Nine idlers

Chapter 472

Xiao Changqing just stayed in Wudao Pavilion for more than two hours.Then he got up and left, and the main destination of the city was the elixir square city.

Although the way of cultivating immortals in the Kunlun Immortal World does not match his own Jiuliu Dao, there are many places to learn from, especially the detailed division of various cultivation realms, which can make Xu Changqing's Jiuliu Dao better The consolidation and perfection of the system has become a way of cultivation that can be passed down.In addition, Xu Changqing's state at the moment is that the realm of Dao Xin and Dao Dao's original heart are far beyond the realm of life power in the flesh. The way of outer alchemy that can quickly improve life power in Kunlun Immortal Realm can just solve his current predicament.And the most important problem of medicinal materials in practicing this way of outer alchemy is not a problem at all for him who has the way of life and death, so what he has to do now is to obtain the complete art of outer alchemy in Kunlun Immortal Realm, and use it Transform it into a suitable method of external alchemy for you.

It's just that Xu Changqing seems to see things too simply. Although there are many shops in the elixir square city that also sell alchemy, this kind of alchemy is just the alchemy of ordinary elixir. Compared with Xu Changqing's own alchemy, there are many Not as good.It’s just that the alchemy recipes sold here are complete, from the forging pills that have never been used by immortals to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow, to the Supreme Mysterious Dao Pills that are used by the Void-Returning Immortals to break through to the Hedao Earth Immortals, and even those who practice Buddhism There are also elixirs for cultivation here, such as the Great Virtue Golden Elixir for cultivating the Buddhist Golden Body, and the Phaseless Nirvana Pill for practicing the Way of Nirvana, etc., which can be described as everything.

It's just that among the pills provided to various practitioners, they are all just prescriptions.Although the medicinal materials used in these pills are fully recorded in the recipes, the amount of medicinal materials is not specified, nor is the refining method of the medicinal pills, the method of controlling the heat, and so on.These elixirs are just for the convenience of the scattered immortals and demon cultivators to collect medicinal materials in the spiritual mountains other than the three elixir mountains, and to identify which medicinal materials are the medicinal materials that they need to use for their cultivation.Because there is an unwritten rule in the open alchemy rooms in Mingshi and even the entire Kunlun fairyland, that is, the scattered immortals and demon cultivators collect the medicinal materials needed for alchemy according to the alchemy recipes, and the alchemy immortals can make alchemy for them, but they only charge [-]% of them. as an offering.It is more profitable to obtain the elixir needed for one's own cultivation in this way than to trade elixir for elixir in places like Mingshi Lingyaofang City, so those shops that are behind alchemy immortals usually sell alchemy immortals who are good at refining. The elixirs and prescriptions.

These pills are useless to ordinary immortals, but Xu Changqing, who has the realm of Taoism, can deduce the required amount of each medicinal material in the pills through these pills and the corresponding Chengdan.But the state of Dao Xin is not omnipotent. It is almost impossible to reversely deduce the refining technique and fire control from the alchemy recipe and the corresponding Chengdan. Then through the continuous deduction of the realm of Dao Xin, find the correct fire control.

"Senior wants to learn the art of alchemy, why don't you go to the ** Tower to find it?" When Xu Changqing searched in Lingyaofang City to no avail, he used the messenger jade talisman to contact Shi Tao of Wudao Pavilion to ask him, what he gave Answer.

After getting the answer, Xu Changqing did not immediately go to the ** building, but spent all the mantougen and Jiujie who Yincao on hand, scattered in the shops in Fangshi, and exchanged the goods from the entry-level immortal to the outer door. A finished pill that can be used by top-grade immortals.It also includes the pills that Buddha cultivators and demon cultivators can use.As for the finished medicine pills that can be used by top-grade true immortals such as the Void Returning Immortals in the inner sect Lingshan, they are also very precious here, and the price is astonishing. A rash exchange will only attract the attention of those who care, so even if he still has a lot of gold thread on hand Xiangguo, white jade, blood ginseng, dragon fruit and other top-grade elixir, also did not make a trade.Although he exchanged a large number of pills, after the exchange was scattered, and Xu Changqing used bone shrinking skills and illusion to change his appearance and figure, he did not attract the attention of others.

Originally, Xu Changqing planned to buy a suitable alchemy furnace here, but unfortunately, most of the alchemy furnaces here are not to his liking, and most of the alchemy furnaces have already attached the alchemy formations of alchemy immortals of various sects, so they can be used There will inevitably be some hindrances, and the various real alchemy fires hidden in the formation can't compare with Xu Changqing's Golden Crow Divine Fire.In the end, Xu Changqing decided to go to Magic Artifact Square City to see if there were any original furnaces for sale.

From Lingyaofang City to Faqifang City, one must pass through Fuzhenfang City. Although Xu Changqing is very interested in the method of Fuzheng in the Kunlun Immortal World, he thinks it can help him further unlock the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree Yuanshen. The Taiqing Ancient Formation.After all, he only deduced the deciphering of the Taiqing Liangyi Mote Formation and stagnated at the ninth floor, and the later the Taiqing Ancient Formation became more difficult to decipher.Most of the formations implied in it have exceeded Xu Changqing's own knowledge of formations.The only solution is to learn more talisman methods.And the Kunlun Immortal Realm inherited the ancient array system and it couldn't be more suitable.

It's a pity that everything will not always be as expected. Like Lingyaofang City, Fuzhenfang City does not have cheat books on talismans and formations for sale, and some are all finished talismans and formations.Among them, except for some common talisman methods such as communication jade talisman.Most of them are summarized into three kinds of magic talisman, sword talisman and array talisman, and the array is divided even more;I only traded some magic talismans, sword talismans, and four sets of array banners for reference in my own deduction.He didn't buy anything else, and then transferred to Magic Artifact Square City.

Compared with Xiufafang, the liveliness of Faqifang City is a bit lower, but compared with the other two squares, it is much more lively.Most of the Kunlun immortals who come and go here are demon cultivators. You can see some alchemy demon cultivators of the mid-level realm everywhere in the various shops in Fangshi to buy or order magic weapons that suit them.Different from people who cultivate immortals and dharma, demon cultivators are born with supernatural powers. After years of practice, the things that degenerate and fall from their bodies are full of aura, and the stronger the demon cultivators are.The things that fall from the body are full of aura, and some can even be classified as natural treasures.Usually, demon cultivators will refine these spirits that match their own breath into their own magic weapons, but the snake skin and venom of the snake demon, the mane on the tail of the wolf demon, etc. will almost molt every few years. Luo, time, these spiritual things are useless by themselves, and finally they are gathered in the underworld to exchange for some useful things.

When he just entered the city of underworld, Xu Changqing saw the wolf monster named Cang Jindan Lingfeng who was revered as the emperor in Weiji Mountain not long ago. At this time, he was surrounded by a group of strange monster cultivators. Entering a shop that seems to be familiar, Xu Changqing can clearly feel the strong evil spirit emanating from some fur and other spiritual objects in the packages in their hands. It seems that the origin of these fur spiritual objects is not simple, at least every day All of them have the top-grade solid alchemy cultivation base in the outer sect Lingshan.

Xu Changqing didn't avoid this group of demon cultivators, and followed them in, because according to Yin Yu and Lou's introduction, behind this shop is the Zaotianmen, the largest utensil making sect in Lingshan, the inner sect.From the fairy history books he bought before, Xu Changqing knew that Zaotianmen was the inheritance of the ancient Momen and Lubanmen, and they also seemed to have obtained the ancient utensil-making method, the fairy-tying rope and the fairy-law token of the Xianlvtang, the township Both the Demon Pagoda and the Zhenxian Pagoda came from this sect.Not only that, but they can also imitate the treasures in ancient legends, such as Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, Wanya Pot, etc. In addition to being unable to compare with the treasures in ancient legends in terms of power, they are not inferior to these ancient treasures in terms of function. .

If Xu Changqing needs the alchemy furnace.If there is no one here, let alone other shops in Magic Artifact Square City.

After entering the shop, like the Wudao Pavilion, the store also has the art of heaven and earth in the palm of its hand, but this formation is much more advanced than that of the Wudao Pavilion, and the place is much larger, and the immortals who receive customers in the shop are all A puppet clone with spiritual consciousness attached.If Xu Changqing hadn't possessed the Divine Sense of the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, it would be difficult to see that these middle-grade immortals exuding the aura of golden cores were all puppets made of golden spirit beast tendons.Such an exquisite puppet is actually only built to look at the shop. It is conceivable that there are more exquisite and powerful puppet in the gate, and it is even possible to create a puppet that returns to the realm of the virtual and immortal .Such a heaven-defying skill, no wonder it is in the history of immortals.There was a whole page describing the origin of this door.At the end, this immortal sect was listed as the first sect of Xiao Luotian, and its prestige was close to that of the nine major sects of Da Luotian.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Xu Changqing might grab a puppet and go back to study it. If he can master this secret art, Xu Changqing can do many things even if his cultivation has not returned to the real golden fairy realm.Although he had different thoughts, Xu Changqing didn't show it, his eyes only swept over these puppets, and then transferred to the various magic weapons suspended in the air.

Zaotianmen is worthy of being the Diren Artifact Sect. It can be said that there are all kinds of magic weapons sold here. In addition to the most common magic weapons such as swords, streamers, pots, and pagodas, there are also some weird-looking magic weapons.For example, a nearly real five-clawed golden dragon.At this time, many immortals of the inner sect Lingshan sect with obvious marks on their bodies are choosing the magic weapon suitable for them to use, and there are also some immortals and Sanxians of the outer sect Lingshan sect with advanced cultivation and their disciples who came here to experience it. experience.Open your eyes.The team of demon cultivators who came in before seemed to be discussing the exchange value of the items in their hands with the puppets in the shop. Many demon cultivators looked enviously at the powerful spiritual treasures above their heads.

Now Xuanxu Changqing's appearance has become a white-haired old man, and his body has also become a lot bent under the effect of bone shrinking skills. Unless someone can see through his flesh and bones, it is difficult to judge from his appearance that he is not the original. appearance.It's just that if someone can break through Xu Changqing's avenue and see through Xu Changqing's prehistoric body with spiritual thoughts alone, then this person's cultivation is definitely much stronger than Xu Changqing's.After all, although Xu Changqing's physical body is only in the realm of Jinxian Hengfeng, his primordial spirit realm has already broken through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian when he refined the Vientiane Demon Venerable at the entrance of the fairyland. Supreme, that is, the supreme realm of Dajue Jinxian, otherwise it would be difficult for Daluo Jinxian of the same realm to achieve.

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