Nine idlers

Chapter 448 Changes in the Mountain City

As usual, Huo Dingwen played a set of Wuqinxi in the yard, and then took Bixian.Sweep away the leaves and flowers that fell from the rainstorm last night in the temple, add sesame oil to the oil lamps in the temple, and tidy up your clothes. After everything is ready, you open the temple gate to welcome the few pilgrims.Although the Chenjiachong Taohuashan Temple was only built 20 years ago, it is the third generation that has been passed down to Huo Dingwen's generation. A plague addiction, the second generation Miao Zhu died in the Civil War a few years ago.Huo Dingwen was an orphan and was adopted by the second generation Miao Zhu since he was a child.After the death of the second-generation Miaozhu, it became logical to become the third-generation Miaozhu of Taohuashan.

Although the temples of the Mountain God Temple are full of disasters and calamities, this does not affect the believers' belief in the mountain god of Taohua Mountain. The incense in the temple has never been broken. Every day, there are always some believers or from the nearby Chenjia Chong. Or come here to offer incense from Shaoguan and the surrounding cottages.The reason for this is mainly because this Peach Blossom Mountain is so magical. The dense fog on the mountain has lasted for more than 20 years. Anyone who enters the mountain will get lost in the dense fog, and then inexplicably change from the original Lu retreated back.

Huo Dingwen has a deep understanding of the magic of Peach Blossom Workers since he was a child. When he was a child, he was playful and always went to Peach Blossom Mountain to play, regardless of his adoptive father's scolding.

Unlike others, he has seen a huge peach tree more than ten feet high and an old house in the depths of Peach Blossom Mountain many times.It's a pity that every time he wanted to get close to the big peach tree and the house, he would somehow return to the outside of the peach blossom mountain. This situation lasted until he was about ten years old, and he was just like ordinary people.

At that time, the first generation of Lao Miaozhu was still alive.After hearing Huo Dingwen's words, he repeatedly touched Huo Dingwen's head and praised him for his good fortune.He was able to see the foreign minister of the mountain god and the residence of the gods, and told Huo Dingwen's adoptive father that he was going to let him inherit the Taohuashan mountain temple.I heard from Lao Miaozhu that there used to be a Yizhuang on Taohua Mountain, which was specially provided by Chen Jiachong's former owner, the Chen family in the south, to enshrine a god and man.It was the land gods who left 20 years ago and sealed the mountain with guns, so that the dense fog on Taohua Mountain would not disperse for 20 years.As for the extraordinarily large peach tree, it is the appearance of the mountain god of the Peach Blossom Mountain. Anyone who can see the large peach tree is a lucky person. It can also prolong life and get rid of car diseases.

Although Peach Blossom Mountain is protected by gods and gods, and the perennial thick fog deters many people with different ideas, it can be regarded as a paradise in this troubled world. They all moved here.Normally, these people will not approach Taohua Mountain, but if there is a war or disaster, they will hide in the dense fog of Taohua Mountain, and the mountain god of Taohua Mountain will also be psychic at this moment, and will not send them to Taohua Mountain as usual. Outside the fog, save their lives.As a result, more and more people gathered here. After 20 years, a small village gradually formed, and the locals call it Taohua Village.

Compared with Taohua Village, which has something to rely on.Chenjiachong Mountain City not far from here was not so lucky.According to the old people who moved from Chenjiachong, Chenjiachong 20 years ago was completely different from Chenjiachong today. At that time, there was no switch in Shaoguan, and the Chen family was not separated. The prosperity of Chenjiachong at that time was not the same as that of Guangzhou city. not bad.What these old people like to talk about the most is the Water and Land Ceremony that Chen Jiachong holds every year during the Yulan Basin Festival. At that time, Chenjiachong Mountain City can be said to be crowded with people, and eminent monks and great virtues from all over the world gather here to save the dead. Even the north is also famous. come.

It's a pity that 20 years ago, after the gods who lived on Taohua Mountain and assisted the Chen family in the south for hundreds of years left, the situation in the Chen family's Chongshan City became worse and worse.First of all, the Chen family who lived in these hundreds of years suddenly separated. Neither the main family nor the branch family took Chenjia Chongshan City as the center of the Chen family, but just regarded it as a dispensable ancestral house, and sometimes came back. Worship ancestors.Later, the patriarchs of the Chen family in the north and south moved their ancestral graves to Nanjing and Guangzhou, and only a few old servants were left to take care of the ancestral house of the Chen family.

With the departure of the Chen family who is the backbone of the Chen family Chongshan City.Chenjiachong also gradually began to decline, and most of the people who lived in Chenjiachong also left with the Chen family, and the rest mixed with the Miao, Li and other ethnic groups who moved here.after.With the victory of the revolution, Shaoguan opened and closed, and the taxes to be paid by caravans traveling between Huguang and Huguang were also reduced a lot. As a result, no one took the long way to take the Chenjiachong business road in the mountains, and the mountain city of Chenjiachong gradually became an inaccessible mountain plug. .

More than ten years ago, there was a plague in Chenjiachong Mountain City, and many people died of the plague. This made Chenjiachong Mountain City even more desolate, and even the Li and Miao tribes left one after another.For a long time, there were only a dozen people living in the huge Chenjiachong mountain city, and it almost became a ghost town at night. In addition, the people who died of the plague were buried nearby, making the mountain city look like it was surrounded by countless graves. Surrounded like.Added a bit of gloom.

A few east ago, the mountain city of Chenjiachong was prosperous again, but this kind of prosperity was not liked by people.Due to the many disasters and disasters in the outside world, many people turned into bandits, plus some military forces who failed in the political struggle, bandits gradually ran rampant on the land of China.After the Republic of China government formally took power, it began to eliminate these bandits and bandits, and Guangdong, the place where the Republic of China started, was naturally the top priority, and many bandits were wiped out.Even so, some well-connected bandits escaped unharmed.Hiding in the mountains, Chenjiachong Mountain City, which is remote, surrounded by mountains, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and easy to retreat, naturally became the best refuge for these bandits.

After several years of fighting, these bandits entrenched in Chenjiachong Mountain City gradually formed three forces, among which the Butiandiao was the most powerful, followed by Zheng Dapao and Sun Nineteen, and some forces were subordinate to the three.These bandits also have cottages on the surrounding mountains, and they usually live in Chenjiachong Mountain City. If there are officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress them, they will hide in the mountains to avoid disaster until the officers and soldiers retreat.Due to the special geographical location of Chenjiachong Mountain City, its hidden roads in the mountains lead to all parts of the north and south, so this place has become the largest gathering place for stolen goods and smuggled arms in the south.Most of the bandits, horse thieves, and even the regular army in the south, especially in the southwest, would come here to sell their stolen goods and buy the ammunition and various items they needed. As a result, Chenjiachong Mountain City prospered again, but this prosperity was somewhat deformed.

Although these bandits are usually rampant.Even the vicious Miao and Li tribes were a little afraid of these desperadoes, but there were two places beside Chenjia Chongshan City, and these bandits never offended them. One was naturally the Chen family's ancestral house, and the other was Peach Blossom Mountain.

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