Nine idlers

Chapter 473 God Domain Reiki

Letting the idea of ​​occupying the God Realm of the Underworld arise in Changqing's heart, he immediately deduced it with Lin Eryuan to see if this matter can be successful.Soon he came to the result, the situation is really not optimistic.For some reason, the Lord of the Hades Palace didn't completely refine the incomplete source of the God's Domain, but only used some small methods to control the source of the God's Domain.So as to control this divine domain.For Xu Changqing, who is very familiar with the origin of God's Domain, this unrefined God's Domain is like an undefended city that can be entered and exited at will, and can be turned into his own in a short time.However, the Lord of the Hades Palace arranged some formations and spells around the source of God's Domain. These formations and spells are the magic of the gods. They break.While he was destroying the formations and spells that protected the realm of the gods, the Lord of Hades Hall had plenty of time to come here, and Xu Changqing could only display the power of the Hedao Earth Immortal now.No matter how many means there are, they cannot completely bridge the gap between the earth immortals and the heavenly immortals.It is self-evident how it will end up.

Considering that this matter cannot be completed for the time being, Xu Changqing can only put it aside, and temporarily follow the original plan to learn various immortal methods of Kunlun Immortal World, and integrate them into his own Jiuliu Dao.Although he gave up his plan to occupy the Underworld, this does not mean that Xu Changqing will do nothing.While he was using his spiritual thoughts to quickly memorize the many cheats on the Kunlun Immortal Realm Formation series on the bookshelf, the Sanfen Yuanshen was also quickly deciphering the various formations contained in the order in his hand.Soon he found the guiding formation from Mingling that could use the power of the gods of the underworld city to break through the barrier between the two worlds, and lead the master of the Mingling directly into the underworld city, and extracted it into his own formation.

With this formation, even in Kunlun Wonderland, Xu Changqing can steal the spirit energy of the God Realm of the Underworld, so that the power of the three-point primordial spirit can be continuously accumulated and improved.Although in terms of quantity.This is not as good as directly absorbing the fairy air here in the ** building, but it is much better than extracting that little bit of fairy air from the flesh to refine oneself.And as long as his cultivation base is sufficient, he can use this formation to enter the God Realm of the Underworld at any time and seize this place.Because of the time limit, except for the first few important booklets on formations, which Xu Changqing comprehended while reading, he memorized all the other books on formations by rote with his spiritual thoughts, not seeking deep understanding, but trying to memorize them firmly.The knowledge of formations such as spirit-leading array, demon-subduing array, and evil-suppressing array poured into Xu Changqing's second sense of mind like a river bursting its embankment.He couldn't help but feel a splitting headache.So every time he memorizes the formation books in a shelf, he will stop to sort out the chaotic knowledge of formations, and then continue to scan other books with his divine sense.

In this way, Xu Changqing stayed in the ** building for about five or six days, and he visited all the book areas such as formations, artifacts, alchemy, and talismans.After memorizing all the basic methods of building the cultivation method of Kunlun Immortal World on the first level.The high-grade elixir that he had prepared on him was running out, and the only thing he kept was the elixir-grade elixir that could not be sold at will, such as the golden thread Lengxiang fruit and the white jade blood ginseng.

Xu Changqing has completely memorized all the most basic alchemy books in the Kunlun Wonderland on the first floor, and has a correct understanding of the preciousness of various elixir, and no longer judges according to the intentionally wrongly compiled pharmacopoeia in the hands of ordinary Kunlun pharmacists. The preciousness of medicinal materials.In the Pharmacopoeia of the Kunlun Immortals, above top-grade elixir, there are fairy-grade elixir, and white jade blood ginseng and golden thread cold fragrant fruit are included in it.

This celestial medicine has not been included in Ge Gui's celestial product record, but most of the Kunlun immortals re-divided the most precious and rare part of the high-grade elixir into a new level, and gradually formed such a class.Unwritten immortal grade.Different from the magical effect of Jinxian Lengxiang fruit on demon cultivators, white jade blood ginseng is aimed at immortals, Buddhas, demons, and evil cultivators in the entire Kunlun fairy world. realm.For example, a low-grade immortal in the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain who has just formed an alchemy, after taking white jade blood ginseng, can cross the two periods of Dingdan and Gudan in one fell swoop, and directly jump to the peak of the upper and lower ranks of the Outer Gate Spirit Mountain.It is conceivable how important this thing is to the Kunlun Immortals, as long as it appears, it will definitely cause no worse commotion than the Golden Thread Lengxiang Fruit.

After the last bit of time ran out, the chief manager of the bookstore on the first floor of the ** building directly borrowed the power of the array to move Xu Changqing from the book area to the outside, and Xu Changqing also felt the fluctuations of the surrounding array, and superimposed those on the The spirit-leading formations above each formation were removed, so as not to be seen by others.In the past few days on the ** floor.He has gained a lot. Although these are just some basic methods, they are the foundation of the cultivation method of the entire Kunlun Immortal World. No matter what kind of Kunlun Immortal Method is powerful enough to open up the world, it is inseparable from the application of these basic methods.He only needs a period of time to integrate this knowledge, then the various immortal arts in the entire Kunlun Immortal World will no longer be so mysterious and mysterious to him, and his Jiuliu Dao can be more adapted to this world.

The basics of this visit to Mingshi have been completed, and Xu Changqing has almost completed the novel "Qi Umbrella". Prepare to activate the formation in the Mingling and return to the Kunlun Wonderland. Suddenly, several strong spiritual energy fluctuations spread from the two worlds opened by the Mingling, and then saw a few rays of light flashing from it, Moreover, the rays of light did not stay after flying out, and there was nothing to do with the rules in the Underworld City. They flew directly into the Underworld City like this. They flew in the direction of the ** Tower. These rays of light were all cultivated to reach the Golden Core The peak realm of the Outer Sect Lingshan high-grade immortal, the leader of the person has reached the realm of the Void Returning Immortal that is not weaker than Dali Chongxiao Tianzun, and what surprised Xu Changqing the most is that the leader of the Void Returning Immortal he knows, It was Hu San, the head of the Zhenggaimen of the Xiajiuliu Beggarsmen.

Back then in Shanghai, because Hu Yueniang founded the Wai Dao League to unify all schools and sects of the lower streams, Hu San's Beggar's Sect was the first to bear the brunt, and the Evil Beggar's Sect controlled by her wiped out all the sects, and finally had to cooperate with Tang Wan of the White Lotus Sect to fight against Hu Yueniang.When Xu Changqing left Huaxia and went to Europe.I once received news that Tang Wan's White Lotus Sect was forced to retreat to Sichuan by Hu Yueniang's heretics. He thought that he should have retreated to Sichuan together with Hu Yueniang, and then entered the Kunlun Wonderland with the masters of the entire world of secular practice.After many years, I saw him here in a place like Mingshi, and he has also cultivated to the realm of returning to the virtual world.Really surprising.

At the moment when Xu Changqing sighed in his heart. The two Void-Returning Immortals stationed in the Underworld City in the ** building also responded.I saw one of the Void Returners pointing with his immortal sword, and the two swords behind him turned into two streamers of light, passing through the window of the first floor.Forming the momentum of double dragons surveying the sky, they strangled Hu San.

And Dali Chongtian Tianzun also let out a piercing cry, and the mana on his body burst out instantly, forming countless black feathers and rushing out of the top of the ** building, and then turned into a roc bird covering the entire city of the underworld, spreading its sharp claws, attacking Xiang Hu San, and the extended wings also formed an imprisoning mana.Imprison all the immortals covered by it in place and cannot move.

Facing the attacks of the two Void Returning Immortals, Hu San didn't back down, and with a loud roar, he simply slapped the two swords and the black-feathered roc on his head with both palms.Two invisible palm forces gushed out from his hands, like two huge mountains, instantly swung the two fairy swords away, and scattered the black-feathered roc on his head, and then he stopped.Sitting on the horse with his waist down, he punched towards the first floor with a very simple move.

Ordinary immortals can't see the meaning of simplicity in Wuxian Hu San's moves at all, they can only see the palm and punch that they think are extremely simple.However, there are still many immortals in the underworld who can discover the terrifying power contained in it, especially Xu Changqing who knows Hu San very well.It is even more from the power and method of punching.It can be seen that Hu San has touched the edge of the avenue at this time, and there is an overwhelming momentum in every gesture.

It is common sense in the Kunlun fairy world that a Martial Immortal can leapfrog and challenge ordinary immortals who are one level or several levels higher than his realm. The Immortal Returning to the Void did not dare to be negligent, and tried their best to display their unique skills, trying their best to eliminate Hu San's fist power, which contains the truth of the Dao, into nothing.The two fairy swords formed a yin and yang balance, and a sword array was set up in front of the ** building to block the punch, and then Dapeng Leiyin came.Scattered the condensed strength of the fist, and soon disappeared into the Yin Yang Liangyi sword array.Although the sword array blocked Hu San's power, the trace of punch that penetrated the sword array still hit the upper floor.The protective formation around the ** building was activated to form a shield, so that the body of the ** building was not hurt just now.

"Hu San, do you want to completely provoke the battle between the Hades Palace and the White Lotus Sect? And you are still doing it in the underworld. If the gods from the upper realm come down, even your Holy Mother of the White Lotus will not be able to bear it!" Sex The arrogant Dali Chongxiao Tianzun rushed out of the ** building first, and shouted at Hu San who was floating above the underworld.

"Don't use the immortals from the upper realm to suppress this old man, and don't expand the matter to a dispute between the two factions. This is completely between you and me." The three of Hu were careless.Naturally, I will not let others put a big hat on myself.He retorted loudly: "He Peng, last time your disciples robbed the things of my Bailian sect's outer sect, Lingshan branch, and injured thousands of Xianfan sect members of my Bailian sect. Because the Xianlu hall intervened later, this matter is temporarily Just put it aside. But today you actually broke the rules set by Mingshi, intervened arbitrarily in the transactions in Fangshi, and cut off an important deal of my White Lotus Sect protector. It is really abhorrent! If I don’t tell you today Calculate it clearly. How can my White Lotus Sect have a foothold in Kunlun!" As he spoke, he shouted into the building again: "Yin Yang Jian Luo Chang, don't hide behind. Come together! Today, old man One against two. If you take a step back, even if the old man loses, from now on, I, the White Lotus Sect, will take a detour when I see someone from your Hades Hall."

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