Nine idlers

Chapter 470 A Tour of the Underworld City 1

Yin Yulou was surprised by Xiao Changqing's reaction, he couldn't help being stunned, he recovered his normal color, and stared at Xu Changqing with interest.Asked: "Mr. Xu, do you know Yin?"

Xu Changqing did not answer directly, but asked in the same words: "Mr. Yin, do you know Xu?"

Yin Yulou smiled and said: "Mr. Xu's origin is so mysterious, and he also knows the lost formation of Xiao Penglai. It's hard not to attract people's attention. How could Yin have not heard of it?" Xu Changqing looked Yin Yulou up and down, and said : "The name of Yin Yulou, the military division of Tiger Pillow Hall, is much more famous than my casual cultivator. Xu has also heard about it for a long time. When I saw him today, he really lives up to his name!"

Yin Yulou felt very bad at the moment, because Xu Changqing's eyes seemed to be able to directly capture his heart, making him feel like he was being seen through.In addition, he faintly felt a temperament similar to his own from Xu Changqing.If it wasn't for him to determine who the brothers and sisters who joined the world were, he might have thought that this person also came from the same school as him.

Feeling that he was at a disadvantage, Yin Yulou adjusted his state of mind slightly, circulated the immortal energy, and cast the secret decree of the master's family to instantly restore his state of mind to the state of still water like a mirror, and then cupped his fists at Xu Changqing.Said: "Yin has always wanted to make friends with Mr. Xu, but it is a pity that Mr. Xu often goes out to take medicine and has been to Mr.'s clinic several times, but has never had the chance to meet him. It is a fate to meet Mr. here today. Is Yin X lucky enough to show Mr. Xu a tour of this city?"

"Then there will be Mr. Lao Yin!" Xu Changqing did not object, and nodded in agreement.When Xu Changqing's origin was deliberately distorted in the Yinyu Building of Tiger Pillow Hall.Xu Changqing had predicted that Yin Yulou would take the initiative to make friends with him. The reason why he made Hupaotang misunderstand that Xu Changqing was Shennonggu's chess piece was probably because he wanted to monopolize the elixir resources in Xu Changqing's hands, or it might be for Xu Changqing's unnecessary little Penglai Arcana.For Xu Changqing, whether it is the Tiger Pillow Hall or the Tianjimen behind the Yinyu Tower, they are just partners. He doesn't care at all, but if he is asked to choose, he will still choose Tianjimen, which may be founded by the former Jiuliu idler. sect.

Walking into the city, the side of Yinyulou enthusiastically ordered Xu Changqing to shuttle around in various squares and cities in the city.On the one hand, Xu Changqing introduced the situation in Fang City and the origin of Ming City in detail.Although Xu Changqing already knew something about the Underworld City from the pamphlet given to him by the Order of the Hades Palace.But those contents are all brief, far less detailed than Yinyulou's introduction.

Mingshi was founded more than 3000 years ago.In the beginning, it was only the low-grade immortals from Xiaoqingweitian in the inner door Lingshan and the immortals and demon cultivators in the outer door Lingshan spontaneously formed a trading market.Later, due to the gradual expansion of the scale of Fangshi, the huge benefits in it also attracted the attention of many immortal forces. Soon Fangshi was controlled by Sanxianhui and other Sanxianhui and other Sanxianhui of the outer sect Lingshan, while the inner sect Lingshan gradually withdrew. Fangshi.Because the immortals from Lingshan in the inner door withdrew from the city, the size of the city shrunk until more than 8000 years ago. The Sanxian power of the Temple of Hades suddenly rose in Lingshan in the outer door. The low-rank immortals entered Fangshi, and it was only then that Fangshi was restored.More than 4000 years ago, the then master of Hades Hall opened up a world in the endless chaos with great supernatural powers, set up the square city here, and created the guidance method of Mingling, making the fairy palace, the inner door Lingshan and the outer door The immortals in Lingshan were connected together, and finally formed the underworld that Xu Changqing sees today.

Now this underworld market is divided into four major square markets, which are four areas of Dharma, Artifacts, Talismans, and Medicine. The trading method is also seemingly primitive.In addition, it is among the four major square cities.There is also the Shangxianlou, which is specially provided for the transactions between the inner door Lingshan immortals and the immortals in the fairy palace, and the Baibaozhai opened by the Hades Hall itself.Although according to the rules of Hades Palace, as long as you hold the order, you can move freely in various squares in the underworld, but in fact, there are still rules set by other immortals in this underworld. If you go indiscriminately, it will easily lead to disputes.Immortals like Xu Changqing who hold the upper and lower grades of Mingling are eligible to enter Baibaozhai to trade some rare treasures in the outer door Lingshan.However, they cannot enter the Shangxian Tower, and the holders of the Zhongpin Mingling can only trade in the four major squares of the outer door Lingshan immortals.Only the immortals who hold the top-grade Mingling can completely unimpeded in the Mingshi.

Although these rules dissatisfied many Sanxians who were not at the level of Ming Ling, they would not make trouble in Ming City because of this.After all, even the Outer Gate Lingshan Immortal Firm in Sisifang City is an important source for them to obtain the items they need. If they are disqualified from entering the Underworld City due to some dissatisfaction, it will be a bit of a loss.

In addition, these seemingly low-level immortal trading houses are not necessarily without good products. Some immortals from the outer sect Lingshan once found some spiritual treasures or elixir in these trading houses that even the inner sect Lingshan envied.The most famous of these immortals is Ling Feixian, the most famous Sanxiu immortal in Lingshan, Outer Sect.He actually exchanged a middle-rank elixir from a low-rank immortal.

The sword pill of the fairy sword fairy, thus cultivating the supreme fairy sword.In one fell swoop, he entered the inner gate Xiyuan Gangluotian.

After hearing Yinyulou's introduction about the origin of the Underworld and the rules of the Square City, Xu Changqing's first impression was that the Underworld was a bit like an antique market in a secular city.But then he was puzzled like this kind of transaction method of bartering between immortals.How should the Hall of Hades benefit from it? If you only rely on the way of renting out Fangbi shops, you will definitely not be able to get much benefit.But soon Yinyulou solved this doubt for him. It turns out that there are many people from the Hades Palace hidden in the Underworld City. I received a lot of good things in my hands, and then sold them at a high price in Baibaozhai to get the most benefit from them.

In addition, the ** building in the center of the underworld is also one of the main sources of income for the Hades Hall. In the ** building, the most complete cultivation methods and various alchemy methods in the entire Outer Gate Lingshan are stored in the ** building. There are some secret methods of cultivating immortals in Lingshan, the inner sect.

It's just that the cost of entering it to read it is really not low. Middle-grade elixir such as ten purple jade seeds or ten celestial celestial grasses can only be read on the first floor, and ordinary top-grade elixir is also expensive. I can only read the books on the lower three floors.If you want to see the Taoist secrets of the topmost inner door Lingshan, the elixir or spiritual things you need are only the fairy-grade elixir such as the golden thread Lengxiangguo, which is not something ordinary immortals can afford.

In fact, it is the first floor of the tallest building in Ming City.Xu Changqing had already seen it as soon as he entered the underworld.It's just that what he noticed was not the building itself.It's that all the people in the building have cultivation bases above Gudan, and there are two people on the top floor whose realm has been strengthened and they have begun to concentrate on returning to the void.Start to focus on the Void-Returning Immortal in the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain, which is a top-grade immortal. When this kind of immortal enters the Inner Gate Spirit Mountain, it is also Xiao Luotian’s middle-grade immortal. It is almost the strongest existence in the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain. No wonder it can be so powerful in the Underworld There are so many immortals that they dare not have any evil intentions.

Soon Yinyulou led Xu Changqing around the Sisifang City, and introduced the situation of each shop.What makes Yin Yulou feel strange is that he officially met Xu Changqing only today, but when talking along the way, he felt very cordial and natural, as if chatting with his senior brother in the door.

"Yu Lou boy! Yu, Lou boy".Just when Yinyulou was about to lead Xu Changqing to the **lou and got closer, someone suddenly called his name from behind.

Xu Changqing and Yin Yulou turned their heads and saw an elderly literati in Hanfu robes and a Confucian crown walking towards them quickly.This was the first time Xu Changqing saw a Confucian immortal cultivator in Kunlun Wonderland. Surrounded by Taoist priests, monks and demon cultivators in strange costumes, the old man's Hanfu Confucian crown really caught his attention.It's just that the immortals and demon cultivators around saw the old man as if they had seen a ghost, and avoided them one after another. Some even ignored the prohibition of the underworld city and cast their spells to escape. Soon the whole street became much quieter.

"So it's Mr. Mingxiao! Yulou didn't see Mr. here before, it's really rude, rude!" Seeing the person coming, Yin Yulou was only slightly stunned.He seemed to be very familiar with the person who came, and quickly stepped forward to salute, with a very respectful manner.

At this time, Xu Changqing stood in place and did not follow, but there was a knowing smile on his face.Looking at the old Confucian fairy's gaze seemed to be a little strange.The reason for this is because he felt the awe-inspiring aura that is unique to the Guan family's awe-inspiring righteousness formula from this Confucian immortal cultivator.Moreover, this person's brother in the cultivation realm has at least reached the realm of knowing the destiny, which is slightly better than the Void Returning Immortal upstairs.

"Mr. Xu, this is Mr. Guan Daocheng, the Heavenly Ruler of Xianlv Hall, Mr. Mingxiao." Sure enough, as Xu Changqing expected, in the subsequent introduction of Yinyulou, such a Confucian immortal was indeed surnamed Guan.

Guan Daocheng looked Xu Changqing up and down.I feel that Xu Changqing is just an ordinary person. Although he knows that Xu Changqing is hiding his cultivation, no matter how he uses his magical power of observing energy, he can't see through his method of restraining breath.So he couldn't help but focus on Xu Changqing, and turned to Yin Yulou and asked: "This is,"

"This is Xu Changqing, Mr. Xu, an expert that Yulou just met recently. Yin Yulou did not hide Xu Changqing's identity, but casually took his ability.

Guan Daocheng is also an old man, and he easily heard some clues from Yinyulou's introduction, raised his finger to him, and said with a smile: "You Tianjimen collected so many things left by the great pharmacist and little Penglai. Pharmacopoeia has become the only elixir sect in Outer Sect Lingshan beyond the control of Da Luotian and Xiangong, don't you think it's not enough? It's too late!"

"Mr. Mingxiao's words are very true." Yin Yulou smiled, not dissatisfied with the tone of his teaching style, and then sighed, saying: "It's a pity that Yulou people are soft-spoken, and they really can't speak in the door, so please trouble you Do you want to go back to Meishan?"

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