Nine idlers

Chapter 460 3 Conditions

Erlie behind the town that Li Yongfeng mentioned.Xu Changqing felt that he shouldn't use common sense to look at things in Kunlun Wonderland. Although the size of the town is just an insignificant matter, if it is placed on other life-and-death matters, he still considers things with previous common sense. I will definitely suffer a big loss, and even die because of it.

When Xu Changqing was introspecting, he also observed this so-called small town, which was bigger than most cities, for himself. Create a new family.From Li Yongfeng's words, Xu Changqing knew that this town was designated by Bianwu City for more than 5000 years to divert the growing population of Bianwu City. The smallest one, but because Wu Town is close to Fengjia Lingshan Stage Horse, it has become the goods distribution center of the entire Bianwu City. In terms of prosperity, it can be regarded as the upper middle of the nine towns.

Looking down from the hilltops around Wuzhen, the layout and even the architectural style of Wuzhen are imitated from the Tang Dynasty. Gates and so on; in the center of Wuzhen is a palace-like building, which according to Li Yongfeng is the Hall of Rewards and Punishments, and at the end of the eight roads extending from the palace are eight Taoist temples and temples of different styles.Because these Taoist temples and temples are buried by the buildings that are constantly being built nearby, they look inconspicuous. If Xu Changqing hadn't felt that the eight Taoist temples and the Hall of Reward and Punishment had a special aura circulation trajectory, he might have missed it .But now it seems.The purpose of the people who built this fog town was not only for the so-called diversion of the population, but also the fact that the Lingshan stage horse, which is especially important to the city of identification, chose to set up a post station of the city of identification outside the city of fog, and it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.Xu Changqing doesn't know the mystery of it yet, but he has already become vigilant.

After entering Wuzhen, Xu Changqing felt that he had returned to the world during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. People in ancient costumes came and went on the streets, and there were shouts of Tang Dynasty official hawking one after another. Showing his face in public, wantonly teasing the man he looks at.Everything around Xu Changqing felt a little out of place. Fortunately, there are many people like him with weird clothes and short hair, so his appearance is not surprising to the surrounding Wuzhen people.

Li Yongfeng hired a carriage from the car dealership at the entrance of the town and drove towards the town.On the mountain, Li Yongfeng once pointed out that his home is located outside the inner city of the town center. Although it looks very close from the mountain, it is actually far away. Looking at the mountain and running a dead horse is not only applicable in the world.The town is getting bigger, and it is very troublesome for people living in the town to travel. Therefore, apart from the inner city, there are four or five car dealers on every street in the outer city of the town. These car dealers add up to nearly a hundred. , all belong to a car dealership named Zhengfengxing, which is an industry under the name of Huzhentang;

On the carriage, Li Yongfeng briefly talked about the situation in Wuzhen, especially the families and forces that controlled Wuzhen.

Since when the town was built, the population diverted from Bianwucheng was mainly from the Li family. The Li family is the main one.Nearly one-third of the population in Wu Town is surnamed Li. If you add some relatives and friends, the Li family probably accounts for more than half of the population in Wu Town.Although the Li family has an absolute advantage in Wuzhen, they are not united internally.The entire Wuzhen Li family is divided into three groups, one is the Nancheng Li family, the other is the Xicheng Li family, and the rest is the Han family. Among them, the Nancheng and Xicheng Li families are also called the orthodox Li families. The same as collateral.However, his family lineage has always been kept within the fifth service, while that of the Li family of the Han clan is outside the fifth service. In addition, most of the family's children are lowly herbalists, so they have been looked down upon by the other two families.

Except for the Li family.There are two other forces that can compete with the Li family, one is the Meng family, which is also a family in the city of identification, and the other is the tiger pillow hall.In terms of family size alone, the Meng family is at best comparable to the Li family in Xicheng, but there is a non-ranked casual cultivator in the family.It is not a big deal if there is a non-ranked casual cultivator in the Bianwucheng family. After all, those aristocratic families in Bianwucheng have more or less connections with the inner sect Lingshan Xiuxian sect, let alone the casual cultivator. , even Zongmen immortals can invite them.Those casual cultivators who do not enter the rank have the most status in the aristocratic family, that is, the inner hall elders who don't care about foreign affairs, and they are obviously not qualified for the post of worship.But it is different in a border town like Wuzhen. People here think that the non-level casual cultivators are no different from the real high-level casual cultivators. They are all immortals who cannot be provoked.It is said that with the full support of the Meng family in Wuzhen, the non-level casual cultivator is about to enter the rank, so that the power of the Meng family in Wuzhen should not be underestimated, and they can completely reconcile."

Tiger Pillow Hall is the only guild, and its owner is named Xiong Liancheng. It is said that he is the registered disciple of a certain loose cultivator.The only battle record is that 13 years ago in the forest on the east side of Wuzhen, he fought and killed a crazy tiger pillow monster. It is said that the power of this monster at that time was equivalent to that of a low-level outer sect Sanxiu. people.Originally, the strength displayed by Xiong Liancheng.It can definitely make Tiger Pillow Hall stronger, but he knows how to do things and be a man. He never intervenes in the medicine shops, spiritual relic shops, pawn shops and other industries run by those aristocratic families. Most of the businesses he runs are markets, restaurants and car dealers. And other small businesses related to the basic necessities of ordinary people.Therefore, the relationship between Huzhentang and the various families in Wuzhen is very good, and sometimes it can even act as a peacemaker, and it is also very close to ordinary people in Wuzhen. After all, there are nearly 10 people under him who rely on his business. Have a meal.Some people jokingly said that if Wu Town changes from town to city, the master of Tiger Pillow Hall will definitely become the first city master of Wu City.

In Wuzhen, these major powers are only forces in the outer city, and there are three other existences in the inner city, the Hall of Rewards and Punishments, the Qingfeng Pavilion, and the King Kong Temple.Although the people who work in these three places are also mortals, behind them stand the Immortal Palace and Immortal Sect that can only be looked up to by mortals from the outer Lingshan Mountain, so no one dares to cause trouble in front of them.Fortunately for all the forces in Wuzhen, these three inner city forces never care about foreign affairs. Even if someone fights and makes trouble in front of their gates, as long as they don't break into the palaces, temples and Taoist temples, they will never take a second look at the things outside. .

Li Yongfeng came out of the Li family of the Zihan tribe, but he worked hard for others and became a yam searcher in Canghui of Shennong Valley.Although in Canghui of Shennong Valley he was a low-ranking servant, but in Canghui of Wuzhen he was a member of the sect among all herbalists.Well, the pharmacist's master has no real power, but some prestige, but after all, there are more than [-] pharmacists in Wu Town. If he can unite this part of the force, he might not be able to make a career.

Now the Xuanwu Avenue that Xu Changqing and the two are driving in a carriage is very spacious. Although it is not as wide as the Lingshan Post Road at the Outer Gate, which is tens of feet wide, it is much wider than most of the roads that Xu Changqing has seen in the secular world. .This road can not only allow eight carriages to run at the same time, but also has a special sidewalk. In terms of road design alone, it is no worse than those secular western metropolises.Careful Xu Changqing also found that although this popular carriage was far inferior to Fengjia's Lingshan stage horse, an unknown small formation was also placed between the main body of the carriage and the axle wheels, so that when the carriage was driving, the carriage The vibration was so slight that it was hard to feel that you were riding in a carriage.It is precisely because the car is good and the road is good, the speed of the carriage can also be described as flying. According to ordinary people's normal walking, it would take more than an hour to complete the journey, but the carriage only took two sticks of incense to arrive.

After arriving at the location, Li Yongfeng took out the jade tablet and inserted it into the four jade slots on the door on the side of the carriage.After the jade tablet was inserted, Xu Changqing felt a burst of power from the formation at the bottom of the carriage, and poured it into the four grooves of the jade along the extension of the formation, and then a ray of light flashed from the four grooves of the jade, brushing it from the jade token. However, an extremely weak and strange fairy spirit was taken away from the jade tablet.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing felt admiration for the Kunlun Immortal Family's broad and benevolent way of using it to the people, and couldn't help but sigh, if the world of practice can open up its door and apply Taoism to the people's livelihood, it may be able to make a difference for the people. It is not impossible for the Huaxia people to open up another way of prosperity.It's just that this idea just came up, Xu Changqing immediately shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, thinking that he was delusional, if there is no distinction between immortals and mortals, then the world will be messed up, obviously the Kunlun immortal family also saw this, so Only then will we always keep a certain distance from the Kunlun mortal world.

"Mother, brother, sister, I'm back!" Li Yongfeng was also very happy to see the door of the house in front of him. After apologizing to Xu Changqing, he couldn't wait to rush into the house and shouted.It’s no wonder that Li Yongfeng lost his composure. Like a pharmacist, it takes months or even half a year to go out at a time. Thinking about staying alone in the dangerous forest for such a long time, there is a possibility of death at any time. The hard work is really hard Knowing to outsiders, returning after a long absence, with blood relatives close at hand, the heart is extremely excited, and it is inevitable that there will be some appropriate actions.

However, Li Yongfeng's performance also made Xu Changqing very satisfied. At least from his unintentional actions, it can be seen that he is a person who values ​​family affection. Even if he is ambitious, he also has his own moral bottom line.

What I am most afraid of is the kind of person who has great ambitions but has no moral bottom line at all. If such a person is cultivated, it will only be a curse.

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