Nine idlers

Chapter 498

"Old pine tree. What do you mean by that?" After finally trapping the opponent who was pregnant with the real body of the ancient Taoism, when he was about to capture him with a magic weapon, he found that he was suddenly transferred to another place by the formation. In this place, Tianzun Suppressing Demons and Subduing Laws suddenly felt like he was being tricked.I saw him flying close to the Yungai Shenjun who appeared in the void of the stone forest at the same time, and a picture of the ghost array full of destructive aura flew out of his body, shooting out a ray of light, which happened to shine on Yungai Shenjun's body, and Yungai Shenjun As long as the answer is slightly wrong, he will not hesitate to kill this high-ranking Hall Lord of the Immortal Palace here.

As for the other two Xeon Immortals on the side, the situation is similar. The things they got were taken away by others, and no matter how good-tempered they are, they will not be in a good mood.From the clouds and mist transformed by Taoist Tianji's magic weapon, a bell-shaped magic weapon flew out, shaking quickly, and uttered waves of enchanting magic sounds towards Yungai Shenjun, and the whole body of Daoist Chongxuan also condensed into three handles The green sword formed a sword array surrounded by blue mist, and the fierce and vicious aura in it was not much worse than Lou Guan Dao's sword aura that broke the universe. "Picture of Ten Thousand Ghosts in Hell Prison, Shocking Profound Fa Clock, Sanqing Fa Extinguishing Sword Formation! It seems that the three are really angry." Being stared at by three murderous Xeon Immortals, Yungai Shenjun couldn't help but feel a little angry Frightened.But he soon stabilized, and calmly said to the three of them: "It's just that it's useless for the three of you to kill the old man. I didn't do this. The heart has been taken away. The old man is locked in the same room as everyone else." into this Xuanmagnetic Realm."

"What?": The most powerful immortals couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and only then did they realize that the Yungai God in front of them was not an illusion transformed by array power or mana.It's the real Dharma body.

"Tianji Daoist, you were indeed right. There is indeed a person hidden in this ancient Taiyin formation." Yungai Shenjun smiled wryly, his face was a little ugly, and he was easily taken away by others. It's really embarrassing for people to be locked up, and it's inevitable that they will feel ashamed and annoyed.

Afterwards, he narrated the process of Xu Changqing boasting the formation, but concealed his guess about Xu Changqing, then sighed, and said: "This man's magic power can directly cut off the formation power and break through the void. He was also sent to another realm," he said, and looked at Tianzun Subduing Demons and Subduing Laws again.Said: "That world seems to be the underworld of Tianzun."

"Impossible! The realm of the underworld is a world of its own. Its avenue of heaven and earth is completely different from that of Kunlun. There are only three chances to intersect with Kunlun's heaven and earth every year. The rest of the time will be closed. It is impossible for people inside to come out, and neither for outsiders." Maybe go in. Even this seat is the same, let alone other people." After listening, the flames in the eyes of Tianzun Suppressing Demons Fufa shook violently, and the color turned dark green.Then he heard him yelling loudly: "Old Songshu, what is the purpose of your words? Don't you want to push this matter on me, saying that I colluded with other people to seize this place?" treasure?"

"I don't dare!" Yungai Shenjun looked at the crowd, feeling that the other two supreme immortals seemed to have calmed down their anger, knowing that the matter had eased, so they faced the anger of the demon-suppressing Tianzun.He was still able to say very calmly: "What the old man said is the truth. If you don't believe me, when the Underworld Market is open, Tianzun will go to the Underworld City to check and find out."

"Huh!" Tianzun Suppressing Demons and Fufa also felt that Yungai Shenjun was not lying, snorted coldly, and stepped aside, but his heart was churning like a stormy sea.He thought that if Yungai Shenjun hadn't lied, then his avatar, Old Man Song, had indeed been sent to the Underworld City. In this way, it was not difficult to be sure that the mysterious person who now mastered the ancient Taiyin Formation knew more about the Underworld City than him.Since he came to Mingshi more than 1000 years ago, he has always wanted to completely master Mingshi, but he has never been able to do it. Until now, he has only mastered the two-world channel of Mingfu and Kunlun, and he is regarded as a user as his concubine.However, now a person suddenly appeared, who can send people into the Underworld at will without caring about the rewards of the Heaven and Earth Dao. This ability can only be achieved by those who truly master the world of the Underworld.So you couldn't help but think of the treasure house of the Taishang Qingjing Dynasty, where he went to the realm of the underworld, and began to suspect that this mysterious person might be a descendant of the Taishang Qingjing Dynasty.

Although Yungai Shenjun concealed some content.But Reverend Chongxuan still heard a clue.And he said bluntly: "Before, Fellow Daoist Tianji said that there are other people here. The old Taoist and Tianzun didn't quite believe it, but Shenjun was very sure of what Fellow Daoist Tianji said, and even set up traps for the mysterious person to drill. It can be seen that Shenjun had Huai Gui has long heard that the two great sages, Shenhuo and Jingtao, have disappeared one after another. Could it be related to the mysterious person who now controls the ancient Taiyin formation? Moreover, the god seems to have some guesses about the identity of this mysterious person. Can you tell me? "

"The real person really has sharp eyesight! This old man has indeed guessed about this person's identity, but there is no evidence to prove it." Yungai Shenjun narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the real person Chongxuan, laughed twice, and said: "The old man guesses that this person is probably Xu Changqing, the No. 1 secular cultivator who was searched for more than ten years by those secular flying immortals in the inner and outer spiritual mountains of Kunlun for more than ten years."

"It's him?" Daoist Chongxuan was taken aback for a moment.Apparently, this answer was somewhat unexpected to him, because in his mind, the identity of this mysterious person was also a descendant of the Taishang Qingjing Catholic Dynasty, as guessed by Suppressing Demons and Fufatian.Because judging from Mr. Ran Muzhu's description just now, this person's cultivation base is definitely not weaker than theirs, and the accumulation of thousands of years of skill cannot be shortened by one or two hundred years of hard work. There is a huge difference, so he didn't think that Xu Changqing, who might have ascended more than 200 years ago, would have such a powerful cultivation base.

In addition, he would have guessed the same as Tianzun of Suppressing Demons and Fufa. In addition to the origin of the underworld, he also knows the power of the imperial martial arts method of the Taishang Qingjing Dynasty, the power of the Dutian Golden Armor and the method of the mysterious man. very similar.As for this method, it has disappeared with the destruction of the three hundred emperors of the Taishang Qingjingtian Martial Immortals, and only the back nest of the three hundred emperors of the Taishang Qingjingtian Martial Immortals can know it.

So Master Chongxuan thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "The old Taoist is absolutely unlikely to be the No. 1 Xu Changqing in the world of secular practice, but may be a descendant of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty."

"This seat also thinks so, and the Heavenly Venerate of Suppressing Demons and Subduing Laws also agrees.

After hearing this, Yungai Shenjun thought for a while and Xiaoye nodded slightly, saying: "It is indeed possible

"Anyway? It's better for us to leave here first!" Zuo Xuanqingsu, who had been silent on the side of Tianji Dao, suddenly reminded.Then I saw a wave-like mirror flying out of the cloud, shooting out a beam of light to surround the four of them, and then the other side of the mirror shot out a second beam into the endless surrounding void The light seems to want to penetrate the edge of this virtual world.However, no matter how the ray of light extends, it seems that it can't touch the edge of the void, as if they are all in the real endless void.Seeing this scene, Taoist Tianji couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise, and said, "Hey! The old man's Sky-Sunning Mirror can't pass through this formation seal?"

Hearing this, Daoist Chongxuan and Tianzun Zhenmo Fufa also showed a hint of surprise, only Yungai Shenjun still looked as usual, as if he already knew that there would be such a result.subsequently.Daoist Chongxuan and Tianzun of Zhenmo Fufa also used their own methods to break the barrier of this formation.Reverend Chongxuan's Sanqing Fa Exterminating Sword Formation easily split a crack in the void in front of him, and through the crack, he saw the figures of himself and other four people in the void on the other side of the crack, no matter which side he was at , he is still in this formation from beginning to end.Suppressing Demons and Fufa Tianzun also sacrificed the spirit pearl containing the energy of reincarnation, and drilled a green energy from it into the endless void around him. When the blue energy returned to the spirit pearl, his face did not show Any happy look, on the contrary, looked very puzzled, which showed that he also failed.

"You don't need to waste your time, this formation is the black magnetic seal in the ancient Taiyin formation. According to records, even if the ancient golden immortals were trapped here, they would not be able to escape. What's more, we, Yungai Shenjun, explained calmly. , looked around with fascinated eyes, and sighed: "I have been studying this formation for almost 1000 years, but I have only grasped some superficial formations until now, and I have not solved many powerful extraordinary formations in this formation. , this Xuanpeng Fengfeng Realm is one of the strongest changes of the Taiyin Ancient Formation.The mysterious man was able to easily control this formation, and use the mysterious magnetic pillar to create a mysterious magnetic seal, which shows that he has exhausted the true meaning of this formation. "

"Can we just be trapped here?" The town's Mofufa Tianzun looked at Yungai Shenjun coldly, turned and pointed to the 49 stone pillars. Said: "Aren't those stone pillars where the formation eyes are?Can't you pass through these eyes

"Impossible!" Before Tianzun Suppressing Demons and Fufa could finish speaking.Yungai Shenjun shook his head and said: "The formation eyes of the formation have changed, and those stone pillars are no longer where the formation eyes are. Even if those stone pillars are destroyed, it is impossible to have any impact on the ancient Taiyin formation. Tianzun didn't believe it, so he cast a spell, and then he saw dozens of dragon-like roots rushing out of him, smashing the 49 stone pillars easily, and after the stone pillars were broken, the surroundings were as he said. Nothing has changed.

"Is there no other way to leave here?" Reverend Chongxuan couldn't help but frowned and said.

"It is impossible to forcefully break out of this black magnetic seal. We can only leave after the force dissipates. Yungai Shenjun seemed not worried about his situation, and said flatly: "This formation needs Liangyixuan Magnetism can only work, but that divine column of black magnetism has existed for tens of thousands of years, and the two pieces of black magnetism inside it have long since dissipated.If it is only used to arrange some simple formation changes, maybe the mysterious magnetic pillar can be used for another 200 years, but that person uses the mysterious magnetic pillar to arrange such a tyrannical formation change like the mysterious magnetic field, according to the old man It is inferred that in one or two hours at most, the formation will dissipate on its own.And this person didn't use these two instruments to arrange another killing formation, but just arranged a seal to trap us. It can be seen that this person has no intention of killing, so you don't need to worry, just wait quietly for two hours ".

Taoist Tianji said in a deep voice: "Two hours is enough for that person to take the treasure and leave, and the god will not worry about the treasure."

Yungai Shenjun said calmly: "The matter of the treasure is a foregone conclusion, and the old man will return to the fairy palace to be punished. Don't worry about Yi Xunshu's different body.

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