Nine idlers

Chapter 444

Maybe it's because the Emperor of Heaven in the world was indeed completely immersed in the Shuangtian Avenue. When Xu Changqing cast a spell a few days later to change Chen Yuanshan and Zhou Qinglan's fate against the sky and condense the concentric lock of all generations, the Heaven in the world did not react too much to it. , but dozens of tribulation thunders were dropped.Although these tribulation thunders are terrifying in the eyes of Mao Fangzheng and others, enough to make Ren Nian in the practice world lose his soul, but for Xu Changqing, such tribulation thunders can't hurt him at all. It is enough to block all the thunderstorms.The whole process of casting the spell was so smooth that Xu Changqing had the illusion of failing to cast the spell smoothly.Fortunately, after casting the spell, even Zhao Banqian could clearly feel that Chen Yuanshan's and Zhou Qinglan's fate breaths were connected together.

After helping the two to form a concentric lock, things calmed down again. The only thing that worried Xu Changqing was that since he passed that trace of magic energy to Long Jinbao, Long Jinbao had never heard from him. The removal of people also stopped.Because Xu Changqing had promised Long Jinbao not to intervene in this matter and let Long Jinbao avenge himself, so even though he was a little worried, he didn't bother to find out where Long Jinbao was or to help. The strength is completely able to handle it.

On such a peaceful day, while waiting for the news, Xu Changqing stayed at Chen Yuanshan's house, comprehending the Dao of Opening Heaven and the Dao of Being and Nothing deeply hidden in the heart of Dao.In addition, he also re-refined the discarded sword pill of the ancient sword fairy in his hand, and cast a spell to extract the sword spirit left by the ancient sword fairy in his life, and deduced from it that he can now Immortal swordsmanship performed at will.

Although it is not clear which sword fairy in ancient times the owner of this sword pill is, Xu Changqing really admires the immortal sword art he has cultivated all his life from his sword intent. Only practice one style of sword art.The sword formula practiced by this Shangchuang Immortal at the beginning is somewhat similar to the most common Jian Gang Ji in sword cultivating sects such as the Donghua School, but after continuous improvement and rework throughout his life, the thick and ordinary Jian Gang Jue has become Very unusual.It can be seen from the last battle of the ancient sword fairy left behind by the sword intent that when he performed the final sword art, dozens of ancient demons comparable to immortals and Buddhas who confronted him were all reduced to ashes , Even the true spirit of the primordial spirit could not escape.

This type of sword formula is nothing compared to the Xianjia Jue that Xu Changqing deduced before; it only took him two days to fully master it, and he can fully use it with his current cultivation base.

However, when mastering this type of sword formula, he also felt that this type of creation formula was too strong, and there was no room for turning around after making a move. If you don't hurt others, you will hurt yourself, which is not in line with his character.So he spent another day slightly modifying it, at the cost of reducing the power of Jian Gang, making Jian Gang a lot rounder.However, since he replaced the Yuanshen Jianwan, which is the core of the sword art, with Zhenwu Dangmoke, the overall power has not weakened at all, but is much stronger than before.

On this day, Xu Changqing tried to use the spirit energy of the five elements of heaven and earth to promote Jian Gang Jue, which changed the single Jian Gang Jue. Chen Xuantong also felt it, and everyone gathered in the small courtyard of Danfang, guessing what happened in the north.Different from others who are dazed, Xu Changqing is very clear about what happened in the north.He can feel all kinds of magical breaths and the breath of limit-breaking power from the turbulent flow of spiritual energy.It seems that Long Jinbao has already made a big move in the north.The address of this site has been changed to: Football Association Au Peng, please log in to read

This turbulent flow of spiritual energy came and went quickly, and it took only a cup of tea before and after. As the turbulent flow of spiritual energy disappeared, Xu Changqing, who had been retreating in the alchemy room, disappeared at the same time.It's just that Xu Changqing left without saying hello to anyone.So other people always thought that Xu Changqing was retreating in the alchemy room.It was not until a few years later that Chen Yuanshan's family, Mao Fangzheng and others were preparing to take refuge in the south due to the war, only then did they find that Xu Changqing had already left, and they never saw Xu Changqing again.


Zhao Banqian passed away in the second year after arriving in Guangzhou, and Mao Fangzheng also passed away a month after Japan announced its surrender in [-].Chen Yuanshan and his wife Zhou Qinglan have been devoting themselves to sorting out the classics in the practice world, and named them Xianxue.After sorting out all the folk practice classics, Chen Yuanshan was exhausted. In addition, he founded Xianxue, which was an act against the heavens. After passing away, his wife Zhou Qinglan also closed her six senses, cut off her vital energy, and reincarnated with her husband like a samsara.Chen Xuantong, the successor of Zhao Mao and Chen Zhou's home Taoism, moved to Hong Kong in [-].He also taught apprentices publicly, and spread the Mao family's method of exorcising ghosts and demons, the knowledge of fate and the family's celestial knowledge in Hong Kong, forming various schools of Taoism.After returning to the mainland to attend the funeral of his parents in [-], he went to the Kunlun Mountains of Tibet alone.In [-], he finally lost track of Duxue Mountain.

When the Nanjing government retreated to Chongqing, Chen Deshang also went to Chongqing together, and died of a heart attack in Chengdu the following year. His second son, Chen Fan, formally took over all the power he had received, including intelligence all over China.It's just that Chen Fan's political investment failed, so he had to give up all the assets of the Chen family in Huaxia in [-], and retreated to Taiwan with the remnants of the Kuomintang.In [-], he learned that the ancestral grave of the Chen family had been dug up because of him, and the bones of the ancestors of the past generations had been abandoned in the wilderness.Chen Huilan emigrated to Australia with her husband before Japan invaded China, and her children also joined different political parties and armies for their own ideals. She didn't die until [-].

During World War II, Chen Jingguo's property not only did not shrink, but increased a lot. In addition, Chen Deshang returned to Chen Jingguo the Chen family's European property that was taken from him before his death, which made the power of the European Chen family consortium even stronger. For growing.The huge Chen family consortium made some old consortium families in Europe and the governments of European countries feel jealous, so they jointly suppressed it.Although Chen Jingguo was extremely intelligent, he was no match for four with two fists.In the end, a compromise had to be made. Except for a few main companies of the Chen Consortium, all the other peripheral companies were changed to small holdings, but they gave up the right to operate, which saved the European Chen Consortium.But after this battle.The European Chen's consortium was seriously injured, and finally gradually retreated behind the scenes.Become an unknown international investment consortium.

Chen Zhangping has always been a happy son under the protection of Chen Jingguo. His wife gave birth to two daughters and a son, and he himself had countless illegitimate children outside, so that after his death in 50, some More than 200 people stood up and claimed to be his descendants, vying for his inheritance worth [-] million yuan.

Before World War II, Chen Tao's business in South America had been very smooth, but after World War II, the United States began to intervene in the South American economy.With Chen Tao's strength, he can't compete with a country at all.In the end, it can only give up most of the interests of South America.They merged into the American consortium by financing, exchanging shares, etc., and preserved the Chen family in the Americas.Apart from his own problems, the reason why Chen Tao was suppressed was that the paper figurine passed away in [-], and Chen Zhenshan and his wife left the United States in [-] without a trace. People who are beyond the capacity of the world are unwilling to intervene in these worldly affairs, and they all reject Chen Tao's request, which makes Chen Tao lose the will to resist, and can only choose to compromise in the end.

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