Nine idlers

Chapter 489 Stone Forest Wantu

Jiaran Chaoyun River is occupied by the fairy and demon members of the Stone Forest Altar.But they didn't enter the mountain like other immortals, and they didn't set the most important Wantu Stone Forest in the mountain as a forbidden area, even if they were just.Immortals who have not entered the mountain can also easily enter the stone forest to understand Wantu.Xu Changqing stopped from Chayun: After coming down from the peak, he landed directly in the dense forest not far from the stone forest, and then walked up the mountain road leading to the stone forest.

"This Shangxian, please stay here."Just when Xu Changqing turned a mountain curve and was about to enter the stone forest valley with myriad pictures, a monster that had not yet transformed crawled out of the jungle beside the road.He raised his head and called to Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing looked down at the monster in a strange way, and found that the monster was a deer spirit with four cries and clouds and nine-colored antlers on its head. The evil spirit on his body is also very thin, so to speak.It should have been out of the range of monsters, and it can be regarded as a spirit monster.Kunlun is a mixed cultivator of immortals and demons.The relationship between each other is not as incompatible as in the world of mortal cultivation. Although there may be conflicts at times, the relationship is generally harmonious, and it is quite a scene of prosperity in the fairy world.Xu Changqing has also seen some monsters in the past year or so, but they all turned into *humanoids.Many of them are completely indistinguishable from human beings, such as Xiong Liancheng, Li Mu Yushi, etc. Although some of them still retain some monster forms, their bodies are mostly human-like.But it's the first time I've met a monster who is completely in the shape of a monster like now, talking to him, which makes him feel a little weird and awkward.

"Why does this mountain patrol envoy block my way? Could it be that the mountain owners of Mount Yunshan are also planning to seal up the Wantu Stone Forest for private use?" Xu Changqing calmed down the awkward feeling in his heart, and glanced at the deer spirit hanging on his neck. He knew that his identity was the patrol envoy of the Stone Forest Altar, so he pretended to be puzzled and asked.

"Shangxian misunderstood! The stone forest is a gift from God to us rootless immortals. How dare the mountain masters do such a rebellious thing and take it for private use. The mountain masters ordered the little demon to guard here, just for the sake of the people. Friends of the Immortals in the Stone Forest remind me, before the end of the Stone Forest Altar, please do not go to the east side of the Stone Forest lightly if there is nothing wrong, so as not to run into the Immortal." Although the deer essence does not know Xu Changqing's cultivator In order to know how tall he is, but he knows that he is at least much higher than himself, and he can't help feeling awe in his heart, after hearing the words.Hastily explained.

"Shangxian?" Xu Changqing frowned, and soon thought of the immortal who had reached the peak of Jindan that his spiritual sense had detected before. At that time, he only thought that this immortal was also one of the masters of this mountain. Come on, this immortal should be from the outer mountains.So he asked again with a look of doubt: "Which immortal can make all the mountain masters work so hard, and even make such an order to restrict access to the stone forest on the east side? Could it be that this immortal is from the immortal family of the inner door Lingshan?" The sect failed?"

"Shangren; you're joking! How can the immortal sects of the inner sect Lingshan take a fancy to our small place? It's just that the identity of the Shangxian who is now comprehending the astronomical diagram of the stone forest in the east side of the stone forest is much higher than that of the ordinary inner sect Lingshan immortal. All the immortals of the family sect are much taller!" Although this deer spirit is the patrol envoy of Mount Chaoyun, it is impossible for it to know all the loose immortals and demon cultivators of Mount Chaoyun.In addition, as the Stone Forest Temple was approaching, many scattered immortals and demon cultivators from outside the mountain also rushed over, so it made Chaoyun Mountain a mixed bag, with many new faces.Lu Jing didn't recognize that Xu Changqing was here for the first time. On the contrary, because of Xu Changqing's straightforward questioning before, he regarded him as one of those loose immortals outside the mountains, so he didn't hide much about the situation in the stone forest.It's just that when he talked about the latter, he acted cautiously.He looked around, then raised his head high and put it on Xu Changqing's chest, pretending to be mysterious and whispered: "Fellow Daoists, have you ever heard of the Outer Daoist Alliance that is now approaching the three sects and four sects in the Outer Sect Lingshan?"

Seeing a monster with the appearance of an elk in front of him, making the actions and expressions unique to humans, Xu Changqing couldn't help but smile in his heart, but there was no abnormality on his face, but he pretended to be curious and said: "This is naturally listening Having said that, could it be that this Shangxian is a member of the Heretic Alliance? .

"It is indeed a person from the Heretic League, and it is not an ordinary heretic. Lu Jing nodded, looked around, and continued when he saw no one: "The little demon heard from the master of Yanshan in Fuyun Cave that this immortal is a heretic." The Dharma Protector of the Allied Bone Thunder Hall is also a direct disciple of the head of the Bone Thunder Hall, and the little demon also heard that one of the head of the Bone Thunder Hall will come to participate in the Stone Forest Forum, and will ask for a legislature to teach the direct The practice ** of the Golden Core Realm. "Bone Thunder Hall? .When Xu Changqing heard this name, he frowned slightly. He felt that it seemed to have something to do with the brothers of the Chang family, so he asked again: "Do you know the name of the head of the Bone Thunder Hall? Why have I never heard of the sect of the Outer Daoist League?" Church?"

"This..." the deer essence didn't expect Xu Changqing to ask such a question, and it seemed that it didn't know the details of the Gu Lei Hall, so it pretended to be impatient and said: "Why do you need to ask more questions, when the Shilin altar meeting is held? Got it." Finished.Without waiting for Xu Changqing to continue to ask, he spread his hooves and jumped into the dense forest beside the path. Before leaving, he added a reminder: "Shangxian must remember not to go to the stone forest on the east side lightly, so as not to disturb that Shangxian Enlightened."

"It's really an interesting deer spirit."Xu Changqing smiled, raised his hand and popped out a concave sun, throwing Shan Xunshu and sunning the umbrella "The mountain fierce fairy touched it, pierced through the dense forest, and silently penetrated into the deer's body to collect the dust. Although it is impossible to help it cultivate, But when it forms the pill, it can make it spend less energy and successfully form the pill to pass the calamity.

There is no public opinion on when the stone forest in Mount Chaoyun was formed. All the immortals only know that the stone forest existed before the fairy palace appeared.Because there is a stone pillar in the stone forest with the name of the Dharma carved in stone by Daoming Fatianzun, the founder of the fairy palace, and this stone pillar was taken away by the fairy palace ten thousand years ago.It is rumored that ten thousand years ago, the Immortal Palace also sent the great saints in the palace to come here many times to study Wantu, although these great saints of the Immortal Palace also realized some Taoism from the pictures.But these Taoisms are really low, and they can't be compared with the Taoisms they practiced. Since they still can't realize the mystery of them, Xiangong finally gave up this place.For more than [-] years, Daluotian, Xiaoluotian, Qingweitian, and other immortal sects in Lingshan of the inner sect also took over this stone forest, but they all ended in vain.In the end, this stone forest that existed in ancient times finally fell into the hands of a group of low-level fairy monsters like Chaoyun Mountain.

Xu Changqing had seen some of the pictures engraved on the stone forest in Wang Tao's memory before, and he didn't feel anything unusual, but only knew how to arrange these pictures in a specific order.A set of application methods for the ancient art of transformation has been formed.The method used by Wang Tao is the method commonly used by the loose immortals and demon cultivators who come to Shilin to understand Taoism.It's just that he was lucky enough to allow him to comprehend a set of methods suitable for him to use. As for the other fairies, they are still struggling to find the mystery.

Although Xu Changqing already had an impression of the Stone Forest Wantu, what he saw from other people's memories was completely different from what he saw in his own place.

This stone forest is not very big, which is equivalent to half a fog town. Thousands of large and small natural stone pillars are arranged in a patchwork pattern.There are countless patterns on these stone pillars, some are like humans and animals, and some are like celestial phenomena and stars. All the patterns are naturally formed by the stone pillars.And these patterns and those artificial carvings on the surrounding stone walls complement each other, forming the entire Wantu Stone Forest.

Unlike ordinary immortals who would focus on the patterns around them after coming, Xu Changqing first paid attention to the situation of the entire stone forest, because the entire stone forest matched the terrain of the mountain and formed one.The ancient strange formation, the lunar phantom wave black magnetic formation.The Taiyin Phantom Wave Xuanmagnetic Array is an ancient formation that Xu Changqing learned from the Taiqing Liangyi Mote Array that closed the passage between the two worlds in the Underworld. The ninth layer is arranged in the array sequence, which is one of the killing arrays.Through part of Zhen Yuanzi's memory, we know that this lunar phantom wave mysterious magnetic array is formed by the natal aura of an innate deity, which has the supernatural power to transform the three realms. Later, this innate deity died, and the remaining trace of his natal aura was destroyed. An immortal named Taiyin Old Man under the Taiqing Sect obtained some of the ancient formations, and then mixed some Taiqing formations to restore some of the formations. It also has the same name, but it is much more powerful.

Looking at the formation in the stone forest, Xu Changqing quickly found something related to it from his memory, guessing that this formation was likely to be the formation formed by the old man of Taiyin himself, and it was also the last formation formed before the immortal fall.If the broken stone pillars in the stone forest are completed, this formation is more complete than the Taiyin Magic Wave Xuanpeng formation known to Xu Changqing. Who can understand this formation that has been lost in the fairy world?

In addition, Xu Changqing is [-]% sure that this formation is also the formation formed by the old man of Taiyin in the last battle. According to Zhen Yuanzi's memory, the last battle of the old man of Taiyin was in Kunlun, and there was no news of the old man of Taiyin after that. The person who fought against him at that time was a very mysterious demon god in the prehistoric period.This demon god is obviously just a loose fairy, but he can understand the roots of the ancient fairy sects of the Three Realms and he is very good at preaching. The immortal chased and killed him, and finally disappeared into Kunlun together with the old man of Taiyin.

Comparing the known content with the current situation in the Wantu Stone Forest, it is naturally not difficult to find the connection.Xu Changqing even boldly guessed that the result of the fight was that the old man Taiyin was killed on the spot, and the ancient demon god was also dying.In the end, the ancient demon god put the ancient way that he knew all over his body on the surrounding stone walls.In this way, it is not difficult to know that the essence of the stone forest is the surrounding stone Xuan pattern, and the secret of Taoism hidden in the stone bag pattern may be unlocked in the naturally formed patterns on the stone pillars.Although Xu Changqing couldn't feel any mana in the stone forest, he understood that the ancient Taoist law was most in line with the law of heaven, and it could generate aura by itself without the use of mana. The ancient Taoism in the surrounding stone carving patterns was formed naturally.It contains the evolution mystery of ancient Taoism.This also explains why the stone forest has not been protected by any magic power for tens of thousands of years, but the surrounding stone waste patterns can still be preserved so well.Concave day, throwing Shan Xun, writing, drying umbrellas

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