Nine idlers

Chapter 480 Adding Cooperation

"When Qiangyin Yulou was sent out, it was already getting brighter outside. Xu Changqing took off the shutters of the carpet shop one by one, allowing the medical center to open for business. The income of the medical center is very scarce every day, although there are tiger pillow halls and bitter medicine. The society will secretly push many people to come here to see a doctor, but ordinary people in Kunlun are in very good health, and they can see minor illnesses and disasters by themselves, and serious illnesses rarely happen. It is good to be able to see a patient in the medical center in one day. It is almost impossible to rely on seeing a doctor to support the medical clinic. The medical clinic cannot make money from seeing a doctor. Instead, the few tea plants collected by Xu Changqing half a year ago have become the main income of the medical clinic.

In the beginning, there were only some mortals from the Nanhu slums who came here from time to time to chat about recent experiences, but now Xu Changqing’s medical clinic has become the favorite place for most mortals in Wuzhen, and they seem to regard it as a special place. A tea case for the poor.Xu Changqing didn't care about it, and even found a few tea-making guys to serve these guests.Although Xu Changqing has never taken the initiative to collect tea money, many people will spontaneously take out some money and put it on the table after drinking tea and chatting, and those who have no money for the time being will make up for it when they come next time. It has become an unwritten rule in the medical center, and you can receive a lot of money in a day.

The behavior of these poor visitors is not due to the relationship between Xu Changqing and the Kuyaohui. It can be said that in Wuzhen, apart from a few caring people such as Yinyulou, even Miao Ni Qingyu, the head of the Outer Daoist League who was stationed in Wuzhen not long ago, does not know about Kuyaohui. There is a person like Xu Changqing behind Li Yongfeng, not to mention those mortals.The reason why they spontaneously paid for the tea was just to express their gratitude to Xu Changqing for giving them a place to relax.Because Xu Changqing set up the Taishang Xinxin Formation in the medical hall, which he created by combining Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. The power of this formation can make people in the formation relax naturally. For mortals whose life and death are unpredictable, it is very rare to enjoy the blessing club, and this is also the reason why Shennonggu's Qingliu female crown Liu Yueyan and Yunlong Qizi, who are here to monitor the tiger robe hall, like to sit here often.

Although the immortals such as Shen Nonggu could feel the strong physical and mental changes after entering the medical hall, it was only because Xu Changqing's self-created formation contained too many hidden methods of the ancient Taiqing formation, but they still did not know the reason for this change. And rise.

In the end, they could only attribute it to the fact that the medical hall was built on a blessed land. The Seven Sons of Yunlong thought about buying the medical hall, but they were stopped by the female crown of Qingliu on the grounds that they should not interfere in the affairs of Wuzhen. up.When there is nothing to do, often coming here to sit and sit has become the habit of these immortals every day in recent months. For this reason, Xu Changqing also changed the other bedroom into a separate private room, specially entertaining these superficially approachable people. , The immortals who exude aloofness in their bones.Over time, they can also feel the benefits brought by the Taishang Xinxin Formation to their cultivation. If Xu Changqing would definitely close the door to see off guests at night, they might have lived here for a long time and regarded it as Shennonggu's another station in Wuzhen .

The original intention of Xu Changqing to open the medical clinic was to understand the lives, thoughts and common habits of Kunlun mortals at close range, so as to grasp the structure of the foundation of the entire Kunlun fairy world, so that there will be no too many small things in the future. Errors that should not have occurred.But as early as half a year ago, he had already mastered all the things he should have mastered, and most of the information he should have collected was complete.The original intention of building the medical center has been successfully completed, and the medical center should not continue to open.It's just that things are often a little unexpected. He just had to stay in this clinic because the dragon's blood tree that had grown to six knots could not be transplanted. * has very obvious benefits.

With the gradual recovery of Xu Changqing's cultivation base, especially the strengthening of the three-point primordial spirit in the Tiandaojing, he was able to control a primordial spirit to practice the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra three months ago, allowing him to enter the dream world around the universe and reincarnate Recultivate, experience reincarnation and enlightenment in a dream.However, to promote the evolution of heaven and earth in the virtual world in dreams like a world, not only the true power of Taixu from the Heart Sutra of Sleeping Dreams is needed, but also the phantom power of night travel used to form the virtual world in one hundred thousand dreams.And the Taishang Xixin Array, which is mixed with the laws of the night travel gods and heaven and earth in the world of heaven and earth, gathers the dispelled false thoughts in the hearts of mortals sitting and chatting here, forming a force similar to night travel illusions, helping Xu Changqing practice the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra.

Every day, on the surface, Xu Changqing is just sitting quietly in the medical hall with a book, but in fact, his true martial arts sword Yuanshen, who was the first to lift the restrictions on Kunlun heaven and earth, is experiencing reincarnation and enlightenment again and again.Every day has an experience of an ordinary person's life, and the Sleeping Heart Sutra, which was a little unfamiliar at first, has been used freely.It's a pity that Zhenwudang Demon Sword's Yuanshen doesn't understand something every time he is reincarnated in the dream realm, because after the Yuanshen enters the dream realm, the direction of things will change completely according to the evolution of heaven and earth, even if he creates a hundred thousand dreams. It is impossible for him in the virtual world to dominate his thoughts, and he is just an ordinary person in the virtual world.

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These three.In the past month, Zhenwu Dangmojian Yuanshen has entered nearly 40 times in the virtual world of dreams, that is, experienced more than 40 reincarnations.And in these more than 40 reincarnations, most of him was an ordinary rivers and lakes person or a scholar. Holding a beautiful woman, drinking fine wine, earning a lot of money, and being a high-ranking official were his biggest dreams during these reincarnations. There were only four times, and one of these four times was transformed into a drunken monk.In addition, the other three times made Xu Quhua enlightened, and he also had a deeper understanding of the ancient formation of the Qing Dynasty and the transformation and evolution of the spirit of heaven and earth, which gave him a lot of inspiration and made him think of many ways to get rid of it. Now Taoism is beyond the embarrassment of many cultivation bases.

Just like in Peach Blossom Mountain where he would go down from time to time to set up a stall to tell fortunes, opening a medical clinic in Wuzhen every day has become part of Xu Changben's practice, and he himself is used to this kind of peaceful life full of noise in the market.If it weren't for many times when he couldn't help himself, he might prefer to stay like this forever.

Not long after opening the medical hall, the little guy in the medical hall just brewed a few pots of Xianwu tea, and was sitting boredly waiting for the guests to come to the door. Xu Changqing sat quietly in the hospital with a book in his hand as usual. Looking behind the case, everything seemed very peaceful, no different from usual.At this time, Qingliu Nuguan walked alone from the street in the direction of the inner city, and soon walked into the medical hall.The staff at the medical center had seen her from a long distance, after all, she was so recognizable.Although many mortals in the medical hall do not know the true identity of Qingliu Nuguan, they can vaguely guess her fairy identity, so many of the people who come to the medical hall often come for her and Yunlong Qizi. It seems that they want to give themselves or their relatives a chance to form a fairy relationship.

Although the staff at the medical center were very excited every time they saw Qingliu Nuguan, it was not the first time they had seen her, and they already had some self-control and knew some of her habits.They didn't go forward to greet them, but bought a pot of tea for them as usual, and were about to send them to the private room, but Lixuan was stopped by Qingliu Nuguan.She ordered the little guy to put the tea on Xu Changqing's medical case, under the surprised eyes of everyone.Then he sat opposite Xu Changqing, looked at Xu Changqing for a long time, and then slowly said: "I wonder if Mr. Xu can tell Pindao the purpose of coming here yesterday, the army division of Huzhen Hall, Yin Yulou?"

Xu Changqing moved his gaze away from the book, and looked up at the Kunlun female fairy with introverted celestial spirit and elegant muscles. Although it was not the first time he had seen her, Xu Changqing still couldn't help admiring her temperament.In terms of appearance, Qingliu female crown can't even compare with some secular women, but her temperament has a faint aura of nature, which makes people feel close to her after seeing her.This is not a coquettish technique produced by practicing some kind of kung fu, but a natural temperament. Those who are good at things in the world often say that they are beautiful and beautiful, and they are such beauties.

If an ordinary fairy meets a fairy like Qingliu Nvguan, he will be restrained mentally, and will only become more and more passive in the future, and eventually she will take the lead.It's a pity that what she meets now is Xu Changqing, a Daoist with a heart like heaven and earth, not to mention the current Golden Immortal Daoist, even when he was not enlightened back then, it is difficult to shake his Daoist heart with his inner beauty. So it is not so surprising that the very cold "Can't!" came out of his mouth.

"Why?" Qingliu Nuguan didn't show much intention, but asked with a little startle in her eyes.

Xu Changqing put his eyes on the book in his hand again, and said: "If Xu wants to ask Master Liu why the Shangxian of Louguan Dao came to Shennong Valley, would Master Liu be willing to tell Xu?"

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"It seems that Pindao's feeling is correct. Mr. Xu is really not a mortal, and his realm seems to be much higher than that of Pindao. Even with the magic power of Pindao, it is impossible to see what kind of immortal Mr. Qingliu has reached." Qingliu female crown gave Xu Changqing a slight smile. One sentence, and then took a sip of tea from the cup, seeming to be sorting out his speech, but his eyes were always looking at the broken magic awl hanging on Xu Changqing's neck, and then he seemed to be talking to himself, and said: "More than a year ago, I, Shen Nong, In the yam garden in the valley, a ground snake that had turned into a spirit was lost. Later, the snake's body was found on the void cliff. What is strange is that the skin and bones of the snake essence are well preserved, except for the scar on its forehead. For more than a year, the disciples of my sect have also searched for the person who killed the snake many times, but unfortunately they have not been found in Sanxian City. Today, when I saw Mr. I found the wrong direction. The so-called great hermit in the city can kill a snake essence that has entered the middle and lower realms with one blow without damaging its skin and bones. What you think and do is naturally compatible with that great hermit. Mr. Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Changqing smiled, looked at the magic-breaking awl on his body, and said, "Are you so sure that this magic-breaking awl belongs to the snake demon raised by your Shennong Valley?"

Qingliu female crown smiled and said: "The monsters and spirit beasts raised by my Shennong Valley will all be imprinted with Shennonggu's unique imprint when they are born, but I don't know if Mr. Xu's broken magic cone has this imprint?"


"Xu Changqing naturally has a very thorough understanding of the inside and outside of this broken magic awl that has been with him for a year. He doesn't believe that there is any unique mark, and he will not be stupid enough to check it. He shook his head and denied it without hesitation: "This broken magic awl is It was bought by Xu in the underworld market. "

"No matter where this broken method came from, the purpose of Mr. Xu's stay in Wuzhen should be for that matter two years later. Maybe there is no chance that Mr. Shennonggu and I can cooperate." Qingliu female crown saw at this time There are more and more mortals coming to the medical hall, so it is not good to continue the discussion, so I got up and said: "If you don't mind, please come to Qingfeng Pavilion tonight."

After finishing, without waiting for Xu Changqing to agree, she saluted, turned and walked out of the hospital.

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