Nine idlers

Chapter 505

When Xu Changqing and Chang Yin were talking, Bei had expected to be pregnant, Xie Daohao, and Chang Man, who had awakened from the state of enlightenment, suddenly burst out with strong thunder and lightning, wanting to spread around.Although everything around here is an illusion of underground books, it will not be damaged by the power of thunder in the slightest, and it will be easily absorbed and transformed.But the books placed on the stone table are just ordinary things made of herbs, how could they withstand such lightning strikes.Fortunately, Chang Yincha felt it in time, and the robe on his body turned into a glazed black wall to block all the thunder and lightning that rushed over, and he also couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise after feeling the magic power of the earth immortal contained in the power of thunder.

"You should feel it too, right?" Xu Changqing understood why Chang Yin was amazed, turned to look at Chang Man, and said in admiration, "Chang Man has just shattered the pill and transformed into an infant, and his Nascent Soul's Qi is no less solid than that of the Nascent Soul. You, who have been an Earth Immortal God for many years, are far behind, and his Nascent Soul can still be the Houtian Leiyuan. When he realizes the Dao of Lightning, Lei Yuan turns the Houtian into the Innate, and the Nascent Soul is one step closer to transforming the Yuanshen. Then I'm afraid that he will definitely occupy the seat of Kunlun's most powerful immortal."

"Mr. Xu has won the prize!" At this moment, Chang Man, who had woken up, stood up and gathered back the scattered thunder and lightning. A thunder ball appearance appeared behind his head, but he quickly retracted the sea of ​​consciousness of the Purple Mansion.At this time, there was not much joy on his face." The environment also seemed to have improved, I saw him looking at the Dao asked the Heart Sutra on the stone table, and then turned his head to Chang Yin and asked: "Brother, what are you talking about with Xu?" Did sir say it? "

Chang Yin nodded, his transparent face couldn't hide his joy, and said, "Mr. Xu has already promised to save your sister-in-law." "Chang Man thanked Mr. for my brother." After Chang Man heard this, he knelt down to thank Xu Changqing.However, it was stopped by Xu Changqing's spell, no matter how he cast his knees, he still couldn't kneel down.After feeling Xu Changqing's strength, he didn't persist any longer and stood up, but his eyes showed a strong fighting spirit, and the lightning and thunder that leaked from the cracks in his body also turned blood red due to the change of mood, and followed I heard him say: "Although I know that Mr. Xu, your cultivation level has far surpassed mine. But I still want to fight with you.

"Just right, I also want to see how far you have reached the 17th floor of the Thunderbolt Jue that you have newly realized!" Xu Changqing also showed a look of interest, nodded, and then raised his hand to change the seal, and the surrounding Peach Blossom Mountain fell silent immediately Without interest, it turned into an endless desert, and there were only him and Changman in this desert.

After seeing such a method, Chang Man couldn't help but let out an exclamation. All the transformations took only a moment. Even if he had already placed his Wanlei spiritual sense around him, he couldn't feel any mana breath.

"This is the best battlefield. Brother Chang Man, you can use your methods to your heart's content without worrying about damage. Let's start!" Xu Changqing said.The pores all over his body immediately exuded strands of thunder energy as thin as silk threads, forming a ten thousand thunder seal around him, and then said two, "I will reduce my mana to a level comparable to yours, and the method I used is also the No. The 15th floor Thunderbolt Jue will not use Taoism and battle tactics beyond this level, I hope your No.17th floor will not let me down."

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."

Chang Man seemed to be annoyed by Xu Changqing's behavior, but he didn't make any moves to overestimate his own strength. He knew that his cultivation level could not be compared with Xu Changqing's, but he also believed that under equal circumstances, he could Shinobu will never be weaker than Xu Changqing, so there is a very confident look in his eyes.At the moment when the voice just fell, his figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared beside Xu Changqing, feeling like Xu Changqing's teleportation supernatural power.And at the same time as he appeared, there were already two more lightning steels condensed by the power of thunder in his hands.With the power of breaking the sky and breaking the sea, he smashed towards Xu Changqing's Liuyang leader fiercely, without any sign of holding back.

Xu Changqing didn't seem to have taken any precautions against this blow, and he didn't have time to dodge any movements, and was hit firmly.However, when the Thunder Copper reached the back of Xu Changqing's head, the power of thunder condensed on it was suddenly absorbed by the tiny lightning bolts around him, causing the Thunder Copper to lose its form in an instant.At the same time, the blow landed in the empty space.Xu Changqing didn't even turn his head at this time, let alone cast any spells, those electric wires and lightning quickly entwined towards Chang Man's hand like silk.And by extending into his meridians, while nibbling away the thunder celestial essence in his body, it also emitted waves of unknown thunder force to impact his thunder soul infant.Make him unable to move.

Xu Changqing didn't turn his head back, and said calmly: "The Lightning Escape method just now has some shadows of the ancient Taoism, but it's just gathering lightning for payment. The method of killing the enemy with strength is old-fashioned. It's better to use what you have learned in the Kunlun fairy world for so many years. Let’s deduce the Thunder Taoism!”

"I said I won't let you down." Lei Man was not affected by the current downwind situation at all, his eyes were still full of self-confidence, and then he saw Lei Gang, who had been swallowed and scattered, reappeared in his Yi Xunshu Sunshine Sun Shan) different body, but also a tyrannical Lei Xue!The force shakes away the Lei Zhi Bicang that has penetrated into the body and entangled outside the body, that Jin.Lei Gang also stabbed forward towards Xu Changqing's vest.

"Okay!" Xu Changqing felt how powerful the thunder force emanating from Chang Man was.He couldn't help but praise, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and a thunder force rushed out from his back, condensed into a fist, and struck back at Lei Gang.

The power of Chang Man's thunder is like the thunder that splits the sky and the earth, while Xu Changqing is like the thunder hidden in the clouds. Although the two thunders have the same source, they have their own merits.When they collided together, the erupting force shocked the entire Earth Book Seal. A thunderstorm enough to cover a town was generated out of thin air at the center of the collision, piercing through the sky and the earth like a waterfall, and the desert illusion also appeared. Under the impact of this thunderstorm, it shattered like a mirror, but all the fragments recovered instantly, and quickly absorbed the falling lightning power.

Chang Man also didn't think that Xu Changqing could be restrained by an attack of his own level. At the same time as the two thunderbolts collided, he had already left the thunderstorm's impact range far away by virtue of the lightning escape method.Then, under the cover of the dazzling lightning, he made seals with both hands, and cast the thousands of lightning indestructible bodies created by himself, and then his body was continuously separated under the influence of mana, forming thunder incarnations with exactly the same appearance and mana, and each split The body of the thunder incarnation has long been blurred.However, after a few breaths, he had separated nearly a thousand thunder incarnations, and their body had completely disappeared, and each thunder incarnation had the same powerful thunder immortal essence as Chang Man.

At this time, the power of the thunderstorm has been completely wiped out by the earth green ⇒ the novel Tiancha disillusioned the real law, and there is no way to find out where your real body is, and each avatar has the same cultivation base and mana in my thunder, which is the same as a real person exactly the same.If you can maintain this state for a long time, this method alone, I believe there are not many immortals in Kunlun who can compete with you. "

At the moment the sound sounded, Chang Man had already cast a spell, causing thousands of Thunder Avatars to open their Dharma Eyes at the same time, and looked around, looking for Xu Changqing's location.But the scene in his eyes surprised and puzzled him.Originally he thought it was very fragile.The silky lightning that has been completely dissipated has now filled the entire desert illusion.They are like dense spiders, covering the sky and the ground, and each strand of lightning is connected up and down, forming a cage that runs through the sky and the earth, and even the surface of his thousand thunder incarnations are covered. layer electricity.

These almost invisible electric lights are so small that they can hardly be seen with the naked eye, and their existence can only be discovered through the weak thunder force attached to them, and what makes Chang Man puzzled is the thunder power contained in these electric lights Very weak almost a light touch can break it. "What's the purpose of your layout? Do you want to trap me with this fragile electric light cage?" Although Chang Man felt that such power would not be able to cause any harm to him, nor could he trap him, but there was something in his heart. The voice reminded him to be careful, because in his memory, Xu Changqing, who pays attention to practical application, would not be able to create a useless spell.

At the same time that Chang Man's voice fell, Xu Changqing's voice sounded in the ear of Thousand Thunder Avatar, saying: "You will know after a while."

Hearing this, Chang Man didn't say any more, and directly drove a thousand thunder incarnations to use the martial arts war that he had learned in recent years to break the sky, and hit the surrounding lightning bolts.The impact of Xu Changqing and Changman's power before made the entire desert illusion in the book of the earth shattered once, but this time, the avatar of Thunder with the same magic power as Changman made a full-strength shot, and a thousand cone-shaped thunder energies were instantly like a sharp blade. Cut the magic power of the surrounding illusion.And the power of thunder is also increasing, gradually forming a thunderstorm that is not much smaller than before.Even the book from the ground couldn't absorb such a tyrannical thunder force for a while, and the surrounding scenes were also shattered.It turned into endless darkness, and in the darkness, only thousands of cone-shaped thunderstorms were formed, sweeping up and down, destroying everything they could touch.

However, with Chang Man's cultivation base, such a strong power could not be sustained for a long time, and soon these thunderstorms gradually weakened and finally disappeared, but the faces of thousands of thunderbolt incarnations did not show any joy.Because in their eyes, the lightning that should have been dispersed by the thunderstorm still exists.He didn't suffer any damage at all, and these lightning-like lights were rapidly absorbing the Thunder Immortal Yuan on his body, which soon reduced his mana to the point where he could no longer maintain the Thunder Avatar, and the thousand Thunder Avatars gradually disappeared, leaving only A real body is downloaded.

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