Nine idlers

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Take the Soul and Take the Body

Although pretending to be Guan Sheng, Xu Changqing didn't come to act. Seeing Yin Kui's expression stunned, he immediately raised his knife and rushed forward. Kui hacked upwards on the right side of his abdomen.Yin Kui was also a martial arts practitioner before, so of course he knew that the Yanling sword technique was created by Liang Hongyu in the Song Dynasty. Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms should never have known this kind of sword technique.So he realized that what this person used was divine kung fu, and he was not slow at all. Wan Guifan rolled up and turned into a long spear. The condensed spear made by the ghost banner was quickly pointed out, turned into a few black spear flowers, and stabbed at Xu Changqing's throat and heart.

"Useless trick!" Xu Changqing already knew the abnormally strong defensive power of Guan Di's golden body, and he didn't intend to dodge at all. He turned around, swung the big knife in his hand, and rolled up a golden dragon to slash at Yin Kui's body.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yin Kui hastily withdrew his gun and stepped back, trying to avoid Xu Changqing's knife.However, before he exited the attack range of Golden Dragon Dao Gang, his body was already trapped by the Dao Gang and he couldn't move, and the newly condensed body was split apart without any resistance.The aura of the knife gang remained undiminished, and it split a gap in the courtyard wall, and it stopped after rushing more than ten feet, and there was also a knife mark several meters deep on the ground.

"My Nether Great Sage has no grievances or enmities with your Shi family in Guangxi, why do you come here to be my enemy?" Yin Kui's soul energy quickly condensed outside the courtyard again, this time his face was a bit ugly, It seemed that the blow just now had caused him a lot of injuries.

"Give me back my Tianjun's Yinshen stick!" At this time, Bai Zhan, who Xu Changqing thought was dead, reappeared, and a black corpse gas from the broken neck fixed his body and head together, but look It doesn't look solid.Bai Zhan's bronze armored corpse is a little different from other bronze armored corpses. Even if the head is cut off, as long as the corpse spirit of his own life is not destroyed, he will not die. He escaped during the First Battle of Mangshan.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Changqing couldn't help frowning. Although he has the upper hand in every way now, neither Yin Kui nor Bai Zhan has completely lost their combat power, and his second-grade god fight has been consumed to the point that it will collapse at any time. possible.

Just when Xu Changqing was thinking about countermeasures, there was a sudden violent vibration from the ground, and the three people inside and outside the yard were all unable to stand and had to stand up.As the vibration became stronger and stronger, a stone pagoda suddenly emerged from the ground in the middle of the Zhao Mansion, rushing to a height of more than ten feet, completely occupying the entire Zhao Mansion, and at the same time, the tower body emitted a green light. The light covered the entire Changhe Country City.

Even if the two sides fighting in the Zhao Mansion did not die from the random stone flying at the moment when the stone pagoda rushed out, they turned into a pile of dry bones after being irradiated with the green light, and their souls were shot by the stone pagoda. Absorbed, and Tang Tianhao who had rushed to the Zhao Mansion was no exception.

The turquoise light of the stone tower not only affects ordinary people, but even practitioners like Xu Changqing feel danger, especially Yin Kui, he feels that the ghost on his body seems to escape his control and fly into the stone tower.At this moment, they didn't have the slightest intention to trouble Xu Changqing any more. One of them wrapped himself in the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner and flew away in the air, while the other sneaked into the ground and quickly left this more dangerous place for them using the Earth Escape Technique.Xu Changqing also untied the magic strike at this moment, and took out the bodhisattva relic from the universe in his sleeve, and under the protection of the light of the relic, he performed the ghostly and magical body method and left Changhe Township.

After Xu Changqing escaped from the "light" of the Qingguang light in the Zhenhun Pagoda, he continued to gallop towards the small hill in the southeast.Although he was very careful along the way, he didn't even touch the ground with his feet. Every time he fell down, he just tapped the grass on the ground with his toes.However, even so, he still failed to escape Bai Zhan's search.When he ran halfway, he could clearly feel that Bai Zhan, who was full of corpse aura, was rushing towards him quickly with the ground escape technique.

Xu Changqing stood still, firstly he didn't want to bring the battle to the Huang family brothers and sisters, and secondly, he realized that Yin Kui had separated from Bai Zhan.Under the remote viewing of God's eyes, Yin Kui is now flying in the direction of Baisui Mountain in the northeast, which just gives Xu Changqing the opportunity to solve the single white battle, so as not to cause Yin Kui one more battle on April [-]th. force.

When Xu Changqing landed, Bai Zhan had chased him to a distance of more than ten meters, and got out from the ground.Because he escaped from Changhe Township in a hurry, Bai Zhan looked a bit embarrassed, the cut on his neck had been healed, leaving only a faint black line, which looked like he was wearing a dog leash.

"Give me back the Yin God stick, and hand over the evil blood seal, and I will save you a way out." Although Bai Zhan had suffered a big loss just now, he did not appear to be panicked, and he had more self-confidence without fear. , said: "I know best how strong your Shi family's gods are. Back then, the leader's right protector was a master of gods. Like him, you have only reached the first level at most. If you were really the first The second-rank god fights, I have already died. I only have a first-rank cultivation base, but forcefully borrow the divine body that can only be borrowed by the second-rank realm. My Lord, do it."

"It turns out that you have already known that my equipment has been exhausted and I am unable to fight any more." Xu Changqing stood quietly without any movement, and used words to distract Bai Zhan from his vigilance, and said: "So you deliberately went with Yin Kui scattered, and then came to me alone, trying to swallow the evil blood seal."

"Yin Kui always thought that I was a warrior who didn't know how to make weapons, but he never expected that I would save a hand." Bai Zhan said proudly: "Since the evil blood seal can strengthen the power of the ghost banner, it can also increase the strength of my Yin. Holy crap..."

Before Bai Zhan could finish triumphantly, Xu Changqing's divine eyes between his brows suddenly opened, and a bolt of lightning similar to the power of the Five Thunder Talisman shot out from it, hitting Bai Zhan's body.The Bronze Armored Corpse was born to be restrained by Thunder Law. Although it was only the power of the ordinary Five Thunder Talisman, it left Bai Zhan completely paralyzed, unable to move or speak.Then the eyes of the gods seemed to turn into a hammer in Lei Gong's hands, and more than [-] lightning bolts were fired at Bai Zhan. Qi was 'forced' to his heart by the thunder force covering his whole body.

When the god's eye fired the last five thunder powers it had accumulated, Xu Changqing flew out, and the two Sanyin piercing thorns passed directly from the universe in his sleeve to his hand.Then, before Bai Zhan was freed from the thunder force, a three-yin thorn pierced Bai Zhan's heart, and when Xu Changqing turned over and flew over Bai Zhan's head, it pierced the white thorn on top of his head. Will 'hole'.

The current pair of three-yin stabbing thorns are not the pair of three-yin stabbing thorns in the hands of Jiuming Zhenjun. Although Xu Changqing did not add any other materials, just relying on his own samadhi real fire to remove impurities, he has already It has been promoted to the ranks of the best magic weapon.The Devil-Eating Spirit Bone of the Sanyin Poking God Thorn's body was tempered by the real fire of Samadhi to be as hard as a diamond, and its color changed from the original white to the current black.

When the divine thorn pierced Bai Zhan's body, he immediately felt a tingling sensation all over his body, lost any control over his body, and couldn't even utter a scream.A powerful suction came out from the god stabbing thorn, greedily absorbing the corpse energy of his natal corpse spirit, and he wanted to break away from the devouring of the three yin stabbing thorns, and break the natal corpse spirit out of the sky , but was caught by another stabbing thorn.In desperation, in order to save his life, he had to choose to sink, and rushed out through the valley road, trying to escape.

However, Xu Changqing had been waiting there a long time ago. After seeing Bai Zhan's natal corpse rushing out of the valley road, he immediately made a seal and said a mantra: "Five Elements Golden Spirit, listen to my orders, solid!"

Originally, Xu Changqing didn't need seals to drive the Five Elements Taoism, but this time he was dealing with Bai Zhan's natal corpse. To be on the safe side, he formed seals and recited mantras to improve his power, instantly turning the land within one kilometer below his feet into diamonds. Also tough.Bai Zhan's natal corpse spirit failed to rush into the ground after being hit, and was bounced up again. At this time, Xu Changqing had already taken out a jasper gourd from the universe in his sleeve, and aimed the spout at Bai Zhan's The natal corpse spirit, with sword fingers in his hands, circulated his true energy to draw a Taoist symbol on the bottom of the gourd, and then his fingers drew the Taoist symbol's power back slowly with his true energy.Although Bai Zhan's natal corpse spirit tried his best to resist and tried to break free from the suction of the gourd, he failed and was sucked into the jasper gourd in the end.

Xu Changqing shook the gourd, and said happily: "I want to refine a magic weapon, and I am missing a true Dao spirit that has already formed, so I just use you to replace it."

After speaking, he put the jasper gourd in his sleeve and walked towards the bronze armored corpse.The natal corpse spirit has been taken away, and [-]% of the corpse energy in the body has been sucked away. Right now, the bronze-armored corpse has become unconscious, standing blankly, and its body has become emaciated, becoming an ownerless zombie .Xu Changqing bit his middle finger, drew a corpse-controlling talisman on the forehead of the corpse, took out the only [-] mortal threads and century-old coffin nails left in the universe in his sleeve, pierced them into the Seven Yin Caves of the corpse, and connected them with the mortal threads After forming a Tianluo, the two Sanyin piercing thorns were removed.

With joy on his face, Xu Changqing carefully looked around the bronze-armored corpse, and then sniffed the corpse's scent. In his eyes, Zhao Wan, the young lady of the Zhao family, was far less attractive than the corpse in front of him.After all, Zhao Wan's beauty can only make his heart twitch for a while, but the bronze armored corpse in front of him can make Xu Changqing's heart beat faster, full of joy.

Although Xu Changqing's lineage of Jiuliu idlers does not focus on exorcising corpses, but they know no less techniques of refining corpses than those of the aristocratic exorcising corpses.Even though the bronze armored corpse can't solve his golden core barrier, it can make him become an incarnation outside the body, and his strength can be doubled in a short time. What's more, he now has some knowledge of ancient weapon making methods, so he can use this bronze armored corpse as an avatar. It is not impossible to refine it as a spiritual treasure.

Because the bronze armored corpse lost the ability and consciousness to resist, Xu Changqing easily put it in the sleeve universe, and the bronze armored corpse does not need air and spiritual energy, even if it is in the sleeve universe, it will be fine.

Although Xu Changqing took advantage of his whole body to defeat Bai Zhan in one blow this time, he didn't consume a little bit of real energy. The real energy consumed by just pushing the thunder force of the thirty or so god eyes was enough to cast all five times. The powerful Shangqing God Xiao Wulei **, not to mention the real energy he had previously spent running the Jiuliu Dao to support the second-rank Guandi golden body.Fortunately, he untied a fate knot in Wuhan City, and the accumulated Dao Xin realm has raised his cultivation base by one or two levels, and he has enough golden 'liquid' true energy to support his consumption. Now he only needs one day to complete You can borrow the Jiuliu Avenue to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to supplement consumption.

After cleaning the battlefield and finding nothing missing, Xu Changqing flew away and returned to the road map of the small hill.Not long after Xu Changqing left here, suddenly two figures flew over from the direction of Pingxiang Town, and landed at the place where they were fighting before.

These two figures are two women, one old and one young, with white hair and chicken skin, and a hunched body, as if any gust of wind could blow her down, but her eyes are extremely sharp, as if everything escapes her. But her eyes are average, and she holds a simple dragon-headed crutch in her hand, which looks very heavy.Another young woman, wearing a traditional high-necked cheongsam, combed her hair with a "female" bun, has a pretty appearance, with a vigor of a Shanxi woman between her eyebrows, holding a purple golden lotus in each hand , suspending this white bone exuding a faint golden light in the lotus heart.If Xu Changqing was there, he would definitely be surprised. These two bones are both relics, and they are Arhat relics who have certified the status of Arhat.

"It seems that the battle has just ended." The young woman looked at the surrounding environment, frowned and said, "It seems that one side was subdued before it had time to make a move!"

The old woman took a casual look and said, "It's the Podi Tianjun Bai who was defeated! Not only the natal corpse spirit was taken away, but the bronze armored corpse also became someone else's," she knelt down to caress her Touching the ground, he said: "What a pure sharp gold aura, it seems that this person is proficient in the five elements of Taoism, and is good at refining corpses, with profound Taoism and deep scheming, otherwise Bai Zhan, an old devil, wouldn't have come here I was caught before I even made a move." After standing up, he said with a puzzled look: "When did such an expert appear in our northern practice world?"

"Could it not be from the north? It's a practitioner from the south." The young woman frowned and said, "I heard that the Xuangang Heavenly Demon is planning to change the fate of the Qing court on the fifth day of May. Swarming towards the north, isn't there a lot of strange people among these heretics? The Great Sage Youming is the right-hand man of the Xuangang Heavenly Demon. If he wants to use his battle spirit to refine the Yellow Spring Banner, he will naturally be attacked by those low-level heretics. .”

The old woman nodded slightly, and said: "Perhaps! Regardless of whether he is really a lowly sect or not, he has indeed solved a big problem for us. Otherwise, even with the strength of our mother and daughter, we will definitely not be able to win." Guo Baizhan and Yin Kui, the two big devils teamed up."

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