Nine idlers

Chapter 479

Pin Fanqing did not lead Yinyu Tower to the backyard garden!Instead, lead them into the slightly crude study next to the world.After arriving at the study room, Xu Changqing took out the tea set and patiently brewed a cup of local Xianwu tea from Wuzhen. Each of them poured a cup, while Yinyulou seemed to be more patient. Instead of sitting down, he stood by the bookshelf and looked at the surrounding bookshelves He took out all kinds of ancient books neatly placed on his desk, took out an ancient book rather impolitely, and started flipping through it like this.

Xu Changqing was a little surprised by Yin Yulou's weird behavior. In his opinion, Yin Yulou's behavior seemed very confident, as if he had something in his heart.Xu Changqing had some doubts about this, but he didn't show it on his face, and he didn't intend to speak first, waiting for Yinyu and Lou to make a move, so he also picked up a book on the table that he hadn't finished reading yesterday. Quietly looked up.

"Mr. Xuanwen is a geek who is rare in Kunlun even in ten thousand years!" After about an hour.Yin Yulou seemed to have finished reading the book in his hand, and after slowly closing it, he let out a sigh of relief.Said: "At that time, although Mr. Xuanwen could not cultivate ** because of incomplete meridians, his Taoism and Taoism were the best in the world. He was familiar with the three classics of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, and his knowledge penetrated the sky. Famous all over the world, he is often invited to give lectures to the sects of the inner sects of Lingshan Mountain and the Supreme Immortal Palace. Which of the immortals in Kunlun who see him does not call him Mr. He is really a fingerprint of our generation.

"Xu also loves Mr. Xuanwen's books very much." Xu Changqing took a sip of tea, put down the book in his hand, turned his head to look at all the books written by Mr. Xuanwen on one side of the bookshelf, and said with a sigh: "It is rumored that Xuanwen Mr. Wen has written tens of thousands of books in his life, and the contents of the book are all-encompassing. It is regarded as the first work of Kunlun. He has been regarded as a sage by Confucian scholars in Kunlun. Not many came down, and even rarer in the mortal city. Last year, I did my best to collect only 140 volumes of Youxianji, [-] volumes of Shihuaxihua, and [-] volumes of Daolun. It is a pity that he has never seen the Wentianlu, which is the essence of what he has learned all his life."

"Wen Tianlu is not a mortal city. Even the sects of the inner sect Lingshan seldom have collections. In the entire Kunlun, only Xiangong and Daluo Tianyuxugong Xiaolingshan have collected the complete editions, and the rest are scattered editions. In the outer sect Lingshan , I have the most complete collection of Mr. Xuanwen's works in Tianjimen, but Wen Tianlu only found five chapters of the Xuan Book and thirteen volumes of the Ming Book. This is already the most complete collection among the Lingshan sects of the Outer School." Yinyulou After putting the book away.Sitting on the chair opposite Xu Changqing, he poured out the cold tea in the cup, poured himself a cup, and took a sip.Soon his brows were slightly frowned, he didn't seem to like the slightly bitter taste of Xianwu tea, then he put down the teacup and said: "Compared to Mr. I admire his talent in poetry. After all, not everyone can compose Linjiang Immortal. It makes the Palace Master of the Immortal Palace lie down and wait."

Xu Changqing laughed and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Yin to be a carefree fairy who only envied mandarin ducks but not immortals! Xu is disrespectful, disrespectful!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Yin Yulou also responded with pride, then his face suddenly became serious, he stared at Xu Changqing, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xu, he must be a practitioner who ascended from the mundane world, right?"

Although Xu Changqing was a little surprised by Yin Yulou's words, he was not too surprised.Because in his opinion, it is only a matter of time before someone sees through his personal possessions. After all, when he first entered Kunlun Wonderland, he leaked too many things that could be related to him because of his ignorance. The origin of the turbid air can be seen.When he helped Li Yongfeng write the Sutra of Bitter Medicine and establish the Society of Bitter Medicine, Xu Changqing guessed that someone would be able to follow the clues to find him and guess his origin, but he was surprised that this process took a year.

Xu Changqing always kept a smile on his face.Neither admitted nor denied.Instead, he asked, "Why does Mr. Yin think so?"

, Canshi

"Could it be that Mr. Xu still wants to deny it? You and I are both smart people. How did I see it? Mr. Xu must be very clear in his heart. Why bother to make excuses like that fool?" Yin Yulou was also a little surprised by Xu Changqing's reaction. The originally prepared speech failed to play any role, so the newly arranged speech appeared a little blunt, even more aggressive and out of proportion.Maybe because he felt something was wrong with his tone, Yin Yulou laughed at himself again, and said: "After all, Yin's mood is not as good as that of Mr. Xu. Speaking of it, this is also the reason why the Kunlun Dharma has always placed more emphasis on merit than care. Practitioners who ascended to Kunlun all have a realm of Dao heart much beyond their own cultivation, and they are all great talents who are admired by the inner school Lingshan sects. Most of the more than 60 secular practitioners who ascended to Kunlun that year were taught by the inner school Lingshan Many sects accepted as core disciples, and now there are not a few elders who have become elders of a sect. Even those who do not want to join the inner school Lingshan sects now come to the outer school Lingshan and create a great reputation. As well as Emperor Xianlu and Xingtian Junmo, real people are among the best "Jiao Gong"

From his mouth, hearing what happened to the acquaintances in the past made Xu Changqing feel emotional, and he felt a special feeling in his heart.In the past year, he also asked Li Yongfeng to inquire about the secular practitioners who entered the Kunlun Wonderland back then, but there was not much useful information. He just knew that the last batch of practitioners who ascended to Kunlun were very valued by the Kunlun immortals. It should be much better than ordinary Kunlun immortals.At this time, he had an impulse in his heart, and he really wanted to ask Yinyulou about the situation of the Huang family brothers and sisters and other people close to him, but he quickly dispelled this impulse, did not make any gestures, and looked at Yinyulou quietly Waiting for him to continue to move.

Xu Changqing's calm attitude made Yin Yulou feel depressed. The progress of the matter was completely opposite to what he expected before he came here. Originally, the whole situation should be dominated by him, but Xu Changqing just used a silent attitude to make him feel depressed. I feel that I have lost my initiative and seems to be being led away by the other party.

Yin Yulou also fell silent and took a sip of bitter tea.Let yourself calm down and think for a while.Reorganize your thoughts and words.Then he went on to say: "The last batch of practitioners who ascended from the secular world were recorded by the Kunlun sects, and none of them were missed. It seems that Mr. Xu did not exist among these people. Judging by the turbidity, Yin boldly guessed that Mr. should have flown into the fairyland last year, right? As he spoke, he paused, as if he was waiting for Xu Changqing to answer. But he also guessed that Xu Changqing would not answer, Soon he continued: "If you want to ascend Kunlun from the human world, you need the Bow Receiving Immortal Stone handed down from ancient times in the Temple of the Bow, and every time someone ascends from the human world, the Immortal Receiving Stone will be damaged. In the past, more than [-] people were ascended in the world at one time. , It has far exceeded the bottom line of the Immortal Receiving Stone, and the Immortal Receiving Stone is completely shattered, and its core, which still has a little divine power, has also been taken away.It stands to reason that no one should be able to break through the realm of nothingness and enter Kunlun after losing the guiding fairy stone.But Mr. Xu was able to soar to Kunlun silently, which is really curious. I wonder if Mr. Xu can tell Yin how to do this impossible thing? "

Xu Changqing thought about it for a while, and asked, "Besides picking up practitioners who have ascended from the human world, what is the role of receiving the immortal stone? Can it also help the immortal's divine sense to break through the barrier between the two worlds and enter the secular world?"

Seeing Xu Changqing's questioning, Yin Yulou seemed a little happy. It seemed to him that he had gradually regained the initiative, and then he pretended to be silent for a long time as if he was testing Xu Changqing's patience. Huan said: "Helping the divine thoughts of immortals enter the secular world is just a function of channeling the divine power of the immortal stone, and it can also be used by Li Xuan to dispel the mundane turbidity in the body and reshape the immortal body after the secular practitioner ascends. If Mr. Xu also entered Kunlun because of leading the fairy stone before his life, I am afraid that he would not have worked so hard to dispel the turbidity in his body. Speaking, he looked at the stone hanging around Xu Changqing's neck meaningfully. The Pofa Cone, which had become completely transparent, took another sip of tea and said, "Actually, apart from the above functions, the most useful use of the Immortal Immortal Stone is to help the Kunlun immortals break through the realm of nothingness and deduce the way of heaven. Yinxianshi can be used to calculate the law of heaven.Help the immortals in catastrophe to avoid bad luck. "

Xu Changqing showed a little surprise, and said: "Could it be that without this attracting immortal stone, immortals can't practice the law of heaven and earth calculation? .

"Mr. Xu should also be proficient in the calculation of heaven and earth, right? Presumably he should also feel the abnormality of the stars in the sky and the avenue of heaven and earth this week?" Yin Yulou looked at the sky covered by thick fog through the window of the study, and said with emotion : "In Kunlun, any method of deduction involving the way of heaven is all effective. No matter how proficient the immortals are in the art of numerology, they can only know the fate of people but not the destiny of heaven. All mortals think that we immortals are beyond the destiny of heaven and live forever. , even the vast majority of immortals think so, but how many people can clearly realize that we are still some ants resigned to fate

Compared with the Kunlun Immortal who doesn't know the destiny.Xu Changqing was much better. After he felt that his Heavenly Dao Algorithm could not find any trace of the heavenly path from the Kunlun Zhoutian stars, he guessed that something was wrong with the Kunlun Heaven and Earth.In the following year, he tried many methods to deduce the way of heaven, after all, he didn't know the destiny of heaven.It's not about predicting the enemy first, it's not about seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

However, among the various methods he tried.There is only one way to push the Hunting Calculus.Only in this way can I break through the barrier between the two realms of Kunlun a little bit, peek into the trajectory of the Three Realms Avenue, and deduce some general fate of Kunlun from it.With this method, he can always make Li Yongfeng find a safe way to continue to develop rapidly when the development of the Kuyaohui stagnates, thus forming the momentum it is today.

, Han Wan

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