefully bowing to Xu Changqing.He quickly walked out of the room.Although the Danyuan was broken up, and his cultivation base returned to before the Danfang realized the Tao, Zhou Qinglan's foundation did not suffer too much damage, but he just didn't adapt to the suddenly empty Dantian, and he could recover after a short rest.

With Xu Changqing's ability, not to mention dispersing the unformed alchemy, even the condensed golden elixir, breaking it up is just a matter of effort.It didn't cost Xu Changqing too much to dispel Zhou Qinglan's golden core foundation.It's just that extracting the Wuji diagram from Zhou Qinglan's three souls and seven souls, but it can't hurt her, really made Xu Changqing difficult for a long time.

Ancestor Chen Tuan is worthy of being a generation of strange people who have been called the ancestors of immortals for thousands of years in the practice world. He realized the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra from the Wuji diagram, created his own method of creating something out of nothing, experienced the great way of opening heaven in his dreams, and experienced the suffering of reincarnation in his dreams.Once you wake up from the dream, you will achieve the ultimate fairyland.The catastrophe is hard to come by.Those who can reach the sky in one step like him, except Jiang Ziya, Sakyamuni, Zhuang Lao, Confucius and Mencius, are slightly better than a few sages.The rest of the people can only walk on steps.Even Xu Changqing, the Man of Destiny in the Dharma-ending Era, is not as good as him.

The Wuji Diagram is Chen Tuan's patriarch achieving immortality.Before ascending to the fairy world, Zhou Qinglan's previous life, Tai Suzi, was bestowed with many fairy family formulas in the inheritance method of integrating magic weapons into his three souls and seven souls.Ordinary practitioners even know that Zhou Qinglan is carrying a treasure.There is absolutely no way to take it away, and it may even be counterattacked and killed by the prohibition set by the ancestor Chen Tuan when he seized it.Fortunately, Xu Changqing's Dao realm at this moment is no worse than that of Chen Tuan's old ancestor back then, and he possesses the great destruction sword energy that contains the power to transform nothingness. Through the simplest and direct water grinding kung fu, Chen Tuan's prohibition is gradually transformed into Nothingness, and cut off the magic power of the golden fairy connecting Zhou Qinglan's three souls and seven souls in the Wuji diagram one by one.Only then did he take out the Wuji Diagram that was returned to its original source by Patriarch Chen Tuan.

Although Xu Changqing's spellcasting is very careful.But it still hurt Zhou Qinglan's three souls and seven souls, and caused some of her previous life memories to dissipate.This made it necessary for her to recover for a period of time, so that her soul could bear the harm and pain caused by the concentric locking method again.So Xu Changqing can just take advantage of this time.Understand the mysteries in the Wuji diagram and integrate them into the world of Qiankun.It is integrated with the road map to make up for the defects of the road map.In order to resist the divine punishment that will occur when the concentric locking method is performed in the near future.Because when Xu Changqing agreed to Zhou Qinglan, he had already clearly felt the dissatisfaction emanating from the familiar coercion of heaven and earth, so it can be guessed.This matter will definitely not be as easy and simple as Zhou Qinglan wishes.

The Wuji Tu which was dragged by Xu Changqing in his hand looked like a cloud of light blue mist, and this cloud of mist kept rolling and changing like a cloud.No matter how its shape changes.Its core part will always maintain the pattern of infinite yin and yang.Xu Changqing was not in a hurry to bring the Wuji Diagram into the Qiankun world. Instead, he attached his spiritual thoughts to the Wuji Diagram, searching for the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra left by the ancestor Chen Tuan.

For the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra of Patriarch Chen Tuan.Xu Changqing can be said to be coveted for a long time.Before.Xu Changqing already knew from the classics in the world of practice that the Heart Sutra of Sleeping Dreams created by Patriarch Chen Tuan, the Great Perfection of the Buddha Realm of One Thought Enlightenment created by Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Zen, and the Dream Butterfly of the Sage Zhuangzi are also known as the three major in the world of practice. The dream of attaining the ultimate Taoism, some people even compare these three kinds of desires with the ancient immortal methods.It's a pity that these three kinds of immortal methods have all been lost in the practice world.Now only some simple written records can be seen in the classics.The first generation of Jiuliu idlers can be considered astonishing talents. They once tried to self-discover a dream-like dream similar to the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra from those ancient books with only a few words, but finally came up with one.Nondescript dao heart state.Fortunately, through the gradual improvement of the Jiuliu idlers in the later dynasties, this method of the Dao Heart Realm has become a Dao Qi method that is no different from the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra, but from another aspect, the Dao Heart Realm can be regarded as born out of itself. ** in the dream.

Now, since Xu Changqing has the opportunity to get a glimpse of the Sleeping Heart Sutra of Patriarch Chen Tuan.Naturally, he would not let it go easily, after all, being able to obtain the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra would not only further change his Dao Mind state, but also be beneficial to his Dao cultivation base.After all, his self-cultivation was improving too fast. Although he continued to strengthen his foundation afterwards, he still felt a little unstable in his heart.If you can cultivate the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra.He can experience a hundred times of reincarnation practice in a dream in a short period of time, taste all kinds of emotions in the world, and stick to his unwavering mind.Reach the real realm of the golden fairy without leaks.

Although Xu Changqing's Golden Immortal Divine Sense is extremely powerful.However, it is still difficult to find the relics left by the ancestor Chen Tuan in the map of Wuji.It took him a long time to adjust the aura of his spiritual sense to the state between nothingness, to temporarily fuse his spiritual sense with the Wuji diagram, and to stick to his original heart and not be able to fully integrate into the state of the Wuji diagram. Void enough to devour everything.when he is in this state.Only then did I find the trace of the true spirit and spiritual thoughts left by the ancestor Chen Tuan in the Wuji diagram, and pulled it out of the Wuji diagram, fused it with my own spiritual thoughts and Taoist heart, and read the spiritual thoughts like reading a whole set of Taoism Huge content in .

Ancestor Chen Tuan indeed left behind many things.Except for the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra that Xu Changqing wanted most.There is also the experience of Patriarch Chen Tuan who enlightened thousands of times in his sleep.Although these experiences cannot be directly absorbed by Xu Changqing.It became his cultivation experience, but many of them can be used for reference, and while experiencing these experiences, he is also gradually mastering the seemingly simple but profound Sleeping Heart Sutra.

"It's no wonder that Patriarch Chen Tuan was able to possess the cultivation base of an ancient immortal when he was only a hundred years old. This Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra is really amazing and overbearing."After gradually mastering the Sleeping Heart Sutra, Xu Changqing couldn't help but gasp.Xinsheng sighed.

In fact, Patriarch Chen Tuan's Heart Sutra for Sleeping Dreams looks very simple. It is divided into four steps: creating a dream, entering a dream, enlightening the Tao, and getting rid of the dream.Among them, the difficulty of creating dreams, entering dreams, and enlightening the Tao is no less difficult for ordinary practitioners than practicing the Golden Core Dao once, but it is very easy for Xu Changqing. The first three steps are quickly mastered.In Xu Changqing's view, the only difficulty is the last step of getting rid of the dream.If you want to get out of the dream world you created, you must first clearly know who you are, if you are like Zhuang Zhou, you can't tell the difference.That will only be trapped in your own dream for the rest of your life.The second is to use the power you gained from enlightenment in your dreams to break your dream world.In other words, every time you experience enlightenment in a dream, you have to fight a life-and-death duel with yourself, so as to transcend your own limits.Its degree of difficulty is no less than against the sky.

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