Nine idlers

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 The Four Surnames of Farmers

Because he only wanted to send the Huang family brothers and sisters to a safe place before, he didn't have time to take a closer look at the situation around Pingxiang Town. When he rushed back from Shijiazhuang, he found that the villages around the three soul-suppressing towers had become tens of rooms. Nine empty.The old man who stayed behind said that Tang Bin, the general soldier of Yuncheng, had already led this army to drive the people out from the middle of the three soul-suppressing towers and the surrounding villages and towns.Because the nearby people have more or less heard about Changhe Township, and the story of the Zhenhun Pagoda that has been passed down for hundreds of years and the prestige of the Tang family, Tang Bin moved the people to the vicinity of Yuncheng without much effort. , As for those who stay are some old people who can't walk.

When Xu Changqing continued to rush to Pingxiang Town, he suddenly felt the vibration of the ground obviously, and then from the direction of Baisui Mountain in the southwest, a blue light shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.Although it is already the third quarter of the hour and the sun is already high, but as this blue light spreads in the clouds, the sun is covered by the clouds with blue light, and a cold air engulfs the clouds. Xu Changqing wrapped up under it, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"The soul-suppressing tower of Baisui Mountain has also been born. It seems that Yin Kui is going to bring out the third soul-suppressing tower tonight before the evil spirit is the most serious between [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] pm tonight." Xu Changqing frowned. , hesitated for a moment, then continued to rush towards Ping Township at an unconventional speed.

However, when Xu Changqing rushed to a mound thirty miles away from Pingxiang Township, his Taiji consciousness immediately felt a strong earth spirit gathered nearby, and walked towards it at a very fast speed Come here, and there is a bit of evil in this earth spirit.So he stopped immediately, dodged and hid behind a rock, then took out the Yinshen stick, and coldly observed the advancing earth spirit energy with his Tai Chi consciousness.

The earth spirit stopped near the hill, and then warriors in black night clothes emerged from the ground one by one, all of them covered their faces, looking furtive.

Xu Changqing frowned, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked involuntarily, "Eastern ninjas? They are from Koga-ryu. What are they doing here?"

In the Tang Dynasty, Dongying sent many Tang envoys to China to learn Chinese culture, and some of them, with the assistance of the Tang Dynasty government, joined some orthodox sects of immortals and Buddhas to learn Taoism and Buddhism.Although the sects did not spread the Dao of their sect to the outside world at that time, some Dao methods that belonged to the outside world, such as the small five-element escape technique, the Taoist incantation, and the puppet technique, were easily taught to those envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty.As these envoys sent back to China, they gradually integrated the esoteric mantra and Taoism they learned from the Middle Earth into the local Shinto, forming a unique inheritance of onmyoji and ninja.

Although all the practitioners in the Central Plains and Huaxia scoffed at the mysterious onmyoji's ghost-controlling shikigami and ninja's five-element escapism in Dongying, but in the eyes of the Jiuliu idlers in the past, they can be mastered with just a little superficial Taoism. Taoism has evolved to such an extent that it does have its unique features.In particular, their practicality of the Five Elements Escape Technique is a way of using Taoism that is highly respected by Jiuliu Xianren.This is also because when the first generation of Jiuliu idlers followed Qi Jiguang in the conquest of Japanese pirates, they had suffered from this practical form and five elements escape technique, so this made Jiuliu idlers of all generations advocate the application of Taoism and law.

After the first generation of Jiuliu idlers, several generations of Jiuliu idlers were entrusted by the descendants of the Qi family to cross the sea to Dongpu to study methods to deal with these Japanese ninjas and onmyojis.Among them, there were also life-and-death duels with the masters of Taoism and Buddhism in Dongying, including the famous Tendai Sect eminent monk Tianhai in Japan and Fuma Kojiro at the time of Fuma Ninryu.In the end, it directly led to Tianhai's failure to cultivate to the Arhat status, and he could only become a body Buddha like Dongying who was not as good as a ghost cultivator. Fumo Ninja was killed and his inheritance was broken.Afterwards, Kuliu Idlers even encouraged Hattori Hanzo, the ninja of the Tokugawa shogunate at the time, to suggest that the third Tokugawa shogun use the vanity of being the best ninja in the world to attract the two feuding ninjas, Koga and Iga, to fight each other. Therefore, it disappeared, and this is also one of the few righteous deeds of Jiuliu idlers to eliminate harm for the country.

For the ninja's system and family emblem, no one knows better than Jiuliu Idlers, so when these ninjas emerged from the ground, Xu Changqing easily recognized them as Koga-ryu who were good at earth escape.The ninja system is strictly hierarchical. When the ninja of the previous level speaks, the other ninjas must kneel and cannot even raise their heads. This makes it easy for Xu Changqing to find the two leaders of the hundred or so ninjas.

Although Xu Changqing is not good at Japanese, he can still understand a little bit. Words such as war spirit, prince, shikigami and Yuan Shikai are mentioned in it, which made him gradually understand the whole context.Onmyoji has a very high status in Japan, and many Japanese policies will ask the opinion of Onmyoji. The Xuangang Heavenly Demon has seen this point, and it seems that the Japanese come to Pingxiang to collect battle souls and use it to feed Onmyoji. As a condition of God, we have Japan's international support, and when we deal with Yuan Shikai, there will be no external secular resistance.

"If you want to come to my China to stir up trouble, you're looking for death!" Xu Changqing's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help snorting coldly after seeing these ninjas buried the pots on their bodies in a specific way.

Originally, the matter of the Zhenhun Tower was enough to make Xu Changqing's head burnt out, but now these Japanese young people also jumped out to mess around, which made him feel murderous.All national interests and international issues have been left behind by him for the time being, and this small uneasy factor will be resolved first, so that outsiders like them will come to take advantage of the fierce fight with Yin Kui.

Xu Changqing, who knows the weakness of ninjas very well, did not act immediately, but waited until they all buried the pots, performed the technique of earth escape, sneaked into the ground, and rushed to the next place where the pots were buried, and then performed ghostly magic, silently catch up with them.When he was about to get close to them, he suddenly soared up like a great roc with wings spread, and when he was in the sky above them, he suddenly fell down. "The golden spirit of the five elements, listen to my orders, turn into a diamond, and hurry like a law!"

When Xu Changqing fell into the group of ninjas fleeing underground, he heard a muffled sound from under his feet, and half of the Yinshen stick in his hand was inserted into the ground, and the sharp gold power exerted on the stick was like ripples in an instant Spreading out, the yellow ground under the feet also became as hard as a diamond as the power spread.The two jounin who were in charge of the more than 100 people seemed to sense the danger, and hurried out from the ground, barely escaping death, while the other ninjas were not so lucky, they were stuck underground by the solidified land, alive Let the surrounding hard ground be crushed into minced meat.Around Xu Changqing, the sound of popping objects bursting continuously, and then the rich earth spirit energy completely disappeared, replaced by sharp gold energy.

"Baga!" The two jounin who escaped from death seemed to know the plight of their subordinates underground, cursed angrily, and without further words, shot all kinds of hidden weapons on their bodies towards Xu Changqing , and they drew their long knives and followed closely behind.

Faced with this attack of flying flowers all over the sky, Xu Changqing didn't even have the intention of avoiding it. With his fingers condensing his true energy, he quickly drew a Five Thunder Talisman in the void, and said: "Leading Thunder!"

I saw a powerful thunder ball instantly formed in front of Xu Changqing, and rushed out. All the hidden weapons around were immediately sucked into a ball and fell to the ground. Jonin.When Lei Jin was about to hit them, their figures suddenly became unreal and turned into two stones wrapped in clothes, and they themselves appeared naked behind Xu Changqing, and pointed the long knives in their hands towards Xu Changqing cut off the vital points.

This kind of illusion trick of golden cicada shelling has long been expected by Xu Changqing. Before the two long knives are cut on his body, the two thunder jins that missed the target turned around as if they had eyes, and rushed into the two. Nagami Shinobi's body instantly burned into coke together with their internal organs.

Looking at the two charred corpses under his feet, Xu Changqing snorted coldly with disdain, then his eyes became extremely sharp, he turned his head to look at the loess hill not far away, and said: "You guys have seen enough of the theater, you should come out Come on!"

It didn't take long for Xu Changqing's voice to fall, and he saw ripples in the mound like water, and four young people walked out of the mound in the middle of the ripples.I saw them all dressed very plainly, with a box on their backs, a scythe for mowing grass in their hands, all kinds of mahogany charms hanging on their waists, and a red dust rope wrapped around their arms superior.Seeing the attires of these young people, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of a person he hated as much as Ren Sanjiao of the beggar's family, and his relaxed mood just now returned to the gloomy before.

"May I ask what is Master's Dharma name?" The young man at the head raised his hand to Xu Changqing and said, "It is the blessing of China for Master to eliminate this scum, and we will publicize today's righteous deeds for Master, so that the world will I know the noble feeling of the master that if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell.”

"Master?" Xu Changqing's face became gloomy again. His hair hadn't grown yet, which really made him look like a monk, and then the young man's boastful expression made him feel more like them. There must be a connection with that person, so he asked in a deep voice: "The four surnames of the Nongmen in Xiajiuliu, Niuma Zhuyang, what are your surnames?"

The four were stunned for a moment when they heard Xu Changqing's words, and said in unison: "We are members of the Niu family!"

Xu Changqing asked again with a dark face: "Then who is Niu Gangzhen, the eldest son of the Niu family?"

The leader of the four seemed to see that Xu Changqing's face was not friendly, and was about to signal the cousins ​​behind him not to talk too much, but the youngest one blurted out, "He is our third uncle! "

"Okay! Very good! Back then, he ran away as an elder, and it's the same when I settle accounts with you!" Xu Changqing smiled ferociously, and rushed towards the four of them.

The four people in the Nongmen didn't expect that this person turned out to be an enemy, so they quickly formed a four-element formation, and the red dust ropes in their hands were intertwined to form a shield, which emitted an earthy-yellow light under the action of the true essence, and bound the four together. People are firmly guarding it.At this moment, the strength of the four people was also concentrated on the leader, who sacrificed the sickle magic weapon in his hand, and chopped off towards Xu Changqing's top door, Baihui.

Xu Changqing didn't pay any attention to the scythe on top of his head, only heard the sound of gold and iron clashing, and the scythe was bounced off by Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body. Neither can hurt.This is Xu Changqing, who has already come outside the shield of Hongchen's rope, and he made a seal with his hands, and said: "The four phenomena are reversed, Hongchen is locked up, and he is as urgent as a law!"

Xu Changqing's Dao power immediately broke through the four people's control on the Hongchen Rope, and the Hongchen Rope, which originally belonged to their magic weapon, was controlled by Xu Changqing. fell to the ground, unable to move.

"There is an injustice, and a debtor! Go find your enemy if you have the ability, why take it out on us juniors?" Seeing that their spells were broken, the four of them became anxious, thinking of the incident when Xu Changqing killed the ninja just now. Such a ruthless method, they couldn't help feeling scared, and shouted one after another.

Xu Changqing kicked the four people tied together to the mound, and said angrily: "Do you think I don't want to find that bastard? He fled to the Qixia Shandong Hua School, his woman's sect, and dared not come out. I I owe a favor to Yan Feng, the elder of the Donghua Sect, so I don’t want to force my way through the gate of the Donghua Sect, otherwise I would have gone looking for this bastard a long time ago!”

"You, you are Xu Changqing, a nine-year-old idler!" The four of them obviously knew about their third uncle's affairs very well, and when they heard Xu Changqing's cursing, they immediately guessed his identity.

"Since you already know my identity, you should also know the grievances between me and your third uncle!" Xu Changqing smiled coldly, looked at the sky again, calculated the time, and looked ruthless , said: "I'm in a hurry today, so I don't have time to spend time here with you. Later, I will use the secret method to restrain you and keep you here. If you are lucky, you will be fine. The feeling of being devoured!"

"Wait! Wait!" The leader hurriedly said, "Let me tell you, where is our third uncle? How about you let us go?"

"Has he left Qixia Mountain?" Xu Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the leader, then secretly formed a magic seal, loosened the red rope, and said coldly: "Say it! You'd better tell the truth, otherwise You don't have a good lady to rely on like your third uncle!"

"Of course, we don't have the guts to lie to you!" The leader moved his arm that was bound sorely, and seeing Xu Changqing's face showed a little impatience, he immediately said: "Actually, the three of us Uncle is in this town of Ping."

Xu Changqing was slightly taken aback, and said, "What? It's in Pingxiang Town!"

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