Nine idlers

Chapter 49 Tai Chi Divine Consciousness

Chapter 49 Tai Chi Divine Consciousness

After Yan Wangshuo entered the Soul-suppressing Tower, the eye on the surface of the Soul-suppressing Tower was immediately filled with flowing stones from the tower body. Even so, Xu Changqing could still control the thousand-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred King Shuttle through the tower through his mind.

The interior of the Zhenhun Tower is very similar to Xu Changqing's sleeve universe, it is an independent and lifeless space, countless war spirits are fighting aimlessly in this seemingly endless space, each body is full of murderous rage , as if their existence was to kill everything.When Thousand Soul Yan Wang Shuo rushed into the Soul Suppression Tower, some war spirits immediately approached this side, wanting to snatch this never-before-seen thing.

Yan Wangshuo seemed to be Xu Changqing's avatar, he could clearly feel everything inside, and when he noticed that the war spirits were approaching, he was not going to be polite, and controlled Yan Wangshuo to spread out and turn into thousands of soul threads, passing through the body of the war spirits , instantly sucking it into the filaments.Afterwards, more than 1000 filaments immediately coalesced into a Thousand Soul Sky, sweeping away the thousands of battle spirits within the attack range of the sky, and easily inhaled them into the Hades Shuttle and turned them into part of the demon energy.

In the space, several ghost king-level war spirits seemed to have noticed the strangeness here, and rushed over with weapons transformed from their own ghost power.Xu Changqing didn't have the slightest intention of accepting it as soon as it was good. He controlled Yan Wangshuo and rushed towards the ghost king's war spirit at the front. When the opponent's weapon hit him, it suddenly dispersed and turned into more than 1000 filament drills. into the body of the ghost king and war soul, and exert force together to crush the ghost body, divide and absorb it.Those ghost king war spirits seemed to have a little bit of their true souls. Seeing that war spirits of the same level as him were so easily beaten to death, they instinctively felt the horror of Qianhun Yan Wangshuo, and did not fly away like other war spirits. The moth flies into the flame, and the second is to turn around and flee around.

At this moment, Xu Changqing did not control Yan Wangsuo to continue chasing. Instead, he used the connection between the Taoist mind and the magic weapon to condense the magic energy at one point, breaking through the space barrier of the Soul Suppression Tower, escaped from the Soul Suppression Tower, and quickly returned to himself around.He stretched out his hand for a move, and the thousand-hunted Yan Wangshuo obediently stopped on his hand, and the body of the shuttle was emitting a blue light, which was somewhat similar to the Soul-Suppressing Pagoda. The magic energy refined the blue light little by little, and it took about half an hour before it returned to its original state.

Now Xu Changqing knows why the practice community knows that hundreds of thousands of battle spirits are sealed here, but few people come to ingest them to refine magic weapons. Apart from the reason of the Soul Suppression Tower itself, the more important thing is that the number and quality of the battle spirits here are very low. Far beyond imagination, it cannot be refined by one or two people.The Thousand Souls Yan Wang Shuo in Xu Changqing's hand only swallowed a ghost king's war spirit, and it was already full of the pure ghost spirit in the battle spirit, and it would take half an hour to refine this ghost spirit. For a long time.Counting the one hundred ghost king battle spirits in each Soul Suppression Tower, even if all the masters in the entire cultivation world were dispatched to ingest the ghost king battle spirits, they would not be able to catch all of them and refine them.And besides these ghost king war spirits, there are also quite a few general war spirits and hundreds of thousands of ordinary war spirits. As long as one war spirit escapes from the Soul Suppression Tower, the disasters it will bring to the secular world will be incalculable of.

Thinking about it, Yinkui, Xuangang Tianmo, the mother and daughter of the Tang family, and even Xu Changqing himself all made a wrong estimate of the power of the battle spirits in the Soul Suppression Tower, thinking that they were just ordinary ghosts who were a little stronger.In fact, these war spirits are far more powerful than they imagined. The ghostly spirit contained in the war spirits is by no means absorbed by ordinary magic weapons. Refining can also take a long time.It is conceivable that when Yinkui uses the force of the evil to open all the soul towers, hundreds of thousands of fighting spirits can instantly kill anything within a radius of hundreds of miles to nothing, even if Yinkui is pregnant with thousands of ghosts. Banner is afraid that it is not the fate of death.

Deeply feeling that if these hundreds of thousands of battle spirits are not properly handled, it will inevitably become a catastrophe worse than the Xuangang Heavenly Demon's change of luck against the sky, Xu Changqing dare not take the time to make weapons anymore.Calculating that there are still two days left and it will be fifteen, he hastily collected the map of the road, and without further ado, he picked up an apprentice in one hand, exerted all his ghostly powers, and rushed towards the northeast direction.

After the road map disappeared, the brothers and sisters of the Huang family couldn't help being stunned when they saw Xu Changqing appearing in front of them. After a few days, they didn't see Xu Changqing's big blue and black braid disappeared, and the top of his head was as smooth as an egg.They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and when they were about to ask Xu Changqing why he became like this, they found that Xu Changqing's face was serious, as if something bad happened, and they all closed their mouths very sensiblely.

At this moment, the speed of Xu Changqing's all-out ghost movement is not much different from that of flying. He only needs a little support from the airflow under his feet, and he can fly dozens of feet away. Disregarding the eyes of the world, the speed is even faster and unbelievable.The brothers and sisters of the Huang family held by him had to run the Shangqing Nine-turn Golden Elixir with all their strength in order to withstand the wind pressure brought by the extreme speed. Although they resisted very hard, they were afraid of distracting Xu Changqing and did not Shout out.

After Xu Changqing drove non-stop for three hours, when the sky was getting dark, he arrived at a rather large county town.He flew down outside the county seat, and led his brother and sister slowly into the county seat. At this moment, he saw the three big characters Shijiazhuang written on the gate of the county seat.At this time, Xu Changqing was also surprised that his ghosts and spirits were so fast, but in three hours, he traveled from Pingxiang Town near Yuncheng in the south of Shanxi to Shijiazhuang in the west of Hebei. Character.

After entering Shijiazhuang, Xu Changqing immediately found an inn for the brother and sister and let them stay.After taking them to the room, he handed over all the change on his body to Huang Juan, and handed over the only Dao talismans and useful magic tools left in his sleeves to Huang Shan, and then confessed: : "Listen, you two, Master is going to do something big, and you don't know what the result will be? If you take you there, it will cause trouble for Master. Now Master keeps you here until April [-]th. Afterwards, if Master doesn’t come to see you, you should leave here, go to Tianjin, find Chen Zhangping of Liangguang Wansheng Commercial Company, and show him the golden bell, and he will take care of you instead of Master.”

"Master!" The brothers and sisters of the Huang family heard the meaning of the last words from Xu Changqing's words. They all stepped forward and hugged Xu Changqing's thigh, knelt on the ground, and said, "Master, let us go with you! We will not to trouble you."

"Master, I must be very good! Practice Taoism hard, and I won't make you angry anymore!" Huang Juan also cried, "Just let us follow you!"

"That's enough, get up," Xu Changqing lifted the two little guys up, glared at them fiercely, and said, "The wings haven't hardened yet, have you started to learn to disobey the teacher's orders?"

"I don't dare!" The brothers and sisters of the Huang family didn't dare to look into Xu Changqing's eyes, they all lowered their heads and said aggrievedly.

Xu Changqing also felt that he was a bit strict, so he relaxed a little, and explained: "Master, the reason why you stay here is not that Master wants to leave you to work hard. Master is not the kind of person who sacrifices himself for others. Master It's just that I didn't expect that when something really happened, I would take the two of you with me before I could escape. Do you understand?"

The brothers and sisters of the Huang family looked at each other, and although they still had some doubts about Xu Changqing's words, they still nodded in unison.

Xu Changqing 'touched' Huang Juan's head, and said: "Xiaojuan, although you are a younger sister, you are much better than Xiaoshan in dealing with people, and you can make up your own minds in everything. If after fifteen, you will go on the road alone Tianjin, you must be careful, don't 'show' your skills easily, you understand?"

"Yes!" Huang Juan agreed vigorously.

Xu Changqing smiled, turned his head and said to Huang Shan: "You are an older brother, you must take good care of your sister, and don't let her get into trouble. I have already given you a few powerful Dao talismans on my body, and you only need to use three Yang Zhenhuo ignites the Dao Talisman, and you can release the Dao power. Your character is too kind, it is difficult to kill the enemy, but you must remember the words of the master, if you are soft to others, others may not treat you the same Be soft, kill the bad guys when you meet them, don't show mercy."

Xu Changqing's thoughts were clearly at odds with Huang Shan's nature, he hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Afterwards, Xu Changqing explained some of the details and some taboos of their travels, and then cast a spell to make the two of them fall asleep. After covering them with a quilt, he got up and left the inn, and came to the outside of the city. gallop away.Although he was still a little worried about the Huang family brothers and sisters, he thought that Shijiazhuang was not very far from Tianjin. If the brothers and sisters couldn't complete such a short distance alone, then he would be teaching these two apprentices for nothing.

On the way, Xu Changqing took Bai Zhan's Yinshen stick out of the universe in his sleeve. Since Bai Zhan's natal corpse spirit had been refined, the Yinshen stick lost external support, and the faint purple light emitted from his body also disappeared. It subsided, and 'revealed' its true colors, a stick that looked like wood but not wood.This Yinshen stick can be said to be the famous weapon of Emperor Qianyuan. It is said that he snatched the weapon of a Yinshen Guisi in the underworld, and then used the first time of one hundred and eight Xuanyin girls to go to evil. Heavenly sunflower, made by refining.It is said that this stick is as hard as a diamond, and it is extremely yin and evil, capable of hurting people's hearts and minds. When the stick is fully danced, it can drive one hundred and eight Yin gods in the stick to assist the stick master in fighting.

Xu Changqing has heard about the magic of this stick for a long time. Since Emperor Qianyuan was imprisoned, this stick has fallen into the hands of Bai Zhan, and now it has fallen into the hands of Xu Changqing. Xu Changqing naturally wants to make this stick famous again .It's just that this stick is a little different from the legend. According to the legend, the Yin God stick is made of Huangquan Mingtie, and there are one hundred and eight Yin gods in the stick.However, the stick in his hand now seems to be made entirely of a piece of purple wood, and there are no so-called one hundred and eight Yin gods in the stick body. The only explanation is that the rumors are wrong.Similar to other details in the rumors, the stick is indeed very hard, and even the thousand-hundred Yama King Shuo cannot inflict scars on it, and it has the effect of hurting people's hearts. The feeling of getting out of the body, just relying on these two points is enough for Xu Changqing to be sure that this stick is the legendary Yinshen stick.

As Xu Changqing was on his way, he used his spiritual consciousness to call on the real fire of Samadhi to refine this yin god stick.Although Xu Changqing did not take the initiative to integrate the true spirit of Dao into the body of the stick, the Yinshen stick automatically turned into the air of nothingness after being refined with the real fire of Samadhi, and entered the upper part from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head. Dantian, stopped on the foggy consciousness.At this time, not only the Sanmai True Fire was refining the Yin God Stick, but even the Divine Eye that had fused the Great Judge Seal of Thunder surged out more than ten strands of recovered thunder power, and together with the Sanmai True Fire, the Yin God Stick Wrap it up.At this moment, the purple light on the Yinshen stick turned into purple qi and poured into his consciousness. At the same time, the Jiuliu Daogong technique in his body also operated on its own, absorbing the spiritual energy of the five elements of heaven and earth to nourish the internal organs, and then separated the five internal organs into the five internal organs. The qi of the five elements of various colors, entangled together, rushed straight to the dantian, and also merged into the divine consciousness.

After the purple qi of the yin god stick and the five elements of the internal organs were integrated into the spiritual consciousness, Xu Changqing had to stop, raise his breath and lighten his body, sit cross-legged on the tree canopy, actively run the Jiuliu Avenue, and observe whether there is any problem with the spiritual consciousness .The two strange auras seemed to have known each other for a long time, they blended together as soon as they came into contact, and then circulated like a Tai Chi fish, slowly tempering their consciousness.In the end, the layer of purple light on the Yinshen stick dissipated and turned into the last burst of purple energy that merged into the consciousness, and the internal organs and five internal organs also emitted a burst of energy of the five elements correspondingly, and then no longer emitted it. Qi of the five elements.No matter how Xu Changqing runs the Jiuliu Dao and absorbs the spiritual energy of the five elements of heaven and earth, it is only refined in the internal organs, and the excess spiritual energy of the five elements is absorbed by the Dingtian Hunyuan Pearl.

When the last two strands of spiritual energy entered the consciousness, the mist-like consciousness turned from emptiness to reality, gradually shrinking, forming a small point, and then slowly enlarged, turning into a light cluster in the shape of a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram.At this moment, the shape of the Yinshen stick has also changed into an ordinary wooden stick, suspended above the Tai Chi consciousness, and the Samadhi True Fire and Shenmu Leili also faded back automatically.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt that his Five Elements Taoism had improved. He opened his eyes and did not cast a spell. He raised his hand, and then pulled it down to the void, and the rain immediately fell from the dark clouds in the sky.The trees where Xu Changqing was sitting grew wildly, forming a cloud cover to block the rainwater, and the rainwater dripping from the leaves turned into water vapor when it was still a few minutes away from Xu Changqing, gradually forming a cloud of white fog.Under the night sky, in the barren mountains and wild ridges, on the treetops, a cloud of white mist gathers and does not disperse, rolling and changing like flowing clouds, and finally bursts out of it with a sharp energy, and the cloud, cloud cover, and mist are all washed away , everything returned to calm, only a young man in a blue gown stood on top of the tree canopy.

Only now did Xu Changqing realize how powerful the Five Elements Taoism he created was. Although in terms of power, he hadn't improved at all, but in terms of the skills he used, he had become proficient with the formation of Tai Chi consciousness.The general power of the Five Elements Taoism almost does not need to use any real energy, and it can directly use the five elements of heaven and earth under the influence of the Jiuliu Dao to perform Taoism.As long as the Jiuliu Dao continues, the five elements' aura will not be exhausted, which will undoubtedly add life-saving skills to him.

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