Nine idlers

Chapter 443 Three Lords of the Upper Realm

In Qizai, Xu Changqing was aroused by the opening scene of the Infinity Map of Jingtian Avenue.When he was stunned for a moment, an incomparably powerful force came from beyond the sky, and easily broke through the barrier of the Great Dao outside the Qiankun World. Figure, seems to want to take it away.

"Take it as a thief without telling me! The three Daoist sages have a high status, so why do they do such a lowly thing? It's too disappointing for me, a low-school junior?" At this moment, Xu Changqing Lixuan who felt something With the thought of giving up, he interrupted the rare opportunity for epiphany, raised his hand and shot a burst of fairy spirit to guide the power of the Innate Dao Wuji Tu itself.Turning into thousands of rays of light, rushing away the power from the outer world, and then collecting the Innate Dao Wuji Diagram into the ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit, beware of the undamaged power on the opposite side.

Xu Changqing has already fully absorbed the memories of ancient gods such as the first punishment of the ancient wild dragon and Zhen Yuanzi.Naturally, it is easy to recognize the source of this power.If it was in the past, as a Taoist disciple, he might be extremely surprised by the appearance of this power, and thus give birth to infinite reverence.But now Xu Changqing can be regarded as the master of a world. Although he is far from being able to compare with them in terms of cultivation base, he is no worse than them in terms of status. Mostly it is a respect for the great sages.

This mysterious power from the upper realm is not without the ability to fight back after being forced away by the Innate Dao Wuji Diagram. Even Xu Changqing can clearly feel the strength of this power.It even gave him the illusion of being an ant.If they wanted to forcibly take this ancient spirit treasure away from Xu Changqing's primordial spirit, even in the Qiankun world, with Xu Changqing's current strength, it would be difficult to keep this supreme spirit treasure that he just obtained.But when he was ready to do his best, the other party seemed to lose interest in this spirit treasure, and instead of forcibly ingesting it, he began to change, splitting into three.Three vague figures formed.

"Fellow Daoist Changqing, this is the second time we have met!" The figure in the middle said to Xu Changqing in a friendly and natural tone, as if he had not seen a friend for many years.

This kind of sound penetrated all the protection around Xu Changqing's primordial spirit, and sounded directly in his Daoist heart, giving him a feeling of waking up and empowering him.Although this voice made Xu Changqing feel very kind.But he never had the slightest thought of presumptuousness. Instead, he saluted the figure with a slightly serious face, and said, "Changqing can't be regarded as a Taoist friend in front of Daoist; please call Changqing directly by his name."

"You are well-behaved and courteous here. If it was back then, you might have been admitted to Yuxu Palace." At this time, a very young voice came from the figure on the right, his tone was slightly frivolous and arrogant, and his whole body breathed It also contains a kind of destruction that is no less powerful than the destructive sword energy.


"What are you talking about so much nonsense?" Another majestic voice came from the figure on the other side, and from him a supreme pressure rushed towards Xu Changqing, and said at the same time: "Xu Changqing, this innate way The Wuji Diagram is not a mortal thing, you can't hold it, I don't want to force it, you hand it over yourself!"

"Does the Daoist think things are too simple?" Xu Changqing's face darkened slightly, and he said, "This thing is a spiritual treasure, and it should be obtained by someone who is destined! Since this thing can be combined into one in my hands, return From my original appearance, it can be seen that I am the one who is predestined, and now Dao Zun wants to take it away by force. The younger generation naturally has no way to stop it, but this thing is the treasure of heaven and earth. If Dao Zun is so plundering, isn't he afraid to form a relationship with me? Is it a big cause and effect?"

"Haha! You are interesting, kid!" The arrogant voice sounded again, and said, "Fated people? Cause and effect? ​​You would use those bald-headed deceptive words to come and threaten us, don't you know that the way is natural and ten thousand ways With the original heart, everything is done according to the heart, and the party is righteous!" The address of this site has been changed to: Please log in to Yuandu

Hearing this passage, Xu Changqing seemed to have a feeling.There was no words to refute, but the friendly old voice at the beginning said again: "You should not have obtained the Wuji Diagram, but the Emperor of Heaven in the world concealed the secret and gave this thing to you. It is a disaster rather than a blessing for you to cultivate the Innate Dao Wuji Diagram with the power of creation and creation in this universe."

A hint of surprise appeared on Xu Changqing's face.Said: "Dao Zun is saying that the Emperor of Heaven in the world calculated the Yijing to today's events more than 1000 years ago? Chen Tuan's ancestor passed on the Dharma from generation to generation and other things were also arranged by him?"

"Hmph! You think highly of him too! Although he is transformed into the Dao of Heaven, he is nothing more than a puppet! He only cultivates supernatural powers and doesn't know the Dao. Let alone things that will happen after a thousand years, he can't even calculate things that will happen ten years later." The majestic voice sounded in Xu Changqing's Daoben heart, and said: "This map of Wuji has been held in his hands for tens of thousands of years. But no matter where this map is, when the man of destiny appears, he will introduce this map into the hands of the man of destiny, because only the man of destiny can use the map of the road and the map of infinity, and can also combine the two pictures into one. Didn't you feel strange before? The Dao map and the Wuji map are both treasures of heaven and earth. Two such magical and powerful treasures are fused together, but you have not encountered any difficulties. Everything is so easy and simple, just It's like pouring water from one cup into another. It's the same as inside the cup."

Hearing these remarks, Xu Changqing's face became more and more gloomy, just as the other party said.He did feel that things went too smoothly, as if someone had arranged it in advance.After being suspicious, he couldn't help but ask: "Why? Why is the emperor, who is so expensive in the world, so interested in an ancient treasure? I can feel that although the Infinity Diagram of the Innate Dao contains the truth of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, it can be alone In terms of the power of the treasure, it is far inferior to the Great Desolation Sword he once had." He can even give up the Great Desolation Sword, so why should he be obsessed with an Innate Dao Wuji Diagram? "

"No one wants to be a puppet for eternity, until the infinite kalpa rises, the sky is wiped out, and everything returns to the origin of chaos, let alone the arrogant emperor of the ancient dragon!" The arrogant voice sounded again, but this time There was a touch of ordinary people's pity in his tone, and he said: "In the Wuji diagram of the Xiantian Dao, there are three kinds of heaven and earth avenues, the Kaitian Dao, the Wu Dao, and the Jiemie Dao, as well as the Nine Thousand Hunyuan Trail, any kind of Dao, All of them have the power of transcending catastrophe and returning to Hunyuan, the emperor needs to use these ways of the sky to cut off the chain of heaven and fate attached to him by the world of heaven, and regain his freedom."

Xu Changqing couldn't help asking again: "Since this thing is so important, why did Daoist keep it in the world?"

"If you don't do this, how can your universe and world be brewed and completed so quickly." The voice of Wei Chan said impatiently: "Now that all the doubts in your heart have been solved, do you still want to continue to resist? . As he spoke, he paused, and said with deep meaning: "I really hope that you can resist, and see how far your strength has gone. You must know that your opponent is already honored as a Taoist. "

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