Nine idlers

Chapter 447

With the passage of time, Luo Yunsheng felt that his stand-in, Fan Jing, had opened Tianjin after his fashion, and at this moment, the big drama in the atrium had been performed one by one, and Fu Yi and his queen and concubine returned to the bedroom.At this time, except for Fuyi who was still protected by the demons, the other tense Japanese soldiers all dispersed and returned to their original sentry positions. Jingyuan's protective circle also became a little loose at this time.Luo Yunsheng, who had been hiding on the roof, thought that the opportunity had come, so he slowly moved his figure transformed into a ghost mist below, and disappeared into the shadows of the surrounding trees and porch.Slowly moved towards the bedroom where Fuyi was.

When Luo Yunsheng moved under the outer window of the room on the second floor of Fuyi, he stopped suddenly.Go back to the shadow of the tree you passed just now, and once again raise the Nine Shackles Miehun Banner to form a seal.As soon as he disappeared, several Japanese ninjas gathered from all around and stopped at the place where Luo Yunsheng had just stopped.Among these Japanese ninjas, there was the ninja who had a sense of evil spirit before, and this ninja seemed to be the leader of other people. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to sweep the layer of water on the ground. Open it, revealing a piece of wooden talisman under the soil that has been broken into two sections.Seeing the broken wooden talisman, the ninja's eyes immediately became sharp, and he gave a low order, and the other ninjas also became nervous, each drew out their weapons, and guarded their surroundings. One of the ninjas drew out a similar The object of the whistle, which appears to be about to blow it.

Luo Yunsheng knew that he had touched the mechanism buried by those ninjas. Although his figure had not been exposed, if these ninjas spread the news that someone had invaded Jingyuan, the opportunity he had waited so hard for would be lost. He has no time to wait for a second chance after refining the Sha Mie Hun Banner into his body. Regardless of the final success or failure of the matter, his body can no longer withstand the Yin Sha power of the Nine Sha Mie Hun Banner, and will eventually become a The sacrifice of the ghost in the banner.

Luo Yunsheng, who had no way out, no longer hesitated, just when the ninja was about to blow his whistle.He immediately pushed the evil spirit power in his body, raised the Nine Evil Extinguishing Soul Banner, formed the Nine Cellar Formation, and enveloped the building including the surrounding bushes and flowers.

When the ninja blew the whistle, all the sounds were absorbed by the force of the Jiusha Miehun Banner. Although it sounded very loud to these people's ears, the people outside the Jiusha Miehun Banner did not hear it at all. They couldn't hear it, and even they could only see the illusion created by the Nine Fiends Miehun Banner sealing the world.

When the whistle blew, all the other ninjas relaxed at the same time. Only the ninja leader became more nervous. He pulled out two knives from his waist, one long and one short, and held them in front of him. , like a entrenched poisonous snake, ready to deal with attacks from other directions at any time.

It was the first time for Luo Yunsheng to fully display the power of the Nine Evil Soul Extinguishing Banner. The power he felt from it gave him the illusion that he could compete with the sky, and those ninjas and demons who had made him care about three points before had already He was regarded as an ant.He pinched the formula with his hands, controlled the three evil ghosts with his mind, and pointed at the ninjas, while he himself no longer hid his figure, and led the remaining ghosts to rush towards Jiang Yi's room. The shrill and miserable screams in his ears were like beautiful music, which made him fascinated.

A few minutes ago, in Fuyi's room on the second floor, Fuyi's queen and concubine went back to their rooms to rest, while he was talking with a Japanese guest he received today in the reception room. Except for these two people in the room , and four highly cultivated demons always occupied the four corners of the room.

"Mr. Nanyuan, why hasn't there been any clue about your promise to Lianhe?" Boyi, who heard the bad news again, slapped the table vigorously, puffed up his chest, and tried to look as brave as possible, facing the opposite The Japanese scolded.

"Your Majesty, there must always be a priority." Hideo Nanyuan, who was the couplet, was not at all intimidated by Qingyi's pretentious power.Picking up the teacup on the table, he took a sip unhurriedly, and said: "Now our Kwantung Army has not completely controlled Manchuria, and Zhang Zuoshuang's son Zhang Xueliang still has great influence in Manchuria. This person is very close to the government of the Republic of China. If this It’s time to rashly let His Majesty go to Manzhou, I’m afraid there will be unforeseen dangers.”

"It's this set again!" Fu Yi's expression turned ugly.Said: "When Zhang Zuoshuang was alive, you also said the same, but now it's Zhang Xueliang, and you still use the same rhetoric." He snorted coldly and said: "If your strength is not enough, Lian can find another Partner. Mr. Nanyuan. What do you think of the Soviet Union?"

Hideo Nanyuan's expression darkened.There was a sharp look in his eyes, and he said in a slightly threatening tone: "Is Your Majesty planning to abandon the friendly relationship between Japan and Qing that we have built up over the years? Does Your Majesty know the consequences of doing so?"

After finishing, Hideo Nanyuan's expression froze suddenly, and there was an inexplicable fear in his eyes.But soon this same look disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

"Isn't it because you don't pay attention to the relationship with Lian?" Facing Hideo Nanyuan's scolding question, Fu Yi, who was still a little bit courageous just now, became a little soft.He lowered his head slightly, not daring to meet Nan Yuan's gaze.His tone was no longer as strong as before, and he didn't notice Hideo Nanyuan's abnormality at all.

In fact, compared to Qi Yi, Hideo Nanyuan's heart seemed even more restless.several years ago.He also served as Fuyi's liaison officer. At that time, there were no other forces around Fuyi except for the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so it could be said that it was very easy to control.But half a year ago, after he resumed his position as a liaison officer, he discovered that there were already a group of people around Fuyi, and all of these people had such an evil spirit, which made a person like him who thought he had a firm heart feel a little horrified when he saw it. .

Hideo Nanyuan also asked the former liaison officer before, and the information he got was that these people were folks who were pro-Qing people, and they joined in over the past few years.Because there was no one around Fu Yi, these people were very welcome to join Fu Yi, and they were all included in his personal guards.Replaced the previous Japanese soldiers.Although the former liaison officer objected to this, but because he could not fall out with Fu Yi, and there were only more than 20 people in the pro-guards, he felt that even if something happened, it would not be possible to cause too much trouble.Finally compromised.

Compared with the former liaison officer, Hideo Nanyuan, who has stayed in China all year round, obviously knows China better.He knew that Huaxia had hidden a large number of strange people who could be turned into immortals by them. Each of these people had ghost-like powers, and they could not be hurt by ordinary weapons.Fortunately, most of these people don't care about worldly affairs, and they also act as bystanders to worldly battles, so the Japanese army was able to plunder the land of China.However, in Nanyuan Hideo's view, these folks who joined Fuyi's personal guards are almost certain that they are definitely those legendary strange people. This is not just a guess, but he also knows from his ninja leader Many Japanese soldiers believed by the military to be assassinated by anti-Japanese forces were actually eaten by these strange people as blood.

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