Nine idlers

Chapter 499

After the ion array, Xu Changqing reappeared in the Fengzhen full of disobedient Mingchuan that Ye had left before.At this time, he felt that the entire lunar phantom wave mysterious magnetic array could not last long.So he cast spells non-stop, and rolled the five Chaoyun Mountain fairy demons who were suspended around the surroundings with their spiritual consciousness sealed, into their sleeves, and played the palm formation, which was directly sent to the outside world by the formation force.

At this time, the battle between the immortals of the Immortal Palace around Mount Chaoyun and the immortals of the Outer Gate Lingshan has reached a fever pitch. Not only have several Void Returning Immortals fallen from the Outer Gate Lingshan, even the Immortal Palace seems to be missing two stars. Jun.Even Chi Ming, the Holy Spirit God Lord, no longer suppressed his own strength, and showed the original form of the fire unicorn, which increased the power of his ten-direction fire unicorn formation by more than ten times, completely holding back the four members headed by Zhang Yizhen fairy.The other twelve Xingxiu Xingjun of Xiangong took the opportunity to wipe out the Void Returning Immortals from the Outer Sect who fell into the formation.However, directly facing the great star array of Xingxiu Xingjun in the fairy palace, the Void Returning Immortals of the Outer Sect Lingshan lost the guidance of the four Hedao Earth Immortals, and the Tianjimen who had been helping the immortals break the formation outside the formation Perhaps the disciples saw that the situation was not good, so they left early.Caught in the formation, they are like turtles in a urn, powerless to resist. They can only gather together to cast various magic spells to passively defend, and look for a way to leave.

The situation is so obvious, how can Xu Changqing fail to see the end, and soon those Void-Returning Immortals will be broken by the star formation of Immortal Palace, and eventually none of these Void-Returning Immortals will be able to escape.While feeling emotional about the strength of the Immortals from the Immortal Palace, Xu Changken couldn't help but feel a little worried about these Void Returning Immortals. On, but they are the mainstay of the Outer Sect Lingshan after all.If all the pillars supporting the fairy world of the outer door are broken here, it will inevitably cause the power of the fairy world in Lingshan of the outer door to collapse.In this way, some things that have already been planned by Xu Changqing will change in his life.

After a little hesitation, Xu Changqing decided to help the Void Returning Immortals from the Outer Sect Spirit Mountain. He used the Water Spirit Battle Technique to push Guan Sheng's mysterious method, and turned into a ten-foot-high Guan Sheng Emperor surrounded by water mist. Dodge, rushed into the Ten Fang Huolin Formation.

Facing Xu Changqing's weight.The power to break in suddenly.Neither the Holy Spirit God Lord nor the Asgard Xingjun were prepared. They just felt an extremely strong aura of water spirit colliding with the flames of the ten-direction fire formation.Suddenly, there was a sound like a drum beating, and at the same time, hot steam was flying all over the sky, quickly spreading in the formation.

Immediately afterwards, countless sword lights filled with the most yin aura emerged from the steam, and slashed towards the immortals in the fairy palace seemingly disorderly.Immediately, the immortals in Asgard who had noticed it felt that the power contained in each saber light was comparable to the full blow of Hedao Earth Immortal, and they did not dare to neglect even though they were shocked, and hurriedly let go of the opponents around them for the time being. Cast a spell to protect the whole body to resist this wave of swords all over the sky.As for those outer sect immortals who had just recovered their breath, they also noticed this wave of saber movement.They did not dare to relax until they knew their friends and foes.Sacrifice the magic weapon in your hand, and work together to form a protective array, pressing the attack.However, what everyone didn't expect was that the sword light, which seemed to be powerful enough to destroy the world, would all disperse after touching their respective defensive magic weapons, as if the sword light was just an illusion like.However, they soon discovered that this wave of knife light was not as simple as they imagined.All the scattered knife light turned into strands of spiritual energy like scissors, smashing all the key points of the formation and the trajectory of the formation power in the Ten Directions Fire Scale Formation and the Star Formation.

Immediately, the immortals in the Immortal Palace immediately felt that the spiritual connection between each other through the array force was immediately broken, and the original scene of burning flames disappeared in an instant, leaving only the surroundings that covered the entire Chayun Mountain and could not reach their fingers. Watery clouds.Almost at the same time, the immortals of the outer sect, who were falling into the wind, felt the endless pressure of the Asgard Formation suddenly disappear completely, leaving only the still very hot mist.At first they thought that the Asgard Xinglords were preparing follow-up measures, but after a while, their divine senses discovered that the surrounding Asgard Xinglords not only did not attack, but all retreated, as if they were no longer planning to attack.After quickly exchanging opinions with each other with their spiritual thoughts, the immortals did not disperse their defensive formations, and still maintained a confrontational state, but the entire formation slowly moved outwards, and soon left the water mist, and retreated to the inserted position. Cloud workers.outside.

As for Chi Ming, the Holy Spirit God Lord, because his ten-direction fire lin array was broken, he lost his advantage over the four Hedao Earth Immortals, so the situation was reversed, and he was besieged by the four people instead. Only by forming the small star array can it be able to compete with the four Hedao Earth Immortals.Perhaps it was because he was too aggrieved by the Holy Spirit just now, after the four Hedao Earth Immortals gained the upper hand.They didn't stop at all, they still cast spells with all their strength to besiege the immortals in the Immortal Palace, vowing to save a few lives in order to eliminate their grievances.

When Zhang Yizhen's magic weapon, the Wanzhang Golden Light Vase, shot out a burst of fierce fine gold Yi Xunshu with a fine concave shape and a different body, "beating a star star opposite him to death. The little star curtain was broken, and Chuan At the beginning of chasing and killing other Xingxiu Xingjun. When Wuwangfeng's Hedao Dixian and Xiongdingfeng joined forces to besiege the Holy Spirit Shenjun. When Hu Yueniang used one person to coerce the leader of the two teams of Xingxiu Xingjun, Doumu When Yan and Xinyuehu made Xingxiu Xingjun unable to form an formation to resist Zhang Yizhen's pursuit, the situation seemed to be completely under the control of the Outer Sect Hedao Earth Immortal, but suddenly, it was difficult to get from the dense surroundings to the divine sense. A huge palm formed by the condensation of water spirit air emerged from the penetrating water spirit cloud, easily grabbed Hu Yueniang who was already on guard, and then grabbed her into the cloud mist. There was no sound at all. .

The sudden scene shocked everyone.A Hedao Immortal who had already stepped into Kunlun's most powerful realm was easily taken away just like that.Although it was a surprise attack, Hu Yueniang didn't have time to cast spells to resist. Xiongding Peak, who knew Hu Yueniang best, could emanate the aura of magic weapon from Hu Yueniang's body before she was captured.It can be seen that she has used the natal magic weapon, the Three Realms Supreme, the Great Sky Evolution Wheel.The Supreme Heavenly Yanlun of the Three Realms is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth that Hu Yueniang found from a relic of an ancient Buddhist sect. With this treasure, she can quickly achieve the Bodhisattva Taoism and fruition in a short period of time, and cultivate the body of the Buddha Mother of Love and Desire. If she uses this treasure Xiong Dingfeng is not sure that he can beat her even if it is a treasure.But then, the big hand formed by the condensed water spirit seems to contain endless coercion.In an instant, he could completely suppress the vast Buddha Dharma on the Datian Yanlun, and easily captured Hu Yueniang. This kind of power is definitely not something that ordinary immortals can do.

In the minds of all the immortals who witnessed this scene, including Xiongding Peak, a few names that had already become legends in Kunlun appeared in their minds. to this point.Unlike other immortals, the Holy Spirit, who had some knowledge of Yungai Shenjun's plan, knew that there were indeed several Kunlun Xeon immortals who had become legends, so his expression was more certain.It's just among the few Kunlun Xeon immortals he knows.It seems that there is no immortal who can use the water spirit energy so wonderfully and so powerfully, which makes him feel puzzled again.

Enemies who were originally fighting for life and death chose to temporarily put aside their grievances when they faced the same mysterious and unpredictable strong man, and joined hands to guard against attacks that might appear from the surrounding water spirit clouds.

Among the immortals, Xiongdingfeng is naturally the most anxious, not only because of Hu Yueniang's close relationship with him, but also because Hu Yueniang is the key point of his cultivation. Whether he can finally achieve the Dao of Immortals depends entirely on Hu Yueniang .However, in the face of the current situation, he had nothing to do, and it could even be said that he could not do anything, because when Hu Yueniang was captured, the connection between him and Hu Yueniang, a couple of monks, was shattered by a tyrannical force. Get blocked.This made it impossible for him to find Hu Yueniang's current location. Even if he ventured into the water spirit cloud, he didn't know where to look for it. In the end, he could only stay with Zhang Yizhen and others until the water spirit cloud dissipated , make another plan.

In the Taiyin Illusory Wave Xuanmagnetic Array, several Xeon Immortals felt that the power of the surrounding Xuanmagnetic Sealed Realm seemed to be weakening shortly after Xu Changqing left the array.Seeing this situation, Suppressing Demons and Fufa Tianzun had no patience to wait for the formation to dissipate naturally, first sacrificed the magic weapon and bombarded the surrounding black magnetic seal world.The impact of the two forces caused the entire sealed world to shake as if the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. The rest of the most powerful immortals did not stare blankly, and they also sacrificed their magic weapons to attack the mysterious magnetic sealed world that had locked them for almost an hour.Under the joint bombardment of the four most powerful immortals, the Xuansulphurous Boundary, which was not supported by much force, immediately shattered, and the entire Taiyin Illusory Wave Xuanmagnetic Array was also shaken away.The entire Wantu Stone Forest was reduced to ashes under the crush of several forces, only the Xuanpeng Divine Pillar was still intact, standing in the ruins.Although he had already expected that this trip would yield nothing in the Xuanci Sealing Realm, but seeing the irreparable situation now, Yungai Shenjun couldn't help but flushed with anger and his eyes showed a fierce look.A cavity of anger could erupt at any moment.Immediately, the other Xeon Immortals around also stood aside very tactfully, shifted their attention to the unusual water spirit clouds around them, and forcibly expanded their spiritual thoughts into it to check the situation inside.After seeing everything clearly, the faces of the few people became a little ugly. Although their intention was to borrow the power of the immortals in the fairy palace to give some experience to the pillars of the outer sect, they did not expect that things would turn into such a situation , the casualties on both sides were somewhat beyond their expectations.The casualties of the Void Returning Immortal of the outer sect are nothing, as long as it takes a little time to cultivate another one.However, three of the Xingxiu Xingjun died in the fairy palace, which would definitely shock the fairy palace, and they also found that Hu Yueniang, the leader of the heretic alliance, was also missing.Several Xeon Immortals realized that things had become troublesome.Concave said Kuang Shan Xun Shu sun Qi umbrella

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