Nine idlers

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Guandi Tribulation

"Xiaoshan, you and Xiaojuan stay here well, and the master will come whenever you go." Xu Changqing led the brothers and sisters of the Huang family to Xiaoshan and said.

"Well! Xiao Shan won't leave." Huang Shan nodded vigorously and said.

Huang Juan was very sensible, took Xu Changqing's hand and said, "Master, be careful!"

Xu Changqing smiled and 'touched' the heads of the two, stood up, joined his hands together in the seal, and said with a deep hum: "Chi!"

I saw Daotu rushing out from the Baihui hole on the top of Xu Changqing's head, and then it became bigger in the air, covering the whole hill, and then sank down, turning this place into a seal to protect the Huangshan brothers and sisters. in it.After setting up the two brothers and sisters, Xu Changqing walked out of the closed world of the road map, picked up the ghosts and spirits, and rushed towards Changhe Township.

At this moment, Changhe Township has become a Shura hell. Dozens of horse thieves from far and near are concentrated in this place within a radius of less than ten miles to catch each other and fight each other. The house resisted the attack of horse thieves outside.

At this moment, the Taiqing Liangyi Locking Spirit Formation was on the verge of collapse due to the overwhelming resentment, and the original ability to lock people's minds had also lost its effect. The target rushed over.

When Xu Changqing passed the gate of the main hall of the Zhao family, he saw that Tang Tianhao had taken off the black scarf on his face and no longer concealed his identity, and the Zhao family also took out the corpses of Tang Biao and the fake Tang Wei and hung them on the At the door, they all looked immortal.Although Tang Tianhao's side had excellent foreign guns and small artillery, the Zhao family did not show any weakness. The bows and crossbows hidden in their home were very convenient to use in this kind of street fighting, and the two were at a stalemate for a while.

Xu Changqing's speed was very fast, from the front yard to the back yard, he rushed over in just a few breaths, and stopped when he came outside the yard he found last night.At this moment, the courtyard that was originally full of guards was completely empty, and the guards were all transferred to the front yard. A plaque with the word ancestral temple was hung on the main entrance of the courtyard. There should have been no one in the courtyard, but there were two people. dialogue sound.

"Brother Yin, where did your apprentice hide that thing? We won't let us turn the ground upside down to find it!" A deep voice came from the yard and said: " Don't forget that this is the heart of the Taiqing Liangyi Locking Spirit Formation, if it moves around and triggers some restrictions again, even we may not be able to escape easily."

"That bastard didn't know who told me about my plan, so that the poisonous oath of my life was destroyed, and even my soul was eaten by evil spirits. Otherwise, why would I bother." Another sinister voice hurriedly explained "Brother Bai, don't worry, I've thought about this too. After the evil spirit in the city destroys this ghost formation completely, I will use the Jiuyou search tool to search here, and I will be able to get rid of it soon." That treasure was found."

Xu Changqing outside the courtyard knew almost without thinking that one of them must be Yin Kui, the great sage of the Nether world, while the other made him feel slightly puzzled. There are not many people in the world who can make Yin Kui so respectful. And there are very few people whose surname is Bai and who can make Yin Kui treat him like a guest.At this moment, Xu Changqing thought of a person, or the name of a monster, Bai Zhan.

Bai Zhan is not human, or he is not human now. He was originally a disciple of Tang Saier, the Holy Mother of the White Lotus Sect. After Tang Saier died in battle, his soul accidentally entered an ancient tomb and threw himself into a white haired In the body of the zombie, it took hundreds of years of practice to turn the white-haired zombie into a bronze armored corpse.However, due to his incompetence in cultivation, he has no possibility of any progress, and can only stay at the stage of the bronze armored corpse forever, and cannot further evolve into the demigod body of the Hanba.Later, he worked under Emperor Qianyuan, and he was known as Yinkui in the world. After Emperor Qianyuan was imprisoned, he fled to Xinjiang and hid in serious injuries, not daring to show his face until he learned that the immortal Buddha was authentic The expert dared to come out for activities only when he was preparing to close the mountain to hide.

Xu Changqing's face was a little dignified, and he thought: "I didn't expect that this time the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon defied the sky, and he was invited to help. It seems that the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon has spent enough money this time."

In the courtyard, Bai Zhan suddenly asked at this moment: "What is the treasure that you have spent so much effort to obtain the Tao? Judging from your appearance, it seems to be a very remarkable thing."

"It may be a useless thing for some people, but for me, it is a treasure that can upgrade my Ten Thousand Ghost Banner to a higher level." Yin Kui smiled, and his words seemed to deliberately conceal something. Something, said: "You should have heard of the evil blood seal that Qin Hui held in his hand before his death!"

"Of course I know!" Bai Zhan nodded and said, "Could it be that the treasure here is the evil blood seal?"

Yin Kui smiled sinisterly and said, "That's right, it's exactly this evil weapon."

Xu Changqing, who was outside the courtyard, couldn't help being stunned when he heard it, and then he looked relieved, thinking in his heart that no wonder it can be used as a suppressor for the Soul Suppressing Tower, it turned out to be this thing.

The treacherous official Qin Hui, who was cast aside through the ages, carved a seal before his death. There was no word on it, only a face of remorse, and after the engraving, he vomited blood and died. It formed an evil blood mark.Perhaps at the moment before Qin Hui's death, he felt very wronged in his heart, thinking that he did participate in Yue Fei's death, but he was not the only one who participated in the death at that time, Zhang Jun and others were also involved, and it was not him who was in charge. , but Song Gaozong Zhao Gou.However, at the end of the day, all the crimes were borne by him alone, and he could not appeal for grievances. The distorted grievances in his heart before he died, the resentment towards Zhao Gou, and his painstaking efforts were all integrated into this blood mark.In addition, over the past few hundred years, the common people's disdain and hatred for him have gradually gathered in the blood seal through the kneeling statue of Qin Hui in front of Yuewang Temple, which makes this evil blood seal full of extremely powerful resentment. It is the best way to suppress the war spirit with this grievance.

Feeling that things were a little out of control, Xu Changqing didn't flinch because of this, but instead showed an excited smile on his face.As early as more than a year ago, he wanted to refine a magic weapon that was completely used for attacking, because the magic weapons and spirit treasures on his body, such as the road map, Bodhisattva relics, three thousand mortal threads, etc., were all defensive. Class or auxiliary class, not aggressive or too small.Originally, he wanted to refine the Thousand Soul Silk in the Ghost Cultivation Secret Book of the Nine Lives True Monarch, but later he did not refine it because the opportunity did not come, and the refining materials are still kept in the universe in his sleeve.

Two days ago, he got the volume of the Underworld Dao of the Nether Great Sage Yinkui, and saw a ghost cultivating magic weapon as famous as the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner, named Yan Wangsuo.After that, he took advantage of the rest time at night to combine Qianhunsi and Yan Wangshuo in the realm of Dao Xin, and created a magic weapon Qianhun Yanwangshuo that could surpass ten thousand ghost banners.After he finished preparing for Changhe Township, he began to refine it, so that he could deal with Yinkui's Ten Thousand Ghost Banners when the evil spirit rushed to the seven stars on April [-]th.

Jiuliu Xianren's lineage has always pursued the doctrine of borrowing. Whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, magic or ghost law, as long as it is practical, he dares to incorporate it into his series of Taoism, and he has no awareness of being greedy.Because of Jiuliu idler's natural strength, there is no need to worry about any spell conflicts and backlash.In this way, the evil way regards the idlers of the nine streams as the right way, while the righteous way regards the idlers of the nine streams as the evil way, and finally merges them into the lower nine streams of the heresy.

As for the evil blood seal, Xu Changqing is determined to win it. Although his current materials are enough to refine the Thousand Soul Yama Shuttle, with the addition of the evil blood seal, the power will be more than doubled, even if it is used to deal with the Heavenly Demon Banner of the Profound Handle Demon There will also be full assurance.

As the effect of the Taiqing Liangyi Spirit Locking Array became weaker and weaker, the ground began to vibrate slightly, and some surrounding trees and buildings began to collapse. After dispersing, the ground suddenly calmed down, and it felt as if nothing had happened just now.

"Spirit out, search the land!" Only Yin Kui's muffled groan came from the yard, and he couldn't wait to use the secret method to search all the places in the yard.

Outside the courtyard, Xu Changqing didn't think too much, he made seals with his hands, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and said in a deep voice: "Please, Emperor Guandi, please come to me, hurry up like a law!" Following the mantra, The wish power absorbed by Jiuliu Avenue instantly turned into the true power of the gods, covering all parts of his body, and he stepped on the ground hard, recited the second layer of mantra, and said: "Please protect me with the Dharma Body of Emperor Guan, The magic soldiers are as urgent as the law!"

When the second level of mantra was chanted, a clearly visible golden light enveloped Xu Changqing's body, and then Xu Changqing disappeared completely. The place where he was standing was a golden body of Guan Sheng's Dharma Elephant. Wearing a Qinglong Yanyue Saber formed by gathering golden divine power, it is extremely majestic.

The two people in the yard not only felt the awe-inspiring righteousness, but also saw the golden light flashing outside the yard. After they glanced at each other, Bai Zhan rushed out with his Yinshen stick, while Yin Kui rushed out. Quickly search the surrounding places.

Bai Zhan had just turned over from the courtyard wall and stood firm. He wanted to declare his name to scare the other party first, but he didn't expect that when he looked up, he saw a gleaming golden Daguan knife slashing down head-on.Before he could raise the Yinshen stick to stop him, he was slashed on the head by the Daguan knife, and there was a puff of black smoke immediately from the place where the blade touched the bronze armored body, and a deep-sighted streak appeared. The knife mark was pulled down from the top of the head, down to the chin.

"It hurts to death!" Bai Zhan felt the pain for the first time in hundreds of years, and the pain was so painful that he almost threw away his natal Yinshen stick.

However, Xu Changqing succeeded in a sneak attack, without any thought of being forgiving and forgiving, and then he slashed at Bai Zhan's waist and abdomen with a horizontal slash.After all, Bai Zhan was a person who had fought on the battlefield, he immediately endured the severe pain in his head, and cast the escaping technique of the Bronze Armored Corpse, sinking into the ground in an instant, dodging Xu Changqing's blow.Just when he was about to fight back, he got out from the ground behind Xu Changqing and was about to attack him, but Xu Changqing understood people's hearts better than him, and he had expected that he would take revenge. The stunt dragged the knife behind his back, and the blade went straight to Bai Zhan's neck.

The stick and saber moves were very fast, and they didn't give the opponent any chance to dodge. When Xu Changqing's knife slashed on Bai Zhan's neck, Bai Zhan's Yinshen stick had already hit his head. .However, the power of the Yin God Stick did not pose any threat to Xu Changqing's Guandi golden body, at most it only dimmed the light of his golden body, but Xu Changqing's Daguan knife gave his head to him without any hindrance. chopped down.Bai Zhan, who had lost his head, loosened the Yinshen stick from his hand, and the headless body fell to the ground with a bang, and the head rolled to the side grass with a surprised expression.

It was at this moment that Xu Changqing really realized how powerful the second-grade divine strike was. Such an old devil who had been famous for many years had his head cut off without any resistance. Bian Mojun was evenly matched.

Although Xu Changqing forcibly pushed Shen Da to the second-rank realm, it could not last long. There was also a great sage of the nether world, Yin Kui, who needed a quick fight, so when Bai Zhan fell to the ground, he immediately used Bai Zhan's natal magic weapon Putting the Yinshen stick in his sleeve, he jumped up and rushed into the courtyard.

At this moment, Yin Kui had found the evil blood seal under a big stone, his ghost pushed the stone away, and the jade seal exuding red light was lifted up, and Yin Kui, who was illuminated by the red light, Immediately, I felt an inexplicable restlessness, and my mind seemed a little strange.Just when he was about to get the evil blood seal, Xu Changqing rushed in from outside the courtyard, without even thinking about it, he raised his knife and dropped it, and with a powerful slash, Yin Kui, who was "confuse" and "confused" by the evil blood seal, did not have time to react Starting at the top of the head, split in half.Yinkui's corpse immediately turned into a mass of thick ghostly aura that spread out, and gradually condensed and formed not far from Xu Changqing. At this moment, Xu Changqing had already flicked his long sleeves, and put the evil blood seal in his sleeves, and the ghost was captured. Guan Shengfa is crushed like golden light.

"Who are you? Dare to rob the Dao of the Holy Monarch!" Yin Kui's body gradually solidified, although his face still had that expression of death, but in fact it was already in pain. That knife cut off more than a dozen of his ghosts, which is equivalent to killing more than a dozen of his lives.

"You are evil, why don't you dare to rob a certain family!" Xu Changqing turned around and said deliberately imitating the tone of Emperor Guan in the Romance.

Holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in front of him, and the long-bearded red-faced golden general, Yin Kui was completely stunned, his eyes seemed to protrude, and he stammered, "Guan, Emperor Guan!"

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