Nine idlers

Chapter 487 Shaomen Zongxue

Let Master Compassion leave the Zhulin Xiaozhu.How Venerable Jubao dealt with Qingfeng Pavilion is known to outsiders. Afterwards, the relationship between them seems to be the same as before. At least on the surface, there is still a faint sign of discord between Qingfeng Pavilion and Louguan Taoist immortals.Moreover, some of the things that Qingfeng Pavilion did behind the back of Lou Guandao also tended to expand. Many secrets related to the Taishang Qingjingtian Treasure House were spread from the mouths of the Qingfeng Pavilion's immortals, and gradually spread throughout the entire Outer Sect Lingshan.

at a later date.Venerable Jubao had another secret meeting with Master Compassionate Heart. No one else knew about their meeting this time, and no one knew what they talked about.Only on the second day, Master Compassionate handed over the affairs of the King Kong Temple to his eldest disciple Shi Xin Wei Tuo, and he himself left Wuzhen on the grounds of wandering, and his whereabouts were elusive.

It's just that when Venerable Jubao was having a secret conversation with Master Compassionate, there was an episode. Venerable Jubao later remembered that this may have something to do with Master Compassionate's sudden compromise and his promise not to interfere in the affairs of Sanshan, the elixir .At that time, the aura of the earth veins, which was gradually weakening, suddenly stopped failing and gradually recovered, and the master of Yuxuan Yun Sheng and Qingliu Nuguan had already brought the Shennong Valley's sky surveying mirror.With this spirit treasure, everyone can easily see the situation of the entire Wuzhen Earth Vein Alliance clearly, and through various traces of guiding formations that are not easy to erase, they can find the source of the weakening of the Earth Vein Spiritual Qi, which is the backyard garden of Xu Changqing Medical Center Inside.

When the immortals came to the medical hall, the building was already empty, but the immortal Buddhas such as Venerable Jubao, who had a great sense of spirituality, could still clearly feel the unique spiritual energy entrenched in the back garden for a long time.Because there are Shennong Gumen who are proficient in elixir, it is not difficult for them to know that there has been a dragon blood tree with at least seven knots.And there was a letter in the place where the dragon's blood tree was planted, and the addressee on the letter was Reverend Yuxuan, as if he knew that things would be found on him.

As for who the owner of this place is, many of the immortals present at that time knew about it, but the person who really knew him seemed to be the only one who had had a deep talk with him, the real Yuxuan.

Venerable Jubao also asked her a question when he handed the letter to Master Yuxuan Yun Sheng.But he didn't get anything useful from her mouth. As for the letter, Master Yuxuan kept it in his pocket and never appeared in front of people again.The only thing that puzzled Venerable Jubao was that when someone mentioned that the owner of this place was a Sanxian named Xu Changqing, Master Compassionate looked a little strange, and gave Master Yuxuan a meaningful look, as if he knew something .But when Venerable Jubao went to the Golden Temple early in the morning to inquire about what happened, and continued yesterday's topic, Master Compassionate had already left Yunyou, and before leaving, he told his disciple Shi Xin Wei Tuo, Wuzhen Jin The temple is completely at the disposal of Lou Guandao, and he will rush back two years later on the day when the two-world passage leading to the Taishang Qingjingtian treasure house is opened.

Xu Changqing's identity, the sudden change of Master Compassionate, and the recent weirdness of Master Yuxuan all made Venerable Jubao extremely confused. When the time is ripe for persuasion, Master Yuxuan will naturally tell him.

Xu Changqing's appearance and departure were so sudden. Although many of his actions affected the situation in Weiji Mountain, on the surface he was an innocuous person.Just like other loose immortals who like to roam around, except for a very few caring people who will remember him, others will quickly regard him as an ordinary passerby and soon forget. The house that Xu Changqing rented before is also very It was about to be reset.It was changed into a tea house, and the traces of Xu Changqing's appearance here were completely erased.

Not long after Xu Changqing left, several incidents related to him happened one after another. The first one was Li Yongfeng's sudden departure which inevitably caused turmoil in the Kuyaohui.Although Li Yongfeng left a letter before leaving.The power and territory in his hands were distributed to his cronies, but only the upper-level members of the Bitter Medicine Association knew about this, and the middle and lower-level members did not know about it.This makes some ambitious people see some opportunities.Ever since, under the union of the members of the Bitter Medicine Society who don't know the truth, the ambitious leader, and the immortals who have no hope of enlightenment and want to enjoy the wealth and honor of the world, Nuo Da's Bitter Medicine Society began to split.For a while, mortal powers claiming to be authentic under the name of the Bitter Medicine Society appeared in various mortal towns, and the real power of the Bitter Medicine Society also shrank again and again, and finally could only be maintained in the surrounding towns of the city of identification. All the mortal cities were lost.Just when the bitter medicine was going to split, the bitter medicine hall grew abnormally. Not only the mortal towns of the three mountains of elixir had bitter medicine halls.Even in other mortal cities of Lingshan, Kuyaotang and Kuyaojing believers appeared one after another, and the farthest one even reached Wuwangshan Yuncheng.The expansion of Kuyaotang has attracted the attention of many immortal families, but because the basic classic of Kuyaotang, the Kuyaojing, does not contain any missionary content, most of them are some ethical studies, the only content that may involve missionary teaching It just created a nihilistic existence called Dao, so the various immortal forces did not regard it as a notch.The Han Dynasty recognized its existence and there was no decree prohibiting it.In order to facilitate the control of many civilians in the city, many middle-grade and high-grade families who have just mastered their hearts have vigorously promoted the Kuyaotang. On the face of it, it also speeded up the expansion of Kuyaotang in a disguised form.

The Kuyao Sutra spread so quickly among Kunlun mortals not because of how profound the Sutra is.On the contrary, it is because this sutra is extremely superficial, so superficial that even some poor people who have never studied can understand it.I can hear you clearly.The study of ethics written in the Sutra of Bitter Medicine.Not to mention other Confucian immortals who have studied ritual and grammar.Just ordinary non-level Buddhist and Taoist cultivators can open their mouths to say a lot, which is more comprehensive and complete than what is written in the Sutra of Bitter Medicine.But it is precisely because of its superficiality that those high-ranking immortals are unwilling to surrender their identities to write such a teaching book. In the end, Xu Changqing was cheapened for nothing, which made him unintentional. benefit from this sutra.He has gained a lot of teaching merits that can help him practice.

The split of the Bitter Medicine Association and the expansion of the Bitter Medicine Hall are directly related to Xu Changqing.But there is one more thing that is also indirectly related to him.Just over a year ago, the nephew of the great sage of Shenhuo who he had rescued casually and had been hiding in the three mountains of elixir was killed in Peicheng, Fengshan. Many people saw that the person who killed the nephew of the great sage of Shenhuo used the secret method of the corpse repair hall of the Hades Palace.Some people even claimed that this person was Du Xiang, the master of the Corpse Repairing Hall.

For this matter, the Great Sage Shenhuo, who was originally stationed at the main altar of the Immortal Palace outside the Wuwang Mountain, alone commanded Zhenjun Xingxiu.With great fanfare, they went to the residence of the Temple of Hades in Wuwang Mountain, as if they wanted to ask for an explanation.Afterwards, Zhang Yizhen, the current lord of the Hall of Hades, Fumo Lingji Zhenjun, used the method of Taixu Great Universe to ingest the Great Sage of Divine Fire into the chaotic void.The two returned from the chaotic void.The originally aggressive Shenhuo Dasheng didn't say anything, and led the people out of the Hades Hall


On the third day, the three Immortals, headed by the Great Sage of Shenhuo, led all the immortals under their command to enter the Three Spiritual Medicine Mountains, and the Maitreya Sect, Jing'an Jingshe and White Lotus Sect, which had been wandering outside the Three Spiritual Medicine Mountains, also received Pluto Invited by the Palace and the Tiger Pillow Hall, to enter the three mountains of elixir, to get a share of the place where the elixir is grown.for a while.The three elixir mountains, the three outer sect spirit mountains with the least number of immortals, have become almost the same as Wuwang Mountain, where immortal families gather.Many hostile and hostile Xianjia forces appeared here, and the atmosphere became more tense because of this.However, what surprised many immortals was that the Wai Dao League, which originally wanted to become one of the dominant forces of the three elixirs, suddenly and quietly withdrew from the immortal cities of the three elixir mountains.Even the power of the mortal city only left the Bianwu City, and it seems that they are determined to completely withdraw from the redistribution of the elixir income of the three mountains of elixir.

Although things in the fairy world of the elixir Sanshan have been changing and confusing, these things have nothing to do with Xu Changqing for the time being. All he needs to do now is to find a blessed place to cultivate the Sleeping Dream Heart Sutra to consolidate and improve his cultivation in a short time, and perfect the Jiuliu Dao .

The blessed land that Xu Changqing was looking for was also due to Wang Tao, the leader of the Hall of Knowledge in the Tiger Pillow Hall, because it was from his memory that Xu Changqing knew such a good blessed land.And this place is also the place where Wang Tao got the application method of the ancient art of transformation.This place is located in Fengshan, very far from Peicheng in Fengshan and the main altar of Fengshan Baicaotang, and there are many evil spirits around this place, unless it is the herb-gathering fairy in Baicaotang, few people will come here .

Xu Changqing visited this place once, and although the aura of this place is much lower than that of Shennonggu and other immortal sects, it is much higher than the general Lingshan area, which is completely enough for Xu Changqing's cultivation.In addition to the abundant aura of the land veins here, Xu Changqing chose to practice here because of the evil spirits from a dozen places attracted by the peculiar land veins here and the ancient transformation technique engraved on the wall here.It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

However, when Xu Changqing pulled Li Yongfeng to fly to this place, he found that besides the monsters entrenched here, there was another person who should not have appeared here.This, man is not a fairy, but an ordinary person, but this ordinary person is surrounded by monsters, living here safely.A thatched hut was built next to the waterfall and spiritual pool that Xu Changqing had taken a fancy to before, and it looked like he had lived there for a long time.In addition, Xu Changqing also knew this mortal, he was the hunchbacked merchant who led Xu Changqing into the underworld a year ago.And this person hasn't appeared since the golden thread Lengxiang fruit that Xu Changqing took out that day.At that time, Xu Changqing saw how extraordinary he was from his state of mind, which was easily detached from his own greed. He planned to continue to have a deep friendship, but unfortunately he could no longer find him in Wuzhen. Now that he saw him again, he became more and more sure Xu Changqing's previous guess. , if you want to know what happens next, please log in to Mumu, there are more chapters, support the author, support the original

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