Nine idlers

Chapter 488 The Fate of the Immortal Emperor

The mountain wall engraved with the application method of the ancient transformation technique is located in the snow-capped mountains five hundred miles north surrounded by evil spirits. However, the terrain suddenly rose by thousands of feet, forming a mountain peak straight into the clouds. Seeing this strange mountain peak from Wang Tao's memory, Xu Changqing didn't think it was particularly strange. But after seeing it with his own eyes, he felt that the mountain peak appeared strangely. It's very weird, it feels as if someone mysteriously used physical force to pull up the leylines to form this mountain.

This big snow mountain is not that kind of hidden spiritual mountain blessed place, on the contrary, it is still famous in the Fengshan area, and some good people even gave it a very common and vulgar name called Chayun Mountain.The source of its fame is not only the magnificent scenery of this mountain that soars into the sky and breaks through the blue sky, but also because this place is also the only place in a radius of ten thousand miles that is rich in the middle-grade elixir Sanbao snow lotus.

Although this mountain is also located in the area of ​​no main medicine in Fengshan, it is because of its remote location.Few people come here to collect herbs, only a few alchemists who need a large amount of three treasures snow lotus and elixir, civil and military fire, will travel thousands of miles to collect herbs.Compared with the immortals who came to this mountain because of the elixir, it was those who came here specifically to work.There are more loose immortals and demon cultivators who play and practice.Because the aura here is more abundant than the upper one, and more than the lower one.In addition, there is a good cold spring in the mountain, so many scattered immortals and demon cultivators who like to practice purely, do not want to participate in the battle of the fairy world, and have no background and support all gather here to practice in seclusion, hoping to realize the Tao one day.The number of these scattered immortals and demon cultivators is not very large, but for the convenience of each other's cultivation and the exchange of cultivation experience, they also established a loose alliance called the Stone Forest Forum. The members of the altar gather once every three years to exchange cultivation experience.Wang Tao of the Tiger Pillow Hall used to be a member of the altar, and the stone forest where the members of the altar gather to preach is the mountain wall where the purpose of Xu Changqing's trip is to apply the method of ancient transformation.

There is nothing hidden in the patterns that contain the application method of the ancient transformation technique, but it is displayed on the mountain wall generously.It's just that these humanoid patterns are not concentrated together.Instead, they are scattered all over the entire mountain wall, surrounded by countless similar patterns, making it impossible to see anything special.These patterns are all over the entire stone forest, not only on the mountain walls, but also on the hundreds of wind-eroded stone pillars that form the stone forest. In addition, there are not only humanoid patterns, but also various monsters, nebula, etc. There are as many as [-] pieces, so this place has become a scene of Wantu Stone Forest in Chaoyun Mountain.In fact, Wang Tao is not alone in seeing that there are cultivation methods hidden in these patterns. Since the discovery of this stone forest, many people have realized various cultivation methods from the patterns of the stone forest for more than [-] years.It's just that these methods are not necessarily higher than their own methods, and there are many misguided methods among them, so this place is not valued by those immortal sects that have been passed down for a long time.Only the lowest-level scattered immortals and demon cultivators in the outer sect Lingshan who have no inheritance of Taoism and rely on incomplete cultivation methods will pay attention to this place.And the Shilin preaching every three years has become a grand gathering for the low-level loose immortals and monster cultivators like the three mountains of elixir.

Before Xu Changqing came here, he knew from Wang Tao's memory that in the near future there would be a sermon in the stone forest held every three years in Chaoyun Mountain, and there would definitely be a gathering of demons and immortals here.It's just that he wasn't worried that the blessed land he planned to use for cultivation would be discovered by others, because it was deep in the bottom of a canyon, surrounded by natural formations composed of various evil spirits, and the aura there was not Not much more abundant than this Chayun Mountain.So it is impossible for anyone to take the easy and follow the difficult.Risking his life to break into the land surrounded by evil spirits.

Xu Changqing's Dunxian flew from the Waterfall Lingchi to the foot of Chaoyun Mountain in just a few breaths.He stopped at the foot of the mountain for a while, opened up his spiritual sense, and included the entire Chayun Mountain, which covers an area of ​​ten thousand hectares, into his spiritual sense.Soon he sensed that thousands of Loose Immortals and Demon Cultivators who had just entered and those who had not yet entered gathered here, and the Wantu Stone Forest was located on the mountainside.

Gathered there were eight fairy demons whose cultivation base was around the middle level of the outer gate Lingshan, and one of them had reached the upper middle rank of the Jindan number of peaks. It's nothing.But it is enough to make them top all the fairies in Chayun Mountain.

Xu Changqing did not immediately go to the Wantu Stone Forest.But after finding out the situation of Chiyunzhi at the foot of the mountain, he cast his light and rushed straight up, rushing into the clouds full of heaven and earth winds, and landed on the top of Chiyunshan Mountain surrounded by dense clouds.Not only is the wind here fierce.If ordinary high-grade immortals are attacked by this strong wind, they will only be defeated. Even Jindan Hengfeng immortals cannot stay under this strong wind for a long time, and the cold air here is bitingly cold, which is even colder than that of the cold spring in the belly of the mountain. It's too much, so no fairy will practice here.

On the top of the peak, apart from a large expanse of thick white snow, there are more oddly shaped gravels, which have been lying here for thousands of years.Nothing has changed. This almost permanent existence gave Xu Changqing, who just came here, the illusion of traveling through thousands of years.It's just that this kind of illusion just made him dazed a little, and he soon returned to normal, following him to show a different body with fine notches.Use; look at the peak that is not too big.In the middle, I found a "slightly flat place" and sat down on Daji Muye's knees, then took out the Hunting Calculator and performed the method. The mind was immersed in the Calculator, and explored the trajectory of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao.

With the help of the Heaven-defying magic weapon, the Hunting Calculus, this place is indeed suitable for watching the sky and exploring fate.Xu Changqing easily broke through the barrier of Kunlun heaven and earth aura, and his mind merged into the trajectory of Kunlun heaven and earth.I don’t know if it’s because of the location, but the effect of watching the sky this time is a thousand times better than the previous ones in other places in Weiji Mountain. The way of heaven, which was originally covered with several layers of thick veils, has become incomparable this time. Cleaning is like exploring the way of heaven on earth.

The Kunlun Heavenly Dao became so clear that Xu Changqing quickly discovered many things that he had never discovered before. For example, the Kunlun Heavenly Dao does not only include the Kunlun Realm. Apart from Kunlun, both the Buddha and Demon Realms are within the trajectory of the Heavenly Dao. In this regard, the Kunlun Heavenly Dao should be called the Earth Immortal Heavenly Dao.Although all living beings in the three worlds of immortals, Buddhas and demons are controlled by the same heaven, but because of the barrier between the two realms, Xu Changqing could not follow the path of heaven to extend to the other two realms and explore the situation of the other two realms.But just looking at the trend of heavenly luck, the Buddhist world seems to be surrounded by catastrophe, and the luck is exhausted, showing the signs of the five declines of heaven and man, while the demon world is full of luck.Born in response to the catastrophe, it is almost on the same level as Kunlun luck.

The ups and downs of luck in the Three Realms of Earth and Immortals are an unstoppable trend of great fortune, which is related to the Dao of the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man.It is far from being prevented and changed by magical powers, so Xu Changqing didn't stay in the luck of the three worlds of immortals, Buddhas and demons. He just looked at the situation and shifted his mind to his purpose of calculating the secret this time.

I saw him inject the previous drop of blood that was fused with Li Yongfeng and the hunchbacked old man into the Hunting Calculator.Relying on the essence and blood of his life, he quickly found Li Yongfeng in the vast Kunlun heaven.In other words, it could be said that it belonged to the fate of the blood of the six kings.

Xu Changqing had also deduced Li Yongfeng's fate before, and fully understood his fate, but now when he observed Li Yongfeng's fate from the height of Kunlun Heaven, he was surprised to find that Li Yongfeng's fate had changed.The original fate of fortune and catastrophe has now turned into a false shell, and under this shell, his fate has turned into the ninety-five fate of Ziwei entering the palace and condensing dragon veins.In addition, what surprised him even more was that in this emperor's fate, there was a fairy luck that could never appear on a human emperor. fate.

Xu Changqing never thought that he had neglected or missed the calculation of Li Yongfeng before. Even an ordinary fortune teller would not be able to miss such an obvious strange fate, let alone a master fortune teller like him who knows the way of heaven.Under careful consideration.The only explanation he can give is that in the year since he deduced Li Yongfeng's fate last time, Li Yongfeng's fate has been constantly changing, and finally formed such a strange and precious fate.

Li Yongfeng's fate does not exist alone.His fate is connected with the lifeline of many people and heaven.Gradually formed a general lifeline centered on him.And Xu Changqing passed his blood essence and spirituality.He quickly found those who had the same origin of blood from countless lifelines. They should be one of the bloodlines of the six kings. At the same time, he also found that the bloodlines of the six kings were not separated. Formed a complete catastrophe fate.

Through this wonderful luck connection, Xu Changqing also easily detected the situation of other people who also have the blood of the six kings.As for the detected results, Xu Changqing was really puzzled.Because he found that among the other five Dashi lifelines who also have the blood of the six kings, there is an existence similar to Li Yongfeng, that is to say, there are six mortals in Kunlun who bear the fate of the immortal emperor.And he also found that the other five lifelines are respectively connected with the three worlds of immortals, Buddhas and demons.One of them penetrated into the heavenly way of the Buddhist world.Two strands are connected to the Dao of the Demon Realm, while the other two strands are submerged in the Dao of the Kunlun. This seems to indicate that the blood of the Six Kings is also connected to the Dao of the Three Realms.

Xu Changqing soon realized that the lifelines formed by the other five bloodlines of the six kings were all related to the Dao of Heaven, and Li Yongfeng's lifeline could not be an exception.So he went back and carefully deduced Li Yongfeng's lifeline and luck.Soon he discovered that Li Yongfeng's lifeline and luck seem to have a faint connection with his natal star that has been integrated into the Kunlun Heavenly Dao.Just when he was about to concentrate, use Tian Luo Doushu and Hunting Calculator to the extreme, and deduce what kind of specific fate Li Yongfeng had with himself, a sudden cold snort pierced through the barrier between heaven and earth.It directly acted on his mind, forcing his mind out of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao.

When Xu Changqing's mind returned to his body, Li Fei felt a sense of dizziness hit his heart.Concentrating on introspection, I found that the aura of the three-point primordial spirit has dimmed a lot, obviously it hurt the primordial spirit just now.And the Huntian Algorithm, which he used to cast spells in front of him, also turned into a cloud of dust after losing his mana support, and disappeared into the surrounding wind.

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