Nine idlers

Chapter 497 Stone Forest Hidden Treasure

The second one represents the existence of the Chiquanmi Buddha, the Buddha Shilingxian and the 81st Maoliang Buddha Bead Bizhi Aofufa Tianzun took it away, the face of the Yungai God did not show much joy, but his eyebrows were slightly frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable Satisfied with the result. (Network novel etn) In fact, the reason why he came to Chayun Mountain with such a big fanfare this time.The main purpose is not only to take out the items that have been hidden in the stone forest for tens of thousands of years, but also to use this to bring out the traitor of the Immortal Palace, Yishan Dashengxiong.

For this reason, Yungai Shenjun did not hesitate to use the promise left a long time ago with the three most powerful immortals in the Outer Gate Lingshan.Invite them to take action, and secretly arrange this ten-party killing game, but who would have thought that Xiong Zhenyu would not wait.Instead, the Infinite Light Buddha from Leiyin Temple came.However, this is not to say that the value of getting rid of Wuliang Guangfo is lower than getting rid of Xiong Zhenyu.The exact opposite is to get rid of the Buddha of Immeasurable Light who holds the real power of Leiyin Temple as far as it is concerned.It has all advantages and no disadvantages for Asgard.

In fact, Immeasurable Light Buddha has already been included in the list of Kunlun immortals that must be eliminated in the Asgard, and it is still at the top.Because in addition to being one of the three masters of Leiyin Temple, he is also the elder Xi who secretly resisted the forces of the Immortal Palace against the Immortal Alliance.It's just that the cultivation base of the Buddha of Infinite Light is extremely advanced, let alone the magic of the Buddha of Infinite Light's pure extinction and return to tranquility.The little Immeasurable Light Sky alone is enough to make it invincible, and the Immortal Palace once sent seven palace masters to surround and kill him.In the end, he escaped by him.If it wasn't for the fact that Wuliangguang Buddha wanted to take this opportunity to kill Yungai Shenjun today, and put most of his power on Yungai Shenjun, and he didn't know the relationship between the fairy palace and the three outer sects who were invited by him. relationship between.He had no defense against the three of them, and he hadn't even fully used the Infinite Light Purification and Return to Silence, so it might be difficult to kill them today.

Undoubtedly, Yungai Shenjun was very happy to be able to catch the big fish of Immeasurable Light Buddha, but the troubles in the fairy palace of Xiongzhenyu still existed, and it also dissipated his original joy.In terms of current influence and destructive power alone, Xiong Zhenyu can't compare with Boundless Light Buddha, but his status as a traitor of Asgard Palace is an indelible shame of Asgard Palace. .Although in the past tens of thousands of years, there have been many traitors in Asgard.But those traitors were quickly eliminated by Asgard.Asgard's prestige was not affected at all.But Xiong Zhenyu was different. After he betrayed the Immortal Palace, he had been at ease in the Outer Ear Ling Mountain for a thousand years.Moreover, he also blatantly created the Tiger Pillow Hall, an immortal family force capable of competing with the three sects and four sects of the outer sect.If it weren't for the inner sect Lingshan Daluotian to restrain the elbow, the Immortal Palace would have sent people to get rid of this hidden danger long ago. Why did it need to use the Maitreya Sect to suppress the expansion of the Tiger Pillow Hall as it is now.

If you don't get rid of the male town area.The prestige of Asgard will never be restored to the level it used to command the Kunlun immortals.There will also be more and more forces opposing the existence of Asgard. From a long-term perspective, the adverse impact of the Xiongzhen Territory on Asgard is far greater than that of Infinite Light Buddha.

He looked at the three Xeon Immortals from the outer sect in front of him.Yungai Shenjun involuntarily focused his gaze on the Xeon Immortal whose figure was still hidden behind the magic weapon, and his identity emerged in his mind.At the same time, Yungai Shenjun couldn't help but began to suspect that Wuliangguang Buddha would come here so confidently, and he might be controlling it.The purpose is to be Xiong Zhenyu's scapegoat, and judging from the expressions of the other two, it is obvious that they are also insiders and even one of the planners.After figuring this out, Yungai Shenjun could faintly guess the purpose of the three most powerful immortals in front of him to keep the Xiongzhen domain.But Yungai Shenjun couldn't find any reason to refute their behavior of breaking promises.Because no matter how you say it, Immeasurable Light Buddha is much more important than Xiongzhen.

"The old man has already prepared what fellow Taoists want. You can go to Wuwang Mountain to get it at any time. The Ten Thousand Laws Wujie Cave will be opened in three years, but Tianzun can just go directly." Quickly hid the displeasure on his face, smiled and nodded in response. Green∷Novel Network Novel etn) "Suppressing Mofu Fa Tianzun took a brief look at the person behind the magic weapon of invisibility. Then he said in a flat tone.

Yun Gai Shenjun chuckled.Said: "Tianzun don't have to joke, you must know how precious this thing is! How could the Buddha of Infinite Light not carry it with you. As for it has been destroyed, it is even more impossible. The Immortal Immortal Stone is only shattered rather than destroyed, thinking about it, the combined attack of the three just now is probably not as good as the Three Realms Myriad Calamity God Thunder!"

"According to the meaning of Shenjun, I want to say that the three immortal stones were taken by the three of us!" A gleam of light flashed in Chongxuan's eyes, he looked directly at Yungai Shenjun, and said solemnly.

"Don't dare! It's just that there are only four of us waiting here, and the one who can get the fairy stone is naturally among us." Yun Gai Shenjun seemed to have some control, and he was not afraid of the gaze of Master Chongxuan.Look calm.His eyes swept over the three of them, and finally stayed on the person who was still hiding behind the magic weapon.Said: "The three should

"We didn't take the fairy stone." Suddenly, a deep voice came out from the cloud created by the magic weapon, and then it was inexplicable.Said: "Ge You Ding has been playing for so long. You should have seen enough! Please come out and see."one

Hearing the words of the same way, everyone immediately became vigilant. Daoist Chongxuan immediately sacrificed the Three Treasures Ruyi in his hand, and a spirit bead containing the energy of reincarnation rose from the head of the Suppressing Demons and Subduing Gods. Hiding in the entire lunar phantom wave black magnetic array.Shen Nian quickly scouted the formation.

Xu Changqing, who was hidden in the formation, didn't think that his Xingzang had been leaked. It was very likely that his divine sense touched some restrictions when he explored the treasure of heaven and earth, which was very similar to the Dao map. The person who is aware of it.And then he took advantage of the chaos to collect the fragments of the Earth Immortal God Stele, which aroused the other party's suspicion, which made him think that there were other people in the formation.Therefore, relying on his understanding of the mysterious magnetic array of the lunar phantom wave, he hid in the aura of the deer essence and moose camphor, and easily avoided the detection of Yungai Shenjun's divine sense.

"Taoist Master Tianji, do you feel wrong? The old man did not find anyone else in the formation." After the investigation was fruitless, Yungai Shenjun reappeared.Said with a frown.

Following the words of Yun Gai Shenjun, Xu Changqing, who became invisible, confirmed his guess, knowing that the person in the treasure of heaven and earth is none other than Xuan Qingsu, the descendant of nine generations and nine generations.

"Perhaps!" Taoist Xuan Qingsu replied flatly.

Although they felt Taoist Tianji was a bit strange, they didn't ask any more questions, nor did they take back the sacrificed magic weapon, and kept on alert all the time.Maybe I thought this paragraph was interrupted.The relatively tense situation just now has also eased a lot.Yungai Shenjun seemed to understand something, he didn't want to pick up the fairy stone anymore, and said instead: "Since the things here have been completed, I would like to ask a few comrades who can inform the outside, and I should stop it, so as not to cause trouble. unnecessary casualties

"Let them go! Those boys haven't experienced many life-and-death battles. Now that the fairy palace is used as a sharpening stone, let those boys have a good time!" Suppressing Demons and Fufa Tianzun said indifferently.As for casualties.Those of us cultivating the Tao are people who have changed their lives against the sky. Life and death have long been forgotten, so why should we care about the so-called casualties! "

Yungai Shenjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a blank face: "It seems that you are not only here to fulfill the promise you made back then, but also for other things." "The wonders of the world are shared by the whole world, so there is no reason for them to be monopolized by the Immortal Palace." Daoist Chongxuan smiled slightly and said, "The three of us don't need the things hidden in the stone forest, but the ancient Taoism stored here should be able to Share us a piece of leftovers!"

The identity of Daoist Chongxuan is the master of the ancestral court of the Kunlun Taoist sect.Although the tone is a little threatening.But the words seemed low.If this is the case, then Yungai Shenjun dares to object.If this matter spreads out, it will certainly embarrass Reverend Chongxuan, but it will also make Immortal Palace a target of hatred for Kunlun Taoist immortals.Yungai Shenjun is very scheming, although his cultivation is not the strongest among the four, but his age is far from comparable to the four in front of him, so he can't see the deep meaning.So he pretended to meditate for a moment, nodded and said: "This matter cannot be decided by the old man, but if the three of you want to force it, the old man can't stop it. If the three can agree to the old man's condition, the old man will make his own decision and let him go." The three choose one of the ancient Taoism, otherwise, the old man would rather be a piece of jade than a tile, so with the fate of the Lunar Illusory Wave Xuan Magnetic Formation and the old man, it is not difficult to keep one or two of them!"

The three of them were silent for a while, as if they were trying to estimate the authenticity of Yun Gai Shenjun's words.After a while, Daoist Chongxuan stepped forward and said, "Shenjun is really not a person who is willing to suffer. In this case, the old Taoist will decide to agree to the conditions of Shenjun, but Shenjun must first tell me what the conditions are for the three of them? .

.This condition should be simple for three bits.

"Shenjun Yungai smiled indifferently, and said: "In the Lingshan of the Outer Gate, besides the three receiving immortal stones in their hands, Hu Yueniang from the Outer Dao League, Guan Zheng from the Temple of Jieyin, and Guan Zheng from the Zhenxian Pagoda all hold a guide stone in their hands. fairy stone.Please also ask the three who can help the old man to fetch these three immortal stones.If the three of you are willing to sell the Immortal Immortal Stone in your hands, I, Immortal Palace, would like to exchange it with heavy treasures, and added a tautology.Dao: "Including allowing you to freely read the books in the Tibetan Dharma Hall of the Immortal Palace and enter the Ascension Immortal Summit to experience the way of ascension."

After Yungai Shenjun's voice fell, the surrounding became extremely quiet, and everyone seemed to be a little moved. Let alone entering the Tibetan Dharma Hall to read books, just entering the Kunlun Holy Land Shengxianding was enough to arouse their unchanging Taoism.

Daoist Chongxuan lightly stroked a few strands of beard at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Shenjun is so scheming! He actually asked the three of us to attract the attention of those secular Ascension Immortals for your Immortal Palace. It seems that Immortal Palace has already felt those The pressure brought by the mundane ascension to the immortal." He said, looking at the other two comrades beside him, then nodded and said: "The three of us agreed to this condition. Even the immortal stone on us can be transferred, but When handing it over to you, you must tell us what is the value of this Immortal Attraction Stone, so that it can make the Immortal Palace pay such a price!"

"Yes!" Shenjun Bingai nodded without hesitation.

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