Nine idlers

Chapter 461

Chan Yongfeng left in a hurry.It was not that simple for Quan Kai to go back to Bianwu City from the border town, and he needed to go through some procedures such as pass tokens. Before leaving, Li Yongfeng ordered his younger siblings very seriously for the first time not to disturb Xu Changqing in the garden.Li Yongfeng, who has always been kind to his younger siblings and never spoke loudly, suddenly behaved like this, which really made his younger siblings and mother Li a little at a loss, and at the same time became more curious about Xu Changqing's identity.Li Yongfeng is still very majestic in the hearts of his younger siblings. Although he was extremely curious, he still obeyed his orders and did not dare to approach the garden.But Li's mother, Yu Shi, is different.It is impossible for Li Yongfeng's order to restrain her, and she already had doubts about Xu Changqing's origin.So after Li Yongfeng left, her divine sense always appeared suddenly from time to time, and she endured it for half a month before she finally couldn't help her curiosity.Personally explore the garden where Xu Changqing lived temporarily.

During the half month that Li Yongfeng left.Xu Changqing has been studying the Heavenly Dao Sutra.The first volume of the entire Tiandaojing is divided into three chapters and sixteen chapters, namely "The Way of Heaven", "Earth Element" and "Ren Zun". The whole text is all about one word "struggle." People contend, some parts of the ideas expounded in the article are even quite similar to Moxiu, and even Xu Changqing has a kind of urge to rush after reading it in one breath.Some methods of cultivating the Tao are mentioned in the article, and these methods are no different from the first-class methods of sitting and forgetting and keeping the first class mentioned in the Tao Te Ching.It can be seen that the difference between Tiandaojing and Tao Te Ching is only the way, but the same law.

From Xu Changqing's point of view, this Tiandaojing is no better than the Tao Te Ching, and some places are even a bit childish in the eyes of Xu Changqing, who has touched the Dao of the Three Realms, like a complaint written by someone who can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour.It's just that whenever Xu Changqing recites the general outline of the Heavenly Dao Sutra.The unique power contained in each of the three primordial spirits is like a cycle of heaven, changing and flowing among the three primordial spirits.You know, when Xu Changqing's Yuanshen was divided into three parts, the power in the Yuanshen existed alone. He also thought of various methods to make the three-parted Yuanshen achieve a state of separation and separation, and the separation and separation of the three parts into one. , but this cannot be done no matter what.Now, by reciting the general outline of the Heavenly Dao Sutra, the power of the three primordial spirits can be transformed unconsciously. How can Xu Changqing not be overjoyed?Although such a conversion is as inconspicuous as a drop of water in the sea, it is a good start after all, and because of the mutual conversion of the power of the three-point soul, the repulsion between the original three-point soul and Kunlun Wonderland has also weakened a little.The most obvious thing is that Xu Changqing's spiritual sense has recovered from a range of more than ten meters to a range of several miles in just half a month.

Although I haven't read the following eight volumes of the Heavenly Dao Sutra.But Xu Changqing believes that the essence of today's Taoist scriptures should be the general outline of this first volume, and the rest may be added by later generations.

Because only when he recites the general outline, his three-point soul will have that kind of mutual conversion reaction, and the idea of ​​fighting against the sky and surpassing the sky described in the general outline is obviously much better than the following articles .Ordinary people and even ordinary cultivators will not feel any difference when reading this volume of the Heavenly Dao Sutra, they will only feel that the previous and subsequent articles should be in the same line, one is a brief narrative and the other is a detailed narrative, there is no distinction between high and low.If there is an abnormal reaction in the three-point soul from time to time, maybe Xu Changqing will miss this general outline. Only an expert who has been in touch with the way of heaven and reads this general outline repeatedly, can he realize the profound meaning of controlling the heavenly way in the general outline, and The following articles are just annotations for later generations like Zhouyi Tongjie.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Xu there? Li's mother Yu stood in front of Xu Changqing's house and lingered for a long time. Finally, she couldn't help knocking on the door and shouted.

Xu Changqing had already noticed Li's mother wandering outside the door.It's just that based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, he didn't open the door to contact him. He didn't expect that Li's mother, who should have avoided it, would take the initiative to come to the door.In fact, as early as ten days ago, when his spiritual sense recovered a little, he discovered some abnormalities in Li's mother, and he also had doubts about Li's identity, but he didn't want to be troubled without knowing the specific situation. I just let her go, but I didn't expect Mother Li to be so ignorant.


"The door is open! Mrs. Li, just come in."Xu Changqing, who changed into an ancient Han green shirt in the spirit of going to the countryside and doing as the Romans do, stood up from his chair, stood with his hands behind his back, stared at the door and said.

As Xu Changqing's voice fell, Li's mother, Yu Shi, pushed the door open and entered, and saw that the room was pitch black, and Xu Changqing was standing in front of the terrace with an inexplicable smile on his face, and a ray of moonlight shrouded him from the sky.It made him look more mysterious.Seeing this, Li's mother, Yu Shi, couldn't help but feel terrified. She felt that it might be a mistake to come here today, but since she came, naturally there was no reason to back down. She took a deep breath and smiled naturally: "I am a concubine." The head of the family, Mr. has never visited since he moved in. It is really rude. I came to see you tonight. I hope you are a bit abrupt. May I ask if you are still used to living here, do you need to add something?"

"Mrs. Li, you came here alone at night, probably not to ask such silly questions? Xu Changqing smiled, and didn't intend to make money. He said bluntly: "If you have anything to say, please speak up. "When you read the latest Dong Jie, you wash the book, dry the fine notch, and throw away the Shan)" said Qi Shan

Mother Ding has never seen anyone so direct.I was stunned for a while.Worried outside the door, some words got stuck in his throat, his face was ugly for a long time, and then he rearranged his words.The words said: "Mr. Xu, it's a good move to turn against the guest! In this case, the concubine asked me bluntly. The husband is the body of a fairy. If he enters Li's house, he will be enshrined in the hall and enjoy the blessings. Why do you enter my Han's courtyard now?" To coax my Yongfeng child into delusional thoughts? Please tell me clearly, sir. Let the concubine understand even if she dies."

"The body of a fairy?" Xu Changqing snorted lightly, and asked back: "Why does Mrs. Li think that I am a fairy? Is it your imagination, or do you have any real evidence? You must know that pretending to be a fairy is a serious crime, Mrs. Li If you don't want to continue living here, you can say so. Why should you fall into the calamity?"

"You..." Mother Li is obviously not good at words.In the face of Xu Changqing's rhetorical questions, sophistry and counterattacks.She couldn't find a way to fight back at all, and she was a little speechless, but she couldn't tell her secret, and pointed at Xu Changqing angrily.The expression on his face also became extremely ugly.

"Don't be angry, Mrs. Li!" Xu Changqing turned around, walked to the railing of the terrace, looked at the beauty of the lake in front of him, and said, "Maybe I shouldn't call you Mrs. Li, but Mrs. Yu or Fairy Yu. "

"You, what do you know? Who are you going to?" Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Li's mother's face changed drastically, and she stepped back a few steps to the door.Stretching out his hand to support the door, feeling a little unsteady, he asked anxiously.

"There is such an obvious aura of water and spirit in the divine sense, and the obvious smell of fish, it's hard not to let people know your origin." Li's mother's reaction made Xu Changqing understand that his guess was completely correct, and at the same time felt that Li Mother Yu seems to have little experience in the world.After a few words, the truth was revealed, and Yu went further and asked: "I also really want to know why a demon cultivator who has reached the realm of a fairy possesses his body. No, it is wrong. It should be reincarnated on a mortal. A Herb Picker of the Han clan can even give up his own immortal cultivation? Why? Why would Mrs. Li do such a thing?"

In fact, Xu Changqing had already considered all kinds of possibilities when Li's mother possessed the divine mind of an immortal. The most reliable one was the reincarnation of an immortal. Weird phenomenon.From the appearance of his divine sense, the surrounding water spirit gathered, Xu Changqing can be sure that this is the innate supernatural power of the immortal divine mind, and when Xu Changqing observed the outer appearance of the divine mind with the big bright eyes, he found that it was shining with scales, similar in shape Yulong, plus Li's mother's surname Yu, naturally it is not difficult to guess his origin.This is the first demon fairy Xu Chang encountered in Kunlun Wonderland.

"It's none of your business!" Mother Li's face turned pale, and she regretted coming here very much, but she was worried about Li Yongfeng's future safety, which still supported her to stay, and calmed down, she said: "Concubine If I ask myself, I can't stop you, but if you meddle in the affairs of mortals as a fairy, if the Zhengqi Immortal of Xianlu Hall finds out, what will happen to you, I think you should be very clear about it!"

"Xianlutang? Zhengqixian?" Xu Changqing silently recited these two names in his heart. From the name, it should be similar to Xingtang and Xingbu, which are in charge of the laws of Kunlun Fairyland. Listening to Li's mother's slightly frightened tone, this This force seems to be very powerful, and even the immortals who have achieved immortality are mostly controlled by it.Without understanding the specific situation, Xu Changqing didn't want to be troublesome, and quickly had a countermeasure in his mind. He turned to look at Li's mother, and said solemnly: "I don't know why you, a demon cultivator, want to join the human womb? Why? Want to marry the former owner of this family? I don't want to know about this, let alone meddle in your affairs, so don't provoke me. Otherwise, I don't mind having a hard time with you. I believe that with your current state, the final result It is very likely that the fish is still alive. As for my purpose of coming here is not malicious, the reason I want to help Li Yongfeng is because I have a relationship with my father, and I can't bear him to do such a precarious job again."

"You and your ex-husband are old? Why have you never heard of it before?" Xu Changqing's words are indeed true. Mother Li knows that in her current state, she can't compete with such an unfathomable strongman like Xu Changqing.In addition, Xu Changqing's hostility was indeed not felt, so his tone was much softer.

"I'm talking about Li Yongfeng's biological father.

"Xu Changqing once again expressed an almost certain conjecture.

Mother Li was stunned for a moment, and she didn't show any surprise, but the expression on her face eased a lot.There was also a look of thought in her eyes, when she saw Xu Changqing's broken magic awl hanging on the chair.He seemed to think of something, looked at Xu Changqing with a little surprise, and said, "Mr. is the immortal cultivator of Lou Guan Dao."

Xu Changqing could see every move of Mother Li very clearly. Instead of following Mother Li's train of thought, he turned around intentionally, waved the broken magic awl into his sleeve, and said expressionlessly: " No. I'm just a casual cultivator."

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