Nine idlers

Chapter 446 Tianjin Jingyuan

Since Tianjin was re-controlled by the National Government.Tianjin's economy has become smoky again.Chinese and foreign businessmen gather here, and there are endless ships entering and leaving Tianjin Port every day.If Shanghai is the outlet for materials from southern China.Then Tianjin is the outlet for materials in northern China, and its prosperity is no worse than that of Shanghai.Driven by the economy, the Liyuan opera troupe in Tianjin has also ushered in a period of prosperity. As long as they can sing a few lines, they will not worry about not being able to eat this bowl of rice in Tianjin.In Tianjin, famous actors in various troupes are highly praised. Although their identities are still regarded as lowly by those scholarly families, their social status has been raised a lot by the people around them. Powerful merchant officials also respectfully address these celebrities as bosses when they see them.

Luo Yunsheng's opera in Tianjin Liyuan can be regarded as a small role, and his Qin opera major tune is a masterpiece, but it's a pity that this is in Tianjin.People from Tianjin, who are accustomed to Beijing opera and Kunqu opera, are naturally not interested in this kind of bold and bold singing, so the Yunsheng troupe he belongs to can only perform in small teahouses and theaters in some poor neighborhoods.Fortunately, most of the people working at Tianjin Wharf are from Shaanxi, Gansu and other places. They are naturally very happy to hear this kind of hometown opera that can only be seen in temple fairs and festivals in Tianjin.Although the money they could give was not much, they finally supported the Yunsheng class, allowing the Yunsheng class to gain a foothold in Tianjin, the land of Longtan.

On this day, the Yunsheng troupe opened a play at the Deju Building outside the front gate of the old city of Tianjin. They sang the famous play You Xihu to save Peisheng. Coolies who don't have two coins are willing to tip a few coins.After Luo Yunsheng finished singing, he went to the backstage, and the boss of Yunsheng Class led a middle-aged man in a western suit over. Before the boss could introduce him, the middle-aged man went forward on his own With a strange tone that is cold in the bones, but the words seem to be very enthusiastic, he greeted with fists: "Boss Yun, you can sing well! Even if you are in the background, you can hear your blood churning!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Luo Yunsheng frowned slightly, and couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.Although You Xihu Rescue Pei Sheng is a famous play in Qin Opera, its singing skills and rhymes cannot fully show the characteristics of Qin Opera, let alone a hot-blooded passion, and the biggest feature of this play is the part of breathing fire.The compliments of the middle-aged man in front of him revealed his identity as a layman. Thinking of Qin Opera's current position in Tianjin Wei, Luo Yunsheng couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Although there were some small emotions in his heart, Luo Yunsheng, who was used to Jianghu roads, naturally knew what it means to hide his anger and anger, raised his hands and cupped his fists at the middle-aged man, and said, "Mr. "

However, this middle-aged man seems to be very good at observing words and expressions. Although Luo Yunsheng concealed it very well, the middle-aged man can see Luo Yunsheng's inner emotions just by a few details. To answer Luo Yunsheng's question, he just played with Jasper's thumb.

Feeling that the atmosphere had become a little awkward, the boss of Yunsheng Class hurried forward to make a rescue, and said, "This is Mr. Fang, the external manager of Jingyuan. I came here today to invite our Yunsheng Class to perform in Jingyuan tonight."

heard the news.Luo Yunsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed an unconcealable surprise, and he quickly agreed: "Thank you for your love, my lord. My Yunsheng class will definitely be there tonight."

"It's the best! Jingyuan will open tonight. Master has invited more than a dozen major troupes from Tianjin Wei to perform together. I hope your Yunsheng troupe will not disappoint master." Seeing Luo Yunsheng like this, the middle-aged man couldn't help sneering For a moment, he thought that he was just a flatterer and greedy for money, and looked down on Luo Yunsheng by two points, and took out a bundle of invitations.Throwing it to Luo Yunsheng, after saying a few words, he turned and left Deju Building.

The attitude of the middle-aged man did not affect the mood of the boss of Yunsheng class. He picked up the invitation card on the ground with a happy face, opened it and read it twice.Luo Yunsheng, who seemed to be lost in thought, said to the side: "Yunsheng! This is a great opportunity for our Yunsheng class. If we can get the appreciation of Jingyuan tonight, our Yunsheng class can have a good time in Tianjin Wei." .They are here for you this time, you have to act carefully tonight, don't make any mistakes."

Everyone in Tianjin knows the one who lives in the Jingyuan of the Japanese Concession. Although he is just a phoenix that has lost its hair, he is still a phoenix after all.It still has some influence on the ground in Tianjin.The large and small theater troupes who eat in Liyuan in Tianjin want to get into Jingyuan even if they sharpen their heads, and sing a play, and the person in Jingyuan praises it, which is enough to make the troupe stand firmly in this dragon snake. Miscellaneous Tianjin Wei.For the Yunsheng class who can only roll around at the lower level, it is very good to be invited. As long as they don't mess up in Jingyuan, they will be considered a success.

Luo Yunsheng nodded and responded to the troupe owner's instructions, but he was thinking about other things in his heart. In the end, he simply accused the boss of preparing for the evening performance, and went back to the private room prepared for him by the theater alone.After returning to the private room, he told the troupe not to disturb him, then locked the door, and took off his makeup in front of the mirror alone, with a very weird smile on his face, which seemed to contain joy, excitement, hatred, murder, etc. When it is clear, this makes him look extraordinarily sinister.

"Master, Senior Brother, Junior Brother Xiaoyue. You all know it too! Our chance has come, just tonight, as long as I get close to Fu Yi, I can get rid of that scourge and avenge you! Don't worry , I have been preparing for this day for ten years, and I will never miss it."

I saw Luo Yunsheng taking off his makeup.While talking to himself, it seems that there are other people by his side, which generally feels very strange.After removing all the paint from his face, he stood up, turned around and walked to a waist-length wardrobe, squatted down under the wardrobe and painted with his nails lightly, and then heard a click, and a piece of paper popped out from the bottom of the wardrobe. The drawer, after opening the drawer, I saw nine ghost-headed flags neatly placed inside.A cloud of evil spirit immediately filled the whole room, and the hot tea on the table also cooled down quickly under the influence of this evil spirit.

Luo Yunsheng is no ordinary actor.He is the descendant of Xia Jiuliu Lingmen. The sect he belongs to is called Guiqinmen. The patriarch of his sect was born by robbing a tomb. Later, in an ancient tomb, he accidentally obtained a volume of practice methods of heretics, which allowed him to be promoted to the world of practice. Create a legacy.Although their sect is already regarded as a heretical sect in the practice world, they sometimes do some activities of robbing and digging graves. In addition, because their dead sect is mostly active in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and other places, they are also masters of Qin Opera. tune, so people in the lower class call them ghost Qinmen.It's just that they thought the name was unpleasant and unlucky, so they changed it to Guiqinmen.

Your relatives can gain a foothold in the practice world.It was because of the practice method of heretics, and now all of them have been wiped out, leaving Luo Yunsheng alone.It is also because of the method of practicing heretics.After the appearance of Kunlun Wonderland, the master of Guiqinmen knew himself, and did not go to Kunlun Wonderland with other sects of lower nine streams that merged into the Outer Dao League, and escaped a murder. , Someone took a fancy to the heretic practice secret book in his door.Overnight, dozens of members of the demonic way broke into their door and killed all of them. In the end, only Luo Yunsheng, who went out to take medicine, escaped.

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