Nine idlers

Chapter 474 Restoring the Spirit Treasure

"Shark fool. If you don't do it for many years, you've become so scheming." Xu Changqing couldn't help smiling after talking about it.Although Hu San's words sounded nothing unusual, in fact there were hidden traps in them.

Hu San is one against two, and winning will naturally be famous. Even if he loses, as long as he can retreat completely.It is also enough to make him famous in the fairy world, and what Hu San has to pay is nothing more than an empty talk, so no matter how embarrassing the final result, it will only be the Hades Palace.If Hu San really led this matter of entering the underworld, then Hu San's scheming is obviously much higher than that in the secular world.But in Xu Changqing's view.Compared with Hu San's upright personality changing, he is more willing to believe that there are people behind Hu San who are planning for him.

It is rare to see the fighting skills among immortals returning to the void, even in the Inner Sect Spirit Mountain, and many immortals in the Outer Sect Spirit Mountain in the Nether City have never seen it before. While excited, they are also extremely horrified.Although they really want to stay and see how things develop, the power of the Void Returning Immortal is far from what they can bear.The coercion emanating from them alone is already too much for the immortals in the entire underworld, not to mention the aftermath of mana that could not be completely offset by the attack and defense of the round just now.Many low-rank immortals and demon cultivators in the underworld have been seriously injured.All of a sudden, the immortals in the underworld city drove the formations in the underworld decree to leave the underworld city one after another, and only a few immortals at the peak of Jindan who possessed rare treasures dared to stay.Continuing to watch the development of things, Mingshi, which was just full of people, turned into an empty ghost town in an instant.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.The vast majority of immortals saw the fighting skills of these top-rank Void Returning Immortals, but they were just envious of their great power, but they couldn't see the mystery in it at all.However, Xu Changqing, who was a bystander, could clearly feel the difference in the creation and use of magic tools between Kunlun and the secular world from the fighting skills of the two.Leaving aside the fundamental way of practicing in the two worlds, we will not talk about it.Just talking about the many types of spells and instruments handed down or created by the two, it is obvious that the secular world can't keep up with the Kunlun fairy world.However, in terms of the use of spells and magic tools, it is obvious that an immortal like Hu San who has experienced secular experience is far better than a native Kunlun immortal.

In terms of fairy arts, whether it is the demonic incarnation of He Peng, the Heavenly Venerable Vigorously Climbing to the Sky, or the Yin-Yang Liangyi Sword Formation of Luo Chang, the Yin-Yang sword, they are all shocking fairy arts.But no matter what kind of fairy method, these two immortals who returned to the void did not use it to the extreme, and it could even be said that it was only a form, so it was easily dissolved by Hu San with a punch and a palm.As for Hu San's time in Kunlun, he did not only improve his Dao cultivation base, but he was able to use it to such an extent that any secular martial artist had learned the Overlord Breaking Qin Formation formula, directly confronting Kunlun. It can be seen that Hu San has reached the real state of returning to nature.If he can go a step further to understand the principle of unity of mind, then his Dao practice will be several times faster than other immortals.There is even a chance to enter the realm of immortality.

After all the people in the underworld city had left, Hu San also ordered the subordinates behind him to retreat outside the underworld city, and a ray of light flew out from the hand of Tianzun Dali Chongxiao, hitting the head of a triangular rhinoceros on the base of the ** building On the statue.A mighty force comparable to the peak of returning to the celestial being emanates from the stone statue, arousing the formation in the ** building, causing it to spread out to all directions, and collide with all the formations under the pedestal of the entire city of Mingshi. Arrays are connected together.A complete formation was formed to protect the entire underworld city.

"Underworld Formation?" Seeing the induced Underworld Formation, Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt the unique breath of formation power emanating from it.Recognizing the source of this formation is the protective formation arranged by the ancient immortals on the city wall of the underworld.Moreover, the main layout of the entire underworld formation is also very similar to the underworld, and he suddenly wondered: "The palace of the underworld, the underworld, could it be that the founder of the underworld palace also entered the underworld?"

Just when Xu Changqing was suspicious, the three people in the sky above the underworld city were already at war, and the battle was imminent, but at this moment, two mana breaths of return-to-the-void immortals suddenly appeared on the edge of the underworld city.Then it flew to the space between three and two at an extremely fast speed, separating the three.Xu Changqing happened to know these two returning immortals. One of them was Guan Daocheng, the Confucian immortal of the Guan family who had met a few days ago, and the other was an old acquaintance who hadn't seen each other for a long time. Taoist.The cultivation base of this Taoist Xuanjianxin is naturally inferior to that of the secular world. What is even more striking is that the sword energy on his body has condensed into reality, turning into a simple and simple spirit sword gathered behind his head , no matter in terms of power and influence, or in actual effect, it far surpasses the Yin-Yang Sword Luo Chang who is at the same level as it.

"The three of you are all Taoists and immortals. Their cultivation bases and deeds are very comparable to others. Why fight over a trivial matter? If there is a real disturbance in this city of the underworld, I'm afraid neither the Hades Hall nor the White Lotus Sect will have any trouble in the end." Benefits, both sides will suffer!" Guan Daocheng held an ancient book in his hand, stroking his long beard gently, a group of carefree people... Gang Ping, as if he didn't care about the strong murderous intentions around him, smiled and said to the two gangs.

"Hmph!" Da Luo Chongxiao Tianzun He Peng seemed to dislike Guan Daocheng very much, and he snorted his words of persuasion, and retorted coldly: "Mr. Ming Xiao, why bother? This is not an outer sect Lingshan, It's the residence of my Hades Palace, you can't control it even if you wait for the Heavenly Monarch of Xianlu Hall!"

Compared with He Peng's unruly, Luo Chang, the Yin-Yang sword on the side, was obviously much calmer. He took the initiative to put the Yin-Yang sword around his body back into the scabbard, and then clasped his fists at the two of them, saying: "Two friends, can you come here immediately to do it?" I understand the reconciliation person. But this Hu San made too much trouble. And the matter is not my Pluto Palace’s initiative to provoke. It’s just because this arrogant and rough man made trouble out of nothing. We were forced to fight back, and even if we ended up making trouble with Da Luotian, we have a clear conscience! If I, Hades Palace, don’t take action this time, what will it be like to be based in one of the four sects of the Outer Sect Lingshan, my Outer Sect? What qualification does Lingshan have to become one of the three realms of Kunlun. Luo also hopes that the two of you will step aside for the time being and be a witness. When I teach this Hu San later, I will make amends to the two of you."

"Hehe! I often heard that Luo Chang, the Yin-Yang Mysterious Law Tianzun in the Hades Palace, is not only powerful with the Yin-Yang sword in his hand, but he also turned the world around with his mouth, turning black and white!" Hu San sneered disdainfully: "Everything is caused by cause and effect. It's not that you are domineering and robbing people and property, why should I, a poor beggar, come here to entangle with your grandchildren! And you don't want to expand the matter to the whole, Outer Sect Lingshan, this is just you and me As for the matter, your Hall of Hades is neither qualified to represent the Outer Sect Lingshan, nor can our White Lotus Sect represent Xiaoqing Weitian, if there is a big trouble. It is just that your Hall of Hades wants to deliberately disturb the peace of the Kunlun fairyland, and wants to take advantage of the troubled waters. Anyone with a discerning eye can easily see that your Pluto Palace has the ambition to become the second Taishang Qingjingtian."

"Hu San, how dare you talk nonsense!" Hu San's words were like a catalyst, causing the irritable He Penglixuan to become furious, and the demonic aura in his body suddenly exploded, forming the appearance of his distant ancestor, the golden-winged roc, and spread his wings , and boundless wind and thunder emerged from under its wings, sweeping towards Hu San. "Why did the old man say that he was going to be ashamed and angry!" Hu San didn't show any weakness, he snorted deeply, and a blue light sprayed out from his nose, easily dissipating the wind and thunder, and hit Jin Chi The body of Dapeng's fur minister shook his body.He fainted a lot, and He Peng, who was connected with him, couldn't help but groaned in pain, his face was a little pale, and the injury was not light.

"Duoha Two Qi?" Seeing Hu San's spell, not only the Void Returning Immortals, but also Xu Changqing was a little surprised.Hum Ha Erqi is an ancient immortal law that has been lost for a long time. It is said that it has the power to invincible and indestructible, as long as the soul is still within the Three Realms and Five Elements.It is bound to be limited by it.This kind of unfathomable ancient fairy art, not to mention the secular world, even the Kunlun fairyland has no inheritance, most of them are just another similar method based on its legend, but the power is absolutely incomparable with the real Hum Ha Erqi.However, although Hu San's hum-ha Erqi is only a method of humming, its power already has the embryonic form of an ancient immortal method. Obviously, the method he cultivated is somewhat related to the real method of hum-ha Erqi.

"It is rumored that when your White Lotus Sect entered the Taishang Qingjing Heaven 100 years ago, you found many good things that the sects of the Kunlun Immortal World hadn't found for thousands of years. Today it seems to be true!" Yin Yang Sword Luo Chang looked at Hu with a serious expression. Three, said: "No wonder you, Hu San, dared to enter the Underworld alone. You challenged me in the Hades Palace. It turns out that you have cultivated the ancient immortal law, so you have no fear!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations! It's just a small achievement!" Although Hu San has a calm personality, he still inevitably shows a little complacency when he thinks of his success in hard work.

Seeing Hu San's expression, the hearts of the two Heavenly Venerables in Hades Palace couldn't help tightening up, and a look of worry arose leisurely.If it is said that before Hu San used the hum-ha two qi, the two of them still had the confidence to join hands to suppress Hu San, but now after seeing Hu San's hum-ha two qi, the confidence in the hearts of the two of them has dropped several levels, and naturally Feel a little uncertain about the final result after the fight.

Hu San's performance was somewhat beyond Guan Daocheng and Taoist Jianxin's expectations, but they soon realized that the White Lotus Sect had endured in the Kunlun Immortal World for more than 100 years, and this attack was obviously well-prepared.The prospect of Hades Palace seems to be not good.Although the Palace of Hades has Kunlun's strongest people who have entered the realm of celestial beings like Tianzun who suppresses demons and subdue the law, nothing major will happen, but the foundation of the White Lotus Sect is no worse than that of the Palace of Hades, and even surpasses it. A real conflict In the end, it was the entire Outer Sect Lingshan Immortal World that would suffer.If the incident spread to the mortal city and shook the foundation of the fairy world, then they would not be able to escape the censure of the upper realm.

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