Nine idlers

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Top Magic Weapon

The mother and daughter who were outside Changhe Township turned their attention to the tower that suddenly rose in the middle of the Tucheng. Looking at the Tucheng that had turned into a ghost, both of them looked extremely sad.

"Mother, why did you let the second brother and Serena die when you knew this would happen? They didn't know about it." The young woman looked sad and asked suddenly: "Now even Tianhao's Your life is also involved, so why are you bothering?"

"That bastard Tianhao is looking for death on his own, he deserves it!" The old woman shook the wooden stick in her hand vigorously, a trace of grief flashed in her eyes, and she said in a deep voice, "So what if we knew in advance? This marriage with the Zhao family is a great deal to us." For the Tang family, this is an opportunity. As long as Serena and that Zhao Wan girl of the Zhao family get married, she can use the aura of her third generation Xuanming stone girl to break through the heavenly meridian, thereby gaining the power of the ancestors of the Tang family, and taking charge of the Taiqing and Qing Dynasties. Yisuo Lingzhen. At that time, even if the Xuangang Heavenly Demon came over in person, how could he do anything to us? It is ridiculous that the Zhao family is obviously the descendant of Liu Bowen, but they threw away all the things of their ancestors. Thinking of the power of worldly love and lust, this happened just now."

The young woman didn't seem to agree with her mother's statement, and said: "Mother, you clearly know that my Tang family and Zhao family had three generations of enmity hundreds of years ago, and that Serena Wei and Zhao Wan were born with the fate of fighting evil, you Only by bringing them together with one hand will this disaster happen, now not only my Tang family is dead, but even the Zhao family is all destroyed, shouldn't you feel regretful for this?"

"What's the point of dying?" The old woman frowned, turned her head to stare at the young woman, and said with a very strong expression: "My Tang family has been under the control of Emperor Shunzhi for hundreds of years. The fate to be the guardian of these hundreds of thousands of battle spirits has already put life and death at risk, let alone my sons and grandchildren, even if it is the life of my Tang family, as long as I can keep these numbers One hundred thousand battle spirits will not hesitate."

Hearing the old woman's words, the young woman didn't say anything more, but looked sadly at the soul-suppressing tower that was constantly emitting blue light, and said in a cold tone: "Now the soul-suppressing tower with the strongest seal has passed away." We have been released, what should we do?"

The old woman heard the dissatisfaction in her daughter's tone, took a deep breath, suppressed the sorrow of losing a child and grandchildren in her heart, and said firmly: "With the strength of the old demon Yinkui, I believe that I will definitely be able to kill you in ten days. Five years ago, the ban on the soul-suppressing tower in Baisui Mountain was broken, and then only our soul-suppressing tower in Pingxiang Town will be left. We only need to guard the soul-suppressing tower in Pingxiang Town on April [-]th. If the restriction is not broken, the other soul-suppressing pagodas will not be affected by the evil spirit, and will return to their original state afterward. At that time, unless Old Devil Yinkui cultivates the Way of the Underworld like his master, he will not be able to destroy it even if he has great ability Soul Tower."

"But if the fight is in Pingxiang Town, how many people will die in my Tang family? Is it worth it?" The young woman sighed and said leisurely.

"Maybe it's not worth it!" Although the old woman wanted to say that, she couldn't say it at all. The word "loyalty" on the top of her head pressed her tightly, making her speechless and suffering. Can only sigh, and said: "Oh, let all the irrelevant people move out these few days! If you kill less people, it can be regarded as a good deed for the Tang family."

After finishing speaking, the two flew away and ran towards Ping Township.

It took Xu Changqing a day to recover his skills when he returned to the road map. As he became more and more proficient in using the thin heaven and earth spiritual energy, the time for him to recover his skills each time became shorter and shorter.Based on the power he lost with all his efforts to capture Bai Zhan, it would take him two or three days to recover when he rushed out of the Chen family two months ago, but now it only takes less than a day to fully recover, which is considered a one-time job. An improvement in cultivation.

The brothers and sisters of the Huang family also knew that Xu Changqing might have something very important this time, so they didn't bother him. They sat quietly in the Daotu and practiced the Shangqing Nine-turn Golden Elixir. When they were hungry, they took out dry food and a water bottle. Swallow and eat water.Since there is a spirit-gathering formation in the Dao map, the practice speed of the two brothers and sisters has been accelerated a lot. If Xu Changqing hadn't let them stick to the first layer of refining and refining Qi, it would take a year to condense the Dao Heart, maybe they have already broken through to the second level. The lower-level white tiger slashed the red dragon.

After waking up from meditation, Xu Changqing looked at the sky, maybe the day of Chongsha was approaching, and with the birth of the soul-suppressing tower, the weather was gloomy and depressing.Xu Changqing counted the days and found that there were still four days before the day of Chongsha. Although he could not refine the bronze armored corpse into an incarnation outside his body, it was enough for him to refine the Thousand Soul Yama King Shuo.As long as the Qianhun Yan Wangshuo is refined, even if you don't use the second-grade magic strike, you can still fight against the Ghost Banner of the Nether Great Sage.So he took out all the water and godmothers in the universe in his sleeves and handed them to the Huang family brothers and sisters, and then drew another seal in the road map to let the brothers and sisters stay inside, so as not to be affected by the demonic energy.

After everything was ready, Xu Changqing took out all the materials for refining the Thousand Soul Yama King Shuo.A dozen or so filled with corpse energy and a jasper gourd that sealed Bai Zhan's natal corpse spirit, two Sanyin piercing thorns, evil blood seal, two life soul beads, etc., were all placed on the floor, and it felt like To set up a street stall, the most important thing is the inexplicable jelly-like substance formed by the fusion of the black liquid spit out by the white-headed black-horned crow after eating the peach of human noodles and the black horns on its head.

The white-headed and black-horned crow is called Huangquan Raven. It is said that there is a way in its abdomen leading to Huangquan. It was born to feed on resentful souls.Although Xu Changqing didn't know whether Huangquan Raven's stomach really led to Huangquan, but he knew that Huangquan Raven liked to eat peaches full of death and resentment, and after eating peaches, the black liquid spit out 'The body is transformed from the most evil resentment, and the black horns on its head can just neutralize the resentment, turning it into Huangquan Mingshui, a top-quality material for refining magic weapons.Huangquan Mingshui is the material that must be used to refine the top-grade ghost cultivator magic weapon. Generally, ghost cultivators with profound skills like Emperor Qianyuan will go straight to Huangquan to ingest Mingshui.

"One more thing is missing. What should I use to make the main body of the magic weapon?" Xu Changqing frowned as he looked at the materials for making the magic weapon piled up in front of him. Come forward, stroked it, sighed, and said, "I've raised you for so many years, it's time to use it!"

As he said that, with a movement in his hands, his hair broke off at the root, and a complete braid fell into Xu Changqing's hands.This braid has been with Xu Changqing for more than 20 years, and it is nourished by the supernatant Jindan Zhenyuan every day. It has long been separated from the category of hair and braids, and has a strong spiritual energy. The main body allows Xu Changqing to move freely and move as he wants when using the magic weapon.

Xu Changqing took Bai Zhan's natal corpse out of the jasper gourd, and before it could resist, he sent a stream of real fire of samadhi to erase the corpse's spiritual consciousness.In the Samadhi real fire, the spirit of the corpse turned into a painful face and shouted at Xu Changqing angrily, but soon turned into a white mist and disappeared between the sky and the earth.The natal corpse spirit also followed the characteristics of the true fire of samadhi to remove impurities, refining all the impure resentment in the corpse spirit, and the color of the corpse spirit also became pure white.Afterwards, he threw two life soul beads into the real fire of samadhi, and fused them with the natal corpse spirit to increase the power of the natal corpse spirit.

After refining the natal corpse spirit, Xu Changqing began to refine the outer body of the magic weapon again.He put the evil blood seal sacrifice on the top of his head, melted it into a 'liquid' state with the five-element fire spirit, and then removed impurities with the real fire of Samadhi. The dead body gas is released and all guided into the underworld water.When the evil blood seal and Huangquan Mingshui were almost refined by the real fire of samadhi, he gathered a large amount of golden 'liquid' true essence, and using the real fire of samadhi as a guide, he forcibly kneaded the two together, allowing them to It turned into a strange black substance emitting dark red light.

Xu Changqing spread out his braids, and then threw all of them into the black substance in his hands, using the method recorded in the bone slips, to apply the seal repeatedly, pushing the three thousand troubles to absorb the black matter, and those hairs that cannot withstand the power of black matter are instead absorbed by black matter.In this way, there are only about 1000 hairs that can absorb all the black substances, and these more than 1000 hairs are fused together, turning into a long hair that is as thick as two fingers, tapered at both ends and wide in the middle. shuttle.

At this moment, Xu Changqing's hair has completely changed its function and shape. Even without the true spirit of the Dao, it is still a top-grade attacking magic weapon.Xu Changqing rested for a while, using the aura of heaven and earth to recover some of his skills. Just now, when he forcibly kneaded Huangquan Mingshui and Xie Xueyin, he spent a lot of gold 'liquid' and real energy, and his body felt a little tired.

After resting, Xu Changqing put the natal corpse into the magic weapon in his hand, and then controlled the natal corpse little by little to draw a road formation in the magic weapon, and slowly fused the formation into the magic weapon, reaching It reached the point where the corpse spirit and the magic weapon merged into one.While merging the natal corpse spirit with the magic weapon, Xu Changqing separated a part of his Tao character mind consciousness, integrated it into the natal corpse spirit, opened the corpse spirit's orifice, and turned it into the true spirit of the Dao in the magic weapon, and with it Consciousness merges into one.

After the last trace of the corpse completely merged with the magic weapon and turned into the true spirit of the Dao, the top-grade magic weapon of the Ghost Cultivator's Way, Qianhun Yan Wangshuo, was born in Xu Changqing's hands.The formed Qianhun Yan Wangshuo followed the control of the mind, drilled into the body, and revolved around the mind of the word Tao, without feeling a trace of magic energy.However, after Xu Changqing released it, Qianhun Yan Wangshuo let out a shocking roar, and under his guidance, it shot straight into the sky.Then it spread out in an instant above the road map, turning into more than 1000 filaments with Xu Changqing's hair as the body. An extremely strong demonic energy was emitted, covering the entire sky, and complementing the blue light of the Zhenhun Pagoda not far away.

Not only the mother and daughter of the Tang family who were evacuating the villagers in Pingxiang Town felt it, but also Yin Kui, who was working with all the demons on Baisui Mountain to break the restriction of the Soul Rescue Tower, even felt it in the Temple of Heaven in the capital. The Xuangang Heavenly Demon, who tried to borrow the imperial energy of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty to restore the Xuangang demon body, also felt it.They all said in unison: "What a strong demon energy!"

However, when they said this, their expressions were different.The Xuangang Heavenly Demon thought it was Yinkui who succeeded in refining the magic weapon, and felt happy. Yinkui didn't know anyone nearby who could have such a powerful magic energy, and felt puzzled. The mother and daughter of the Tang family thought that Yinkui had invited a helper again. , worried.

Xu Changqing felt that the movement of Qianhuntian was too big, and immediately controlled it to shrink into a ball, and changed back to the appearance of Yan Wangsuo, and instantly passed through the barrier of the road map, floating on Xu Changqing's palm.Right now, this Qianhun Yan Wangshuo has been completed, but its power is not enough to completely suppress the Wangui Banner, so Xu Changqing took out the two three-yin piercing thorns, just to integrate the two into one, so as to increase the thousands of ghosts. Soul Yan Wangshuo's ability to devour demons.He controlled the Thousand Soul Yan Wang Shuo to wrap the two Sanyin stabbing thorns, and then slowly infiltrated them into the stabbing thorns. When the two bodies were almost fused together, the two roots belonged to the same origin. The stabbing thorns were completely "kneaded" together, and turned into a part of the thousand soul Yan Wangshuo.

At this moment, the Thousand Soul Yan Wang Shuo has become inconspicuous, and the gray surface makes it look like a bone that has been gnawed by a dog. However, under the ordinary surface of Yan Wang Shuo, there is something hidden. A powerful magic energy, ready to deal a fatal blow to the enemy at any time.

Xu Changqing played with Yan Wang Shuo in his hand, controlling it to change into any shape in the palm of his hand. No matter how Yan Wang Shuo changed, there was no trace of magic energy leaking out.And when it shuttles through the air, no matter how fast it is, it is silent, and its existence cannot be felt, as if it itself is a part of the air.

The more he plays with it, the more Xu Changqing loves this seemingly unpretentious magic weapon from the bottom of his heart, so he wants to try its power. The best target is the Soul Rescue Tower not far away.I saw him running his true essence to pour it into the magic weapon, and controlled his mind, the magic weapon moved at will. A phantom rushed across the yellow land in Shanxi, and passed through the Tucheng of Changhe Township without any hindrance. He rushed directly to the foundation of the Soul Suppression Pagoda, where the blue light was strongest.

When Yan Wangshuo came into contact with the strongest blue light at the bottom, it pierced into a depth of several meters in an instant, and then was gradually wrapped by the sticky blue light like maltose, and the castration did not stop until it was about to touch the main body of the tower. In order to move forward, he was suspended in the air and wrestled with Qingguang.When Qianhun Yan Wangshuo stopped charging, Xu Changqing's mind immediately felt it, so he circulated his true energy, using the connection between the Tao word mind consciousness and the true spirit of the Dao in the magic weapon, to turn the true essence into pure Tao power. Pour it into Yama's shuttle.

When Dao Power entered Yan Wang Shuo, the demonic energy contained in Yan Wang Shuo was instantly activated, and from the body of the shuttle, a demonic energy that was stronger than the green light burst out, pushing away the blue light attached to the surface of Yama Wang Shuo. , Yan Wangsuo also followed the trend to drill a hole on the surface of the Soul Suppression Tower, and rushed into the Soul Suppression Tower.

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