Nine idlers

Chapter 462

Luhu Lake is located at the southwest junction of Wuzhen.This area is nicknamed Beizi by the locals.

There are no prisons in the cities of Outer Gate Lingshan. All those who commit crimes will be sent to the deep mountain mining area for months or years of hard labor. Those who can survive cannot return to their hometowns, but He was sent to the three Lingshan Mountains of Xiaoguo Mountain and Fengshan Mountain in Weiji Mountain to serve as a herbalist.Most of these people will be absorbed by various families in cities and border towns.Become a family pharmacist who can reduce a lot of taxes, and there are still some people who are either not liked by others or unwilling to be restrained. These people will be gathered in one place for control.The area around the Nanhu Lake in Wuzhen is where all the people who are unwilling or unable to join the various families gather after committing crimes and serving in Weiji Mountain. This area is full of dragons and snakes.Chaos.It's just that this situation has improved a lot since Xiong Liancheng established the Hushitang. Many desperadoes have been absorbed by the Hunitang.The South Lake area is gradually calming down, at least on the surface.

I don't know if Mother Li did it on purpose or not.The house that Xu Changqing was looking for was located at the end of Nanhu Lake, close to the source of the Nanhu River, which is also the outlet of Nanhu Lake.This is the edge of Wu Town, close to the city wall. Due to the Nanhu River sluice, whenever there is a beast tide in the forest, this will be the first place to be broken through.Therefore, various forces in the city built another city wall around this area to completely isolate this area from other parts of Wuzhen, and this place has become a vacuum belt of forces that don't care about it. I don't want to take this mess under my command.

The house that Li's mother rented for Xu Changqing was close to the city wall, next to the Nanhu River, in a slightly remote location, with three ramshackle houses and a garden overgrown with weeds.Although this place is terrible, it is a very good temporary residence for Xu Changqing, because the people living around are not only the mortals of Weiji Mountain, but also the mortals of other Lingshan Mountains, which helps Xu Changqing understand the whole Kunlun The situation in the mortal world has great advantages.

After Xu Changqing moved here, he cleaned the inside and outside of some houses, reinforced the house, replaced a few main beams that were about to break, and then cleaned up the small garden near the river, and put the elixir seeds collected in the forest before. One by one, use the essence of life and death to ripen it, and build it into a medicine garden.It's just that Xu Changqing was shocking the world, and he didn't want to attract the attention of interested people because of the aura emitted by the mature elixir.None of the high-grade elixir such as dragon's blood tree and the middle-grade elixir such as the rejuvenation grass were planted, and all the herbs he planted were low-grade elixir such as Night Cry Fruit.These elixirs are listed as common elixirs in the Pharmacopoeia, and they are also very common in the forest. Most of the herbalists in Wu Town who know how to plant will plant some of these low-grade elixirs with high survival rates and short growth cycles. Some common herbs.So that in the event of an accident, the family can continue to pay the drug rent without being driven out of the town.

After gaining a certain understanding of the lives of mortals here, Xu Changqing knew what he should do first if he wanted to integrate into the life here.It is to go to the Reward and Punishment Hall in the inner city to get a natal jade tablet to show your identity.For ordinary mortals.This jade card is very important, whether it is to buy food items or conduct transactions.All need to use this piece of jade and card.The jade card cannot be used by others, when the owner of the jade card dies.The jade and cards will also be broken, and the fairy treasures in the jade cards will also disappear. In addition, if the jade cards are lost, you can go to the Hall of Rewards and Punishments to get another piece. Similarly, the fairy treasures in the jade cards will also be invalid.Therefore, the vast majority of mortals in Kunlun will have more than two jade tokens, and one jade token that does not have many fairy treasures will be carried on their body, and the rest of the jade tokens will be hidden at home, or most of the fairy treasures will be transferred to family members , so as to avoid possible accidents.

The jade plaques of each city and border town are different.They cannot be interchanged with each other. If you are a foreigner who comes to Wuzhen, you can take the Hall of Rewards and Punishment to change your old jade card's place of origin, or get a new jade card. Xu Changqing just received a new jade card.Although Xu Changqing had seen Li Yongfeng's jade tablet before, he didn't look at it carefully that time, let alone study it in depth.So after receiving the jade token, Xu Changqing began to analyze the structure of the jade token and destroyed a total of 13 yuan jade tokens in five days before he fully understood the composition of the natal jade token.And his behavior of receiving 13 yuan jade medals in five days also caused some small disturbances.Although the first jade token was free of charge, each of the following jade tokens required a payment of ten points. Within five days, Xu Changqing spent a total of 23 low-grade spiritual herbs.Although this is nothing in the eyes of most people, it is completely different in the eyes of people in the Nanhu area. After all, the annual medicine rent is only thirty low-grade spirit herbs.

What Xu Changqing did was not beyond anyone's guess.After all, he is not the first person who wants to decipher the secrets of jade cards. Some people have tried to decipher the jade cards in order to obtain endless fairy treasures. Unfortunately, they all failed. (Shan Shan) different body", saying that reading rape and going bankrupt. So most of the eyes that look at Xu Changqing seem to be stupid. But how would they know that Xu Changqing has completely cracked the secret of the jade card, He has also fully mastered the formation diagram in the jade card, and it is no exaggeration to say that he can easily make such a jade card. However, he has no clue about the most important fairy treasure in the jade card, because as long as he If he wants to probe into the jade tablet, the fairy tongbao in the jade tablet will dissipate immediately, as if it never existed. If he wants to fully understand the fairy tongbao, unless he will reward and punish the god who added the fairy tongbao to the jade tablet. Ding stole out to study, but this violated his original intention of keeping a low profile, and finally he had to give up this opportunistic method and honestly regard himself as an ordinary Kunlun mortal.

Just like the vast majority of ordinary people in Wu Town who are not herb pickers can make a living, Xu Changqing also made a living. He cleared out the houses near the street, made a few medicine cabinets, and opened a medical clinic.Although Xu Changqing owns Wuzhen Fabang and can be exempted from the one-year drug rent, he still has to pay a monthly business tax of five low-grade elixir or 160 points of Xianling Tongbao to open a medical clinic.The mortal city of Lingshan, the outer gate of Kunlun, controls the prices of some commodities very strictly.For example, the doctor's consultation fee in the medical center, the carriage fare, etc. These prices are fixed. As for the medicinal materials needed for the consultation, they can only be purchased from the family's pharmacy.

However, it is really not a good idea to open a medical clinic in a poor area like the Nanhu area.Most of the people here or their ancestors are herbalists. Although they don't have any superb medical skills, they do have one or two special prescriptions.For general ailments, they don't need to go to the medical center at all, they just need to collect herbs according to the prescription, and sometimes they don't even need to go to collect herbs, and they can get enough medicinal materials by bartering directly on the black market in Nanhu.After more than ten days since the account was opened, no one came to see a doctor in Xu Changqing's clinic. Fortunately, Xu Changqing's opening of the clinic was just a cover, and the elixir in the backyard was enough for him to live here safely for a long time. a period of time


On No. 11 days after moving to Nanhu, Xu Changqing's spiritual sense felt the guiding talisman left on Li Yongfeng appearing outside Wuzhen. It seemed that Li Yongfeng had returned to Wuzhen from Bianwu City.Perhaps it was blocked by Li's mother, and Li Yongfeng stayed at home when he returned to Wuzhen, but he seemed to have some relationship. During the few days he was locked at home, he found Xu Changqing's current residence through his relationship.After that, he asked someone to send Xu Changqing the ten immortal muscle jade body pills obtained in exchange for Zhu Guo and the five top-grade elixir seeds collected by his pharmacist, and conveyed his apology for Li's mother's rude behavior, And showed his determination not to give up, it seems that he will not give up the ambition in his heart.

The poor in Nanhu are inherently xenophobic. In their eyes, Xu Changqing is a fool who runs a medical clinic among the poor. Even after living in Nanhu for more than a month, Xu Changqing still hasn't met anyone.locals.On the contrary, some gang members who live in the streets of Nanhu often appear at the door of his clinic from time to time, perhaps preparing to prey on money, and even secretly sneaked into his medicine garden a few times, but they were caught by the gangsters. The medicine garden that is not protected by the law, just let them see the illusion of some common herbs.Afterwards, since he didn't wait for a visitor to come to see the doctor, nor did he wait for those members of the gang to send the God of Wealth, instead he waited for an unexpected visitor.

"You are Mr. Xu who came from the city of Birds, and I am very familiar with Birds City, but I have never heard of a number one person like you." With a gust of wind blowing into the medical hall, Xu Changqing On the opposite side there was already a huge man with a height of eight feet and a beard. He was sitting on a chair like the owner of the room.Tapping the table with his fingers, he stared at Xu Changqing with slightly brown eyes, and a penetrating aura naturally exuded from his body, making him look like a general in charge of killing.

If it wasn't for the completely different appearance, Xu Changqing almost thought that the person in front of him was dressed up by Long Jinbao.Because his aura is very similar to that of Long Jinbao, the difference between the two is that Long Jinbao has more devilish aura, while the aura of the person in front of him has such an imperceptible aura.


"Xiong Liancheng, the owner of the Tiger Pillow Hall?" Xu Changqing already knew a lot of things about the streets and alleys of Nanhu from the chats among the surrounding residents. He also had some idea of ​​his appearance, besides, who in Nanhu could have such an aura, Xu Changqing would not be difficult to recognize the identity of the person.

"Fei Yan said that you are from Lou Guan Dao, but I know who are the people from Lou Guan Dao Sword and Fa Er sect this time? This time I went to Shennong Valley to meet them.

"The aura of Xiong Liancheng disappeared in vain, and even the immortal aura that was close to entering the Tao also dissipated. At this moment, he became an ordinary Wuzhen gang leader, but his eyes still stared at Xu Changqing, and said: "You Who is it?outsiders. "

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