Nine idlers

Chapter 469

After hearing the analysis of the middle-aged Taoist priest, all the people in the hall couldn't help but gasped. After thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was consistent. Although these things seemed to be accidental, but grasping the whole context, they couldn't help but feel that there was some connection. .The scholar surnamed Wei didn't seem to be too surprised by this analysis. It seemed that he had guessed this for a long time, but he still had some doubts in his heart, so he asked the middle-aged Taoist priest, "Junior Brother Min, since you think this The thing is that someone is obstructing us and targeting us in Shennong Valley, but what about the Qiankun gourd and those top-grade elixir? Are these also pre-arranged?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest also seemed to have guessed that the scholar surnamed Wei would ask this question, and replied without hesitation: "Brother Wei, can't these be fake?"

"What? False?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and another fairy who looked like an old farmer couldn't help asking: "Junior Brother Min, where did you start?"

"Senior brother Ou, fellow seniors, I think there is actually one thing that is different between us from the very beginning. The Qiankun gourd and the top-grade elixir do not actually exist." The middle-aged Taoist explained in a deep voice, and raised his hand to signal others not to Refuting his words, he continued: "Brothers, do you remember that we have never seen these spiritual objects and elixir from the beginning, and they all rushed over after discovering the changes in the world, and then found some roots. After looking at things like whiskers, it is judged that there are spiritual things and medicines that have matured not long ago.

If someone hostile planted those roots in advance.Then use spells to cause the same changes in the world as the psychic medicines have matured, and lead us or other people to the past. I think this may be much more reliable than others who always come first! "

"Hmm! Junior Brother Min's words are indeed very reasonable!" Wrinkles piled up on the face of the old farmer surnamed Ou.He looked a little annoyed, then nodded in agreement and said, "Actually, we should have known the root of Qiankun gourd and Jinxian Lengxiangguo in the lava lake in the hinterland of the volcano. There is something wrong with this matter. Think about it, everyone. How can two things grow together? In my opinion, the roots and fragments of the Qiankun gourd should have been buried later, but the shoppers didn’t know that there was a golden thread Lengxiang fruit blooming here before. Flowers. But they were eaten by monsters, so such a big flaw was left."

"Senior Brother Ou's words are indeed reasonable." A female crown standing on the other side of the scribe Wei also nodded in agreement: "If it is inferred from this, the person who arranged this game not only has to treat all the disciples of Shennong Valley in Weiji The location inside and outside the mountain is very familiar. In order to leave in time after doing things, without being discovered, and this person needs to be proficient in the changes in the world that will occur after the maturity of various spiritual objects and medicines, and be able to imitate them by casting spells. Does such a person exist?"

"Why not?" The white-haired old man, who had been suppressing his daring to speak, shouted loudly: "Sister Liu, don't forget! In addition to our three mountains of elixir, there is another place in the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain that is also planted with elixir. The masters of the team, and what those guys like to do most is to play tricks. Get others to fight, and they can reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"Old Jiu, you mean Tianjimen?" The middle-aged Taoist priest quickly realized who the white-haired Taoist was talking about.

"Aside from them, who else in the fairy world of Outer Sect Lingshan likes to play this kind of conspiracy so much." The white-haired old man seemed to hate the Tianji Sect, and said through gritted teeth: "Brothers and sisters, don't you think that back then? Is the battle of the immortals that suddenly occurred between the two cities of Lei Ze in Guimei Mountain similar to today? It happened back then. I have experienced it myself. In the two cities, both the loose immortals, demon cultivators and Zongmen immortals all went crazy They seemed to be fighting each other for an unwarranted so-called ancient treasure. In the end, even these two cities were destroyed in the battle of immortals. If I was released, if I hadn't been taken in by Master and taken out of Guimei Mountain, I might have been arrested. Afterwards, Guimei Mountain was completely turned into a barren land, and in the end Tianjimen took advantage of it. Lord of the Mountain, if it is said that there is no Heavenly Mystery Sect, I will never believe it. I am afraid that the recent incident..."

Although the white-haired old man did not finish his speech in the end, everyone already thought that what he said was very reasonable and nodded repeatedly.The female crown suddenly thought of something, and said: "If it is the Tianjimen, things will become complicated. It is rumored that both the Huni Hall and the Pluto Hall have a close relationship with the Tianjimen. Recently, the Hunitang seems to be discerning things. There are many actions in the city and the Nine Towns of Identifying Things, and it seems that the Temple of Hades will also open the Underworld City near Wu Town in two days. The relationship is not superficial. If the Heavenly Secret Sect wants to make a fuss and involve the battle in the fairy world among mortals, the higher-ups will definitely blame it, and then I'm afraid..." "Don't say it!" The literati surnamed Wei interrupted the woman In the words of Guan, after walking back and forth in the hall for a few times, he seemed to have made a decision. He took a box from the altar table, opened it, and took out a rosewood token from it. The solemn old farmer surnamed Chaoou said: "Junior Brother Ou, you are very familiar with people from Baicaotang and Yaodingmen, please go to these two sects immediately, tell their acting masters about our speculation, and ask them to send more people Weiji Mountain. If they don't want to send people over, please also ask them to restrain the loose immortals from all the mountains, and don't let them come here again."

"Observe!" The old farmer surnamed Ou immediately responded. After receiving the token, he took out a handful of dust-like powder from the bag at his waist and sprinkled it on his body. It got into the ground and fled towards Xiaoguoshan without any hindrance.

After the old farmer surnamed Ou left, the literati surnamed Wei took out another red sandalwood token and said to the middle-aged Taoist priest, "Junior Brother Min, you are calm and wise, and you have a lot of prestige among the Sanxians in Xiashui City. You and Junior Brother Ninth Lead two teams of patrolling mountain guards to Xiashui City, and restrain the Sanxians in Xiashui City no matter what." Then he stared at the white-haired old man and said, "If you don't use force, don't use force, especially if you are nine Junior brother, don't mess around after you go, and listen to Junior Brother Min."

"Little brother takes orders." The middle-aged Taoist priest took the token, and before the white-haired old man could refute the words of the literati surnamed Wei, he turned into a ray of light and rushed out of the hall.It landed in the patrol camp not far from the gate of Shanghuo City. After a while, I saw rays of light flying out of the camp, forming a band of meteor light and flying towards Xiashui City. past.

The literati surnamed Wei immediately took out another piece of red sandalwood.Handed it to the female crown who remained at the end, and said: "Junior Sister Liu, go to the Dharma Hall to gather the Seven Sons of the Jade Dragon, and lead two other teams of patrolling mountain guards. Let's go to the city of identification together. After you go, don't disturb the mortals, just Just stay around Xiong Liancheng, the leader of the Huni Hall, to watch, and it’s okay if they find out, as long as they don’t strike first, you are not allowed to do anything.”

"Senior Brother Wei, we are all gone, what if someone comes to Shanghuo City to make trouble?" Nuguan asked with some concern after receiving the token.

The literati surnamed Wei smiled and said very confidently: "I will be fine! With the help of the Tianyang fire array in Shanghuo City, even if the true immortals from the upper realm come, I can resist it."

Seeing that the literati surnamed Wei had made arrangements, the female crown turned around and flew out of the hall.Just when the literati surnamed Wei sealed the box and put it on the altar table in the center of the hall, another ray of light fell on the entrance of the hall, and then saw an immortal wearing the inner mountain costume of Shennong Valley and said to the literati surnamed Wei : "Brother Wei, the suzerain has returned to the mountain, and ordered you to enter the mountain immediately."

"What? The suzerain has returned to the mountain!" The literati surnamed Wei was overjoyed at first, feeling that his body and mind, which had been tense these days, immediately relaxed a lot.But his joy immediately turned into sadness. After all, he was in charge of Shennonggu's foreign affairs these past few days. If such a big mess happened, he would be punished more or less, and the position of foreign affairs director might not be guaranteed.Thinking of this, the joy in his heart faded a lot, and he nodded towards the rumored fairy.After giving an order to the deacon in the hall, he sacrificed the magic weapon and flew out of Shanghuo City with him, towards the inner mountain of Shennong Valley.

While Shennonggu was thinking wildly about Xu Changqing, in the meeting hall of Huni Hall in Wuzhen, Xiong Liancheng and others were also speculating about the recent chaotic situation.It's not that they don't covet treasures like Qiankun gourds, nor do they look down on those cherished high-grade elixir, it's just because their thoughts are the same as what the sect disciples of Shennong Valley guessed, and they think that what happened in the recent period seems a bit strange .

"Those people who were overconfident just now rushed to nothing, and Sanxian from other disaster mountains fought with people from Shennong Valley. Fortunately, no one was killed, otherwise things would be really troublesome." In the meeting hall , Xiong Liancheng put down just received the information, and turned to his subordinates with a serious expression.Wen Dao: "Do you think that Xu Changqing was responsible for this incident? After all, the time when the Qiankun Gourd appeared coincided with the time when he left Wuzhen to return to the Zongmen to get medicine, and I also heard that the Qiankun Gourd appeared. The place, and the stumped roots of the golden thread Lengxiang fruit, could it be that he planted these..."

"Impossible! Impossible!" Yin Yulou was the first to object to this speculation, saying: "If Xu Changqing can even plant such treasures as Qiankun gourds, then he can really be called a supernatural being. Even the most immortals in Lingshan Daluotian in the inner sect who have been cultivating immortals for thousands of years and the great sages of the Immortal Palace can't compare with them. Why should such people stay in the chaotic world of mortals like Wuzhen. Help a mortal achieve his career? Direct Entering the inner sect Lingshan to establish a sect is nothing more than a piece of cake. As for the golden thread Lengxiang fruit, I also asked the two officers sent by the Hades Palace this time. Xu Changqing's golden thread Lengxiang fruit has been stored for thousands of years The fruit is not just ripe and fresh fruit. The elixir can be ripened by magic, but the year of fruit storage after ripening cannot be changed by magic, so the subordinates feel that the matter of the Qiankun gourd should have nothing to do with Xu Changqing. But..."

"But what?" Xiong Liancheng, who had been persuaded by Yin Yulou, couldn't help asking anxiously when he saw his voice change slightly.

Yin Yulou twitched her hair on her temples, and said in a deep voice, "However, in recent days, there have been high-grade elixirs appearing in Weiji Mountain, and my subordinates think that it is likely that he did it."

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