Nine idlers

Chapter 506

Xiao Changqing cracked the restriction in the underground book and gradually separated the corpse of the ancient fairy demon from the "ancient treasure". Although this is not too difficult for him, it will take some time to be sure.

During this time, the Chang family brothers also followed the exit opened by Xu Changqing and left the book from the ground.What surprised them was that when they came out, there was still a dense fog around them, but when they turned their heads, the dense fog and the illusion of Peach Blossom Mountain had disappeared, and the scenery that came into their eyes became the scene of the place where evil spirits gather. Forests, valleys and swamps.Although the two brothers knew that this was just an illusion created by the Earth Book, no matter how they observed it, they couldn't see any flaws.After wandering for a while, he flew away in the direction of Dingshan without saying a word.

The two Asgard Saints who were trapped in the book from the ground did not suffer much damage, but felt a little tired, because the two monsters created by Xu Changqing's spell would appear for an hour every morning, noon and evening, and at this hour Nei attacked them like crazy, forcing them to use all their strength to deal with it.Although they were in two catties, when the monster appeared for the third time and disappeared an hour later, they all felt strange, and vaguely guessed that the person who trapped them here did not want their lives, but when the monster appeared Sometimes, they still had to go all out, because they didn't dare to risk their lives to bet whether their guess was right or not.

Such endless harassment is definitely a painful process for the two Great Saints of Asgard, but they also benefit a lot from it.In the process of such intensive and evenly matched fighting skills, they have become proficient in the use of their respective Taoist techniques, and their Taoist cultivation bases have also improved a lot.Wait for Xu Changqing to release them.After returning to the Immortal Palace, improving their cultivation gradually approaching the realm of the strongest immortals will definitely enable them to go further on the basis of their existing power, and the old power structure will also affect them, the two Immortal Palaces from the outer gate Lingshan. The great sage's counterattack against Asgard will also cause a power struggle, which is another purpose of Xu Changqing's trapping them here.

After a day or two in the Shenbu Lingchi, which was caged by the earth book, Bao Xian and the other three demons from the outer sect had woken up from the initial state of excitement and enlightenment, and everyone had something to say.After that, they walked around the valley and found that no matter which direction they went.In the end, they would all return to the Waterfall Spirit Pool, and they immediately understood in their hearts that there were still phantom formations around the Waterfall Spirit Pool that they were trapped in before.People who want to wait for themselves may need to live here for a while.They simply felled some wood in the surrounding forest, and then built several wooden houses for living on the side of the hut originally built by the old man on the back.

Just as the three demons of the outer gate were building their houses, the deer spirit Mizhang also woke up from the recovery state.After seeing the three demons from the outer sect, he had a puzzled look on his face. He obviously didn't understand why three highly cultivated demons appeared here.The Three Demons also sensed Mi Zhang's state of mind.They have always been cautious and did not make any move to look down on the still deer spirit in front of them.He did not rely on his own cultivation to suppress Mizhang, but instead introduced the identities of the three of them to Mizhang in a harmonious manner to dispel Mizhang's doubts.Afterwards, the rest of the Chaoyun Mountain fairies also came to life one after another, and got to know each other with the three demons, and joined in building houses.

There was no difficulty in building a few sheltered wooden houses with the power of these fairies, and they were quickly completed.All of a sudden, the fairies were at ease again.Not knowing what to do, someone proposed to sit together and chat about each other's past experiences. From the initial suspicion of each other, they gradually became familiar with each other.When talking about Xu Changqing, everyone couldn't help showing a look of extreme awe in their eyes, but when they thought that they might work together for a lifetime, everyone couldn't help showing a wry smile.

At this time, Mi Zhang, who felt a little thirsty, went to the pool to drink water.Suddenly found Li Yongfeng who was enlightening and cultivating in the spirit pool, Li Jian called his fellow Taoist.When they discovered the formation that Xu Changqing had arranged around Li Yongfeng, they all guessed who this mortal without a trace of magic power was.However, the old man Wen Bie of Xuanzang of Chaoyun Mountain has a lot of opinions and knowledge, and he also knows the most miscellaneous arts of foreign sects.It was quickly seen that Li Yongfeng had solved the mystery of the womb at this moment, and was falling into the memory of his previous life, and Mu Twelve could also vaguely see that the formations arranged around Li Yongfeng were very extraordinary, compared to the temporary formation by the pool. The Juling Ningshen Formation built is much better.As a result, everyone speculated about this person's identity, only Chaoyunnv Sanxian Ning Yu felt that this person was likely to be Xu Changqing's disciple, the young master who he and others might serve in the future.

Just when all the fairies were guessing about Li Yongfeng's identity, Li Yongfeng's body moved slightly, and a strong aura penetrated into his body together with the surrounding spirit gathering array, and his body seemed to have become the same. Light as a goose feather.Slowly floated up from the bottom of the water and sat on the surface.Afterwards, all the fairy demons felt a very strong power emanating from Li Yongfeng, a mortal, and even the three demons of the outer sect, who had returned to the Void Immortal, felt a little trembling.

At this time, a crack in the void that even the Dharma Eye couldn't see suddenly appeared on the top of Li Yongfeng's head, and a strong aura of Kunlun's law of heaven emanated from this crack.Immediately following Baoxian's unique treasure-hunting eyes, he saw a purple rice and a golden rice appear out of thin air on the top of the ten-rib ox's head, and quickly fell into Li Yongfeng's body, and the void crack disappeared without a trace. From the appearance of the crack to the disappearance of the light, it was only an instant, and Bao Xian almost thought that he was blindsided.However, at this time, Li Yongfeng, who had withdrawn from the state of mystery in the womb, emitted a purple light that ordinary people shouldn't have. This purple light can be seen clearly by the weakest deer Jing Mizhang.All the fairies could faintly see a young golden dragon shuttle back and forth in the purple light, and Li Yongfeng's head also manifested a phantom of the crown of Emperor Haoyuan Cangxing Huiguang.

Just when the fairies were extremely surprised, all these visions dissipated quickly.Even the previous power that made the Void Returning Immortal faintly submissive also disappeared.Li Yongfeng, who had fallen into a state of subconscious cultivation due to absorbing the alchemy of the Dajue Shendan, slowly opened his eyes.The formation and mana that protected him in his body also untied themselves the moment he opened his eyes.Melt into the aura around you.

Losing the effect of mana, Li Yongfeng's body floating on the water sank immediately, making him a little caught off guard. After being in a panic, he swam to the shore and was about to climb up from the pool, but found that there were eight people standing in front of him in a hurry. A strange fairy with a strange shape and an extraordinary temperament.Li Fu was stunned.

Li Yongfeng calmed down quickly, pushed hard on the rocks on the shore, climbed up, looked up and down at the fairies, his eyes no longer had the awe of the fairies before, it seemed that after this mystery in the womb, His mood has improved a lot.He looked at the eight fairies solemnly, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

When Li Yongfeng questioned him, the astonishing power hidden in him also slowly emanated, making all the fairies feel suppressed. At this moment, Mi Zhang took a few steps forward, walked up to Li Yongfeng, and said: " We are all newly recruited yellow scarf fighters by the lord, may I ask who is your Excellency?

"Yellow Turban Warrior?" Li Yongfeng was stunned for a moment, and memories related to Yellow Turban Warrior appeared in his mind.Then he looked at the eight fairy demons again, and frowned, obviously seeing something wrong with them.However, he didn't say much, just asked: "Is the master you mentioned by the celestial beings a man in green clothes and long gown who looks like a double-ten?"

"It was Ning Yu who had faintly felt that his previous guess was correct, so he took the initiative to step forward, lowered his figure, and asked respectfully: "Dare to ask, is your master's disciple or nephew? "

At the beginning, Ning Yu's outstanding behavior made the fairies a little overwhelmed. After all, it was unprecedented for a fairy to show such respect to a mortal. However, when Ning Yu asked, the fairies immediately realized something. They all focused on Li Yongfeng.

Li Yongfeng seems to like the feeling of being looked at by everyone full of awe. He didn't expect that one day he would be treated like this by a god who is as tall as the sky in his heart. A red nose with excitement appeared on his face, and he behaved decently. Zhao Ningyu returned the gift and said: "My Li Yongfeng is the registered disciple of the master.

"Recognized disciple?" All the fairies froze for a moment after hearing the answer, and looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts, as if they didn't know how to address Xu Changqing's registered disciple.Because in their past experience, there is a huge gap between the identities of registered disciples and formal disciples. Formal disciples can inherit the mantle and have the qualifications to inherit the orthodoxy, while registered disciples can only be regarded as half of their own. The fairy who joined Xu Changqing's sect, his identity is only between brothers.

Li Yongfeng also felt what the fairies were thinking, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, but soon his wry smile was replaced by a confident look, he believed in his own efforts.You can definitely get the awe of these fairies.

In this relatively embarrassing atmosphere, Ning Yu, one of the fellow warriors of the Yellow Turban, acted differently from other fairies. She seemed to be more willing to trust her own perception. After hearing Li Yongfeng's self-introduction, she Immediately bowed with the subordinate's gift, and said: "Xiao Xian Ning Yu has seen the young master." "

Seeing Ning Yu's performance, all the fairies were stunned, even Li Yongfeng who received his gift was also stunned.At this time, a spiritual energy quickly gathered beside them, and soon turned into the image of Xu Changqi.The Void stood before them.

"Subordinates see the master. Disciples have seen the master." Li Yongfeng and others immediately stepped forward to salute after seeing this.

"You must have known each other. Xu Changqing looked at the nine people. If there is no one, he raised his finger to Li Yongfeng and said: "In the future, you will follow Yongfeng to work in the Outer Gate Lingshan. He will be your young master. At that time, his orders are my orders

After hearing the definite answer from Xu Changqing, all the fairies hurried forward to salute like Ning Yu.Said: "This subordinate has seen the young master."

Li Yongfeng also had a happy expression on his face. He looked at Xu Changqing gratefully, saw him nodding slightly, and hurriedly returned the gift, saying: "Yongfeng's talent is shallow. He is favored by the master and entrusted with important things, and he is afraid of making mistakes. I also hope that all the gods The expert will be able to speak out and correct me when the time comes.”

All the fairies replied: "The young master is serious.


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