Nine idlers

Chapter 471

Xu Changqing doesn't believe that the real and upper immortals who lead Lingliao can't see the predicament that the Kunlun immortals are facing now, but they haven't changed it, and the reason is worth scrutinizing.Perhaps the inner sect Lingshan has found a solution, but it is inconvenient to tell the Sanxians of the outer sect Lingshan, but this possibility is only from the inner sect Lingshan.Judging from the large amount of medicinal materials obtained from the three mountains of elixir, it is obvious that their situation is no different from that of the Kunlun immortals in the outer sect Lingrang.Or maybe the Kunlun Immortal World has formed a set of cultivation methods that focus on external skills and supplemented by Taoism through tens of thousands of years of evolution.

During the brief conversation, Shi Qiao had already led Xu Changqing to an ordinary-looking room on the second floor. The only thing that caught his attention was a piece of --&--silk in the room that faintly emanated mana. If things are placed in the world, they will definitely be treasures that will drive practitioners crazy, but here they are just some ordinary things.Also included in all items are two sets of books.They are the general history of the Kunlun fairyland from more than 1 years ago to the present and a complete set of outer door Lingshan Sanxian cultivation methods.

This general history of the Kunlun Immortal Realm is obviously written by Confucian immortal cultivators. Because it involves a lot of secrets about the Lingshan sect of the inner sect, it is incomplete in content, and many things worthy of special mention have been mentioned in one stroke.In terms of value alone, this set of books can be said to be worthless. It has been in the Sanxianfang collection of this shop for decades, and no one buys it, but for Xu Changqing.This set of books is the best way for him to understand the Kunlun Immortal World right now.After reading the complete set of books, he has a certain understanding of the hierarchy system of the entire Kunlun Immortal World, as well as the origin and situation of most of the immortal sects.

Contrary to what Xu Changqing thought before, although the entire Kunlun Wonderland is divided into the Immortal Palace, the Inner Gate Spirit Mountain and the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain, this small division does not mean that the immortals in the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain must be weaker than the inner Gate Spirit Mountain in the Kunlun Fairyland , the Great Sage of the Immortal Palace, the real person of Da Luotian from Lingshan Mountain in the inner door, and the Tianzun from Lingshan Mountain in the outer door are all the highest existences in the Kunlun Immortal Realm.For example, the lord of the Immortal Palace, the real Yuantong Chongxiao, the lord of the Taoist Sword Sect in the Lingshan Daluotianlou of the inner door, and the master of the Pluto Palace in the outer door, the Demon-Suppressing Tianzun, it is difficult to distinguish between the strong and the weak.According to the description in the book, all three have practiced for thousands of years.The realm is also beyond the scope of the ninth-rank classification of the Immortal Pin Record, and has entered the realm of heavenly immortals.

In the entire Kunlun Wonderland, the Immortal Palace is famous for its mystery, and Kunlun people don’t know much about it. They only know that there are nine great sages under the Immortal Palace besides the palace master, and under the nine great sages, there are Xingxiu Zhenjun and gods Zhenjun, as well as countless demon cultivators, are the most powerful in Kunlun Wonderland.According to the opening chapter of the Immortal History, the person who founded the Immortal Palace was a transformed divine beast left over from ancient times. As for what kind of divine beast it is, it is unknown. There have been fourteen generations of Immortal Palace masters, of which only the first; The owner of Daixian Palace got the ancient relics.The cultivation base has greatly improved, breaking through the realm of nothingness, and flying to the realm of the body.

When and how the Inner Gate Lingshan appeared, there is no record in the fairy history, but it is recorded that the first fairy who entered Kunlun was not a native of Kunlun, but a fairy who ascended from the secular world. His name is Xu Changqing He is also very familiar with him, that is, Wei Boyang, who wrote the king of alchemy classics and was revered by Taoists as the ancestor of alchemy.Later, such as Zuo Ci, Yu Ji, Fei Changfang, Ge Hong, Kou Qianzhi and other well-known immortals in the world of secular practice all ascended to Kunlun, and passed down the orthodoxy during a short stay, gradually forming the Taoism of the Kunlun Immortal World Immortal lineage, now hundreds of Taoist immortal sects in Daluotian, Xiaoluotian, Xiaoqingweitian in Lingshan, Neimen all come from this.

At present, the strongest sects in Lingshan of the inner sect are the Da Luo Tian Nine Sects, among which the Taoist sects occupy seven seats, namely Louguan Dao, Yuxu Palace, Shangqing Sect, Lingbao Sect, Maoshan Sect, Taiping Dao and Inheritance The Alchemy Pavilion was founded by the master Ge Hong and the local immortals of Kunlun.As for the Zhengyiyi, Emei, and Qingcheng sects that are well-known in the world, they either belong to the above-mentioned Daluotian sect, or they are descended into Xiaoluotian or Xiaoqingweitian.

Xu Changqing, the monk who first appeared in the Kunlun Fairyland, was also considered to be a famous monk for a long time. He was the first ancestor of many sects of Huaxia Buddhism, Nagarjuna Bodhisattva.It's just that this Bodhisattva did not leave any orthodox tradition in Kunlun Wonderland.Then he ascended to the upper realm, until the founder of Tiantai Sect, Venerable Huiwen ascended to Kunlun, and founded the Kunlun Buddhist Sect. After that, more and more Buddhist monks flew to Kunlun, and gradually unified the secular Buddhism.It's a pity that because Buddhism spread late, and their own sects are mixed, various sects are fighting endlessly, so they have been firmly suppressed by Taoism.Until more than 3000 years ago, Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Zen who had just ascended to Kunlun, used his own Buddhahood to overwhelm all schools of Kunlun Buddhism and bring them together.Founded the Lingshan lineage of Da Luotian.At that time, the power of Lingshan, shining brightly in Kunlun, could almost compete with the Immortal Palace, and even the major sects of Taoism with a long history could not match it.It's a pity that good times don't last forever. After Huineng Nirvana, the Lingshan lineage was divided into three due to factional disputes, namely Xiaolingshan and Leiyin Temple in Daluotian and six Lingshan sects in Xiaoqingweitian. , and has been under the Taoist door ever since, and never turned over again.

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